General Alert + Notes ~ [UPDATE2]

A general alert before you sleep, plus some notes.

FYI, you all need to set protection really well, as things are coming out of the woodwork in this, the homestretch. They want DNA samples, they want to trip you up, they want to pull you down, they want all sorts of things you DON’T want. It’s no big deal if you’re prepared. This is more of a heads-up so you aren’t harassed by low-vibery.

What To Do

Before bed:

  • Ground to the New Earth, to SOURCE, and to Gaia (NOT Terra, that comes later).
  • For Protection say: “SOURCE armor UP” [or whatever it is you say] and then most importantly: “Only those with my ACTUAL greatest good in mind and at heart are allowed past my SOURCE protection. Only those with my greatest good in mind and at heart are allowed to communicate with me in any way shape or form past my protection.”
  • Then Connect to Brother J, Guides, etc.


  • Yes, we’ve had some timeline jumps and things… but you’re used to that by now, so we haven’t called any out. We’re not listing anything unless it’s truly dramatic, plus lots of meters are down.
  • Some CATs have reported feeling EXPANDED in meditation. When you do what you normally do in meditation (G+P+C), everything feels BROBDINGNAGIAN. Very odd feeling.
  • Also, meditation is still the surest way to wind up where you want to wind up (we’re saying this to some CATs, as well), with the greatest toolset you can muster. Praying is fine, but we are not worshippers so much as we are members of the same spirit family; there’s no need to be so top-down formal. Plus, we find religion keeps using phrases that people don’t really think about, like thought-forms (“hedge of protection,” etc.). You need full-on SOURCE armor that glows out about 20 feet, and we even add an “Infinite ball of SOURCE all around us.” Note that, after you turn this kind of light on, more things will see you and be attracted to you, at all levels. No one said this was going to be easy.
  • Don’t forget to add your omata to your meditation. You add MORE to all your “parts” by doing this.
  • And NO, we don’t know when anything’s going to happen so please don’t ask.

Ground Ground Ground. Protection Protection Protection.


Add the following to the above:

  • Some of you may already do this… but after you G+P+C, and you’re ready to meditate, say (to yourself): “Love and Light to all.” If every person on earth said this within a 24 hour period, The SHIFT would happen instantaneously.
  • One of the CATs reminded us to mention what all CATs do before bed. Namely, turning off WIFI routers and modems and all phones and wireless and wireline devices completely; put TVs and computers on power strips that can be completely shut off. We don’t even have electric clocks/clockradios, just clocks with batteries. Humans not only sleep deepest away from EM fields, they’re also more difficult to mess with.
  • People have asked about Blossom’s guides recent talk of another “lockdown.” We don’t see it being as extreme as what they’re describing. Going into November, we do see something that happens (not sure exactly what yet), but it does feel like shock and anger is associated with it… a false flag maybe? or something that makes people want to hunker down in their homes? Whatever it is, we just need to get through it, like all of 2020. We wouldn’t stress about it — at all. It’s the FEAR people who are to have trouble with it, whatever it is.
  • On a happy note, we had a deep planetary zen moment/SOURCE visit early Sunday morning:
  • Needless to say, timing of things has changed for some (we don’t know details). SOURCE is constantly upgrading and it looks like a “hurricane” of energy will start soon, with the eye of said energy hurricane being 11/11. Could be election-related. Could be a pumpkin you’re stuck in. Could be all of the above. We’re seeing something happen very soon, we just can’t tell what. Some of the M’s are reeeeally excited about something — they can literally FEEL it — but aren’t allowed to know what “it” is, yet.
Oh. That’s why my fur smells like pumpkin.


Forgot to show this one, a Wave X hit from 10/7:

Wait for it…

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148 thoughts on “General Alert + Notes ~ [UPDATE2]

  1. Good gawd! Can you say spot on!? Feeling major crappy, have pulled out all stops for protection, etc. Heavy sigh! Thanks for the update. No negativity intended, but Blossom’s latest from the fed. is most tedious. Sorry I even read it.

    1. Yes, they’ve become more… tentative? less enthusiastic?… since SOURCE and angels took things over. Very telling. The Bluebirds and other “sphere beings” have been almost totally muted. At least they have to the presence of mind enough to know when they’re… if you’ll excuse the term… trumped.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Yep before there were just so many ufos around here it was wild all kinds and they were pushy. They would even follow me and buzz the roof when I took the dog out. Now I saw one tiny one that acted like a military drone type. So I thought hmm where did they all go? 🧐

      2. Everytime I see you mention Angels I become enlivened! What an example to aspire to. At my rate, oooh quite a while, best put the kettle on.


    2. I am not sure what to think of it. I think it was just one or two back that said that they don’t do predictions. This latest was pretty much a prediction though.

  2. Has anyone else been awaken by high heart flutters and chills? I’m GPC like I’m supposed to before bedtime, but the last 2 mornings have given me quite the scare with my heart flopping.
    Much love to all,

    1. Oh, yeah. This is affecting lots of people. ERs must be doing big business. We use the heart as an energy detector. Just Ground well, and Protect. We also ask Brother J to enjoy the energy with us; that helps the most.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. Had company over for karaoke. I felt the strange heart flutter, stronger than normal(felt positive). Two of the male guest had their Wives leave with them early due to bad stomach ache? I send them and any others Healing Light. Peac3.

