812: QMT2, Glitches, etc. ~ [UPDATE9]

Wednesday is GLITCH DAY.

What a planet. We’re ignoring it as fast as we can.  But first…


Remember this “jump” from a few days ago?

We looked at that gap… then we looked at it again. It wasn’t a jump. And only a few meters corroborated it. But between 6 pm and 11 pm PDT on 31 July, 2023… we all had something happen to us. CATs recalled (or tried to recall) the time in question, what we were doing… most remembered that they felt like some energy thing happened/was happening… but we didn’t pay much attention because some energy thing is always happening. This one was different, though.

For whatever reason, SOURCE has group-erased/reset ALL of our memories. SOURCE invoked a group-memory erasure to protect us from something… but none of us know what that was. It won’t do any good to try to remember, because everything SOURCE does is Perfect. If SOURCE performed a Perfect Erasure of our memories… for whatever reason… those memories are gone, and SOURCE had a Really Good Reason. Trust in SOURCE.

NOTE: It seems to still be going on, here and there. Nearly all CATs have reported having to repeatedly reprogram their garage doors, and things that communicate with other things, multiple times. And it’s still happening. Be patient.

In the meantime… try this:


~AM was shown this this morning. It works really well. Instead of regular meditation, try this…

Sit and close your eyes.

  • Imagine an INFINITE ball of energy emanating from you in all directions, from your heart/solar plexus area. (We say, “INFINITE BALL OF SOURCE ENERGY” to activate.)
  • Then think, “INFINITE GROUND TO SOURCE.” Settle with that a moment…
  • Then… “Holy Spirit, please enjoy everything with me today/tonight.”
  • Then… “I place the NOW in the Hands of SOURCE. I place my mind and my will in the Hands of SOURCE.” Then commune with SOURCE for a little while.

That’s it. Fast and effective — and deeper, somehow. This works better because we are, in reality, INSIDE SOURCE right now, dreaming this dream. Onward.


Ya know, we might not be able to remember what we forgot, but we can sure FEEL that we’ve forgotten something. Like your tongue finding a snag in a tooth.

Also, there were two recent CMEs which we might be feeling one of these days:


Btw, that memory reboot makes sense if you recall that weird thing the sun did nine days previous:


  • For those interested, this is all Bluebeam crap. Sound and fury signifying absolutely nothing.
  • Some CATs and readers have indepedently come up with the same thread, so here it is: The thing that may have been removed — by SOURCE — is that ‘bad/foreign troop infiltration’ thing that the cabal has been doing for a good six months. We always saw that as not being a thing… and perhaps this is why. SOURCE is flying cover for all of us 24/7/365.25.
  • We’ve also turned some kind of corner. Lots of CATs and readers are reporting feeling… better. Less “creaky” as ~AM puts it. And before that, a little adjustment:

UPDATE5 ~ 8/4/23

Oh, the arguments, the hissing…

Please forgive this singular departure from our regular info. CATs had a lengthy harangue about something yesterday, and resolved the issue with a bunch of testing. Some CATs were lucky enough to study with Jacques Pepin at the Perfect Pan all those years ago, and later Le Cordon Bleu, and as Jacques said, a recipe is just an attempt to capture a moment… and nearly everyone has their own perfect pancake moment. Anyway, without further ado…

Best Fluffy CAT Pancake Recipe (Made w/o Actual Cats)

This makes a lot of pancakes.

Ingredients: Dry + Wet

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour (we usu. substitue 1 cup of pumpernickel/wheat/oat flour, whatever you have)
  • 1/4 c. sugar
  • 3 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2.5 cups buttermilk (or you can use regular milk; this is an approx. measure, depending on how thick you like your pancakes)
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs (room temp., if possible)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • butter (for the iron griddle, and as needed).


  • 1-2 c. REAL Maple Syrup
  • 2-3 tbl. salted butter

Mix dry and wet ingredients separately. Be sure to beat the eggs a little before adding to the wet. Fold wet into dry till reasonably smooth. DON’T OVERMIX. Refrigerate batter for one hour.

Place maple syrup and butter in a glass measuring cup and heat in the microwave, or on the stovetop in a small pan as you’re pre-heating the griddle, till it almost boils. Then pour heated syrup-butter mixture into dispensing container (or gravy boat) and let cool a bit while you make the pancakes.

NOTE: Hot Pan + Cold Oil = FOOD WON’T STICK.

