802: Odds + Ends + Comments ~ [UPDATE4]

This and that. Be prepared for certainty in the midst of uncertainty.

FYI, we’re having the usual Wave X flux, causing the usual headaches, aches, pains, coconut crabs on the sides of houses, that kinda thing. We also contiue to have timeline jump/adjustments here and thereabouts… but we don’t need to show you those. Everytime we show one, two more happen and we’re somewhere else reading about eminent Victorians.

Meanwhile, more and more people are waking up, tuning out the MSM and our “leaders.” Overlook all that, it’s not real. You are real. Brother J and SOURCE are real. Even your pets are more real than the world around you (anything that is love or loved is real). Sounds like a broken record, but don’t focus on the negative, focus on the positive. Wherever you put your attention, that is what you see, that is what is manifested.

To make this happen faster, put your mind and your will and your manifestations in the hands of Brother J and SOURCE.



We know this is Illusion, but it’s just amazing. Watch the video. LOL.

Also… please note that things are going to start getting crazier… and they might look worse, and worse. Factually, this is on the way toward the End of The World… and the Beginning of the Next One. There will be overlap. There will be pudding. Some people will freak out. Some will be all smiles. Some will hang bananas on a cat and call it Aunt Tillie. We are in the HOMESTRETCH OF WEIRDNESS, so… expect the unexpected.

UPDATE1 ~ 6/4/23

Hi, folks. We’ve been getting email fom people who have apparently been “chatting” with us in various other venues… but we don’t do that, so that’s not us. CATs only communicate via our email address and on this site the occasional CAT comments board… though some CATs have their various personal avatars out in the world. Anyone claiming to be a CAT out in the world… well, check with us, first. (NOTE: We’re not ACTUALLY cats, though some of us do occasionally hiss.)

So, to allow some questions, the comments are open. Questions only, please.


We just answered a comment with something about timelines… and then saw German meters showing jump:


Sorry, the comments closed automatically; it was set to close after 3 days, but we changed that to 10 days. We need to publish more posts!

Also, CATs talk about this all the time, but the whole “3d vs 5d” thing reminded us. There are NO LEVELS in reality. There are only levels in the Illusion. There are no beings with a vibration higher than anyone else since we are ALL infinite, all-powerful pieces of SOURCE. SOURCE is Infinite and so are you. So, spending your time pining for 5d is kinda dumb. Wherever you go, there you are.


More jumpage in the Illusion:

And some crazy energy readings… for those interested in this kinda thing:

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116 thoughts on “802: Odds + Ends + Comments ~ [UPDATE4]

  1. Hello Cats nice to be able to comment again!

    Well, you guys are very active in answering many questions. I only have one at this point.
    if you can answer of course.
    Are these treatments for autism (yes mostly caused by vaccines), MMS and CDS protocols ( Andreas Kalcker )are they really safe and effective? There is a very experienced doctor that I often listen to, he also said that it can cure many people with autism (as well as many other diseases).
    And from what I understand, they want to make everyone think that it is about bleach, but some chemists conclude that it is not.
    it is obvious that the treatment is severely opposed throughout the internet, but…

    1. We’ll look into it. Note that we generally don’t like to discuss specific medical treatments, since we are not medical doctors. We are healers, however, so…

      The existing challenge is that people are living at two (or more) levels at this time. (There are of course no levels in reality, but people think there are in this, the Illusion). Some are living on one level, others another, and then some on many at the same time. This makes healing and communication increasingly difficult.

      Stay tuned.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. Hmm. Autism. I see it as a heavy metal buildup that short circuits the nerves. If you get the heavy metal out then yes you can improve things a lot. Still, I’d be very careful and go slow. (As an example, I’m being shown CHERRIES. Organic cherries are good at removing heavy metals.)

      Note that the body’s myriad cells are completely renewed every 45 days. You are literally what you eat.


  2. Hi. Is ~AM still doing healings and virtual baptisms?

    Many thanks for all you do,

    -Dr. Bing

    1. ~AM and the M’s are trying to figure this out. The snag seems to be that his physical frame cannot handle the energy he’s putting out (so he starts to literally burn his lungs out!), and some people at certain densities are beyond our reach. There are some… let’s call them limitations… that have recently been imposed on certain segments, but we can’t comment on those without said segments knowing what’s going on. We ask that everyone — esp. ~AM — be patient. We all (everyone) are smack dab in the middle of something going on right now, but none of us are quite sure what that is. This latest timeline has sorta thrown us for a loop.

      -CAT Eds.

  3. So glad to see the comments section open again! What exactly is your email address for when this comment section closes? I tried to send you an email previously but it got a failure message, so I don’t think it arrived.

  4. Is speaking in tounges like they do in the pentecostal movement really from the Holy Spirit? Or some sort of possession?

    1. In most cases it’s just a scam, like that one famous preacher who’s talking normally then lapses into gobbletygook. Brother J and the HS like to be CLEAR in their communications… however, God’s Mind is so far advanced beyond ours that we don’t always understand the answers till later… and even then, the answers typically have multiple meanings.

      At the Miracle of Pentecost, those in attendance could easily understand each other, despite the fact that they were all speaking different languages, so it’s a bit of an opposite message to that ‘speaking in tongues’ thing.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. interesting question and great to comment again (sneaking in a quick howdy to everyone!)

        On the same subject of languages, what do you make of ‘light language’ that some people claim is coming through them from benevolent ET races?