  3. In addition to this, i have a gold obsidian pendant engraved with the tree of life. I have read this stone is good for protection against negative forces… is this true?

  4. Perhaps this is why I was remembering all morning about a type of breathing taught to me in the early 80’s – it’s so normal to me that I don’t need to even do a compete cycle to drop down into calm – I think I breathe this way most of the time now, not even noticing.. it does seem meditative, too.
    It was taught to me by a medical massage therapist at a yoga/healing and spiritual place I first took training in massage therapy, 1982? possibly – she taught it to me because she was going to do some ripping apart (with her elbow) of, ah. just forgot the word – lesions?/ throughout the fascia that runs from outside of hip to knee and a lot of armouring – it was going to be painful – it helps with pain a lot, too and with staying calm and grounded when out of control/emotionally distraught people are screaming in your face. 🙂
    This morning I was thinking of mentioning it somehow (it’s hard for her to accept suggestion from me) to my daughter to help her cope – she’s on the spectrum, high side, but the schools wouldn’t EVER test her because she coped a bit too well – to the outside, not internally — maybe blk ice territory, I’m only upset back there, not now, only wish she had more ease – sorry for digression…
    I don’t remember the spelling, but it sounds like Yu-ji breathing –
    The simplest way to describe what it’s like – the throat feeling of a light snore or the beginning of a yawn – a slight opening of the throat (mouth closed) while you breathe in through your nose pause/hold, then breathe the same way exhaling – I’m sure there is a recommended count – I just go with what I feel – even one or two cycles has a good effect on my whole being…How long ago was 1982?, I’ve had some practice – I think I used this during labor, too.

    Oddly( not), I was reviewing all the CATs meditation tab pages as well this morning – no coincidences.
    I’ve been pretty calm lately even with stuff going on – been communing mostly with Source, a bit of hang outs and askings of Brother J and Mother Mary – mostly for family stuff – other invitations of higher helps as seemed appropriate… – with the usual wishing the best for y’alls.
    time is weird – so is the feeling of ‘reality’.
    Best to all

    1. Kg, that’s the breathing I spontaneously started using this morning. I must have heard you on some level. It helps. I don’t breath nearly deeply enough. Love, Angela

    2. Ujjayi breathing. I learned of it in Hatha Yoga practice, way back in the 80s. It’s easier to DDG it (DuckDuckGo) and get details on how to do it. Or dig out that ancient Hatha Yoga book from the bottom of the book shelves! 😀 And you’re right, it’s quite powerful. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I’m usin Camo-Protect over my triple layer spheres of Source Armor fyi, bcuz of the moths to light factor. That comes in however you want to design it. And can be changed up whenever. Just in case it’s good not to have a set route/routine. 😉


    1. Trin,
      I like it. Great idea on top of Source Armor and perhaps an invisibility cloak above that for good measure.
      Today I made a chocolate cake with mocha icing which will serve as today’s camouflage. CAy

      1. We don’t really talk about this… but if you G+P+C out in the world and then say to yourself, “Only those with my greatest good in mind can see me; to all others I am un-see-able.” And see what happens. (For some reason, the word “invisible” doesn’t work as well as “un-see-able.”) All CATs, even before they were official CATs, were known for being able to suddenly appear out of thin air, some with this technique, others with high-UP vibration (like Bigfoot). Takes practice. You have to maintain “empty mind” for it to work. THAT takes practice. Most people have “monkey mind” 24/7.


        1. At some point earlier this year, I started doing this mantra to our home, too, given all the negative hoopla going on of late here in the Portland (Oregon) metro area…. My thought was that it (the mantra and subsequent effects) would prevent some stress about our home should things go off the rails…

          1. You can heighten this by sewing crystals into the soil at the corners of your property, and then a larger one at the center of these, creating a quincunx.

            -CAT Eds.

            1. Seems like a great idea – help guide me here, should I use the same type crystal in all five positions, or can they be varied? (I assume all the same is better, but then I’m truly a novice on these things….). And does size matter (of the crystals, I mean)? (I assume if they are irregularly sized, the largest one should be in the center.) Thanks for the guidance!

            2. They can be all the same at the corners and a different one at the center. You can even swap them out for various applications. The ones at the corners should be similarly sized. You have to be careful not to tune the quincunx too high (with too big a piece in the center) as you don’t want to burn yourself out. There is such as thing as TOO MUCH CRYSTAL. Too much can kill you over time, but we’re talking like a two hundred pound crystal or bigger.

              -CAT Eds.

        2. Oh, AM, that “un-see-able” wording on the protection setup… it’s brilliant! I’ll be using this from now on. What better armor than complete stealth?

          Thank you so much for this.

            1. If my brains being completely scrambled aren’t proof enough that we’re closing in to something crazy, I don’t know what is. Thanks for the correction!

