64 thoughts on “Tibetan Proverb

    1. Hi Amanita,

      I believe it stands for Take to my bed….however I would add SI-TTMB to the vocabulary (solar induced – take to my bed) 🙂

    2. Take To My Bed. TTMC = Take To My Couch.
      Or I may have totally wrong. 🙂

      I did plenty of both today – somewhat forced to, too, as I had other things I wanted to do.

  1. Such a marvellous rampage of 💖🌈💖 CAT’s 💖🌈💖
    so much love… thank you!

    love Alnilam💖🌈💖

    1. No one place is any more “holy” than any other place. That’s not why we presented that image. A way of life can be transported anywhere.

      < CAT Eds.

    1. Lily, (the cover pic) reminds me of ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ – maybe I could watch that 🙂 – haven’t been inclined to watch anything, including music! I’m just reading some past positive books I feel positive vibes with (SF).

      Pretty much at peace – ‘little dog’ has periodically gone crazy racing around the bed doing her foot stamping invitation/impatience dance, vocalizing,stabbing me with licks; like she’s saying, ‘Lets Go’ 🙂 – otherwise she’s sleeping… like me.

      My sense for me, since a message/knowing or remembrance 1-3 weeks ago (I’m sure y’all’s tired of hearing I have no or little time sense any more)… I sense my path may not be to reside to New Earth – my path is elsewhere- I made my choice, of service, loong ago to come to this planet for a reason – that initial reason was completed a couple? of yrs ago – I may have chosen other reasons for staying beyond that – I’m happy to have been in association with you ALL. I wish you all much joy and peace… I wonder how she-who-is ‘little dog’ will continue on my path – there may be some way or she has in some way previously – As the song goes, “Whatever will be, will be’
      SOURCE will be in it… as with family – they are working extensively and vocally on personal matters – I trust in their Selves and SOURCE – occasionally doing, if it feels appropriate SOURCE bubbles or pours with them ( a few for my self).

      be well, ALL and thank you All,

      1. After the shift, just think of who ever, We’ll connect. See You where ever! Peace.

      2. Kg ❤️ Yes, que cera cera…Is that how you spell it?

        Feeling so disconnected from everything, so exhausted (what’s new!)

        Been seeing those lights/colours mainly indigo, some green too I think I recall, not sure about anything at the moment!

        It’s an effort to speak, type, think, do anything…Just getting through each day the best I can.

        Hope little dog stays with you, sounds like a loving and faithful companion ☺️

        Love to you and little dog and family and All here too 🙏❤️🙏

  2. Hello all,
    Just a quick Bristol Peril-esque dream to report. My husband (“M”) and I were heading for an office on an upper floor of some building. The security guard was pretty lax with his duties — was kind of letting us through, but not, then M said Dr Duchovny [ha] was expecting us, so that was the password apparently and the guard handed us stickers for entry. Went up stationary stairs that were set up like an escalator, as some people were hurriedly coming down them. I said “people are bailing” to M, and this was not unexpected — we knew we were heading into trouble. In the office space, more people were a bit panicky and leaving. There was a wall at the back with an open doorway on the left. The source of the Trouble was apparently around the corner behind that wall. We were heading to the open doorway, and I was full of trepidation at what we would see around the corner, but there was a woman at her desk right at the opening calmly attending to her spot which was under a steady stream of water coming down from the ceiling onto her computer, and it was wet in the general area. It became immediately apparent that rain was what this was all about, and as we approached she simply said “strange weather.” Totally anti-climactic. (And then I woke up.)

  3. Winter has arrived in my ‘neck of the woods’ of this illusory iterum traitioning time.
    A couple of days ago the temps plumited here abouts and started smelling like snow and one of the times of QUIET resting in SOURCE periods felt a very strong Christmas-y feeling – today from yesterday the world is white with a marshmallow-y coating; more snow a possibility next few days – temps have been in the low 30’s and 20’s F down to 10’s F with wind chill factors lowering that feel – and wind, yes – this apt seems to have toally distinerated weatherstipping, a bit windy inside – quite bracing – an afghan was put up over my window last evening – ‘little dog’ is happiest under covers and close.
    All this feels very cleansing, air smells fresh and clean. World is VERY quiet.

