801: QMT: Quick Meditation Technique, etc.

STOP WAITING FOR YOUR FUTURE. You’re not supposed to wait.

The ’something is coming wait and see’ message was made by something that wants us stuck here, the whole carrot and the horse thing. You’re supposed to do it yourself — which *you* can do — thus making it happen for others. Try this, but take your time, and see what happens:

~AM created a new meditation technique from his own practice and A Course in Miracles, and has taught it to the rest of the CATs. It’s much faster and goes deeper. Also in this post we honor Pentecost — which is this Sunday — with a surprise.

For those students of The Course, and anyone else interested, we have a new meditation technique for you. Others can try it as well. Please note that this is rather advanced spirituality, and might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Some might find it a little odd if they’ve been doing things the old way for a long time.

Because of the recent spiritual/energy changes — and since Gaia is now firmly ensconced in higher realms and that mission is over — CATs had been grounding differently without communicating it. Grounding has also been a little different for “Coursians” (those students of The Course) since the (fake) world is really inside-out and upside-down. (God/SOURCE is inside you, not outside, with everything on the outside being your own illusory manifestation of “reality.”)

(In the following, you can say/think “God” or “SOURCE.” Both have the same meaning. We’ve written the below instructions with this proviso, because some CATs say one, some the other.)

Special Note

As we’ve said before… for those waiting for something to happen: You’re not supposed to wait. That ’something is coming wait and see’ message was made by something that wants us stuck here, the while carrot-and-the-horse thing. You’re supposed to do it yourself — which *you* can do — using your own free will to make a good choice, and thus making it happen for others. If you haven’t done so yet, try this, but take your time, and see what happens:

QMT: Quick Meditation Technique

Go into meditation and ask Brother J to join you. Ask him to take your hand and bring you to SOURCE. It might take a moment, it might take 10 minutes. Be patient, it’s a process. Once there (you’ll know), show gratitude to God/SOURCE, then say… “I place THE NOW in the Hands of God.” Then give your will and mind to SOURCE and COMMUNE with Him. You are literally with SOURCE RIGHT NOW, dreaming this dream, asleep in eternity, you just don’t realize it. There is NO TIME, save for Eternity. passing time is an illusion. 

To reiterate, when you meditate, sit and quiet your mind, then think to yourself:

1. Grounding cord to God/SOURCE (imagine a cord to the God/SOURCE connection inside you, then ‘breathe’ the connection a few times), then…
2. Grounding cord to Brother J
3. Grounding cord to The Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit is Our Memory of God/SOURCE)

4. Brother J/Holy Spirit, please enjoy everything with me today/this evening, and be in charge of everything I experience and express today. Please take my hand and lead me to God/SOURCE.

[This final bit might take a little while. Be patient and go with it. Once you’re there…]

5. I place the NOW in the Hands of God/SOURCE. My mind is God’s/SOURCE’s Mind. My will is God’s/SOURCE’s Will.

6. SOURCE armor UP. Only those with SOURCE in mind and at heart, and those with Service to Others in mind and at heart, and those with my greatest good in mind and at heart are allowed past my SOURCE Protection.

7. Love and Light to all. Brother J/Holy Spirit and my Guides, please meditate with me.

[Then settle into yourself and find your light.]


The above gets you to your SOURCE core faster. After doing this for a little while, it will become second nature.

Be sure to set Protection and give your dreams to Brother J/Holy Spirit before bed.


We devote this technique to this Sunday’s remembrance of The Miracle at Pentecost. (FYI, this doesn’t involve anything with snakes! That’s Pentecostals.) Besides Brother J’s example, Pentecost is arguably the most amazing group experience in human history. We wrote about it in CAT Post 722:


…we’ve been wondering again about biblical events and the Miracle of Pentecost back in 33 AD. This occurred ten days after Brother J Ascended into the sky after his Resurrection, and visitation with his disciples for 40 days. Before he left, Brother J instructed his followers to wait 10 days before going home to Galilee, as something was to happen. (Pentecost means 50 days, or 50th day.) And happen something did.