      2. Oh my yum Cay, adding the choc-mocha option, but it will be unseeable (and untasteable) to others. Only to me. 😁

        Now to get on the internet to find a 3d version recipe.


        PS yes, now playing with the unseeable camo protect. Thanks Cats/Ms.

        Also, gonna try to get my butt outta bed to switch off the smart tv b4 sleep. That’s exactly why i got the power strip, just too lazy to get up.

  6. Thanks for the heads up!

    I see this as a positive. A clear indication we are so very close to leaving this density.

    Sweet dreams ya’ll 👊🙏❤🌈


  7. PS
    By prayers i meant Light, envisioning good things (ie person surrounded by Source Light, fully healed, etc), mostly me (G,P,C, lotsa P especially these days), connecting with my Inner Self and Source and doing a Pour with added emphasis.


  8. This helped me with my timeline situation:

    (from the end of the article)
    ….Every Volunteer is not needed to remain on only this ascending Earth and timeline this year into next to physically hand deliver, transport and merge with and become the NEW Earth. Those of you who’ve felt like this year has hobbled you in place, kept you in an abnormal lock-down on this particular ascending Earth world and timeline, this is most likely the reason. You are one of the small group of Volunteers who are capable of staying-at-home and NOT changing timelines, NOT changing ascending Earth worlds, NOT exiting linear time for far more fabulous quantum levels and stay physically with this amazing process of primary ascending Earth becoming NEW Earth. As many of you have discovered this year, it’s easier and a lot more fun being the multidimensional, timeline jumping, quantum and Spherical Consciousness and reality gypsies we naturally are instead of hunkering down this year into next on primary ascending physical Earth world to, like professional armed guards delivering something profoundly rare and extremely valuable, stay very close with it every minute all the way to its final destination. And we’re close now. We’ll continue this topic in Comments under this article if interested in further discussions about this.

    1. Totally matches my experience.

      I’ve been all over the place since 2012, bouncing from country to country, in and out of employments and relations. But since this January I’ve been more or less stuck on square one in my hometown, going through the motions, day in and day out.

      Själv är bäste dräng. Which roughly means that by doing it yourself at least you know it’s done according to your standards.


      1. Thank you for your comment Sifoo,

        After thirty five years of endless relocations, I’ve been back in my hometown for two years. I know of four others who moved home again and can count on them for solace.

  9. Cat Eds. Thank you for this post. It is really helpful and will add to and refine what I do already. Love to you all .💖🌈😻

  10. Haven’t come across any nasty nasties for quite some time. Good for them, I have no more patience for madness and cruelty, it ends here.

    First day at work tomorrow. It’s been a long, long time since I was last locked up in an office for entire days. The plan is to keep cruising and focus on staying sane until I can figure out why I’m there.

    Just started really listening to Alan Watts, pretty good stuff, and lots of it:

    Aaand, liberty caps are in the house, finally. I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life picking and drying mushrooms, very healing.


    1. Wishing you a good journey with your new job Sifoo. Love, Angela

      1. Thank you, much needed!

        Ask most people and it’s a great job, pays more than enough, old building next to the main square, nice people, cool gadgets and tricky problems to dig into.

        But something out of the ordinary better happen soon or I’m going bananas. I spent hours today just drooling at the sun outside the window, going out to get lunch was truly a blessing.

        The thing is, I don’t want to get used to it. Been there, done that. Still, I’m getting clear signals that this is the way forward right now. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying; no more ascensions, ever.


        1. Sifoo ❤️ Hope the new job is going well. Shame you can’t roll your desk out onto open pastures and sit working amongst the flowers, that could be a new thing hmmm! 🤔

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

          1. It’s a struggle, but thankfully I’m getting all sorts of boosts to help me cope, energetic and physical.

            That’s a very good idea 🙂

            In a week or so, once I’m up and running, I can actually work pretty much wherever I feel like, all I need is my laptop/phone. Score one for the virus.


            1. Sifoo. Hey you found the silver lining in the beer bug cloud.🤔☺️ I’m just arranging my home computer to be linked up with my work one as a colleague’s family have all tested positive. I pointed out to her that so have watermelons lol. Not the most reliable test to say the least. I love Lily’s idea of working in a field of flowers but then I would want to be gardening instead. Hope none of us have to work much longer and can devote our energy and passion to do things we love that are beneficial to ourselves and everyone else. Stick with it, we are close.🤗💖

  11. Thank you for this new post … concise, clear and on point 🌼🌈
    In resonance
    Arohanui 🌞

  12. I Would like to add an upside to this post besides the arch*n activity at night there is benevolence that occurs as well. As most of you may know the “originals” from Australia do most of their spiritual work during dream time and so can we. You can ask for messages, guidance or whatever is needed to further your Dharma here in this realm. Sometimes it helps to write for whatever you might need to receive during dream time on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow. It really helps to have purified crystals around you while you sleep as well one or two will suffice too many may keep you awake. LOL We no longer need to live in fear in this realm for Spirit has our back side and if we just accept that protection, guidance, LOVE, behave properly and proceed intelligently, all is well!🐱

    1. Ours was not a message of fear. Far from it. Merely informational, as the extra attention can be annoying and keep you from what you’d like to be doing. Spirit might have our back, but Spirit allows so much wiggle room in terms of free will that setting proper Protection is paramount to sweet dreams.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Three things:

        1. The akrons you mention are not the real akrons. The actual ones were destroyed by the SF a little more than three years ago (we just celebrated their GONE anniversary). Other things are rising that are just as bad, but not a cause for alarm (we don’t want to mention them); however, it is something that you need to guard against — hence this post.