    Be well, ALL
    much love,

  4. Those on the SOURCE path are currently rolling through quantum depths of LIGHT. We won’t be able to see anything till we get out of it, on the 1st.

    < CAT Eds.

    1. Oooh interesting, we had Christmas dinner today as we are seeing family we won’t be with at Christmas. My friend also has her tree up. What do the depths feel like for you? I had some initial anxiety to work through, old feelings of not being enough, but back up to speed now.

    2. Which I guess explains why I completely lack motivation to do anything except eating and sleeping. I can see/feel my body healing so that’s probably exactly what I need; and emotionally I feel neutral, no more ups and downs; but life feels weirdly empty right now.

      Something big is definitely coming around the corner this weekend, for once I’m actually looking forward to Halloween.


  5. FYI: Some CATs are reporting slow pulses of GREEN and then INDIGO the past few nights. Keep a sharp eye out for that. It’s Wave X energy, of course, and doing a number of things.

    TIS… the season.

    < CAT Eds.

    1. Lights blinked in my bedroom last night and then it flashed blue light through half the room. It only did it once but it got my attention whatever it was. I looked no power outages in my area….

  6. I felt soo bizarre while going out to the bigger town to do some paperwork and shopping, like I am not really present there, even for myself, I could hear myself talking to other people, but not really feeling it, I can hear the sound, but as I am only here now as Avatar, so bizarre feeling that it is really hard for me to explain it.

    I did feel that way in the past to some extent, but then I felt being 50/50 here, but now like I am only 10% here, or even less, I have feeling that if the Shift is tomorrow, I would not be surprised at all, I feel that I exist here in 3d less and less each day, just waiting for that day when I would just not exist here at all, and that day is coming very fast 🙏

    Perica ✨

    1. @dear Perica

      same for me
      this feeling to belong more and more to NE
      yesterday we went out for lunch ( what we do seldom now cause Ilove to cook)
      a beautiful place, on a terrace with stunning sea view, people around us at the neighbour tables talking loud, even from table to next table, a kind of kakophonia around in french and english. And I was not there, I was floating over this wide ocean with the shimmering light of it’s surface… I was in an other dimension.

      I am the neutral observer, living allready from time to time in higher dimensions, during the day.
      The reason, when I come back from my meditation, I do not want anymore
      this 3 D talk. I even don’t eat anymore after meditation, cause it’s neart to go to bed.

      love Alnilam 💖🌈💖

    2. Spot on.

      Back when I was doing Yoga 24/7 we were regularly encouraged to observe from the outside, I imagine to break the identification with the physical body since something else is observing. But I didn’t really get to the point where it felt real to me.

      It feels like it happened gradually the last few months, accelerating along the way. Now it’s more the opposite, I see everything that happens from the outside, don’t get caught up and am able to make careful choices along the way. It’s almost as if life is moving in slow motion and I have all the time in the world to get it just right.

      The weird thing is that I feel an even closer connection to the people around me since I’m not operating in 3D survival mode much any more.

      Finally found something meaningful to do at work, someone hanging on to a thin thread who could use a serious positive energy boost. Time will tell, but it feels really good to get the opportunity to make a concrete difference.

