845: Jump Monday ~ [UPDATE8]

R ounding the clubhouse turn…

Here we go.

Some of us are currently in a jump — AWAY from the CHALLENGE timeline. Those who are meant to stay and deal with what happens on said timeline will do so. Those who aspire to the New Earth timeline will go there (eventually, be patient). If you’ve never meditated before, or expect someone to save you, now is the time for you to learn to:

  • Invite Brother J into your life, and…
  • Start meditating.

For those with a weaker (that is, lesser used) spiritual component, Brother J is your bridge to SOURCE; if you want help, he’s the one to ask. That’s why he did what he did, so long ago. Very few people and beings can speak directly to SOURCE. He is indeed the Son of God, but then again, so are you; we are all tiny pieces of ONE, an Infinite Eternal Extension of SOURCE.

Without that aspiration, you have already been assigned a seat on the CHALLENGE timeline. You and others could carve out a gentler timeline, if you get going right now.

JUMPS and Meterage

The jump started yesterday and continues… the content of the various ‘landings’ currently being programmed by some recent good-sized energy blasts from Portal One, just on the other side of the sun; Portal One is multidimensional, so 3d instruments cannot see it, but we can. Most people can see its effects, however. The sun is making the cabal very nervous… twitchy:


Note that the rigged NFL games were planned a long time ago — by the cabal, not SOURCE. (Just watch the Lions/SF game.) The U.S. elections and war on everything aren’t going the way they want, so PART of the cabal is set on exercising their… let’s say, STRONGMAN option (they have their own ethnic codeword for it). It involves placing nuk3s in key American cities. The cabal wants to have all eyes on [insert city X] for a tragic reason they’re planning (perhaps in multiple cities). They tried this in New Orleans a few years ago, but that attempt was thwarted. Note that this year, the Stuporbowl is on 2/11, and the cabal adores the number 11. And it’s in VEGAS, which is a special place for low-vibery. How gripping will it be to cut the live Stuporbowl broadcast, worldwide, when a major U.S. city gets nuk3d. The cabal already has all the content and press releases written and deployed. We’re guessing they want to sacrifice San Francisco, which is why they literally let that city go to hell, but they could choose Vegas, or one of the other “blue” cities.

That said, the future is NOT written. There is no future. There is only NOW. You’ve got NOW in your hands right now!

If everyone, and everyone they know, sends this info out all over NOW, and people call on their “elected” representatives (not “leaders”) and “law enforcement” NOW to scour BLUE STATE cities for such devices, and make a lot of noise — and they ask SOURCE and SOURCE’s Representatives to help — then they might uncover the plot and stop it. The cabal doesn’t exactly have the sharpest knives in the drawer working for them anymore, so it might be easier to sleuth things out than it’s ever been. If people are motivated to stop it, maybe some can carve out a ‘we-caught-’em’ timeline — but it will still be a lower CHALLENGE timeline. The only way to the upper timelines is with SOURCE. After the split happens, it’s too late. The split is happening right now, or at least it’s being prepped. Feels to us like it’s happening.

None of this is real, of course, but the energy is real.

An “int’l crisis event” conference is of course strategically placed in DC in late February, to take advantage of the above:

All crises are artificial. Without fear, you’re a lot harder to control.

It could be that the final split won’t happen till The Event, and that the faithful will be kept parallel to the CHALLENGE timeline to help get them through the worst of it, but we won’t be affected by it. We aren’t sure because the free-will-choice FROTH is superfrothy right now, more than at any time any of us have seen. Hopefully this post will help steer some where they want to go.

That said…

Light Bubbles

All CATs who were awake for it were met with ‘light bubbles’ surrounding us in the night (felt more than saw). Others may have experienced this as well. We aren’t quite sure what this was for, but considering the jump beforehand, and the timing of the most recent CMEs, and the ‘prelim’ energy released by Portal One and other portals right before, we think this literal SOURCE Shield (bubble) was to keep us from experiencing something that is to mark the CHALLENGE timeline, as we detailed… which could also be called the “Justice timeline,” but it will be more challenging than justice-y. You don’t want to be on any of those.

We are very close to a major split. Do not be afraid. SOURCE is right here, right now, literally holding those-who-choose-SOURCE in the Palm of His Hand. (Sorry, we don’t meant to sound biblical. It’s sometimes unavoidable, esp. considering we talk to Archangels — and now SOURCE — every day.) You have had plenty of time and warning, and now it is literally time to choose, if you haven’t already. You choose with your ACTIONS.