        2. The word Dharma is obsolete now, as this word smacks of religion. *LOVE* is the Universal Law of The Omniverse. “Dharma” is indicative of an old mode of thought; even Buddha had one more lifetime to complete after his “enlightenment” because he forgot… SOURCE. It didn’t take him long to figure it out and then he moved ON.

        3. Also, the ‘A’ term you use is not allowed in print on the site. It has been edited. Ink and all that. The Low have been increasingly trying to access people’s mind-streams via words and language; their methods have been most insidious. EVERYONE: Please note that if words make you feel funny, stop reading them. Best to view no print at all and sit in nature than read most anything. This communications medium is becoming increasingly irrelevant, which is why fewer CATs are participating in it.


  13. I find I’m pretty well protected in my stone home and surrounded by a sentry of 100′ tall evergreens. I didn’t protect myself when I went out a few days ago to the dentist and bam! I was hit with all the EMF/wifi in the office and my BP went up to an insane 172/122. The dentist and assistants were expecting me to have a heart attack. They couldn’t understand why I wasn’t flushed or dizzy or feeling anything out of the ordinary. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them I was being attacked. I just smiled and kept quiet. When I got home and properly grounded myself, my heart rate went back down to a lovely slow level and I celebrated by going on a bike ride. My lesson to myself is to take grounding and protection seriously, especially when I go out into the world.

      1. I have discovered a great way to ensure almost 100% dream protection.

        After reading this post, my subconscious mind kept waking me up all through the night so I could reinforce my protection, albeit mumbling incoherently with eyes closed.

        I am delighted to say it worked. I am typing this with one hand while using the other to brush my eat with toothpaste. All is well… ‘yawn’.


  14. What a sweet.sweet post. so wonderful to gauge where WE are currently. There has been another almost 3 inches the last 2 days at the farm. 8 inches so far this month. I guess I can put the hoses away for the year. Har!

  15. Yeah I’ve been noticing this lately, thanks for the reminder! ✨

  16. *apologies for length – it sort of took off on a tangent*
    I’ve been noticing a decrease the last ?period of time? – relating to time frames is getting more problematical – doesn’t bother me; just keeping track or planning with other people is – no words…
    As was saying, interest in watching anything, listening to most music even, or finding something to read (fiction-wise) that isn’t a turn off resonance-wise is getting more difficult – well, not difficult… apathetic?… if it doesn’t resonate – have fallen back to previous feel right novels or authors – hadn’t realized how much fiction (possibly unconsciously expansively “implanted) requirement for violence or threat to be a necessary factor SOMEWHERE – most enjoyable themes for me are people working together, usually someone(s) finding some ability or talent and helping each other. There was a Long period in my life I wanted to write, was heavily influenced by early SF ‘greats’ – actually WHY I majored in physics and metallurgy minor in college (fascinated by the ultra-microscopic crystalline structures) – I thought I needed to have a hard science background to write what I wanted… I found a book the other day that fit my bill- they all have to be free kindle unlimited reads for obvious (oops, to me) reasons. The author of that book wrote a short series, subject/background recommended by his daughter – a woman that traveled alone gathering herbal and healing knowledge from ‘old women’ in far flung areas – on the road alone, finding herself in a situation helping a group of young people that had set up their own community and they had come under threat and had also needed a healer – I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I’M SHARING THIS!
    Anyhoo – remembered in my teens, I spent A LOT of time in our town library and one of the older librarians had a small branch library in her home and was a neighbor of ours – I was vastly interested in herbal and OLD healings and for unknow reasons the older librarians would let me borrow – out of the library premises! – the OLD herbal tomes from their secure basement locked collection of these types books – old – 18th and 19th century? books – seems implausible now –
    Well, no idea why that was shared… 🙂 At least I have three books to read for now – will last me a couple of days.
    May you all find/contemplate interests and joys you may have forgotten you once had.

    1. I understand, kg. The things that once held our interest now do not.

      One of the very few things that still excites me, perhaps even more so, is taking a long walk in a deserted wood or forest. But of course, they are far from deserted.


    2. Well Kg, now I want to know the name of that series you mention (or at least the author) because it sounds like just my thing! I’m also losing interest in most viewing/listening/reading options unless the subjects are
      grounded,wholesome and meaningful. But I do a lot of creative work with my hands and I like to have something to listen to during the day while I do it AND something nice to curl up and read before bedtime.
      Just before I GPC for the night . 🙂

      1. @getmesomechi, author – Nathan Lowell – realized I’d read something by him about 10+ years ago after reading his bio, after reading’ The Wizards Butler’ recently.

