78 thoughts on “Hottest Mask for Halloween 2018

  1. It’s brilliant, really.

    Now witness the panic when they try to bury it before it sticks. Fake news isn’t quite going to do it this time, most were more than happy to forget all about children being raped and murdered for fun.


    1. Yeah, brilliant indeed. The most ingineous act has a grace of simplicity that has an enormous influence without an effort.

      They tried to indoctrinate just about everybody with “be like everybody else”. Now this meme practically undermines the programing by stating “anybody acting like everybody is fake and unreal (and if u r real u can’t be, look & act like everybody)”. And so, naturally the disturbing and spontaneously arising question is: who and what is real in this holodeck?

    1. We should all start playing a new game, for pure fun: make 2 or more teams and post sth smart on twitter, fakebook, and the rest of them, and see whose acc gets deleted faster (those players will be the winners). Can u imagine the loss of fakebook and twitter, etc if this game goes viral across the globe? It kinda is in progress already anyway but how about doing it deliberately and no longer taking it seriously? Then we will be playing with them and leading the game instead of them playing us.

      1. This meme was started and promoted by a few dozen denizens of 4chan, and all their accounts were quickly deleted once the meme caught on. Still, it continues to spread, with Tech Tyrannies playing Whack-a-Mole trying to stamp out all the new posts.

          1. Doubt that the majority is real. I’d say the minority is real. Some minority is still asleep but they are waking up, those are real and asleep. I had a meeting with at least one…. very real…NPC. I couldn’t figure out what was missing and why, until one day, as I looked deeply into the matter, the revelation dawned on me. All the dots connected by themselves.

            1. Actually, with very rare exceptions, every single person you see is a tiny tear-drop of Spirit. Some are misguided. ALL are your brother (or sister, but since there really is no gender, per se…).

              We forwarded this NPC thing because:

              1. It’s hilarious
              2. It’s absurd
              3. We dislike the media
              4. It sticks in the craw of the PTW.
              5. We’re CATs — and consequently, represent scale models of chaos. 😉

              -CAT Eds.

          2. So glad to see you CATS confirm that there are (mostly) no such things as background people. It never sat right with me that people in the spiritual community could dismiss others as soulless. Clueless or brainwashed or unpleasant certainly, but I refuse to believe that anyone is here just to be scenery.

            1. A certain branch of the greys uses a kind of genetic automaton that’s spiritless, but who have a certain programmed kindness to make test subjects more docile; interestingly, if you grew fond of one of them — and actually felt love for it — it would become as real as you. Gives you some indication of how powerful you are, how powerful LOVE is.

              Even the dark entities who were attacking us (since forever, but who are now all gone) were your brothers, they’re just CORRUPTED spirits.


    1. I think there are quite many.
      I’ve tried talking to some, and they respond as if they follow a script. NPCs.

  2. Sorcha Faal? Well, at least the disinfo is getting more creative.

      1. We used that link because Sorcha is so much more entertaining than the NYT. Plus, when we first saw it, we had SO MUCH more on our minds…

        Like that timeline GAP reconstruction. It’s probably almost done. Our dreams showed it as being barely attached, but SOURCE works FAST.

        -CAT Eds.

  3. I once read a blog that said we manifest “extras” to be in our reality depending on how we are feeling. For example, feeling constricted and angry and resentful? You might generate lots of traffic and a huge crowd in the airport to mirror your constricted energy.

    I have wondered about that ever since. I make a point to say hello to people who might be “extras” in my movie, but to date I have not identified any NPCs. They seem real enough.

    I think the meme is metaphorical but is certainly striking a nerve with some people!

  4. So, the prediction of the lady from Venus who posted her article/video on in5d.com and who claimed an event-like scenario was gonna take place between the 6-7 Oct-17 Oct was wrong- another event prediction that didn’t come true. This time I am not upset as that’s precisely what I was expecting from the moment I heard her say it. It turns out that the only person who was accurate in her prediction of the transition to higher dimensions was Dolores Cannon who said that it would happen, but it would happen slowly and gradually, over the years, and there would be incremental changes over a long period of time.

    1. Hm. There are no beings from Venus. Venus is an empty wasteland.

      And… we hope what we’ve been seeing all this time comes to pass dramatically, as we’ve seen it, as well as (as it already has been and continues…) gradually. We actually saw the same thing Lisa Gawlas did, but since Spirit experiences time differently…

      -CAT Eds.

    1. I tried to pick the cat gender but it wouldn’t let me.

      That website is fascist and I don’t like it.

