Big Mover & YATJ #52 [UPDATE2]


Hello and welcome to April. we wrote this yesterday, but didn’t want it to come out on Fool’s Day, which we dislike. The time of being the fool is over. And YES, we’re all getting roasted by Wave X energy, but what else is new?

That said, there’s much going on. Lookie:

We have a new BIG Mover in the solar system. Look at this time-lapse video before it has itself an accident. What we’re talking about crosses from left to right, below the sun, thus:

Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 12.51.39 PM
Here’s a still. Watch that Big Boy crawl past the sun.

Of course, gynormous ET craft around the sun are hardly big news to CAT readers, but ones that are as wide as the sun?? We’re pretty sure that’s an “Alnitakan” ship (they’re neutrals from Alnitak, one of the stars in Orion’s Belt)…

Most of the CATs are from Mintaka, btw. From the Mintakan point of view, the sun is the next star down this line of stars, which is one reason everyone from there comes here, at least to buy a t-shirt.

…here to watch The SHIFT. Da-da and Psychic Lynn have written about them before:

A smaller version of the above ship (censored on the left). Each of those globes is a sphere ship. So, not all “sphere beings” have your greatest good in mind. These are neutrals.

Now check this out. In the time-lapse, you can also see the sun switch something ON and switch something OFF. Watch for instances of these two images…


…then watch what the sun is doing. While those look like the same image, they’re not. Sure, it’s the sensor being swamped, but it’s also an energy signature. A beacon or alert, perhaps?


Also, we’ve mentioned this before, but these GRBs…


…are *also* communications bursts. “Universal info” is coded into the bursts by super-advanced… well, Universals. Super-advanced indeed. Think about locating a GRB that is headed in this direction, at enormous speeds and energies, then intercepting said energy and coding it with information and letting it go on its way… amazing. Actually, they do it all with THOUGHT:


Oh… and we’ve had more timeline jumps. Looks like our “realities” are being sorted, as per the needs of each individual:

Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 1.12.43 PM



We show this Rome low-freq multistrip as we’ve been feeling that 3.5 Hz energy red line ever since it turned up. Still sleuthing it out.


Note: We wrote the above yesterday, so here’s what we saw today. We had… well, we don’t know what it was. It was LIKE a timeline jump but in an opposite-energy kinda way, like… a pre-SHIFT prep; sometimes Guides can’t find the words in our language to describe what’s going on. Anyway, here’s what it looked like:

It’s that indigo pulse on the left, and the dark skinny purple one around 13:50.
It’s easier to spot here.
And here.
Interesting symbolism around 10:15.
Even the blown-out Medicina meter noted it. It’s hard to see at first…
This shows yesterday’s terrible WHOMP that knocked out all the CATs.


And finally, there was another CHUFF of programming at 9:00 UTC. Expect effects in… 36 hours? 48? Who knows.

Jeez, enough of all that.


A little more timeline-jump data:

Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 12.02.50 PM



Hey! Come back here!



Too late.


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98 thoughts on “Big Mover & YATJ #52 [UPDATE2]

  1. Good grief. Wondered why I had to come home from work mid morning and take to my bed. Maybe the “pre” thing with the energies was a pre med! Think we could all do with some calming pain relief energy for a change. Thank you for the post Cats. Most illuminating. 🐱

    1. We think so, but STEREO A and B switched places at one point in the last ten years… which has us a little confused. (We can’t tell if that’s a timeline thing, or NASA swapped their positions, or what.)

      -CAT Eds.

  2. wow! went to sleep at 9 pm last night (usually 2 am) and woke up around 6 only to promptly sleep again after feeding kitty and puppy til 11! thank goodness i have flexibility TO do this! o.O

    sending waves of peace and love to all! <3

  3. Well, something hammered me about 10:00 this morning PDT. I feel like all the energy has drained out. Absolutely must lie down. Oh BTW heavy, heavy chemtrails in W. Washington and N. Idaho webcams. Many Xs . (As if that will stop anything.)

    1. Yes, every time anyone involved in the spraying sprays, they dig themselves a deeper karmic hole… even if they’re “acting under orders.” You have a choice, folks.

      On the obverse side of that coin, all karma will be totally eliminated for those going to the New Earth, as karma is a 3d thing.