We’d say that those already with SOURCE can relax, but we’re feeling the energy building, and it’s not all that comfortable.

Please note that what happens on the CHALLENGE timeline is NOT punishment. It is EXPERIENCE. Experience that you signed up to have. Nothing happens without your permission. Alas, some people need this experience to finally wake up. Yes, it will take something like that to awaken them. Then, things will take their natural course, for all the different timelines.

In the meantime… WAKE UP, DAMMIT! Wake the kids, phone the neighbors!

Well, don’t wake up too abruptly.

UPDATE1 ~ later this evening

More energy from today (giving us headaches and palpatations, etc.): An M flare we forgot to include in the above post; another CME; and some highly energetic proton activity.

UPDATE2 ~ 1/30/24

For those trying to reach the Schumann site in Siberia, they and some other Russian meters have added DNS probes to their sites, which most modern systems view as an attack which will break the site for you. (If you’re NOT seeing the site as broken, you might need to upgrade your system.) Not sure if the Russians did this or someone hacked the servers that a lot of “our community” uses (whatever you want to call those who are curious about the SR), but all the Russian sites seem to be affected.

UPDATE3 ~ later

FYI, here’s the latest from Ann and the Angels:


It is so much easier to create change in your life than you might imagine. In fact, you can begin to turn your life in a new direction with the very next thought. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had years of disappointment or frustration. You can shift to a vibration that opens you to satisfaction. Even if you have a life-threatening illness, you can find the frequency that allows wellness to flow. If you’ve “blown” your fortune, wasted opportunities, or not appreciated love, you can still shift into a glorious existence, starting right here and now.

Even as you read this message, you can open to the ever-present, beyond-your-imagination flow of love from the Source. You will have that opportunity in every moment of your eternal existence. No matter what you’ve done, said, experienced, or chosen, you never “lose your right” to receive love, and love will never stop flowing. You are all learning to open to its broadcast.

If you look at life through the lens of third-dimensional, material reality, change can easily seem impossible. You may not have the knowledge, the resources, or even the energy to “do” what it takes to “make” your life change. However, through the 5D (energetic) lens, change is simple. You look around and find something to feel good about. You dare to fantasize about what you want and shift your thoughts away from the same old expectation of disappointment. You begin to live now, seeking good feelings now, drawing from what is around you now to raise your vibration.

You allow the universe to do what it does by its very design—love you, guide you, inspire you, and assist you in creating all that you want.Instead of agonizing over how to handle a situation, you surrender to your heart that wants to dream, feel, and allow good to flow.

As you continue to practice these subtle shifts throughout your days—in even the smallest ways—you are learning to tune your energy field. You all understand the concept of tuning. You grab your remote control, select a station, and tune into it. You push the buttons in your car to select a radio station, and you tune into it. Something catches your attention, and you tune into it. You think of a lemon, and you tune into that, causing your body to create chemical reactions that match. An athlete imagines dunking the basketball into the hoop, and their body begins to send nerve signals and cause muscle contractions that are the exact match to their imagined success.

Examples of tuning are everywhere. The person who says, “I get sick every year,” gets sick every year. The person who says and believes, “I don’t have time to be ill,” rarely gets ill. The person who says, “Money just flows to me,” experiences it, while the one who says often, “Money just seems to flow out the door,” will wave goodbye to their money quite often. The one who says and means, “I love life!” has love reflected in so many ways, while the ones who cry, “What is this world coming to?” seem to find more and more examples of insanity and impending doom.

Your world is a smorgasbord of frequencies and behaviors. You will notice what you tune into. Your body is a symphony of energy and chemistry that is highly attuned to the vibrations you create with your thoughts and feelings. A cascade of chemical and electrical reactions results from every thought and feeling.

As you learn how to tune your vibration, grant yourself grace. Sometimes, feeling “better” is not yet “best.” If you are deeply upset, having a good rant in order to let off steam can often make you feel better. Rant to your angels! We listen and hold space for your powerful self to emerge. Sometimes, thinking unpleasant thoughts about someone is a step above feeling victimized. Just don’t stay stuck in those spaces. Reach for better. You deserve to feel good.

