That Monday AM Message of Unity

The CAT abides, man.

Hi, all. Ok. Everyone needs to try this.

I’ve been experimenting with playing “the game” (as the Oversoul terms it) with love and mirth. Since I can see the wheels and gears working behind everything, I actually call out this mechanism — as its working, or trying to work — when I’m talking to anyone about anything, keeping it friendly and funny… and the whole illusion collapses. It’s like a SOURCE curveball. People actually stop because you’re messing with the script, then they respond with such happy surprise. Just be yourself, and fully embrace what we all are: spirit brothers. We are all One. We are all extensions of SOURCE. Go about your life as a goodwill ambassador for SOURCE (without actually saying so, and see what happens). You’ve gotta try it. And if something goes wrong: laugh. It’s a *game.* So have fun with it.

And if anyone mentions politics, turn it around into a call for Unity. I can’t tell you how many times a day I have to say, “I think it’s time we all came together and just got along.” Let’s be adults and give Unity a chance.


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38 thoughts on “That Monday AM Message of Unity

  1. Just let it come out. SOURCE is in there, man. Don't let the nihilists get you down.~AM

  2. “Profound change cannot be forced upon us, it has to be allowed in.”-CAT4

  3. Thanks AM. The funny thing (no pun intended) is that what you just mentioned is just what I've been doing with others these past few days. It certainly lifts my spirit (Sorry, I don't seem to stop being punny!)

  4. I was in a supermarket today with my son, and I farted loudly in an isle. I'm afraid to say it was very much deliberately done.Most folk glared, but then some grinned too, as my son and I wheeled into the next isle pathetically trying to mask our mirth.Is this what you mean AM? Mark

  5. Um… not exactly. I was thinking more along the lines of absurdity, like Monty Python's “Confuse-a-Cat.” But to each their own.~AM

  6. Yes, I'd been doing this more and more for some time, and hadn't realized what was happening. I'm sure LOTS of people are better at this than I am!~AM

  7. Man, we can't see anything right now. We're guessing this will change after we get through this next eclipse. Yowsa. This last eclipse is the doorway to the equinox… which is itself a doorway… are we there, yet?Make sure you BREATHE if you feel weird. It's hard to ground all this energy, there's just so much, so BREATHE through it.~M2

  8. Btw, besides BREATHING, fasting also helps with managing the energies. We suggest either fasting, or eating light… unless you're starving. Who knows? The more we experience, the more we realize that we don't know anything! You are your own rules. Like ~AM just said (to all of us, personally), “THE EVENT IS YOU!”-CAT Editors

  9. While we're just throwing things out there, note that the US Air Force didn't use a laser to shoot down a meteor over Greenland: it just exploded on its own. Their claim kinda made me laugh.~M3

  10. Ok, enough is enough. We'd like all those reading these words to imagine Pacific Ocean water, immediately adjacent to California, transpiring UP into the atmosphere… generating a massive wall of gentle rain that will put out all the CA fires. No need to chime in, just imagine it. We also have our SuperFriends working to this end. Let's see if this works.~M4

  11. Also imagine HAARP as an old model antenna that you just stepped on.-CAT5

  12. Ok. I was dealing with some dry business guy and I knew what he was going to say before he said it… so I did. He was so taken-aback/flabbergasted that he started to flounder… so I stepped in and made a joke… he was so disarmed that the previous quasi-adversarial relationship became one of pure Unity. The illusory world is an imperfect place, but it has PERFECTION and REALITY at its core (that is, all of us, and SOURCE). Once you let go, trust in the process, and tap into this notion, even with total strangers, magic happens. Think of yourself as Hawkeye on M.A.S.H.: bad things happen… you make a joke… you make the best of a bad situation… and you CONNECT with the person you're dealing with, in spirit, and with humor. Problems evaporate. People come together.~AM

  13. Ironically, the Event will be the biggest exercise in DIS-unity the planet has ever seen. Looks like even Source has had enough of trying to find common ground with between two incompatible groups, and is finally going to give each group its own space.

  14. In the last transmission Bashar was asked about 'solar flash' , he said it is a reflection of you getting higher in vibration, like a torch is flashed against a mirror.As universe just reflects back your state.

  15. Well… only if it happens that way. We don't know anything for sure. Lots of people are talking about The Event, and some (most of us) have seen this SHIFT/SPLIT, whatever you want to call it… but… we just HAD one. A big one. And a lot of negative people are still here. Perhaps the visions are to get us to OVERCOME the split… in advance. SOURCE will never give up on us. Never.~M2

  16. I'm here is Hawaii (Big Island). While Pele is calming down,the energies are amping up. Woke up totally exhausted today and barely able to work. We are AT the crescendo of whatever is happening. Can't wait to see what is next. Love, love this website. You guys are the only ones giving updates on a frequent basis. That's why everyone LOVES the CATS.Zandriel

  17. Has anyone else felt so eerily calm lately? And by that I mean, more than usual? Hardly anything fazes me anymore. It's almost scary. But I'm also feeling more compassion than in the past. And that's ignoring the countless headaches, heat (energy) flashes and stomach upsets I've had lately. Just how many frickin' upgrades am I getting in this short time? Stop the world, I wanna get off…-Francis

  18. Hit me too but a little later.Keep nodding off and have ringing in ears.Mark

  19. Yup. I wish the calm stayed longer. We're also having all the same somatic symptoms. The upgrades are seemingly endless.The Event couldn't have simply happened all at once: it would've killed all of us.-CAT3

  20. Thanks! That's nice to hear. Note that while we're at THIS crescendo, there's probably another crescendo after that. And another. And another. We're all (mentally) prowling all over the place looking for some break in the energy so we can see what's ahead. Energywise, it's like looking through a living lightning storm.~M5

  21. Da-da, I had a reading from LISA Tuesday. She couldn't see beyond the eclipse on the eleventh. All that was allowed to see was me being jack-hammered from all directions. It's now Wed., and I can tell you, it's relentless! Aaarrrgh!

  22. M5 that was a reply to M2 and the disunity comment thread it just showed up wrong

  23. Note that not all posts and comments will make sense to everyone all the time. Sometimes, you understand as it happens to you. That's the way it was for me in the beginning.-CAT11

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