        Much love and gratitude

  5. When you are grounding to source/god and the holy spirit, do you have some sort of image in your head to focus on or is it more of a feeling? And is the image different for them both?

    1. More CATs may chime in here, but in general, CATs have taken to grounding INTO ourselves, to the seat of consciousness around what used to be the 3rd Chakra. (We of course don’t have chakras anymore, we have “energy bodies.”) This is our SOURCE connection. Even grounding to Gaia is different, since she’s moved almost entirely to the New Earth (we think it’s a 20/80 split, now). You kinda need to do what feels right for you, since people are all over the place in terms of “levels.” Best way to find your way is to ask Brother J/The HS to help you find your light, then settle into that. Don’t forget to set protection afterward. (Not that protection really does anything in reality, since the Real You in actually safe with SOURCE right now. It basically keeps Illusion distractions at a minimum.)

      -CAT Eds.

  6. Hey CATs,

    Love my CATs. Here’s something I’ve been wondering about: what do you CATs think about the uptick in prophets? Same as channelers? If not what makes them different? How to discern between real prophets versus false prophets?

    Julie Green might be a good example.


    1. Try going into meditation, ground and set protection, then connect to Brother J and ask him. He may answer visually, or via your clairaudience. Visually speaking, try using a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down… and in some cases, a thumbs-sideways. For those who are clairaudient, try asking simple YES or NO questions, so the answer can be plainly ‘heard.’

      Other CATs will answer this, as they kind it. Keep checking back, as more CATs chime in here and there.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. Mm, seems like a disinfo push is under way. As for Green… her eyes feel off. She is at minimum a biased source.

      People need to learn to develop their own SOURCE connections and stop listening to people masquerading as this or that.

      -CAT Eds.

  7. Thanks for opening the comments. It seems I’m really isolated, since none of my family,friends or neighbors are aware of this whole Event/Ascension thing. I’ve read of other people experiencing this as well. Some have wondered if we are spread out like this to help spread the light and/or help the unaware when things really start happening. What are your thoughts on that theory?

    1. Indeed, we were recruited and placed by Spirit here specifically to do just that, like very active bits of yeast distributed throughout dense, unleavened dough. There was a time when some of us expressed doubt about it actually working, but now even those dark nobs in our own families are starting to stir.

      Btw, that is precisely why we opened up the comments; our camaraderie is what keeps us going, that and CAT3’s muffins. We only believe in social media when it’s lead by grumpy feline SOURCE volunteers.


    2. I kind of think I’m the same way, being plopped in the middle of evil for a reason.

      But what if life has been so difficult, and society so cruel, you don’t want to do it anymore?

      I’ve lost my faith in Source, and don’t know how to get it back or know if I should bother trying.

      1. Jeez, you sound like you should be a CAT. I made a little purple box atop the CAT whiteboard that says, “I don’t want to do this anymore!” Every time someone said it, I added to the number there. It got up to 23 before CATs generally stopped saying this.)

        We all feel like this, every once and a while. Thing is, you don’t have to do it alone. You are never alone. You have Angels and J all around you. All you have to do is ask for help. (When CATs yell for help, someone hands them a cup of coffee and says, “Get back to work”!)

        Sit and quiet your mind, and ask Brother J and your Angels to help you. Be patient. Everyone thinks they’ve lost it at one time or another, but… it can’t be lost. You cannot ever be lost. You always have SOURCE within you, since you are a tiny teardrop of SOURCE. If you knew how much SOURCE loves you… you’d burst into tears. The love and support around you is overwhelming. You just have to be open to it.

        There comes a time when you have to take a deep breath, let it out, then resolve to take a step TOWARD SOURCE. Even members of The Fallen have done this… and made it back to SOURCE. Things will get easier.


  8. When asking for guidance from Source, Brother J or guardian angels, is it OK to use a physical means of communication such as cards if you first set protection on the session to make sure no Dark voices can chime in? I personally cannot hear or see any replies to questions that I simply ask out loud, I am not clairaudient or clairsentient.

    I have a set of oracle cards I have been using for this purpose, I have been asking “spirit guides, guardian angels, Jesus, anyone who has my actual best interests in heart and mind.” Sometimes I get a comprehensible answer, other times not. Computer-driven oracles produce mixed results also, but both methods are better than random. Who is answering questions asked on these mediums? “Somebody” seems to be responding. I hope it is those I have asked, LOL.

    Cards have a bad reputation, tarot cards especially seem to be connected to Team Dark. Still, for those of use who are not clair-anything, it would really be helpful to have a back-and-forth conversation method. I often really need advice on how to proceed in difficult circumstances where the way forward is murky to ordinary thinking, and avoid stupid mistakes that just cause needless harm and problems.

    I have come to distrust rational thinking, because paths that look good to the rational mind can have horrible unseen pitfalls down the road that can only be seen from accessing a higher perspective. I am full up on disasters in my life, do not need any more.

    Do you ever get conflicting advice on a question, depending on if you ask Source, Brother J or just your own guardian angel and spirit guides assigned to you?

    1. Sure. Some CATs do that sometimes. It’s safe so long as you carefully place the cards, each time, in the hands of SOURCE. As for conflicting advice… if you ask a question of Brother J/a guardian Angel, etc., having put the cards in the hands of SOURCE, you only need ask ONCE. Asking repeatedly shows a lack of faith, and then you yourself begin to mess with SOURCE’s Perfect outcome for you in the Illusion. Best to leave the Illusion firmly to SOURCE and forget about it entirely.