For example, when someone treats you unkindly or when you witness someone behaving in a way that upsets you, you may find yourself re-living the scene over and over in your thoughts. You notice how bad that feels. You are vibrating at a frequency of “victim.” You may have truly been victimized in 3D. However, you don’t want to stay stuck there. You don’t want to focus on that and attract more. You want to find and feel your soul’s loving power.

Knowing what you know about energy, you can start to reach for better: 

“They have no idea how painful and destructive their behavior is!” you rant. “I hope someone does it to them someday!” You start to feel more empowered, but if you’re honest, that doesn’t quite feel good enough yet.

“Actually, I don’t care about what they feel! I want to feel good!” Better still.

“I deserve to feel good. Is there anything I can feel good about now?” I think I’ll get a good meal. I truly deserve more than this!” Better yet, but you’re still a little focused on the upset.

“Wow, this meal is good. I have a good life.” You look around and see how small and insignificant the bad behavior is compared to the blessings in your life. You start to feel appreciation for the blessings. You genuinely feel relief. Now you’re tuning to love and manifesting better, too.

The universe doesn’t keep score. You could attract difficulties for decades, and after five minutes of genuinely feeling good about yourself and genuinely focusing on good things in life, you would start to run into kinder people and more comfortable situations whenever you go. You would start to see “coincidences” and synchronicities appear.

Every now is brand new. Every thought is a chance to feel better or not. Every feeling shifts your vibration either towards or away from what you want. Given no direction, your conditioned brain will likely go in and out of lower and higher vibrations to the point where not much changes. But when you can take charge of this and start to shift to feeling better, you start to create a spiral of positive momentum. Keep it going as best you can because, eventually, that positive momentum will start to show up as an avalanche of good feelings, people, things, and circumstances.

Change is entirely possible, dear ones. Right now, think of something that gives you joy—a loved one, a favorite meal, your blankets, the sunshine, anything at all. Think of it. Think of why you like it. Feel the good feelings. In this very instant that you have attuned to love, your past is irrelevant. What happened yesterday is irrelevant. You are now, in this moment, attuned to love and attracting better. You do deserve to feel good, attract good, and share good. The universe never keeps score, so when you wobble, try again. Keep it up.

Practice and you’ll eventually get so good at tuning, dear friends, that life will become a joyful, playful game of creation.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

[©Ann Albers, www.visionsofheaven.com]

UPDATE4 ~ later

FYI, the Schumann and those other Russian sites work, again. Someone realized that by turning those snoopers on they were killing their numbers. OR… it was hackers. OR… it was both. Who cares.

Btw, we found this recent Arcturian quote quite apt: “Do not deny appearances, but rather cease giving them power by acknowledging the reality underlying all appearances.”

UPDATE5 ~ later

Oh, and then the Japanese landed a rover on the moon…

…except they didn’t. That ain’t the moon, folks. That’s just earth dirt, and that’s just an Apollo “moon” photo backdrop. Why do these “space agencies” even bother? To simply moneylaunder and eat steak and drink expensive wine and squeeze various… things… that they squeeze? Guess so. Anyway, something else not to pay attention to.

UPDATE6 ~ 1/31/24

We’re back from the jump/adjustment. CATs had all kinds of weird experiences. There was a GRB shortly afterward:

Some CATs and readers are reporting “weird tingling,” some on the head, some the body, some feet, some with a combo. ~AM has had some activity, but we still need to get a download on that. More later.

UPDATE7 ~ 2/2/24

For those of you who like straight lines… there was a little jump in the night, shortly after midnight PST:

AND… Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning. So, an early spring in inbound… if you believe in the veracity of small subterranean mammals.

Winter food tip: If you’re making pasta, add a little chopped andouille sausage, smoked salmon or bacon to deepen the flavors of the parmesan.

UPDATE8 ~ 2/3/24

Everyone should read this latest from Matthew Ward, by way of Suzy Ward. Nothing new, but reading it stated differently will help some achieve a deeper understanding of where we are. There are ‘channelers’ in the ‘light community’ who are spouting nonsense (because they set no protection!), but Suzy Ward is not one of them.

About half the CATs felt this this am. This time neutrons… from somewhere. The first graph makes it look like the neutron count was up only a few hundred points, but the alert that we get showed the count up over 800%. In fact, it rang the bell:

That’s from that ET site in the ice at Thule in N. Greenland. The rising energies set it off. Nothing surprises us these days.

There were also four GRBs (so far) today:

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