      1. I agree. Found the same thing taking place there, left the site without a second consideration. Don’t like it for the same reason.

      2. Yeah, what’s up with that…
        Not to mention the three-gendered minority, erm shats?
        I don’t like people who don’t care about shat rights as much as I do, fascist scum.


  5. It’s not just that, the only political orientation any gender/avatar on this site is allowed to pick is a nazi one, no other option, WTF is this? I don’t know who runs that site but this is just nasty.

  6. Wow, I love when 4chan hits mainstream. Thank you for sharing this, I was oblivious as I browse quite a small niche of the internet. I got a really great belly laugh reading the NYT article…

    “Aren’t you giving these trolls the attention they’re seeking by writing about them in The New York Times?

    Yes, probably… ”

    They are very extreme, yes. Though, so is the mainstream media. Everything is balance, in the illusion.

    It merely took the development of the internet to create social media that can have as much if not more impact than the broadcast news.

    Welcome to the future-is-now, everybody!

    /in other news, I believe the timeline adjustment has grounded… SO many minute, yet positive, details shifted in my life today.


  7. Have a lovely birthday gift – Another Headache! Arrg. Is it just me or is anyone else suffering?

  8. Slippery slope! We need to be very careful not to treat younger, unawakened souls the same way the ptw have treated so many. I vote with the Cat’s…Source sparks until proven otherwise.

  9. My 2 bits today. Since ALL IS, even the NPC are source. Anything we think, say, imagine, or do is ultimately Source. Big, Big, BIG picture.

    1. Not exactly. SOURCE is literally LOVE, and exists outside The Illusion. Anything we think, say, imagine, or do is ultimately still inside The Illusion. All people and ETs and higher-order beings are our ANPs (Abiotic Neuter Pronouns). We’re basically talking to Ourself a lot.


      1. My point exactly. Source/Love is beyond our ability to put into words that which is indescribable.

      2. M6, if Source is everything then naturally, IT IS the fabric of the illusion too. Also to the cat eds: Venus may be a barren planet but it doesn’t mean that other life consciousness free of physical form does not exist there. This consciousness of another species can well be merged with the planetary body and be existing/evolving together and simultaneously with the planet (just an example). I am not defending anybody, however I am sometimes surprised how you categorically state certain things as the ultimate truth not to be re-examined. Here is one of the examples. Dolores Cannon wasn’t a psychic, however she got a few reports from her clients about the backdrop people presence on this planet ….in majority, e.g., in the airports or other crowded places. Lisa M Harrison and her team (relatively recently) found out that there are very few heart and soul beings here and the majority are the backdrop ppl or MPCs. At least be accurate and say that according to you (cats & Ms, etc) it is this or that way. I am not taking any preference towards this or that (including the mentioned ones) reporter, psychic or an investigator of the things outside of 3d reality, but it would be only fair if you: 1) allow some more/additional investigation of the reports coming from other more or less credible sources, esp. when those reports contradict yours. 2) encourage independent thinking/awareness of those who visit/read this blog not promote their following without the necessary and sufficient discernment.

        I understand there are those who are always ready to jump on any statement that screams all is love (do you personally feel it all over without any interruption and on a permanent basis esp when things go terribly wrong? NO? Then don’t say that all is love b/c it’s NOT your permanent and direct experience of reality, rather it’s a mental concept and in truth you have no idea what it is), inhumane activity is an illusion (really? maybe conceptually, tell me that next time you deal with any consequence of any government abuse of power and freedom of expression taking place just about everywhere. I am sure we all have a very direct experience of that, it’s not just a concept), all is right (…not on the ground of this planet, and if it were, we wouldn’t be so eager to experience the event that is supposed to correct all or most of the senile activity supported by the sleeping masses on this planet), the source will correct this mess ( I am not too sure who will correct this mess and when, but I suspect it’s gonna be the mess makers and mess supporters who will have to fix it). How about getting real and present with the ongoing reality AS IT IS which at this very moment is not harmonized to the supreme love frequency even if you repeat one million times that all is love- well, in theory, in the mean time it’s chaos and mess, people are tired of it and very few are making any effort or choice to make themselves today more aware, less traumatized and more harmonized than yesterday.