      Oh, and having given your mind to SOURCE, there can be only one outcome.


  9. Can you tell us more about Brother J, I mean, stories from when he was a child, please? Or share some insight about Ramses II… Thanks

    1. Let’s see… Brother J was a cheerful, gregarious person with an easy laugh and Monty Python irreverence; fair complexion, curly red hair, bright blue eyes. He had a *gravity* about him. He could walk into a room, a village, a situation and everyone would note how things suddenly felt DIFFERENT. What else? At some time when he was a teen, he attended a (secret) school run by the Essenes, hidden in the wilderness as it was to keep Team Dark from destroying it and its ancient knowledge (part of which was discovered in Qumran in 1948), and he was an exceedingly bright pupil. Oh, and when the Roman soldiers hammered nails in his wrists and ankles at the Crucifixion, THERE WAS NO BLOOD. They were seriously freaked out about that. The whole thing was Brother J demonstrating how the body isn’t real, how death isn’t real. One soldier later stabbed a spear into the side of his chest — which pierced his heart, speeding his transition — either to see if he could be made to bleed, or… to speed him on his way… or both. That seemed to have been made to happen, so J wouldn’t lose his (extreme) meditative state and suffer, otherwise it takes days to die on the cross, usually from asphyxiation. It’s quite horrible. You become weaker and weaker until you can’t keep yourself upright enough to breathe. It was meant to be long, drawn-out torture, but Brother J transitioned in a fraction of the time.

      as for ramses II… he was half-giant… and acted like it.


  10. There have been some predictions of the 5-D and 3-D grids converging in November…is that on a timeline you guys see?

    1. You mean DIVERGING. Things are definitely diverging. We started to suspect this a few years ago, but now we’re certain that new age stuff is being manipulated. There has to be a split soon to keep those of who have made positive strides to not slide back into nastiness.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Is this divergence the same thing as “The Event”? I was under the impression that we would need new bodies to exist in 5D.

        1. We have no idea. Everything changed with the timeline jumps we spoke about… back when they happened. [CATs on the edit. desk just stared at one another and shrugged.] We’ve had so many jumps and adjustments that we’ve lost track of when things actually changed, but it was recently. How this all plays out depends on so many variables. Note that SOURCE can do anything, so those of us destined for the next UP could be upgraded while alive… or pulled from these fake bodies and put into ’57 chevys. Who knows?

          As ~AM always says: “Trust in SOURCE.”

          -CAT Eds.

  11. I’ve been ‘seeing’ lifetimes within hypnosis, and healing various aspects or incarnations. Is this helpful? Also where there seraphim who were infected with AI who became fallen angels? I was sensing an aspect of me this may have happened too. And lastly is there a clearing needed\coming at stone henge on the solstice?

    1. Have you found the hypnosis helpful?

      As for AI-infected Angels… no. As much as they like to blame others for their own actions, The Fallen chose to go against God — which is unthinkable and impossible, since they are literally a part of God — as well as violate their oaths as Watchers of humanity. Only an insane being would do this. However, they can always rectify this mistake, change their minds, ask for forgiveness and swear fealty… and fully half have already done so.

      As for Stonehenge… no, but we are not at liberty to explain why.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. I’m my mind meditation is almost like self hypnosis. A meditative state of mind. I feel hypnosis was helpful up to a point for myself and then it just gives more questions than answers. And this gets confusing.
      It’s reassuring to know nothing can violate the free will of an angelic, as has happened to humanity.
      Good to know stone henge no longer holds negative energy. Thank you. Cora.

      1. Angels, HOBs (Higher Order Beings), ETs, humans, spirits, animal and plant and mineral groups, planet and star *pneumas* are all part of SOURCE. All of them have free will (though the group spirits check to the larger planetary spirit, what we call “pneuma”). For us, that makes what the Fallen did so unbelievable, but… forgiveness is what time is for. When we’ve all awakened in SOURCE, Time and space will vanish.

        There is so much we could say about Stonehenge, but it isn’t time, yet.


        1. Thank you AM.
          With Stone Henge I feel I can help to clear some of the negative energy by calling in source energy when I’m there. It feels like walking clockwise will counter some of the inversion of energy. I’m trying to believe in myself and what I am being told and guided to do. It’s hard when I question so much. As long as it can not do harm then it’s worth going I hope.

          Sent from my iPhone

  12. I have a question that might offend you (and everyone here).

    Are timeline jumps just something some people need to hear?

    I often have premonitions and all of them come true (though I never know the timing). I don’t go around preaching my visions, since they are for me and people would ask for dates anyway (I am not looking at the calendar 24/7, so timing is unlikely to appear).

    1. No. They really happen… in the Illusion. None of this is real. And in this living dream, each person HAS THEIR OWN TIMELINE. When we refer to timelines, we’re talking about GROUP timelines. There are major motifs (those who believe in green eggs, those who believe in ham, etc.). It gets extra confusing when you personally see your own timeline (“in the future,” which technically doesn’t exist), and try to map that to the lietmotif timelines around you. If that makes sense.


    1. This will sound crazy, but the Sahara Eye is actually a pool of melted rock created by the nuclear rocket exhaust of an emergency escape ship during the Cat and Dog War. Specifically, that earth feature was created by escaping Cat ETs (with cat heads, humanoid bodies) that used to live in Egypt. Phrases like, “Fighting like Cats and Dogs” and “It’s raining cats and dogs” come from that time… which was… a long time ago. (Dating things is tough when you’re looking back through zillions of old timelines.)