Five Pancake Secrets: 

1. FRESH baking soda/baking powder (baking powder has baking soda in it, too; if it’s older than six months, toss it)

2. Refrigerate the batter for an hour.

3. Vanilla extract

4. Lemon powder.

5. Don’t overmix! (This is the secret to The Fluffy.)

Some CAT purists also insisted on cooking in an iron skillet, or an iron griddle; the result is nutritionally superior.

The jury is still out regarding butter or oil in the recipe, with some CATs insisting that butter cut into the flour mixture (like biscuits) makes a fluffier pancake, but others say the oil seems fluffier. (A simple majority chose the oil version.) And the syrup argument was won by ~M2 and ~AM, who showed that Log Cabin and those fake-syrup companies engineer the taste of their syrup by imitating the simple mixture of REAL maple syrup heated with a few tablespoons of butter, which tastes better than the fake stuff and is much better for you — despite what M4 says. Half the CATs prefer blueberry pancakes, while the rest like plain.

Apologies to those in other countries who don’t know what we’re talking about. Americans and Canadians are a little goofy when it comes to pancakes. (~AM and three other CATs still maintain that a double espresso and a fresh croissant in the morning — in Paris, or Lyon, or… Montreal? — is superior. They have a point.)

And yes, flapjacks and pancakes are the same thing.


~AM saw this post and reminded us that PANCAKES ARE NOT REAL, regardless of how good or fluffy they are.

“The trick,” he said, ” is eating them WITHOUT GUILT.”

So, as with everything, ask Brother J/the HS to enjoy them with you.


Sorry, we keep forgetting to turn the comments on. They are now ON, until the site closes them in… five days.

Comments are FOR QUESTIONS ONLY. This is not a social networking site.


Two things:

  • Some are suggesting that the whole “love and light” thing might’ve been a ploy by Mr. Nasty. There is some truth to this. CATs always say “SOURCE Light” when we reference light. SOURCE is so incredibly bright and energetic that, once you see SOURCE, you almost always look away… but. thebrightness isn’t why you look away. Your goal is to be able to LOOK at SOURCE without fear, without guilt. Ask Brother J to help you remove fear and guilt via your dreams. CATs have been giving their dreams to Brother J since the early 2000s. It makes a HUGE difference. In this way, Brother J heals your mind as quickly as possible. Why does your mind need to be healed? Because you have tons of unconscious fear and guilt within, which is causing you to think that you are separate from SOURCE. You are NOT. You are with SOURCE right now. (You can actually feel the truth of this when you do the “infinite ground to SOURCE” in meditation.
  • Please note that many are having trouble with the latest round of ascension symptoms. (Even some of our pets are experiencing it!) You aren’t alone. It’s much stronger now than it ever was… but only because you can take it. Ask Brother J to enjoy it with you, and be sure to ground morning and night — and in the moment if it gets too bad. ~AM recently did an exercise that helped, we’ll ask him to write it up.


We don’t like to bring attention to, or reify the Illusion. One of our missions is to help Gaia. The earth is her (illusory) body. And the amount of damage being done to her has accelerated beyond all limits (in the Illusio)… which is of course being mitigated by moving her to a new body… but in the meantime, this kind of thing still goes on, another manifestation of the tremendous waste seen in ghost cities, enormous wastes of resources. CATs are not fans of any government, anywhere — even ET governments — but the huge waste shown in the above links is shocking… till you realize it’s not real. Even CATs, who know better, keep going back and forth. Brother J used to say, “The Illusion has you, brother.”

There is nothing you can do about any of what these links show, except perhaps not invest in it, if you do that kinda thing. And know that anything that governments tell you is a lie. This update is really just an FYI, so we all know what’s going on (in the Illusion). Still, one can easily imagine that all those wasted bicycles are human bones, piled up to be desposed of due to the amount of actual humans the cabal chews through each year, culling the blood of innocents to make themselves look young and appear to be in power, putting the unused (human) meat in the world’s fast food meat supplies… in the Illusion. (Anyone who eats at McDonalds is insane.) The inhuman has been in control a long time… and it’s way past time for it to be over, yes… but what’s really over is the Illusion. It is designed to get your goat. Even advanced ETs fall for it!

Even amongst CATs — who know better — is that constant tug of war between mindsets of equanimity, mindsets of outrage. Sometimes it is a real effort to place your mind somewhere positive, to let it go. We often re-mind ourselves that’s time to give our minds to SOURCE — again. Time to give our will to SOURCE. Time to give the NOW to SOURCE. There is no past or future, there is only NOW. There is only all of Us, as ONE, and SOURCE. And Our Memory of SOURCE. All the rest is our conjuration.