        1. No. The Illusion is AN ILLUSION. It has nothing to do with SOURCE. WE made it.

          Venus is barren — at all levels. It has always been barren. Any entity claiming to be from there is misrepresenting itself. Many psychics who get info from other people are susceptible to trickster spirits. This occasionally happened to Dolores Cannon. It’s happened with Sophia Love, and many others. Psychics have to be very careful not to get fished in by fakes. However, when all of us see the same thing…

          All the people you see around you are people, spirits (who think they’re) in bodies. The NPC thing is just a joke. There are no “background people.” ALL are your brothers. ALL are connected to SOURCE, even “evil” beings and “fallen” angels.

          The “inhumane treatment” is all in peoples’ minds. It is an illusion. It is a projection of our minds. There is no mess. SOURCE and ONE are trying to HEAL YOUR MIND, not clean up a mess (though I guess by “cleaning up the mess” they’re healing your mind). But they’re also dealing with free will, and trying no to step on your toes. Meanwhile, people insist on being insane and doing insane things… in their minds. Thought takes form in action, but it is energy, not mass. It is things moving on a 3D screen, not in reality. THERE IS NO MASS. It is an illusion. How could Brother J walk on water? He knew it’s an illusion, and can thus be manipulated with his mind.

          The only thing that exists is SOURCE and US. Everything else is fake, a construct. It’s not worth getting excited about. SOURCE is worth getting excited about! SOURCE is literally Living LOVE. Peace and stillness are It’s natural state. If you had experienced SOURCE you would realize this, and everything else would become meaningless.

          ‘Howabout getting real’?

          Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing UNreal exists. Equanimity is key.

          Heal *your* mind. Don’t worry about anyone else. All are on their own path.


      3. I’m getting a bit boggled now. I once had a dream (or experience) that I will remember all my life. I was in the presence of very bright beings of light and felt such love. It was almost indescribable. So strong that I felt bereft as I woke up and tried to stay there. The feeling of loss lasted for hours. Did I travel outside the illusion and contact beings closer to source?

          1. This reminds me of a dream I had a few years ago when I was in a very abusive relationship. I had been in tears all day, really, really low, in despair etc… I had a dream that night. I was in a party atmosphere. I man came up to me, he was shining with light, so full of love and he told me everything was going to be okay. I remember waking up laughing with a real, innocent, child like sense of joy! The man had told me his name was Elijah I seem to remember. it has stuck with me as the contrast between Elijah and the joy I felt in that dream, being near him and the fear and hopelessness I had felt earlier in the day was so huge! x

      4. We are abiotic pronouns?
        It will take me some time to digest this …
        If we are here to have more experiences, why are we pronouns?
        Why not nouns?
        … and does it matter …
        Wow, food for thought … another puzzle, just when I thought I know more about the meaning of life … starting from scratch, I am
        I’ll be pondering about this all night (well, it is 23:20 p.m. already)

          1. Wow!
            I am not IT, I am a projection of my HS …
            These projections are called humans.

    2. While all is SOURCE, I envision a good visualization/metaphor is:
      Imagine ~
      source = the sun
      the polar opposite = an illusion-created flourescent lightbulb.

      Soul-sparks that “wake up” realize, they are a piece of the sun, and “look” to it for becoming unified as ONE again.

      NPC’s have been molded/convinced to look to the flourescent lightbulb for direction, instead of the sun.


  10. YES that is why 14 years ago I dragged my TV to the end of my driveway with a sign on it ” STILL WORKS ” , it disappeared, I never replaced it and don’t miss MSM but its trying to take over the internet, and that is NOT nice!

  11. …the ppl who run Ecuadorian Embassy are lunatics. Listen to this: ” Ecuador is threatening to kidnap Assange’s embassy cat and bring him to an animal shelter if they deem it is not being properly cleaned up after.” The cat was given to Julian by his kids. The whole thing is like the last drop of insanity in action that completes the list of new draconian rules that basically disallow Julian Assange to be Julian Assange…

    “The cat was a gift from his children earlier this year and has its own twitter account @EmbassyCat.”

    The dressed cat pic and the article (mostly about the cat) is below.


    1. Don’t forget: all those poor scroogle fools and NPC goobs are… your brothers. You’ll have to get along at the family reunion one day…


  12. Why kidnap it??
    Why not offer their help?
    The cat will certainly mind it being kidnapped …

      1. Yes there were two one on each side of the sun! What is a sun dog? Is it a being? ❤️

  13. Another instance of bi-location today. While meditating out in the sun, I became aware of myself moving down the road, ~5 blocks away. I was enjoying a whole separate “thought” process.

    I am becoming more adept in remaining in the “other” awareness while knowing of both.


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