      Hopefully these two groups have learned to get along by now. People would be shocked at how prejudiced ETs can be.


      1. Thanks for the reply.

        It definitely seems like something artificial made it.
        Though sorry I made you think that I thought humans made it.
        I originally thought it was from an asteroid like the one that created the gulf of Mexico.

        Obviously, eons later, the “Atlanteans” (Greek word for an Egyptian name) then built the capital city on the structure.

        So a little followup question…
        Did the Egyptian temple that held the story of “Atlantis” (different to the records) somehow survive the Nile being used to destroy it or is it completely gone?

        1. Oh, no. The eye was vaguely contemporary with Atlantis (Atlantis had three phases over a long time). There was never anything there at that spot. It’s just a scorched piece of desert.

          As for the Ancient Egyptian records… there’s a big tunnel that starts under the Sphinx (there’s a hatch on top of the head and an entrance between the paws) and goes beneath one of the pyramids. It that has all kinds of records about Atlantis and our human history. That guy Hawass has been keeping it hidden, probably for money, as the Powers That Were don’t want us to know too much. The pyramids were built after Atlantis fell for the last time (by some survivors), and they chronicled everything well. It’s all still there.


  13. Thank you so much for your work, opening this window is like letting in fresh air.
    I know that SOURCE and YESHUA provides everthing we need and ask for at the right pace. My feelings of shame, fear and fatique are in the way to be at peace with a sense of lack of finacial tools to have access to medical care and food. Struggling permanently is draining me out. Living every day live and feeling the absense of tools, that are required to stay in this system, is not easy to overcome.
    Will we ever come out of this mess, so many people are suffering with?

    Blessing to all of you

    1. Yes, we will. The time of suffering ends the moment you change your mind about it.

      Try giving a day to Brother J to handle for you. Do a quick morning meditation tomorrow and simply ask Brother J to enjoy your day with you, and to be in charge of everything you experience and express, and then follow his lead. See what happens.


  14. Is the Holy Spirit the same as our Higher Self? I keep seeing the two as one and the same, though I know ALL is truly one and the same. Or maybe it’s just the matching initials “HS” throwing me off?

    I do appreciate your guidance, and giving us this opportunity to ask in comments. It’s been good to see what others are thinking, wondering as well.

    Love to you all –

    1. Not exactly. The Higher Self is what some call ONE, or The All. It’s an Extension of SOURCE, and we are all a part of It (or part of another Extension, but that’s an ~AM question). The “Holy Spirit” (HS) is Our Memory of SOURCE — which is so perfect that It basically *is* SOURCE. Thing is, we’ve been so far removed from the Light for so long that we need a bridge, a go-between to get to SOURCE. Brother J is that bridge. He has volunteered to do this one job for a very long time, till everyone wakes up from the dream of the Illusion and realizes that they’re already with God right now.


  15. Is it true that some people are soul less aka NPC’s/organic portals/backdrop people? Or does every body have a ”Divine Spark”?
    Is it just years of brainwashing and indoctrination that make it look like they lacks of independent thoughts?
    Some people also lack of inner voice. Whats up with that?

    We have all met these people during the covid/v-x.

    Are some people fundamentaly different on a deeper spiritual level or is it just indoctrination?
    It’s like they are empty on the inside. Like biological robots with a hive mind?

    1. Ok, I checked with other CATs… and we can’t tell, exactly. Our world is absolutely becoming more dumbed down and zombie-like, and there are a lot of what feel like NPC types here and there… but there are also a lot more AWAKE people. Those we personally see out in the world have divine sparks. Those masses we see in videos… they all have divine sparks. Does this mean that EVERYONE does, everywhere? Not necessarily. The Little Grays (as opposed to the Tall Greys, the Tall Blue Greys, the Tall White Greys, etc.) are artificial beings; they are constructs of other ETs… BUT, what those ET ‘life architects’ don’t realize is that, every time they make an “artificial” lifeform… they put a tiny piece of themselves into each one. And those architects are themselves teardrops of SOURCE. So, each one of those artificial constructs has a bit of SOURCE in there. Some people have been so beaten down by the Illusion that they have withdrawn completely within themselves, like a functional insanity. They go through the motions, believe what they’re told. But even THEY will eventually wake up.

      Still, the lack of inner voice thing is inexplicable to us. Some people are not introspective… yet. Everyone is your brother, even the sleepers, the schmoes, the evil things that eat the cheese in your refrigerator when you’re out of the house. (Bastards!) And all will eventually wake up.

      When you’re out and about, try giving people a “spiritual hello,” when you see them. It’s basically smiling and saying hello with your heart. Some will stare at you. Some will give you a knowing smile. Both are real. By “hello-ing” them, you’re waking them up, if only a little. Some are awake, some are asleep. Jeez, even ETs are like this. If people really seem gone, try looking at them and (mentally) say to them that Coursian mantra: “You are perfect immortal spirit, brother, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released.” ~AM did this once to this one crazy (possessed) guy we saw… and the guy stopped stock still for a moment… then took off running and screaming. Some people awaken to The Realization better than others.


  16. HELLO CATs,M’s and AM!

    Thanks for opening up comments. Love AM your perfect analogy – like very active bits of yeast distributed throughout dense unleavened dough!