  4. FYI, some of the M’s keep seeing these odd little “Lookiloos” poking their heads into the edges of our protection fields to see who we are then backing out. Some look pretty weird. They’re mostly harmless, but be sure everyone is still setting Protection, as well as Grounding to the New Earth or the Old Earth or wherever your travels take you. We must be looking more and more interesting to the outside worlds. Oh, and four of the M’s were assaulted through various portals again last night (with a TWB “lasso”… which slipped right off our protection but still woke us up). Those who live near portals, be sure to set extra “dream” protection before you sleep.


      1. Some of the CATs can see them, some can feel them, some can hear them; some, all of the above. Once you experience one, the rest are easy to spot. They’re all over the place. We don’t talk specifics because portals are dangerous. You can be burned — or possessed — if you don’t know what you’re doing. Portal energy can open you up so much that really anything can get inside you and use you like a puppet… permanently. AFTER the SHIFT, however…


          1. Dark things may still be able to use portals after the SHIFT, but they’ll vaporize the second they exit. So… they’ll probably hang around inside the portal system and watch the ingress/egress points for the odd lower-than-5d straggler. We’re going to have to flood the tubes with light tuned (to THAT set of frequencies) to get rid of them all… though I suspect SOURCE is way ahead of us in that respect, as usual. Remember the Dark Universe? POOF. Gone. In a femtosecond.


          2. “We’re going to have to flood the tubes with light tuned (to THAT set of frequencies) to get rid of them all… though I suspect SOURCE is way ahead of us in that respect, as usual.”


            YES it is — that’s what the SOLAR FLASH does. (*one* of the things it does)
            Yeah, baby…one clean instant sweep.

            And it’s why so many Lightworkers in their ‘Event’ visions, saw all these dark entities going “poof” in the air as dark grey smoke….in fact, rather exactly like they show demons/ghosts departing in “Supernatural”:

            1. Well… we already had the solar flash. And the TWBs still attacked us through the portals last night, after flying by our houses the past three nights, grandly showing off how awesome and impervious they are to ever learning a goddamn thing. So… what you say is simply not the case. We have our own direct experiences and observations speaking to this, not mere beliefs. “Lightworkers” (we dislike that term) can see all the things they want, as have we, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen that way. The solar flash happened, most of us felt its effects as it slowly hit the earth… but it’s not what we thought. It could be SYMBOLIC of what’s happening, not literal. OR what it did hasn’t been fully realized by all of us yet because it just happened. People need to spend more time meditating and less time speculating.

              -CAT Eds.

        1. My mother in law must have been born inside a portal, during a Beyonce concert, when the coffee had ran out.


          1. Lol..! My MIL was born in one, then they kicked her out! Love her as a person, but always walk on egg shells when she visits…😬. My mantra: keep the peace, keep the peace, keep the peace…🙏

        2. Yes, portals are NOT for 3d people! More than one of us has stuck their arm into a portal and burned their root chakras such that they could barely walk for three days. THEN they got yelled at by Guides. All it would’ve taken is one touch from a dark thing while in that “in-between” portal/energy state and they would’ve become something very bad, like Twin Peaks bad. Then there are all the spirits around portals, millions of them. Then there are highly aggressive and negative (and neutral) ETs who want to OWN all the portals, like territories. Do not search out portals. Please leave portals to Portal Guardians.

          -CAT Eds.


          Try permanently ‘owning your (Source) Divinity/Power’, and watch what happens.

          Like the higher Beings have always said to us: the *best* protection — is not NEEDING any.

          { Works like a charm. Never fails. }

          1. Mmm… with all due respect, we personally are dealing with beings that can slowly get inside our protection (in really sneaky ways). We understand that we don’t really need protection, and that we’re immortal and impervious to hurt, and that this is all illusion, but these bodies can die, and we’re not supposed to let that happen. Part of our mission here is to show OTHER beings that the beings we’re dealing with can be spotted and overcome — by peaceful means. In the meantime, Protection is the order of the day. Besides our own, we have house shielding created by the very best. The TWBs are ALSO experts in shielding and overcoming it. It’s an interesting, exhausting game, but one we’re winning, with SOURCE’s help, with J’s and Guides’ help, and the help of some amazing beings. Those higher beings you mention need less protection because they have a higher vibration. We’re all still stuck in the 3d funhouse — for now.

            -CAT Eds.

      2. Quite likely you will feel it. It feels different from the rest of the space.
        If you have a cat, the cat will KNOW.
        Unless, of course, it is some cat with a character who will WANT to sit there and heal the damn place …

    1. All I have to do is take my dog for a walk and stuff starts following us you can’t see them but boy can you hear them. My dog looks at them like she can see them she gets wide eyed. I even had a weird energy zap done to me I just turned around and said: Did thou art think I ‘‘twas mortal? 🤣 I guess they like Kansas.