      Any day now 🙂


  7. Had a random black ice event this morning in remembering putting my dear rescue German Shepard “Bear” down almost 10 years ago. The emotion was as fresh as the day he transitioned. Odd for this to come up so strong now.
    So, chocolate chip cookies in the oven to lighten the mood.
    MRMBB333 had a short video of flashing sky in Spokane which made me think of wave X energy coming through.Beautiful. Cay

    1. Ohwww….he looks like my kitty! 😉 ❤

      Much love,

  8. CATs, Ms,~AM,

    I have the last part of the last dream I had this morning, won’t go away or fade, that feels important to share – I think I was on an island and there were a LOT and I mean A LOT! of Sea urchins (just the shell, not the waving spines) – saw both in the sea and on the island, everywhere, but the gathering of them on the island seemed to be emphasised… One small one rolled down, away from the others, heard/sensed something rattling inside – that one dead?

    There was some kind of feeling about them in the dream, but can’t recall – doesn’t feel like it was fear or anything like that, just that I needed to share this… ? That it was important – and somehow – there was a phrase at the end; I seem to remember – a voice vocalizing “I AM”

    If there is any insight on this, fine, but I don’t NEED to know, just that it felt important to share it with you.


  9. Super grateful for the protection, and reminders to set it to 11. I find myself having to go back and start over sometimes, as my thoughts race or move to random things. I keep at it, and the weird dreams continue. Yesterday involved being in the ocean, with enormous waves rolling in I kept diving through, before it finally settled. I have seen a few Indigo/Violet flashes lately…and also heard Gizmo’s distinct, lady mootz meow earlier today, from one of her favorite spot in our apartment. She was quite a special cat, miss everything about her…but feel like she was reminding me that she and her sister Nala mootz are still here. Feeling very out of body at times, invisible and off balance at the local mini supermarket yesterday.

    Love the proverb, though I have been eating double and walking half this week, but will turn that around tomorrow. Have the laughing and loving part down at least. Love to All, One Love. 🙏🏽❤️

    1. I Feel ready to ease up on food, off balance occaisionally, many naps. Minky and Tinky are wanting to eat way too much. Been mostly Joyful, yet much commotion tonight, so I did raise my voice once(very rare) and it got extremely quiet for a few. All I said was “stop it”, 2 adults, 2 children competing for “ear space”, loudly. I send much Love/Joy to All, in a whisper. Peace.

    2. Mootzfriend ❤️

      Heheheh, yes me too, eating triple actually! Walking none, sitting lots and loving always!

      Big Loves to you and new kitty buddy 😉


  10. Just a quick question if you don’t mind CATs?

    I have a few pyramid shaped orgonite pieces in the home, do you think these are negative to have around due to their shape?

    Many thanks


  11. Lockdowns here in Europe again…
    I’m not letting it affect me, but it is annoying that they keep it going.

  12. Good gawd!!! I’m moving through molasses here today. Absolutely NO interest in anything. About ready to face-plant. Must TTMB!

  13. Mon. 26th it was raining driving home from work, and when I got out of the car I thought a couple raindrops fell onto the right side of my glasses, as there was a silver flash – but then it continued intermittently until sleep, then a few times yesterday. Like a coded bar of silver light on the right side of my right eye. Not like those jagged eye flashy things people get as they age, which I’ve had before. I just said, ok Source, let me have it, whatever 🙂
    That cat on the keyboard gif is hilarious!
    BTW anyone notice in Blossom’s latest the gfol sounded just a tad testy and very human egoish? weird, another bit of reading off my list. Also I was watching Trump’s final words at last rally last night, and noticed there were 2 kids sitting behind him to the right, a boy and a girl not smiling at all, while everyone else is going nuts cheering (and of course they normally vet the people for the stands behind him to act favorably) and then giving him a look directly that was downright demonic… was thinking T must have some awesome Protection around him – that was creepy!
    In other news, just taking each day as it comes lately, not worrying about bills or anything, also eating more and moving less! :0

  14. Looks like tonight might be uncomfortable, energywise. It’s just a few more days through the full moon. SR is looking rather ouchie, and we’re feeling the energy. Eat light. Ground well.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. Uh, yeah! I did rally a bit after my nap and a latte. Thanks, as always for the thumbs up.