    Pretext to my question…….
    There is a book from the early 90’s called ‘The Only Planet of Choice’ written by Phyllis V Schlemmer a trance medium/channel who was communicating (since the 1950’s) with a group of high level universal Beings known as The Nine.

    A quote from the Preface:
    “The Nine are a high-level circle of great beings who exist outside the Universe of space and time. They are not ET’s in the normal sense. They live a long way away, distance-wise and dimensionally , although the place where they live is in a sense, as much here as it is anywhere else…..They are on close terms with that Beingness-Consciousness-Happiness we frequently call ‘God’. They do not have physical bodies.
    “The Nine’s responsibility and task is to maintain the energy -balances in the Universe. Qiute an enormous task, cosmological in proportions – espcially when there are planets like Earth swaying self-destructively to one side of the scale, upsetting things.” (written 2012)

    My question is – Would The Nine be of the same category as HOB’s or on another level? What are your thoughts?

    Thanks so much – Love you guys!
    Lise ***

    1. Hi, Lise. Yes, we would classify them as Higher Order Beings. There actually are no distances in the Illusion, btw. You are with SOURCE right now, connected to All as ONE. And there is only NOW.


      1. *** Thank you M7, I thought The Nine might be. I have to remind myself daily this is all an Illusion…..some days are easier than others, as is being in the NOW.

        I’m in the middle of Season 3 of the Chosen….it is so powerful and emotional for me (minimum 5 hankies per episode…!) The connection I feel to Brother J /Yeshua seems to be amplified 10 fold. Such a well done production, cast and acting *** Thank you CATs for suggesting it. 🙂

        1. Our pleasure. The casting for that show is amazing. The guy who plays Brother J… the M’s swear that Brother J is helping that guy *be* Brother J, though there are obvious differences. Brother J GLOWED, he literally exuded light. It was very strange. It’s also shocking that that’s filmed in TEXAS! And the Romans are a spot-on portrayal. All the CATs contributed to Season 4!


          1. I too agree with the M’s of Brother J helping out that guy “be” Brother J, he just had this ‘presence’ about him. And also the Glow hence the halo being painted in many painting or mosaics of Brother J – I would imagine the energy coming from/through him was intense and felt by all those nearby. Yes, I was surprised too to see it being filmed in Texas! Can’t wait then for Season 4 knowing all CATs contributed – it will truly be authentic and special!

        2. Did You Know: The original “Chosen” — “God’s Chosen People” — were NOT Jewish? (I mean way way back, before Moses and all that.) They were from all over and just got it into their hearts that they wanted to follow God, and kinda found each other and started codifying it. This is how things work with SOURCE: M Y S T E R I O U S L Y .


    1. Mmm… we don’t like to single anyone out… but some people are being manipuated to spread hopium so we stop doing the work we all need to do. You will KNOW when we’ve won. It will be slap-in-the-face obvious when it happens. (Factually, we’ve already won, and are already home with SOURCE, but few know it.)

      Jeez, I’m starting to sound like ~AM.


      1. I just wanted to mention that I believe I felt and saw something nasty leaving also around the 24th 25th
        It was a brief viewing of a being thrashing and falling, I only saw this image once I had completed my nightly protection.
        I don’t feel I was feeling and viewing hopium, just an update really. I don’t even care to know who or wot it was but something definitely left 🤷🏻‍♀️

        1. Hm. That’s two months to the day that ~AM did a new thing with a new Spirit-side *object* he was gifted. We haven’t talked about it, because we were unsure of its effects… but they appea to be very dramatic. That was also when CATs made a subsequent meditation breakthrough — followed by dream imagery similar to what you describe. Hm. No idea if the two things are related. Interestingly, 70% of CATs have reported having no sense of time passing for some indeterminate time.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Now I got my curious hat on, I can also confirm the lack of sensing time, am I even explaining that right?
            The keeper of distorted time was thrown out there by my friend when we discussed the change afterwards
            Hey AM, thanks for doing that new thing you did 🙏❤️

  17. Hello, everyone. Please note that some comments are held so we can answer them comprehensively. If you’ve asked a question but don’t see it, yet, this is why.

    -CAT Eds.

  18. Cats, do you see religions disappearing in the future or becoming more like J’s teachings?

    1. So. Tough question. We had to powwow on this one, surprisingly.

      For 3d: religion won’t go away… but more religions will be created to dilute Christianity.

      For 5d: there will be more of a KNOWING of God, and no more agencies that deal in obfuscation.

      -CAT Eds.

  19. Hello to Everyone!
    Do the internal body vibrations/ buzzing tend to rachet up and down in intensity with solar flares and other solar activity, or, is it more related to a measure of one’s personal vibration, frequency and connection to Source, or c., none of the above? I’ve notice it’s most intense going into and coming out of sleep, and some days it’s with me all the live-long day.
    Also noticed you say God, not GOD, yet SOURCE, not Source. Any significance or meaning behind the all caps on Source?
    Thank you and Big Love to All!

    1. Seems like it. We feel more energy during the solar activity, and during certain moon phase windows, too. Vibrations seem to be reported being more in the early morning, with wake-ups and sundry. The fact that CAT dwellings are LOADED with crystals probably also has something to do with it.

