Going UP [UPDATE2]

Whoa. Some of us felt like we were being pulled UP earlier today — feeling truly weightless — around 2:00 or 3:00 pm PDT (no one noted the exact time). Some wondered if The Event was starting. Meters show something at that time, too:

Though some of us just weren’t doing it right.

UPDATE1 8-5-18

Hm. Mexico’s neutron meters went bonkers today:

Then we noticed two GRB (gamma ray burst) events around the same time.

And some other kerfufflage about the same time:

Then there was a 7.0 earthquake in Indonesia around that window.

Hm. Shallow. We’re gonna look at that.

UPDATE2 8-5-18

Yup. The M’s have confirmed: that “earthquake” was HAARP practice.

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19 thoughts on “Going UP [UPDATE2]

  1. I was one who felt it. I thought that The Event was starting… then the CAT to my right was staring at me like, “What?”Damn.-CAT5

  2. Confirmed, I was walking on clouds most of the afternoon trying to figure out what was going on and if I should lie down before fainting or take my chances. But hey, at least that one was new; and I prefer it to what came before.~Sifoo

  3. I was napping at that time, but woke up aching all over & feeling hungover.

  4. I had this too, and yes, I thought it was the Event beginning lol.My whole head was feeling weightless and the energy was crazy intense.Mark

  5. Sorry, the coupon was only good for one Event. ;)-CAT10

  6. Seriously. I'll take some UP moments anytime over UGH moments.~M2

  7. Well, those who have established themselves as EVENT METERS, keep yourselves ON 24/7. Thank you for your cooperation. ;)-CAT2

  8. Coffee's on CAT2!Also, everyone, please turn the coffee maker off at night, huh? Otherwise the coffee bakes in there and creates Navy Coffee, which is only useful during emergencies and for degreasing engines.

  9. I don't even look at the NASA meters anymore. They appear scrubbed.

  10. Yup, in southern Mexico, feeling weightless and felt my house swaying with only a gentle breeze outside. Was unique and surreal. Lots of Love,

  11. I had a SERIOUS case of the FLU (Frequency Light Upgrades)… started around this time yesterday afternoon with a wild throb in the head and then continued on until night. Huge third eye and sacral/root activity, with some profound heart releasing as well that resulted as a shift in my whole rib cage. By the time I got in bed, walking and moving were mostly offline, but there was a REALLY positive and motivating song that played on endlessly in my head that seemed to make it all OK. Awoke this morning feeling incredibly NEW. I look younger in the mirror, almost didn't recognize myself.love/light

  12. I just put four pounds of Kenyan and Decaf Costa Rican in the freezer, all. Grind away!-CAT2

  13. So very well said:”NO-ONE can take away your KNOWING of ‘EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT’ … no matter what is presented outwardly. And should one so CHOOSE to hang on to that KNOWING above all else, no matter how things appear … then ‘EVERYTHING ‘WILL’ BE ALRIGHT.’ You have the ‘Free will’ to make these decisions.”But what do you expect from the Oversoul (via Blossom)?http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/index.html?page=BG351aug4.html-CAT6

  14. The perfect words at the perfect time:===============”You have on your Planet what is known as THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. It is a law unto itself. That which you think, you attract.The Energy in which you CHOOSE to Vibrate regarding your thoughts and desires, is the ultimate key as to whether or not such desires come to you sooner rather than later. This too, is your ‘Free will’.One can moan and complain until they are blue in the face. This too, is ‘Free will’.One can adopt a change within their thought patterns of negativity and change their lives around, literally, due to their focus on that which they desire and Vibrating on the knowing that it is theirs. You have the FREE WILL to BE YOURSELF.”==========~M5

  15. I was playing music with some friends sound this time. We came up with some beautiful trance like stuff, luckily it was recorded!

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