        1. Well, you know what Bill Hicks said aliens only seem to be seen by hillbillies maybe these are hillbilly aliens. 👽🎻

          1. We have shown people a giant ET ship as it flew right down a suburban street 500 feet up, in a clear night’s sky, lights flashing and obvious as a chicken on a windshield — and they totally denied it. (The ship, not the chicken.) 😉

            Like spirits and elementals, ETs are seen by people who are ready to believe, ready to see without fear, and with an open mind.


  5. In a qhht session I told myself I was Arcadian. Do you know anything about planet Arcadia ?

  6. Wanted to share a notable experience I had Sunday night to Monday morning. In short: I suddenly became aware of a wave-like motion coming from within me, expanding into my environment.
    And I really got the understanding of what is meant when it’s said that WE are the wave; it’s not just coming from outside. I felt myself being that wave and how it reached out and connected with others. It felt very empowering and delightful to tap into that expansiveness. And for the duration of it I was very much in a higher state of consciousness!

    1. Very inner wisdom experience and it aligns with what I have experienced and felt too! It’s an absolute truth and validation everything we need is inside us. Beautiful and amazing share 💕🌹

    2. yes, just like that. Source Cosmic high frequency undetectable energy comes invisible, unrecognizable in an unexplainable way, then we manifest it from within ourselves, projecting out into the physical as a new biological energy form. Really quite Magical, this gift we all have & are able to provide, & give to this world if we choose to. The more we expand our awareness & our abilities, understand, trust & believe in who we are as a powerful fusion of soul & matter, the more powerful this process becomes. Have you ever looked at how Bees make honey ?….the process is very similar. Bees are incredibility, highly intelligent, highly efficient connected creatures of Nature, to the heart of creation.

  7. Well, THAT explains yesterday. Phew … it was really rough going for this kitten. Today, much better and lighter (or at least I WAS until about 90 minutes ago…), so it ain’t over until the fat cat sings. Right? This is all so amusing now … I’m with “J” on the chemtrails. Here in Sedona as well. EXTREME trails and today, they’re still at it, but it’s changed/morphed into “pseudo” clouds. I’m not fooled; my itchy eyes tell me what it really is. We’re getting there, my friends. And yes, sometimes it’s best to just go to bed for awhile 🙂 <3

  8. Amazing post, those ships….Is the Event really close?

    Migraines a’ plenty here, would love some pain relief!

    I also heard a voice in my living room the other night, could not make out what it said, just one word, neither male or female, very strange, guinea pigs did not seem scared so I just got on with my relaxation!

    Love, Light & Gratitude to ALL 🙏

  9. This morning I was thinking that I felt off-kilter, but that is not it. Actually, I feel as though I have a new kilter. Mentioned this to a friend, and she felt the same. Something shifted here.


  10. Curious, does anyone feel the need to set past wrongs right? Like certain x friends are popping into my head and I feel like I need to apologize. One friend, I haven’t spoken to in 8 years, I searched her out on Twitter, apologized for vicious fight we had and the mean things I said. No reply, I’m sure she’s like WTF?! LOL😉.

    Maybe it’s bc I feel like I’m dying with all these migraines and hot flashes that set my hands on fire 🔥 5x day! I went to the dr. And she says it’s just the flu, but…..come on!!!

    1. I did this last week LOL.

      Two people on FB. They were really nice and said they remembered nothing of the experience. I had carried this guilt around for decades, they could have least recalled it, bloody insensitive!


    2. @duganknows Yes, definitely. I have had conversations with people from the past (in my head and out loud lol) I would not know where to find them now to apologise or to sort anything out so I send love and apologies in meditations and thoughts and also say out loud that I forgive all those that have hurt me, including myself and release it all! Have had many people come up in dreams too and it’s like we are sorting things out in dream state!


  11. Is that picture with the Grey holding the cat for real? I hope not. I hope kitty wasn’t harmed. Anywho, some internet gurus say that most of the ships we’re seeing are military. How to know? I always thought the benevolent ET’s aren’t the ‘showy’ kind & don’t show up to cause fear, rather they cloak & show themselves occasionally (unless you’re staying over at Gilliand’s ranch). The word on Twitter is that when the Chem Trails stop, the war is over. Ugh!