    2. Yeah. Eat light. LOL! I haven’t been able to hardly eat for days now. But, scored a couple of pounds of free shrimp, fresh off the boat tonight. Well, they might have been fresh off the boat yesterday. Still, pretty much the same. Boiled the little ones all up. Saved the bigger ones to fry tomorrow. Yummy, yummy. The best meal I’ve had in days! Boiled shrimp counts as a light meal. Doesn’t it? Can’t wait to have some of that yummy key lime pie at the party. Feeling like it’s gonna be really soon now. Love all of my CATS, Ms and everyone else here.

      The Dog Lady

    3. Oh yeah!!
      I went to bed at 22:00 (UTC + 1).
      Lately I sleep like a baby,
      Tonight, no. It was after 2:00 and he was unable to sleep. It was like having my body wired to a high voltage current. I meditated, grounded … nothing worked. I finally fell asleep, I don’t know what time. I got up at 8:00, something strange for me, because I usually do it at 6: 30-7: 00


        1. Same here, I am also missing time a big time 🙃

          I just went out off meditation, when I entered the meditative state, I just phased out, not that I went asleep, but like I was not in this reality, like I was somewhere else, do not know where, but I am missing about half hour, ahhhh 😣

          Perica ✨

  15. Keep your protection up, the CATS were right.

    I posted a few days ago mentioning the 29th of October marking mybkate mums birthday.

    I feel asleep later than normal last night and forgot to add sleep protection.

    The dream I had was a nightmare surrounding my late mother. Fortunately I wasn’t as lucid as I could have been to have been too traumatised. And when I awoke I instantly dismissed it, so all in all it was a failed attempt by team dark.

    Two things to takeaway from this.

    1. Keep your protection up, and before sleep.

    2. There are those that read this blog who do NOT have your best intentions.

    If I didn’t feel sorry for them, I’d think them pathetic.


    P.S. I have NEVER witnessed so many synchronicitys as I have in one week. Really TIS the season!

      1. Thanks CATS.

        I didn’t wish to cause alarm though, just pointing out that we still share this reality with low vibe beings. (No mother in law jokes).


  16. Hi CATS, I am fairly new to this blog and haven’t commented yet, but definitely resonating. 🙏✨ If it’s okay, I’d like to ask a question that’s half personal, half “is this Shift related.” My only cat, my baby, suddenly got sick and died a few weeks ago, after a week at the vet before we had to put her to sleep. (She was 10 and healthy before.) Then I went to my chiropractor last week and found out the exact same timing, sickness and passing happened to the front desk lady’s cat, who was 8 and healthy. I have always sensed a knowing in her, a spark, and she’s definitely Team Good. My question is, do you think this is happening to our kitties so they can help us get Home, from the other side or new earth?I know Yellow Rose and Lisa Harrison said our pets go with us, but for those who are leaving ahead of us so suddenly and here at the precipice of the Shift, I just couldn’t see any other reason why they would leave us now, out of nowhere, knowing grieving might lower our vibration and maybe be a risk. Anyway, thanks for the blog, and the work you all are doing. 🙏💕😻
    Best regards,

    1. Hello Aria, I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I lost mine in July. She was only 9 1/2 years old. She appeared happy and healthy and all of a sudden her kidneys stopped functioning. I feel the exact same way as you do. I can only hope that they are leaving to greet us happily at home. I send you love and understanding.

      1. Vanessa, thank you for your kind thoughts, and I’m so sorry for your loss! 😢 It happened the same way with mine, and the receptionist lady’s, both of our fur babies were also lost to sudden kidney failure and a week at the vet. I really do hope the Shift is now, and they’re right there waiting for us. I don’t know how to cope, except to tell myself it’s any day, any minute, and just keep my eyes on the sky.

  17. I sometimes wonder why I want the best for humanity when I have every reason not to.
    Hope everyone wakes up soon. Maybe the election is the catalyst like Laura says.

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