        – book I just read – Ravenwood (Tanyth Fairport Adventures Book 1) – 3 book series.
        his writing much more on interrelationships and a persons internal journey & such than violence, just a threat to a community. that only a subplot.

        CATs – edit if not appropriate to share here.

  17. Yes highly important 🙂 I received a message yesterday ‘everyone needs to be in protection mode’. 4 days ago I received signs about this … makes total sense now. The death of many factions is the cause & affect 🙂
    Its a good habit to practise daily before going to sleep … may Source be with You All 🙂

  18. Yesterday I was playing the game on the phone and my screen just briefly goes black, then normal, for a second, timeline jump ? Also, before that I was meditating, but just abruptly went out off it, then I was feeling strange, like a stranger in a strange land, I was wobbly, vertigo came back, I went to bed, everything was spinning, then I grounded myself to Gaia, NE down below, and then to Source out off a window, and I used that two groundings to hold myself and stabilize that spinning feeling, well, it worked 🙏✨

    I had a strange dream, lately they are very vivid, but I rearly remember them in the morning, except one detail where I was whitening what it looks like a huge number off small, sandy colors lizards just scrambling near my legs, they were hastily running away, even at the dream state I knew it was a “message” that they are abandoning the Earth as they can not withstand these incoming energies. Off course that is not a new thing, but I guess, there must be the reason why this “message” was shown to me, and only detail that I remember from a dream state, and it is actually not even related to the dream, this happened in the beginning, I guess it was meant to be shared as a reassurance that we are winning ✨

    Perica ✨

    1. Perica,
      I too had a dream of 4 lizards sitting around a card table and playing cards a few nights ago. I remember they were solid gray, tan, black and brown in color and seemed to be in a confined space passing time. Bunker? Jail? I do not know. Cay

    2. This photo of red auroras was taken on October 12, 2020. It seems like the appropriate response to Perica’s comment, but don’t ask me why:

      (From the photographer) ….but a picture revealed that it was almost only red! Rarely have I seen anything like this before. Afterwards, we were treated to the usual swirls of green and even some nitrogen fringe. And when the swirls calmed down, the aurora started displaying very distinguishable needles, with, again, some clear red on top.

      The red auroras were back the next night:

      Interesting comment from the photgrapher

  19. Hey Lily, u ok?
    It’s not the same without you…


    1. Sifoo ❤️ I’m still here, just loitering more than talking 😉

      Still in recovery mode so just being a bit quiet and contemplative…

      Much Loves & Light to You and All 🙏☀️🙏

      1. Good to hear you’re making it Lily, I’ve been thinking of you too and sending Love. That Source ball helps alot. Gentle Love as you heal. Love, Angela

  20. Kg, I wanted to write too. Was a PR writer before an environmental scientist and I went to some fiction workshops along the way. Yes, there has to be friction, conflict, a fight, to build plot. Before I got off the justice timeline, I wanted to re-write the tragic end of my dad’s life into a beautiful story that would shame his 3rd wife for all the world to see the truth of what she did. Revenge basically. I eventually realized I would heal from that wound quicker without the endless rewriting of, and focus on, the pain. And I too, love reading and am having a hard time finding fiction that doesn’t fill my brain with muck. I just finished “Disappearing Earth”, a book everyone raved about. For me it was too depressing to hear about all those dreary Russian lives. My latest plot idea: the story begins with conversations between two neighbors as they see each other in the yard or over the fence, and you don’t realize for a couple chapters that the lead characters are actually cats gossiping about their humans and the basic stupidity of the human race for our inability to live in harmony with the natural world. But that would just be more preaching, judgements and making people wrong. I guess if people can’t see the error in that by now, no clever story of how animals see us is going to change the basic selfishness of capitalism and our consumption lifestyle. Any way, we have that writing-reading thing in common. Maybe a great book now would be a story that shows how people on the left and people on the right have way more in common than they have to fight about and can be much more powerful in working toward what they value when they collaborate, unite, pull together. But I’m sick to the core of politics and don’t want to focus on that either. Thank you for sharing about reading and writing.

  21. Thanks cats. I did this protection last night and for the first time in ages slept well 👍👍👏👏😹😹
    Kagee3, like you I love those old herbal books. Some of the new ones are quite good too. Perhaps on NE you and I can put the knowledge to good use 💜🌈

  22. CATs – can I apply the different settings of protection at my workplace too?
    They’ve really “lost it” now – acting completely bonkers and setting new records in negativity…
    They can be so mean. I’m trying to shield myself from it all the best way I can but I’m apparently not strong enough because when I get home I need to get to sleep right away in order to recharge a bit untill next day I get drained again.. I really wish people would be nice, honest and genuinly kind to one a nother. I’m sorry, don’t mean to whine or be negative myself, but I don’t know what to do anymore since nothing I do seems to work. Wish I could be invisible…

    Take care everyone💖🤗

    1. Got a Crystal, piece of copper? Cleanse the Crystal in sunshine and/or running water(spring/ocean/stream). Speak to it with Love/Kindness, or play some classical, “high vibe” music to program It. Wrap into a necklace or charm to wear or carry. It will absorb negativity, so, You may have to repeat cleansing, daily or weekly. You Are The Light, Know It! Peace.