Thing is… after all this (illusory) time of wrestling with the Illusion is over… and it will be over one day, and the universe will VANISH… what then are We, as ONE, going to do next? Whatever we do, it’s going to be really interesting. And better than what we’re doing now.

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28 thoughts on “812: QMT2, Glitches, etc. ~ [UPDATE9]

  1. Hi Cats,

    With all the conflicting information about “going into the light” and various tunnels, and now the possibility of reincarnating on 5D Earth, what should people do when they transition?

  2. Why does it seem like everything is “normal” when it’s not? The society messaging is: Take your covid boosters, support Joe Biden, watch the new Barbie movie, etc.

    Everyone is humming along like everything is normal. Not enough people “died suddenly” to raise awareness about the jab, people believe the economy is due for a “soft landing”, and people still believe that Biden is legit and Trump should be jailed. Obviously none of these are true but I’m being gaslit to the point that maybe I should have just taken the jab and accept the PTW and move on with my life like everyone else.

    PS I had to create a WordPress or Facebook account to comment, not sure if that’s intended.

    1. Sorry, the comment settings were jumbled. They’re fixed, now.

      It seems like everything is the way you describe — while being totally fake — because you are waking up! Ignore that fake world and look around. Pay attention to anything unusual. And ask Brother J to enjoy your day with you. See what happens.

      It doesn’t matter what happens with the old world. You aren’t part of it, anymore.


  3. Oh delicious pancaces, thank you. This recipe will be another tool to put into my Cornucopia of plenty I was asking Source to be fuelled. Yes, I feel the need to access new tools for thoughts, words and actions. The healing tool is active now and less tears and pain is present while realizing not beloning to this world and the profound feeling of homesickness stuck me on the suffering. Lots is changing around me. A drug-addicted family member is slowly speaking out the truth about his feelings and hopefully he’ll find a way to Source and meastro Yeshua. There’s much work to do inside and outside on the fisical level. My perception is to recognize and live the balance between doing and not-doing, acting and non-acting…ect. Is this meant to be the dance/flow of creation we are partecipating in? Will there be a time less painful living in duality and fisicality?
    My warmest thanks for all you do for us, blessings and plenty of abundance to everyone.

    1. Yes, it is actually an amazing time, provided you ignore the fake background noise.

      We aren’t participating, exactly. We’re placeholding, treading water for all those who don’t know how… but once they SEE you, and what you’re doing (they don’t even know that they’re seeing you), things are better for them. You can BE in a grocery store, standing in line (or ON line as other CATs say) and just radiate peace and love. We ae here as an example that there is no duality. We are a GROUP non-local Being having a local experience.

      You can live with less pain and duality by giving each day to Brother J, by grounding to SOURCE morning and night (and anytime the energy gets too much for you), by surrendering your mind and will to SOURCE, by giving the NOW to SOURCE (there is no past or future). There is no physical level. You are a perfect, immutable spirit surrounded by SOURCE right now. Give the manifesting to SOURCE (via Brother J) to make it happen faster.


  4. Yum, will have to try that but with no gluten!

    Did you know that in the UK, ‘flapjacks’ are baked and very flat sweet oatcakes, some are crunchy but the best are soft and chewy 🙂

    Oh and the French make the best crepe au chocolat, do any of The CATs make chocolate pancakes?

    Would also love to know if Lion’s gate is an actual thing? It’s coming up on the 8th I think? Is there anything special about this or is it another New Age/unicorny thing?!

    Much love and pancakes 🙏🏻🥰🙏🏻

  5. I want to thank all cats for this website and their recommendations – especially Gary Renard’s book and also ACIM. Husband & myself have needed the info for this next “phase”.
    With Much Gratitude

    1. May I also recommend to all a book I just re-read? “The Book of Andrew” seems to march nicely with The Messages which The Cats share with us from Source. It was touching, and truly found a place in my heart.

  6. Hi CATs and Ms, wondering if you have any suggestions for coping with the seemingly massive energy fluxes we have been having – friends and family are often reaching out asking what is happening when we are experiencing heaviness and exhaustion during these events (like solar proton surges and days with high KP index) – is there any advice or techniques that might help alleviate? Have found grounding and magnesium either orally or as epsom salts can be helpful but somewhat hit or miss.

    1. All you can do is ground well, and ask Brother J to enjoy the energy (or whatever) with you. Believe it or not, you get used to it eventually.