      As for wordplay… God = GOD, SOURCE = Source, God = Source, etc. Since we have at least eight people writing/editing and running comments, there is a bit of variation. We had a meeting a while back to hash out our ‘style guide,’ more a set of guidelines than hard fast rules. And while SOURCE has no gender, some CATs say “Father” in meditation… though we’re going to stop calling what we do meditation. More on that soon.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I have been trying to be in a state of ‘meditation’ (for want of less loaded word!!) 24/7 but did wonder if that is a good idea!?
        I think maybe sometimes I’m using it to escape whereas what I intend is to be aware but not absorbed … like fully present .. but then I can feel the HUGE HUGE weight in others and probably myself

        1. Sure. This is called “walking meditation.” It isn’t easy. Well done!

          You know… what lots of us are doing isn’t exactly meditation. It’s not prayer, either (praying means asking for something, typically). We’d like to call it “Communion”… unless people confuse that with the Catholic term. Lately, we have been COMMUNING with Brother J/Holy Spirit/SOURCE.

          -CAT Eds.

  20. Hello! I’m so grateful that comments are open again. Okay this is going to sound weird, and I love I can feel safe with my weird questions here. Anyone else see this quickly changing, like kaleidoscope fractals, shimmery patterns, sometimes a bit sparkly, yet you can see thru it, right in front of your face, two distinct blobs of this slightly to the left and right? It started with eyes closed in meditation. Now it’s with eyes open too. But not all the time. It’s a little bit like when you see heat coming off the ground in the distance, like a mirage? but faster, more circular with fractal patterns, like swarming bits of energy. What ever is that? A sign I need my eyes checked? Just want confirmation it’s not something dark disguising itself as pretty and light. Many thanks and much Love.

    1. Hi, Susan. Some CATs have actually experienced this. We think the term is called “wide vision.” It’s when your clairvoyance opens and you can “see” the matrix. This is actually a good thing!

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Is this the same thing as the “energy rain” I often see, it looks a bit like rain but not “real”

      2. Ah this is why the questions and comments are so important. I’ve had an uptick in “visual snow” lately, or at least I finally noticed it because my wife pointed it out. Just a few moments ago I got the sense that I was “trying to see past the illusion”. Any tips as far as developing our “claire-“ abilities? Because I’m apparently starting “-voyance “ in addition to the “audience “

        1. Well, ‘eating light’ seems to encourage clair-X abilities, as does being hydrated. And of course being open to it and meditating twice a day are de riguer.


          1. I was going to ask a similar question. For a number of months now I have been noticing, mostly while looking at the sky, what looks almost like a haze or overlay, sometimes almost the faintest pink or purple in color. My kids seem to see it too. Is this what the other poster is talking about?

            1. People’s vision is changing, allowing them to see things they hadn’t seen before. Some CATs can see colors in “3D” (three dimensions) now when they couldn’t before.

              Btw, when those CATs on the editorial desk wrote, “eating light,” they meant *eating light MEALS,* not actually eating light. However, one can lose a lot of weight by eating only light, but you have to cook it just right…

              -CAT Eds.

  21. Hi CATS,
    Last year I was walking around my city and noticed some black magic demon sigils pasted up on various light-poles and street signs. Lesser Key of Solomon stuff… I treated it like a fun scavenger hunt and tracked down all that I could find and vandalized them beyond recognition. Can only speculate what they were for, but I’m sure it was no good. Could you perhaps double check that I haven’t triggered some retaliatory black magic booby trap upon myself?

    On that note, I always enjoy your explorations of spooky things. Like that Scottish lighthouse, and your battle with the “hat guy”. I understand there’s risk currently with giving too much thought and energy to such dark topics, but once the dust settles in our illusion and that darkness is filtered away, you guys could write one fascinating encyclopedia about all the assorted bugbears and boogermen that (used to) plague our world. I know I’d grab a copy!

    1. By then, they will be obsolete! In fact, they’re kinda obsolete now.

      In future, I would just overlook those symbols, Joe. They mean less than nothing, and have no power over anyone, not where it really counts.

      And the spooky… finds US! Or rather, it used to. Team Spooky isn’t all that keen to be seen by any of us these days. I saw some silvery big-headed, big-eyed ET working with some men in uniforms last night and it wasn’t too happy about me seeing him… till I did The Mantra on him… and then his frown turned to a smile. I’d never seen that before.


  22. I have a question in relation to a few events i had recently. Gentleness was always abused by most in the world. When i try to help others and those who are impacted receive psychique attacs or something similar does that mean the good acts are on the right way or more on the other area. I sure know the persons in question know nothing of protection against emf and the like so such things will come full house.

    Any ideas?

      1. if those who are helped to have better lifes like doing acts of kindness that rise the vibration and the ones helped receive an attac be it energetic or other form non physical

        is that a sign things are on track or more a sign that it is the wrong way for the persons in question

        the concerned persons know nothing on protection against outside influence be it emf protection or other things, they litterally found themselfs in hospital

        1. There is nothing you need do. All is already done. You only have to give your mind and will to SOURCE via Brother J, and heal your mind. There is nothing left undone. Allow Brother J in to undo what you think needs to be done.


  23. Some spiritual people are still talking about reincarnation. Hopefully the reincarnation machine is obsolete and destroyed by now?

    1. Alas, they fixed it. We’re going to check to the Archangels on this one. Basically, after you transition, keep away from the light trap.

      Reincarnation will also be available in OTHER realms for those who qualify. Those folks will be given the choice of the Soul Trap, staying in Spirit, or going into the… purple light? violet light? Something like that color. OR you can settle in one spot and ‘fall in on yourself’ and go see SOURCE that way… if you don’t get too scared. OR you could ask Brother J for help. That’s what we’re gonna do.