    2. Hi Uli,
      If you look up Donna Eden’s “zip up” technique, it might help guard your energy. Psychologically, well, there’s always forgiving, forgiving, forgiving… sounds like a lot of forgiveness practice available at your workplace — not that that’s an enviable position to be in, but at least there would be some sort of benefit from having to deal with it. And try M6’s “un-see-able” trick too!
      Thinking of you!

    3. Just an idea:

      It’s perfectly possible that what you’re experiencing is exactly what needs to happen for us to get where we’re going.

      Clearing negative energy and running the physical body on full steam is going to lead to some kind of side effects, what we’re going through right now is a pretty wild experiment.

      My point is, maybe it is working, despite being a major struggle.

      You can, I know because I can 🙂 Not quite at will yet but it happens now and then, feels a lot like holding my breath on an energetic level.

      Give my best to you know who…


    1. Well, this comment seems out of place under Uli’s. It was meant to go by Kg’s book comments. (literary discussion ‘n stuff)

  23. Nonsense comment –
    Let’s bring back mindless finger painting…

  24. I dreamed Laura Whitworth took me on a van tour of her town in the UK. Then I sat in her lovely little garden after setting extra source protection before bed. First nice dream I have had in awhile. 🌈🌈🌈🌸🌸🌸

  25. @kagee3
    ATTENTION: We demand immediate restoration of painting with fingers devoid of minds with all their Matters of Consequence, or We shall henceforth taunt you a Second Time!
    (TLDR: I concur!)

    To CATs n the like …
    Thank you for being imperfect with us, for feeling the immediacy of it all with us as it happens. So many of the voices of the day seem to want to guide from a platform somehow removed from the physical and emotional sensation. It does a heart good to see others seeking truth and wisdom with varying degrees of grace from one day to the next … and Still Fighting the Good Fight. I slowblink to you respect and gratitude.

    Astonishingly Still Atlanta

  26. I’m starting to lose hope, tbh.
    I’m definitely not incarnating on a negative world again.

    1. I feel you. This blog, and Coe’s and Whitworth’s YouTube channels are the only thing maintaining my sanity.

      We’ve been promised The Event will be Soon(TM) and as the 3D world gets worse and worse, Soon(TM) feels like forever.

      At some point Source will have to, as the saying goes, sh*t or get off the pot.

      I’m starting to lose the hippy-dippy “peace, love, and light” vibe. If society can’t at least TRY to do the work, then leave them behind before the whole ship sinks.

      1. You have to unplug yourself from the 3d Black Ice, otherwise you keep sliding back into it. When things feel calm and quiet and zen-like, you’re on the right track. Forget the ship. Let it sink.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. Unfortunately, we have to work to be able to live on this planet, so we can’t exactly unplug 100%.

            1. Not everyone is rich enough to not need to work, like you cats are. By your logic, no one Will ever be ready. Enjoying nature is still being plugged in.

            2. Rich? Wow. That’s hilarious. We never said we didn’t work. We don’t talk about our private lives, and for good reason. Let’s just let this go.

              People know what to do, and what choices to make. We can only guide. And we do it for free.

              -CAT Eds.

    1. That is Alcyone coming through, I will not going to spoil to others who will watch it, but there was a month mentioned, and it is just behind a corner 🙏✨

      Perica ✨

      1. I love this! So much love. We are ready. It doesn’t matter when. It will be. That is enough. The sky here was so beautiful tonight. Those small moments of joy leave me in awe of our planet. We are blessed to be here ❤️❤️ 🌈

    2. Needed to hear this.
      Every now and then my hope wavers.
      This topped me up with the bit of hope I needed.

      1. CATs have become allergic to hopium. We stay in our own small corners and keep out of the way — and make strides, spiritually. SOURCE is RIGHT THERE waiting for you to grab on.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. Same here. It’s just nice to hear something positive is all I meant.
          Sometimes I see the SHIFT as hopium.
          I grab SOURCE daily. The problem, is I’m still in this reality.

          1. Know that when You feel that “Down”, You Are The Light, lifting others Up. You are not going backwards!! No One said it would be easy, for We were selected because We Are The Ones best for the job. Sending Love/Light to All on this Beautiful day. Peace.

  27. Just wanted to give you guys an update, I tried the invisibility protection last night. It seems to work for dream defense, too! I slept soundly most of the night, only really getting up once for a bathroom break.

    “Only those with my greatest good in their minds and hearts can see me. To all others, I am un-see-able. They will go where they are best served.”

    The last tidbit is a little something I’ve added, just to be nice. I’ll be using it more extensively as time goes on. It’s really neat, and requires very little effort, if at all.

  28. Hello everyone ❤️

    Still resting as much as possible with lovely Elsie ☺️

    Have been prescribed anti inflammatory meds and steroid suppositories (lovely!) and progesterone for the endometriosis. If this does not help I WILL push to see specialist gyno person!

