Dragon Prophecy

One of the MEOWRACLEs just oraculated in the middle of a group meditation. It happened before, a few weeks ago, but took us off guard, so none of us wrote it down (which is admittedly lame). BUT, since we just heard the same message AGAIN, we scrambled to record it this time. The MEOWRACLE got two ZINGS. The first is a prophecy, which is as follows:


Sorry, we wanted it to rhyme, too.

We know which dragon wins. More on this later. We can’t comment, as speaking of things gives other things power. And no, this is not metaphor. We’re talking about actual dragons duking it out on a plane above our own. We won’t say why at this time. Suffice to say it’s a good thing. We’ll let you know when it starts. The signs that the old regime is falling are all around you.

The second ZING:

During The Event, it’s going to “rain” red or green energy. Or both. So when you see this, you’ll know what’s happening.

All is well. Keep meditating.

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24 thoughts on “Dragon Prophecy

  1. On matters of dragons……..a few weeks ago I was walking with my friend when I saw a small cuddly toy dragon on the pavement. Green with a soft rainbow belly, I picked him up and fastened him to my friend's mobility scooter. Then I forgot all about it. I saw it today and thought “Wow, I found a rainbow dragon”

  2. Dragons are admittedly a near non-sequitur for “rational” moderns… but The CAT staff experienced what it experienced. No idea why we were singled out for the privilege — or for the *others*. More on that when we can talk about it. Suffice to say that Edward de Vere's… er, I mean Shakespeare's First Folio copy of *Hamlet* orig. featured the line, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in OUR philosophy.”

  3. Da-da,Thanks for the candid conversation! Know that you have acted in alignment with regards to what hasn't been published. Yes, Life IS FUN!!!!

  4. I am hoping against hope that this is true. Have been given false hope for at least the last five years. Keeping the faith.

  5. It's true. It also came as a complete surprise to all involved.

  6. Cascade event pending… Will the incorporate act artificially or with humanity… In the spending?We await… the fates… of animal mates… Evolve or dissolve?Tough choice over a dollar bill that is worth nothing but your intention! Silly animals and their artificial construction!

  7. Since we live in a multi-verse of many dimensions, I would think it All is comprised of just about anything and everything that Source can imagine. Looking for info about Dragons on the net, seems the Oriental legendary importance of Dragons is hinted at being related to the ET presence of that category. I also will not name them…As far as what the “rational” moderns think, if I thought this blog was created for them, I would not be here reading it.None of this seems far-fetched to me. In fact, it is far far easier for me to believe that there is a city-size ethereal Dragon arriving, than it is for me to believe that any Source of Creative Intelligence with any sense of compassion would allow the level of deplorable planetary suffering and destruction that is occurring here. Most all dignified humans understand, that if you make a mess – if you really screw something up — then you are expected to clean it up! And “they are coming from a place of NO TIME” doesn't excuse it for me. And if this is part of some Cycle that just repeats itself over and over again, that is the really unexplainable part. This “experiment” should have only happened once. Did someone forget to take notes?Why believe in a Rainbow Dragon?WHY NOT?

  8. Definitely red rain (bows)!!! Check out: http://www.spaceweather.comAlso note the Aurora outburst! A crack letting a stream of NEGATIVELY charged particles enter the magnetosphere -in the OPPOSITE direction of the magnetic field!!! Why? It is DIRECT 'red rain'! The 'evil hack' on humanity has been cracked!!! Natural 'reprogramming' in situ!!!! Let's just say that evolving women will be attracted to TRULY 'good' guys… You know, MASS EXTINCTION EVENT. Duh.

  9. Saw the dragon yesterday under the influence of LSD among flower of life fractal patterns, pretty much as deep you can go.