  24. Hi Cats! Great to see comments from everyone again! Just want to thank you all for your blog as i still don’t know even one awake person, so you’re a real lifeline for my sanity and sense of humor! BTW my feral cats are even following me around the yard now for pets…unheard of even a year ago. The weather here in upstate NY has been the best I can ever remember for all things growing since March, it’s unbelievably gorgeous this year. Definitely a change is in the air….

  25. Can SOURCE ever get angry?

    Can SOURCE ever be arrogant?

    Can SOURCE ever be uncaring?

    If not, how can a part of SOURCE rebel against itself?

    And, is Da-Da still working on a book covering your adventures please?

    Thanks and blessings,

    Mark ❤️

    1. Hello, Mark. Answers are (in parentheses).

      Q: Can SOURCE ever get angry? (NO.)

      Q: Can SOURCE ever be arrogant? (Of course not.)

      Q: Can SOURCE ever be uncaring? (NO. Impossible.)

      Q: If not, how can a part of SOURCE rebel against itself? (SOURCE gave All His Creations free will. People and angels and beings are free to make all the mistakes they want. This is what the illusion of time and space are for: learning. All will eventually return to SOURCE. How do we know? Because it has already happened. You are HOME with SOURCE right now. All of you. Time and space are constructs, artificial. You exist outside of time and space RIGHT NOW.)

      Q: Is Da-Da still working on a book covering our adventures? (Hm. [~AM and M2 look at each other] We think he is, but has stopped to work on another one… that’s just as interesting, but is also mainstream and… rather hilariously shocking. Seems that for publishers are very uninterested in spiritual books that don’t subscribe to the current Kool-Aid recipe, but they do seem to like… the other style da-da is using for this other book. We’d have to check. NOTE: If there are any publishers reading this who are interested, let us know and we’ll pass on the information. Also note that “our adventures” won’t be known till the next level. 3d is not the place for this information.)


  26. Hi all!

    Cool to see the comments section alive again. Big gratitude for (everything you All do and Be) the meditation exercises, and that recent one about placing myself, my life, and the world I see in the hands of God has been wonderful. So many questions, but called ask these 2:

    Anyone else get intense headaches, almost out of body experiences when solar activity/wave x energy hits?

    Also, are dragons considered HOB’s? I have met a few in that in between (formerly sleep paralysis) waking and dream state. Appreciate any insights, as always.

    Source/God timeline all day, every day. 🙏🏽❤️

    1. Yes, we’re all having those symptoms, of varying degrees.

      Hm. Are dragons considered HOBs. While there are no levels, CATs have an unofficial CAT chart to know where various beings are in the grand scope of grandscopia. We started to write a post about it, but then it kinda reifies the whole “levels” thing, and there really aren’t any. Still, some are “farther along the path” than we are. Hm. To answer this question, YES, dragons are HOBs. They are actually pretty rare and exist in their own pocket universe, so that makes them pretty high up there. This is for Rainbow Dragons, btw. There are dragons of every color… but only ONE Black Dragon (which sulked off after the main RBD beat them in a fair fight). She is awesome.


  27. Hello Cats and Ms and AM.

    Lots of heart arrythmia past few weeks, months, sometimes very worrying and causes more anxiety. Ive been treating it in a few holistic ways, and asking Source and Br J for help (which may have led to trying different modalities?) . Also major dizziness past couple weeks (yes i did various epley maneuvers that have had little effect) Lately i have taken to singing Joy to the World in my head (like when a song just loops) often.(Both the hymn and the one with joy to the fishes in the derp blue sea 😏) Just wonder if others have been going through this and is it from the energies/tljs/whatever.

    Love reading all the comments from everyone and especially your responses

    Thank you.

    1. Big PS


      Cats you you have given me/us SO many wonderful things which I use on a daily basis. And here in the wee hours I go to this “Gathering Place” and find a measure of solace. Remembering Source and Br J is at the core of all of those gifts you’ve given. More and more that seems to be the way.

      As many have mentioned, i am pretty much solo here in 3d. I have 1 or 2 e-pals i can speak of these things so I feel blessed in that, but in my day to day I am on my own. But not really, bcuz i have Source and Br J and Source’s Spirit Team (AA’s) and that is amazing.

      One thing i have been doing is learning a few phrases in Aramaic, which comforts me, i like thinking I am speaking Br J’s earth language, as silly as that may be. This I have learned through Lars Muhl (yt), who has been studying Br J’s earth time, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.

      My latest fave from you is the morning prayer, giving one’s day etc to Source and Br J. (There’s so much more.)Thinking often of Source and Br J is my rock. It seems that is the core to navigating these times.

      And Thank You to all who post here, read here, etc.

      So Much Love,

    2. Trinity, have your MD listen to your heart. Mine started doing this last year and it turned out to be mitral valve prolapse which I had ignored or thought was energetic in nature.

        1. I have been reluctant to go to dr office etc ince the big Thing. Last time I went was Fall 2019 for heart tests for arrythmia (which stopped then started again this past year or less) which showed nothing.

          But since I got 3 replies re dr checkup here i might go when I get back home in a few weeks.

          Thank you.

      1. Thanks Cay

        When it first started in 2019 (then stopped fo a long while til this year) i did see a heart doc, had tests, nothing showed. But i might better do that again.
        What, if I may ask, was the protocol you did upon diagnosis.