    Managed to do some drawing with Elsie and am revamping her old dolls house with a bit of a paint job!

    A good friend of mine has helped me launch a GoFundMe campaign for a suitable safe bed for Elsie as she and I are both struggling with sleep issues which of course impacts on health.

    Please don’t feel under any pressure to donate, just getting it out there to more people would be brilliant! I hesitated to share the link as I am a bit rubbish at asking for help, always think I should do everything myself!

    Again, please do not feel obliged in ANY way!

    Much Love & Light ❤️🙏🌟🙏❤️

    1. love Alnilam ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ for Elsie &Lily

      1. Hi Cora ❤️

        I was told by Elsie’s OT that for beds, we need to apply through the NHS. If it was a whole room to be made safe, ie padding on walls, safe heater, windows, door etc..then I would apply to the council. I have applied through the OT for a special needs bed but the only ones they will fund are very enclosed and claustrophobic.

        We had to get the NHS to take away the one they thought was suitable as Elsie got so incredibly stressed, she was screaming all night, self harming and throwing herself around the bed. Because there was no ventilation and it was very high sided, she was soaked in sweat (nappies and tamper proof sleep suit) and managed to undo the zip that secured the bed. I spent weeks on the phone pleading with them to try and understand Elsie’s needs but they just did not get it and I was basically told she would have to get used to it or have another surround they approved of which again wold be very enclosed…

        I was so stressed and broke down in tears a few times on the phone due to absolute exhaustion. I realised the only way would be to try and raise funds myself or go through appeal after appeal which could take months. Mum lent me money so I could buy a temporary solution through ebay, a bed surround made by a bouncy castle company. Elsie does not like it one bit as she is still very ‘enclosed’ and it’s really cumbersome as its basically really big pieces of foam zipped together. I have to take the front panel off every morning and it’s pretty hard work.

        I absolutely do not like asking for help but the gofundme was suggested and I thought I would give it a go and if we don’t raise all of it, I could borrow the rest. If I was able to I would make Elsie a safe bed ☺️

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        1. Ah bless you both. That’s not very useful is it x I hope you get a better one sorted. It’s good to ask for help. It’s not an easy thing to do x x x

          1. Thank you so much Cora ❤️ I think it can depend where you live as some NHS OTs are really good. Elsie’s old OT was absolutely amazing and really fought for us but it’s much harder where we are now.

            Much Love ❤️🌟❤️

        2. Dear Lily,
          there is nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it.
          The fundraising campaign is an excellent idea. Congratulations to Sarah Bell for me for that idea, and for being such a good friend.
          Money is nothing but energy.
          I see there are 1551 pounds right now, that’s a beautiful number.

          I hope you get the total. If not, you already have that part, so it would be easier to pay for the rest.

          1. Cristina ❤️ Thank you for the confidence booster ☺️ All is well 🙏

            Yes, Sarah is an amazing friend, so grateful for knowing her ☺️

            And the numerology, Wow!

            Love, Light, Peace & a lot of fresh Hope!


        3. Do it! And then post the link here, I’m sure the CATs don’t mind us helping each other make it through in one piece. It’s such a silly thing to suffer just because you don’t have money; been there, done that.

          Do you need the frame to prevent Elsie from escaping during the night or just for her safety? I got rid of the frame entirely and simply put a mattress directly on the floor when both my children were born to avoid accidents.


          1. Sifoo ❤️ Thank you for the words of supports, much appreciated ☺️

            You’re absolutely right, this mental block about money?!! When it is just energy really…Something to unravel and de-programme the mind about…!

            Yes, Elise need to stay put at night unfortunately as she doesn’t have a real sense of danger. At least, with this bed, she can see out into her room and not feel so trapped, link posted a few comments up ☺️

            But, after reading the latest post and updates…Who knows what is just around the corner.

            Much Love ☺️❤️🌻❤️☺️

    2. I hope it helps Lily – Love from Angela & Sarah!
      (Elsie is beautiful)

        1. I am visualizing you reaching your goal quickly and easily.

    3. What a cool bed; somewhere between blanket fort and atmospheric mosquito netting in a tropical locale. I like! Hope Elsie does, too.

      1. Kolibri ❤️

        Thank you! Yes it is really lovely. She will be able to see the room at night and not get so blooming sweaty! I was trying to work out if I could copy it and make it myself but common sense kicked in! 🙃

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

          1. I have a feeling we won’t be for long now…


            1. To think of someone/somewhere, then be there, Will Be so much Fun. Peace

  29. Loving greetings to CATs, Ms, AM and all in the room!
    I have been wondering about vision, that is, *real* vision, as mentioned over and over in ACIM. I am on lesson 51 which is a review of lessons 1-5 from our now-“advanced” perspective.

    “Nothing I see means anything. The reason this is so is that I see nothing, and nothing has no meaning. … What I think I see now is taking the place of vision. I must let it go by realizing it has no meaning, so that vision may take its place.”

    Sometimes I look at my washer and dryer machines, or my pots and pans I am using, and feel that they are happy in their service to me. I usually ask which pot wants to cook tonight or which Pyjamas want to be worn tonight and select one. I then feel that it is connecting in some way. Same with my car when I am driving it.