      Note: We ask Brother J to enjoy EVERYTHING with us: what we eat, vitamins, water, the smell of fresh flowers… though we handle our own ‘bathroom moments.’ Some parents can only get a moment’s peace in the bathroom!

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I appreciate the advice, I have been doing a lot of grounding lately! Currently reading The Disappearance of the Universe and am leaning into asking Brother J / HS to walk or join with throughout the day and as needed.

        Another question, would the coursian mantra as listed above be of any use for kids and pets who aren’t able to ground / ask Brother J to walk with them? Or can we invoke that for them? A good friend and I have been on a rollercoaster of energy sensitivity, and thought we had reached some equilibrium, but this year has been different. I can’t even say it is bad, just tiring… it has gotten to the point now where we are often able to tell which type of energy is getting us that particular day based on symtpoms, solar proton flux is like being steamrolled, lots of visual phenomena with Schumann weirdness. My friends infant daughter was inconsolable last night when the KP was around 6.8.

        1. Mmm, you can silently remind people of their connection to SOURCE via that mantra, but everyone’s different. People just have to get through the energy.

          -CAT Eds.

  7. Describing this forgetfulness, it doesn’t apply to me. I can remember being bathed in the kitchen sink. Not only that but on the day you mention our memories were revoked i had melt down in memory reviewing some hurtful occurrences so so I don’t fit that thought. I will wholeheartedly agree that tech is an illusion as it is not working and even IT is calling each other to address how to fix issues. Its been a week like that. I am ready to quit. I have no bucket list. No happy thoughts and no i don’t feel relieved. Thanks for letting US share. My question is how can we fix our participation in this fake world that wiped our memory by having our memory wiped again? She asked sheepishly.

    1. No, *A* memory was excised. Not all your memories. We think there was some action within the U.S. and other countries that was removed from existence, because it didnt serve those of us who are awakening.

      And you don’t “fix” your participation in the world. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be an agent of SOURCE, speading kindness and goodwill with your very presence, and helping in situations that are brought to you. Give each day to Brother J and follow his lead.

      -CAT Eds.

  8. Thank you for turning on comments. It’s always a comfort to know there are others with the same awareness trying to get by in this crazy place.
    I know major change has happened, and I see the dismantling of the old. I finally feel like this hamster is off the wheel! But the fallout I’m witnessing is taking a toll. The stress of it all, combined with the energy influx symptoms, has really made me question my sanity at times.
    Of course there are the family and friends that have passed, or they are dealing with cancer or have mysterious illnesses, or they have zombielike personality changes. Yes, they are the ones jabbed. This is difficult to watch, though it was by their choice, and very frustrating when not one of them correlates the jab to their ailments.
    And aside from jabs, clown world politics, and a scary downturn in the economy, the change has brought about implosions and explosions in all sorts of relationships around me, and some involving me. Everything is being turned on end. Again, I guess it’s the dismantling of the old. And while I am excited to see the new, I don’t know how much more I can physically handle.
    So, I just try to read The Course daily, and communicate with Brother J, and read the CATS for relief. 😻

  9. Cats, what is your opinion on “Medbeds”? I used to say that I was waiting for them to repair my old broken body while waiting on the “Flash”.
    Now I am just concentrating on the moment and accepting that I may not make it to the finish line but will help from the other side. Cay

    1. It’s one of those fake promises. Bait for the hook. People need to let stuff like that go.

      Your body is neutral, at best. We tell ourselves this all the time.

      -CAT Eds.

  10. Haha, just yesterday my sister (fellow SOC follower 🙂 said she had made pancakes for breakfast and last week I tried a new pancake recipe that didn’t turn out so good. They did not fluff up and were….well, ‘flat as a ‘pancake’! I used coconut milk instead of regular milk (only milk on hand) hence maybe why they didn’t taste that good. After the fact I realized my baking powder was probably old. So super stoked and happy (coincidence?!) to see your delicious pancake recipe yesterday and from professionally trained chefs too boot!

    Will be getting some fresh baking powder for sure but was wondering what the lemon powder was? Can I use fresh lemon juice? Had not heard of adding butter to the maple syrup but it sounds really good and will definitely try.

    Thank you CATs, M’s and AM for opening up comments again, it’s always interesting to hear how everyone is doing and thoughts on things and a back and forth.

    Love to ALL!

  11. Just wondering if my previous comment went through or if I have to re-type it. I logged in after I wrote it all out….

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