        1. Trinity,
          After doing all the tests required, I stopped all caffeine, and started coQ10, Reservatrol, Magnesium, Carlson’s fish oil,L- carnitine, and D- ribose following Dr. Stephen Sinatra”s, “The Sinatra Solution”. So far ,so good.

    3. Hm. Dizziness AND heart palpatations? Don’t be alarmed, but just to be safe, You might want to see a doctor. (CATs are verboten by Lawyer CAT from dispensing medical advice.)

      -CAT Eds.

  28. Thought I’d mention something that I get intermittently; a weird “sort of” vision. I’m “hovering” over a big landscape. I can see multiple paths “south” of me; with different sized groups of persons; all slowly converging. Some coming from broad wide paths. Some coming from narrow rough uneven paths. I can see smaller numbers of paths “north” of me. No groups of people there yet. I get the sense that I’m seeing illusion “timelines”. That “south” is approaching a certain “NOW”, and that “north” is the paths after that “NOW”. More recently I’m seeing “attributes” of northern paths. Such as one that starts off “with lots of bling” but degenerates. And one that starts off uncertain but improves rapidly.
    Thank you for your insights. They are helpful.

  29. I feel like had the world embraced the work of Walter and Lao Russell decades ago, which in my opinion is on par with Course of Miracles in its own way, we’d have our utopia already. Their Home Study course is very in depth and walks a person through finding and understanding the Mind of God (or Divine Iliad) by sorta marrying spirituality with science. Have the CATS ever looked into these two? I know we’re sorta getting past where we use the work of others as reference, but it would be nice to know if these two were as pure in spirit as I’ve always imagined!

    1. No one can understand the Mind of God. God’s Mind is Infinite. Ours… is not. A finite being cannot comprehend an infinite being.

      In the meantime, we’ll check those two out.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I guess one could say they understood it enough to explain how our material existence came to be. He was not a channeler, but seemed to have divine downloads, much as you’ve explained how CoM was recorded. Starting at age 7, Walter had them every 7 years and began to share when he was 49. He was a multi-talented fella, well respected around the world as an artist, and was buried deep in the analogs of history haha Thank you for checking!

  30. There must have been a special reason why SOURCE/Brother J chose to intervene in the illusion so clearly ”two thousand years” ago. Why and Why then? I know that Source intervenes in the illusion in other ways but I mean in the clear and obvious way that Brother J was.
    Was Brother J the first and the last time SOURCE intervened in the illusion in such an obvious way? I mean, take a human body.
    It is clear that Brother J was fighting against the same dark forces that remain today.

    1. Actually… no one has much insight into that… yet. Four rogue Pleiadians were allegedly involved in bringing this about, along with with AAs and others, at a very high level, but Brother J wasn’t supposed to happen. This broke some kind of agreement all the ETs had — according to the ETs who were ‘ruling earth’ at the time. Thing is, SOURCE is an Infinite Mystery, even to AAs and HOBs who have whole planets of “experts” who study SOURCE. We could say more, but it’s going to be part of a book one of the CATs is writing.

      -CAT Eds.

  31. What can you tell us about the controversial (at least to me) Paul/Saul of Tarsus and his teachings?

    Was Paul a false prophet/false apostle?

    Was he a Roman agent on a mission to corrupt Brother J’s teachings?

    Thank you CATs and M’s.

  32. How do we balance ignoring the illusion with keeping up with our responsibilities in the illusion?

    1. Give everything over to SOURCE via Brother J, your mind and your will. Then go about your day and see how things change for you. Recognizing the Illusion isn’t important. Healing the apparent rift in your mind is.


  33. Hello everyone
    So good to be able to read comments again
    My question is
    Any updates on the wave….. last time you mentioned it….it was near

  34. Greetings from the martian surface of NYC/LI, or the set of a godzilla movie, both work. Wondered if yous can share any insight about these fires in Canada that have blanketed this area with this acrid air and trippy sunscape. Heard this area has the most polluted air in the world…but that’s the news talking. Still, it was quite a day here. Surreal.

    I would venture the air near where the fires are burning would be worse, que no? Also find it odd that it seems to have hopped over upstate NY and made a beeline to the city and surrounding areas. If it was deliberate, it reeks of desperation. Putting my Now in the hands of God and Brother J, but still meditating and visualizing rains up north. Thanks fam

    1. Yeah, some CATs lived through that in N.CA a few years ago. Had to tape all the windows closed, air quality worse than China, red sun, orange skies, spraying buildings with accelerants from the air and then DEW-igniting them… all planned, all manipulated into happening, just like this latest one in Canada. Grewsom destroyed CA and now TrueDope is destroying Canada and polluting the boroughs in the process. It’s like a broken record.

      If we can get about 50,000 more people worldwide to get on the mind-and-will-to-God train, then we might have enough spiritual mass to move this magilla.


      1. I have had to deal with it in N. CA many times now. And while I agree about the person you mentioned, where I live is still very lovely. I hope you all don’t see it as ruined as it is my home and moving does not seem to be an option for now. The continued intentional devastation is really hard to handle. I really feel for Canada and all those affected. I understand what it is like. I am sending rainy thoughts throughout the great white north.

  35. Hey cats, been a lurker for sometime and would like to say, like so many others, thank you. I am a middle aged boy in Santa fe nm. Also, like many here, I have been trying to find my own faith, outside of everything we are told to do. It’s been a hard year, and I am requesting that love be sent my way, and will continue to try and send love out for all of us to get us all home.


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