    1. They chemed nw pa. heavily this morning. They do crazy things to themselves/their children/etc. Peace.

  12. Ahhh! This little place of sanity here in this crazy world. (I mean this website) Thanks once again ya’all

  13. Hey, I’d love to get a lift by a flying cat! Great picture!

    1. I Love how All Is Aligning/Synchronizing! Beam Me Up, I Love flying. Peace.

  14. Dear CATs and M’s,
    I have a question:
    Do you trust that Schumann device?
    How can one use a machine to measure a living entity? This is my real question.
    We are all connected to Mother Nature (Gaia, Sophia, she has many names). As her frequency rises, so does ours. We feel it without looking at the meter.


    1. Which one?

      We use EEG machines on people. Same concept. But you are correct: WE are the best meters. We just cite the mechanical/”scientific” ones so others who may not fully believe can see what’s going on with their own eyes, basically using “science” in a way it probably disapproves of!

      -CAT Eds.

    2. Trust is a big word here on Earth. I trust some things, not all things here, not while we’re in this transition. Machines serve us to some degree, to some degree they can be accurate. However, I agree w/ cat, WE are our best technology. I trust THAT:-)

      1. @thatcrazytoaster1,
        Thank you for agreeing with me, too.
        It’s exactly what I say in my comment – we feel the frequencies without looking at the meter.

      1. It’s the CATs 😃😃😃 !
        They do it to substantiate their point to those who are still looking for external proof …

        1. I’ve been studying the color/height of the graph(SR), vs how I feel, body/thoughts. I know white on the chart typically makes me feel good. Peace.

          1. Have you now!
            That’s very interesting.
            I spoke with a friend today, and she claims the same – when the SR graph is (predominantly) white, she feels energised and good.
            When the SR graph contains colours, she feels awful, and has a terrible headache. So do I ☹️

  15. I don’t get it. Are timeline jumps a GOOD thing? or the PTW way of prolonging the coming of the Event?

    1. Sure. We’re jumping AWAY from bad timelines. The PTW aren’t prolonging the coming of The Event, though they have in the past. The Event is happening right now, just veeeery sloowwwly. There will be a SHIFT, however, somehow, sometime, that will split the New Earth and Old Earth.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. This is what I wonder. I wonder if we are compressing our lifetimes. That is the timeline jump. The good and bad of it all, to sort out our “selves”.

        1. No, if anything, we’re multiplying some, while totally eliminating others that are “obsolete.” (That is, we don’t need them anymore as we’ve outgrown them.)


    2. I have always thought the bad guys do them
      to keep playing the game.

      1. Noooo, no no. The ca8al has no way to create different timelines, save for WORSE timelines for themselves that we’re not part of. Timeline creation and collapsing of old timelines is done by Spirit and Our Memory of SOURCE (what some call the Holy Spirit). New timelines are creted to keep us a jump or two ahead of terrible cataclysms that we don’t deserve to experience. It is actually more complicated than that, but that’s enough for now.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. “New timelines are created to keep us a jump or two ahead of terrible cataclysms that we don’t deserve to experience”.
          Yes like that. But I think it crunches. And that’s why we have side effects and we wake feeling as if I we are more than, and different than yesterday. And the ability to recall what you no longer are feels pretty icky.

          1. Oh, yes, one can still feel the effects and the emotions of those involved in the timeline crunch.

            Here’s the brain bender of the week: YOU EXIST on all those timelines simultaneously with this one. You are an immense being, way bigger than a galaxy. There are lots and lots of you’s out there, experiencing all kinds of things.


  16. Last night after trying to catch and release 2 big tree roaches near my bedroom ceiling(in a dream) one of the roaches flew at my ear but I waved my hands around and it disappeared. Not sure what happened to the second one. After that kerfuffal, I was still sleeping when I saw myself sit up in bed at look back at my sleeping self. I woke right after this and thought how weird is that? Just wondering if anyone has experienced something like that or similar.
    I’m also feeling like I’m in a slightly negative timeline, since the beginning of March. I’m getting a lot of anger directed at me…and I’m feeling angry as well, I keep reminding myself that its all good, but just not able to quite shake it, arghh!!
    Much love to all

    1. Interesting. Yes, I’ve experienced some anger at stuff (that which causes harm like the Chem Trails). Is it possible to pick up bugs or hitchhikers as we transition? is it wise to do daily protection/shielding? This comes to mind. However, I think it’s all temporary, isn’t everything? Thoughts?