The Apostles were gathered together in the Temple at Jerusalem on Pentecost, along with 120 of Brother J’s disciples, and more people waiting in the wings (3000+), to celebrate what was originally a jewish holiday commemorating when Moses got the tablets (technically, Moses was the first man to download files from the cloud onto a tablet!). Then this happened:

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” [Acts 2:1-5]

When each life begins, each soul (part of a larger Spirit we call ONE, which is an Extension of SOURCE) is imprinted with an extra spark of SOURCE, with various gifts and mind upgrades inclusive. That is how we all connect and how psychic phenomena works. What the folks above experienced is the Holy Spirit stamping them, basically giving them ‘the mark of SOURCE,’ if you will. They were then inspired to go out and tell others Brother J’s story throughout the world, starting with the 3000 people right outside their door.

It’s this self-identifying feature we’re interested in. CATs were talking about all this when ~AM brought up his own initial encounter (in this lifetime) with Brother J, which is similar to what happened to some other CATs. They literally had Brother J pour a bucket of light on their heads and say loudly: “PREPARE THE WAY.” This is similar to what happened above, but with a difference.

Preparing the Way

Before we begin, note that ~AM and the M’s and CATs checked with Spirit and AAs and Guides… and the following appears not to be necessary to achieve the next levels, but it is highly recommended. The beauty of this process has been maligned by organized religion (and esp. the MSM) over the years, but what else is new. Put simply… for those who want to walk the higher path sooner, there is a simple way to jumpstart the process. The more people who do this, the faster this will resolve. How to do it? It’s simple.

Go into meditation and clearly state that you CHOOSE SOURCE in your heart. Since so many are so far from SOURCE that SOURCE can barely hear you, Brother J took it upon himself to be the bridge between you and SOURCE. The surest way to get this all jumpstarted is to hold Brother J/SOURCE in your heart and commit to this in some clear way, so SOURCE knows you’re serious. Think of it as free will on steroids. This can be done via what happened at the Miracle of Pentecost, or in our modern case… it can happen by being BAPTIZED — that is, cleansed of all past-life negativity, sins, and questionable deeds.

What It Does

Baptism self-marks you for SOURCE. While you don’t have to do this, it makes the Ascension process much easier and helps you to have a gentler transition of vibrations from one density to the next. The real key is to have an open heart. There are people of all faiths out there and even though the CATs ground more with Brother J, we cannot in good conscience say that someone else of a different upbringing is wrong. All paths lead to SOURCE, but some are shorter than others. The key is to open your heart chakra and welcome in Source/God/Brother J — something bigger than yourself. Baptism does mark people, but they are marked with a blessing or some willful acknowledgement. It is almost like a contract or agreement (AND protection).

Note that some people see this as a religious thing… but this was done before the Christian religion had been invented. John the Baptist (Brother J’s cousin) baptized Brother J in the Jordan River, resulting in Brother J suddenly being imbued with the Holy Spirit, Our Memory of SOURCE (which for all intents and purposes IS SOURCE, as are all of you), and took on a whole new focus for his ministries — so much so that all those around him saw it happen. This can happen for you, as well.


And, if you meditate hard enough, and invite Brother J/Holy Spirit into your minds…


FYI, all CATs will be meditating on Pentecost, if you’d like to join us. Time doesn’t matter, we’ll join with you outside of Time and Space.

That’s enough for one post!


~AM and Brother J/HS and the AAs have added something special to the Pentecost meditation. A gift awaits each of you there, in some form or other. You will have to find it.

UPDATE2 ~ Lost Sheep

A bit of biblical explanation as to why we invite people to a relationship with Brother J:

Since YHWH’s people have been led astray by false shepherds through disobedience to His Covenant, their relationship with Him has been destroyed in much the same way that Adam and Eve lost their chance at immortality by following the deception of the serpent. It is also important to point out that, along those same lines, there weren’t any “Hebrews” before Abraham nor “Israelites/Jews” before the patriarch Jacob had his children. As a result, the first 20 generations of the human race were simply people called to righteous behavior by YHWH with no ethnic identity attached to them at all. It is from that standard only — that of righteousness or wickedness — that causes people to be lost (destroyed) or found (established). 

From the *Aramaic/English New Testament* by Andrew Gabriel Roth

Additionally, for those who ask why we use the name “Brother J” instead of “Jesus,” note that the latter is from greek translation of the original aramaic books. Hence, “Je-Zeus” was used, as it referred to the king of the Greek pantheon. Brother J’s real name was “Y’shua,” though his followers called him “MARI,” which is aramaic for “my master.”


FYI, this entire post has been updated.

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