    The reason for my confusion is (a) I am thinking too much, and (b) I feel like these objects are part of the illusion and don’t exist, yet it _seems_ like I can feel them.

    When I go within and ask, I think I am getting “this is a step along the road to real vision.”

    love to all in the roooooom!!! and Lily I am glad you are feeling a bit better.

    1. “Real” vision would be… well… various gradations of light. What that lesson is doing is UN-doing the Illusion in your mind. It’s not instantaneous. It’s a process. And yes, you’re thinking too much. 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you CATs and yes, I know I am thinking too much! So hard to stop, except that I can’t seem to remember anything these days, like, why am I walking into this room?, so I guess I am being trained to stop thinking. lol!

    2. Funny that you mention that, we are almost in perfect sync with our progress 😉 I feel you. I have similar thoughts and my mind is always on: “What did you experience? Was it an illusion or did you really see/sense something? Did you do good in today’s lesson?” What a beautiful journey. Keep it up, mate!

        1. By the way, I’m in the U.S., too. Could it be a factor of the browser you’re using? Maybe it’s being censored for some reason? I use Brave.

      1. Yup, works like a charm 😉 I just don’t know how to upload it. Let me know how, if you want me to.

      2. It works intermittently, was ok this morning but not now or the previous few days

      3. Cat Eds. Yes I can still access that page that Daniel posted, but by searching myself. I can’t get to it via his link. I’m in the UK and am using Firefox.🤔

      4. It seems to work for me. I’m in the US and I check it every day.

    1. Same for me here in Germany. I tried everything and as I’m an IT guy, I can say, that they are blocking certain IP address ranges. Not sure why, but as I figured that out, I had the idea to try out the TOR browser, which is obfuscating the caller IP and bingo, no problem to load the site.

  30. Okay, here’s today’s funny story from the farm. We are directly under the Puget Sound Convergent zone currently. (This is the result of the winds going around the Olympic Mtns. and literally carrying the rain to a focal point.) And the Huge amount of rain that has fallen in the past hour is astounding. (Along with occasional small hail) The driveway is literally a river! Anyway the finny part is I sat out in the courtyard under the entrance porch. I found that I was continually giving thanks and expressing gratitude for the remarkable rain. It brought me joy to see the rain literally pouring off the gutters in sheets. Wowzers! Too funny, the zone has slipped south a mile and the sun is peeping out. I am so blessed!!!

  31. No, on the Schumann here in NM for at least a week?? , but time and me; we tend to live and let live, ignoring each other unless someone else needs to find me in a reference point – odd way of sayin’ somethin’. *shug*
    Very S-quiet earlier this morning.


  32. Goodness, talk about things coming out of the woodwork at the moment! Something/s were really trying to get in last night. Elsie was kept awake/disturbed by something flying over her bed (pillow end, right over her head) very fast. Caught it in the monitor many, many times and saw her trying to frantically bat it away, haven’t seen her stim so much in a long time. There was also a slower moving orb. I grounded, cleared, protected and saged. Still there was activity so I did it again. Ended up going in and moving her pillow to the opposite end of the bed which seemed to help a little. I had a bath and carried on with more grounding and clearing.

    Could not sleep at all, the energies was just crazy. I drifted into a half conscious state where ‘things’ were having a real good go at getting at me. I reached for my orgonite pendant which is usually around my neck. This is the first time I had forgotten to put it on at night. I took it off when I had my bath and had left it in the big rose quartz next to my bed. I won’t be forgetting to put it on again before bed. That was really intense!

    As soon as I put the pendant on and grounded and cleared/protected again I felt a definite ‘load’ being pulled away from me and was eventually able to sleep.

    Thank you CATs for recommending that pendant! Didn’t realise how powerful it was until last night!

    Thank you to everyone who has kindly donated and/or shared the link for Elsie’s campaign.

    Thank you to everyone for just being amazing and showing support in other ways too with kind words and support. I am so grateful to you ALL. I hope I am able to give something to/help everyone in some way or another too somehow ❤️

    Loads of Love & Light ❤️☀️🙏☀️❤️

      1. Christopher ❤️ Thank you so much, so, so grateful 🙏☀️🙏

        Much Love & Light☺️


  33. I’m beginning to feel like this is going to be a very interesting month.

    I’ve slept 7h in total since Sunday, since I can’t snooze at will during the day when I’m usually tired anymore I sleep very short intervals or just twist and turn for a few hours before giving up. Still feeling unexpectedly normal considering.

    My hair is turning red. It was always in there somewhere but this is definitely a new thing.

    Aaand my right eye has started twitching like crazy whenever I try to focus my vision.

    I feel like the process is seriously accellerating right now; but on the whole I feel fine, better and better. Would be interesting to hear if anyone else has a similar experience.


    1. My eye has been twitching on and off for the past two weeks, gave me a weird headache do I got my eyes tested, they are perfect so no problems there, optometrist said it’s just one of those things none knows why it happens 😂

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