    2. I agree with that as an experience. But I’ve always been that karma kitten.

  17. New ascension symptom or simply life sympton: waking up with a boner. Has happened for a week in a row now. Hopefully not a precursor to priapism.
    That being said, since I’ve never read that symptom anywhere on internet, I officially claim this symptom with a (c).
    They always say each person has a unique talent and gift to share with the world. I guess I’ve found mine.

    Yours sincerely,


  18. Never with my cats. Only going to go home. Where there is FuuuD

  19. A bit bummed there’s no big light show coming, i was really wanting
    to see some peeps get their phone out of their face and look to sky and snap out of the zombie state, would have been a sweet sight :(.

      1. A SOURCE message about Gaia:

        Universal Father Message
        June 1, 2015

        Gaia Explanation

        It does occasionally happen,
        that when human inhabitants of a world
        wreak such havoc and destruction
        of the planet’s natural resources,
        causing climatic and geologic catastrophes —
        and most become bereft of soul-spirit,

        that the more sensible recourse is
        to salvage what life is possible
        for relocation to other appropriate worlds;
        and then to destroy the irreparable planet.

        Such had become Earth’s status,
        but the sentient being Gaia
        that her planet not be taken out of creation,
        that she be permitted
        to recover her entire world
        and all precious life and seeds of life she holds so dear.

        Other Nebadonian and galactic beings,
        the Hosts,
        were of like mind,
        one reason being that Earth/Urantia
        is the world of Christ Michael’s 7th Bestowal.

        The difficult part here is
        that humankind born on the planet
        has to be the determining factor
        in intent
        for fixing and allowing the planet
        back into higher harmonies,
        enough that Gaia can join
        the impending rise in Spirit evolution,
        now imminent for this region of space.

        Cooperation, desire and willingness in God’s Name
        is mandatory,
        between anchoring humankind
        and galactic personalities.

        That is why
        so many unusually advanced souls
        chose to be born on Earth
        during this dispensation.

        There is yet something additional,
        of a most precious order,
        something of Divine Nature in the heart of Gaia,
        that only First Source
        and Nebadon’s Creators know.

        Gaia’s Earth and her environs
        connect galactic and intergalactic crossroads
        that represent
        a warmly embraced
        newborn residency of Universal Father’s Presence;
        in spite of this tiny dot Gaia
        being located
        at the edge of the Local Universe of Nebadon,
        located at the edge of the Superuniverse of Orvonton,
        she is gifted with circuits
        reaching directly to Universal Father’s
        Isle of Paradise of the Grand Universe.

        So special is this Gaia, this tiny dot!

        Her human inhabitants
        are ordained to GODHOOD
        in new, uncharted space, as earned and merited.

        The Spirit of Truth mightily covers her
        in the highest vibrant Violet Radiance
        and the splendor
        of Golden New Freedoms Ray;

        Since that magnificent
        7th Bestowal of Christ Michael Aton
        of the Spirit of Truth,
        through the unprecedented Victory
        over the eons-long dark hordes enslaving Urantia,

        A Divine healing and straightening
        of the offense directed at Father
        was enacted by Aton

        advancing Gaia
        in the cheers of all Creation
        to the unique, beautiful Symbol
        of Cosmic Liberty.


      2. I’m There(w/minky). A Light show would be fun.Peace.

      3. Yes Thursday would be awesome and fun, I got the time to watch my co workers. Thursday would rock!!!!

    1. I’ve had most, if not all, these symptoms throughout my life.
      Not sure what that means though…

    1. My guides tell me that everyone’s going to 4D, just at different times.
      From 3D perspective, all 4D bound people will vanish (to put it simply) and then the 3D people will join 4D at a later date.
      From 4D perspective, all 3D people will be in 4D a few moments later.

      1. Yup. That’s how we see it, too. Some of us are going back and forth. I saw some gorgeous green hills of the New Earth this morning, standing out before an incredible wall of fluffy clouds. It was an amazing and surprising moment. I’d looked out the window in that direction countless times and never saw that before. Countless birds were singing… then a big truck rumbled by, breaking the spell, scattering the birds. I glanced at the two sleepy guys in the truck cab and… on a whim… tossed in a little flower-sized light-bomb of love… that exploded in their truck halfway down the street. No idea what their reaction was. Oh. That reminds me… we have to write what M4 did the other night.


  20. New Gaia Portal ❤️

    Sparing contingencies are assembled and reviewed.

    Participants are lifted from old paradigm perches.