  10. Keep an eye out for Snow Moon Monday! Nothing is actually random in your (submitted to) reality other than your (guided) perception! What? You likely percieve from a socially pleasing yet ever so comfortable pigeon-holed box seat of (programmed) consciousness! Sort of like an ice cold snow moon vantage point… Positively BEAMING at the death, destruction, disease, and separation while safely ensconsed in the 'love' of country, family, friends and boundaries, right? Weird way to live. This is why we have authorities and pyramid gods. They keep us up UP and away from the death and fear… separate. Cold hearted. Dis-eased, in fact. It is a necessity for them to do this to the (inferior?) soul group, as THEIR perception of you is one of AVATAR TOYS to be 'driven' to a so-called 'spiritual' lesson-accoding to their distortions. How do I know? I'm just good, as in opposed to evil! Let's just say that it turns out that some Freemasons are weak-ass psychics, poor drunks and bad shots! Loose lips/hearts/minds cause loose vowels!!! You see, independent true sources of information simultaneously dissolve disinformation while integrating organizing the antimatter into something that matters! Crystallized tooth!!! Oops… Truth! (TMI, I hope yours aren't false or your nose will grow!) Fear isn't in evolved Human nature… it was a survival mechanism that was reinduced (by a-holes) due to a FALL in divine consciousness to animal, as it is clearly exhibited by herded/penned animals. Stay in THAT pigeonhole!!! Don't trust me as a “Source”? Ask your 'guides' during meditation if my truth is pure. Does it make logical sense in a common way? Check your heart in the process. Hmm… what is ex-stinked? Your dependence on the soul group!!! Why? Dare I say, it doesn't exactly have your best interests at 'heart'! It starts to devour… ITSELF! Why? Selfie!!!! Run over here… Where the grass is greener!!!

  11. Imminent future of the (old) soul group, as your controllers entropically decay:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3455568/Die-break-ultimate-taboo-Survivor-s-moving-account-Andes-plane-crash-victims-forced-eat-friends-bodies-story-haunts-world-40-years-on.htmlDon't worry, as it is a simple (deranged?) thing to evolve out of! Yep. Simply be Human, selfless towards life and truthful! Lie to be selfish so you can afford to buy into a “new world order” or simply truly order yourself to a selfless Life in new world!!! At present, literally less than 10% of the population supports 90%, through sheer responsiblity and hidden selflessness. Imagine what happens when the 90% actually work (evolve) and support the 10% because those that are TRUE AND RESPOSIBLE with love have the KEY to their future life! Instead of 10% slaving 8 hrs./day + overtime, 90% work only hour or two… Yes, the soul group has to burn off karma to catch up! ABSOLUTELY.

  12. FYI, the historic Quetzalcoatl — the previous higher-level dragon to appear on earth — was male. And indeed, he was also known as The Rainbow Dragon (as well as Kukulkan, etc). However, the latest RBD was *born here*, so she's a native Terran (like most of us) — and female this time. Note that Quetzalcoatl's “name” (not real name), teachings and functions were subverted by several patriarchal groups for their own ends as the world shifted downward thousands of years ago. We at The CAT find it best to ignore much of this past nomenclature-mojo-overhead and look at things with fresh eyes… and give things our own names. Thus, we have OUR OWN NAME for the RBD. We'll dislose that soon. Since we brought it up, we've been wondering what level the RBD is. It's our understanding that *she is her own layer now,* which is one step down from the Oversoul [so she's 8th? 9th density? not sure], just as (the real) Isis apparently was when she (allegedly) came here directly from SOURCE. (We say allegedly, as we've only seen this info from one source.)

  13. When she hits her head, she gets at least n resonant overtones… You can't see them all unless you are light and fast with your thoughts -and can think in n-dimensions, simultaneously. Why? More info came out! (It is a strange autistic/rainman kinda way to think that is a feature of higher order neurological-heart crystallization set up through the syntropic resonance, as one approaches… Life.) That being stated, Spirit evolves as it dances with the Soul… seeing with fresh eyes!!! Speaking of seeing, that dragon picture that was posted depicts the growing green ascension process, linear, then crazy unwinding spirals as it travels up to the Source at the head. No wonder she's so nice… Until you look like a tasty little evil morsel!

  14. Very! Synchronous and important – adds emphasis, let's you know you're on track, etc. All numbers have meanings and lessons! I see from the other post you've gained your own info on it – awesome! Repeating numbers are always important – OP posted at 2/12/2016 01:26:00 PM for example. Can Lynn do a mini reading for this topic? Doreen virtue and David Wilcock are both very aware of number meanings – good starts for research. http://in5d.com/1111-synchronicity-repetitive-numbers-and-their-meaning/

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