    Fronds of Heaven grace the Higher Pathways.

    Unification of the Higher Process completes.

    1. Great question, Lily! I will respond with an awesome answer, in return…

      First off, whenever you look at ANYBODY else’s BS (Belief System 😉 immediately look past the information that they are trying to hijack your Energy with, and find out what level that person is currently at.

      Frequency wise.
      Also if you can, look at their history to see what their personal agendas and motives are…look at what put them at the Spiritual Level they are currently swimming in.
      This tells you what their issues are, which basically tells you everything about them.

      I’ve been watching and interacting with Brad Johnson here, since back in 2010/2011 when he lived a few blocks away from me in Surrey, BC. (Canada) {He now lives on Vancouver Island}
      I knew him back when he was a normal weight, and had hair on TOP of his head. And his wife had kicked his butt to the curb.

      Back then, he was trying very cleverly to cash in on BASHAR’s success, and copy everything that BASHAR was doing….even asking Darryl one-on-one the minute details of how to channel another higher Being aspect of yourself.

      When he started putting his own information out there, I immediately noticed that he was still in ‘Spiritual Kindergarten’, and hadn’t done any work on himself to evolve, and most ridiculously of all, hadn’t researched much of BASHAR’s teachings/intel which would have turned him into an Enlightened Master in record time.

      Because he focused only on the channelling agenda and creating a Revenue Stream for himself so he could try and pay his court bills and divorce debt — and ignored his own spiritual development — he started out at a very low Frequency Level as far as Timelines go….his very first Belief Systems involved an even *lengthier* time to drag out the Ascension of the planet…the guy was actually spouting 500 years, if not longer.

      As he has SLooooooooooowly gained more knowledge in the past decade (slow as a damn snail), I’ve watched his BS time frames decrease from those crazily high expanses of Time, as his own Frequency levels sped up and he could personally evolve FASTER.
      So it went down to hundreds of years, to around 50 years, to……what is he at now? Around 10 years?
      Doing the decades?

      And he has only started working on himself, the past year. These High Energies forced him to.
      You can see his personal confessions about this in his videos last year. So he still is not too far along, in even whittling away at his many issues.

      About the “Stargate” gimmick he has now come up with — he’s playing on the ignorance of the populace, because Stargate technology is ALWAYS in use. It’s what PORTALS are.
      Hell, it would be difficult to find an ascending Timeline that *doesn’t* involve Stargate technology.

      And the reason he’s doing this, throwing another slow-ass evolving Timeline out there for consumption, is that he is back-peddling from putting his “Solar Blast” vision out there from a Lower Timeline — is wasn’t the SOLAR FLASH we would experience, it was a destructive inversion of the Sun type of scenario, that scared the pants off his followers with unintended Fear Porn.

      To compensate for his big fat PR boo boo, he does what he always does, and instead went to the very opposite EXTREME (here in duality) by retracting *that* scary Solar Explosion/Blast BS, and replacing it with yet another extreme in the very opposite direction, claiming now that no, of course now there will be no Solar anything to scare you poor babies with….I will now comfort you with an alternative, really SLoooooooooooooooooowly evolving Timeline instead, with no big bad ol’ Sun activity that would cause you to tremble and drop your binkies.

      But because he has done this, and has enough sycophants to energize this personal Timeline of his…. if you agree to believe his BS then yes this is an Alternate Timeline you can also choose for yourself, if you are the type of person who hasn’t done the work to clear themselves and prefers to hold onto and nurse Fear Issues, and as a result will evolve incredibly sloooooooooooowly on *somebody’s* version of a 4D Ascending Timeline. Like Brad’s. (Unless you come up with your own.)

      Instead of going straight to the 5D New Earths, by experiencing the beautiful blissful Solar Flash, and its heavenly effects.

      1. @Anonymous, a big thank you for your answer! Certainly answers a lot of curiosity I had about Brad! I’ve not read or watched much of his ‘stuff’ not sure why I was drawn to ask about this particular post but hopefully in asking and prompting you to respond, this will also help others out there navigate the truth 😉 That’s why this blog is so incredibly valuable.


      2. thanks Deb for the intel….clarified a few thoughts I had too, but not necessarily about the solar flash.

  21. Sometimes I feel better after writing about an experience I have been having, like literally getting it off my chest. A big Thank you for this wonderful site💖

  22. So whomever is allowing comments tonight is not a fanofme. Just saying cats. Someone will do a review. Cats do that. I love you. Remember life is like an onion.

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