The Rip for 6-12-19 [UPDATE5]


A recent commenter (Pam141) wrote that Guides told them that The SHIFT… which slooooowly got under way a few days ago (and astronomers are blaming on a “stealth CME”)…

…was going to happen like velcro pulling apart, as 4d pulls away from 3d — one tortured loop at a time. Another commenter’s Guides said what we’ve already been told: if it happened any faster, we’d explode.

Anyway, we had another instance of what we’re now calling “The Rip”, aka a timeline jump/SHIFT:

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Can’t say we’ve ever seen this meter look like this for this long.


You can see the previous Rip on the left.

Btw, you know that recent mass plane grounding?


That was a pre-SHIFT thing caused by ETs. Perhaps a test of something larger.




AND ANOTHER. Look at this.

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 3.10.53 PM
Whoa. The previous level was at 4000 counts/min.
Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 3.11.03 PM
Again, these are muon meters.

Here’s how it looked on the Tomsk SR meter:


Protons are also kinda funky right now:


And here’s the Kiel drama:



Buckle up, folks. We’re at the 10k level now:

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 5.33.49 PM


Oh, boy. We’re in for it tonight. Lots of CATs’ heads are starting to hurt.


We’re currently having another timeline jump/Rip:

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 10.45.07 PM

And look at this GOES electron flux plot go to infinity, and oblivion, and infinity… and back, yesterday:


We also had a couple GRBs (Gamma Ray Bursts):




And another Wave X Rip:






FYI, about two-thirds of the CATs have energy headaches starting around 9:00 pm UTC (2:00 pm PDT), replete with ear ringing. Still going as of 11:22 UTC (4:22 pm PDT).


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113 thoughts on “The Rip for 6-12-19 [UPDATE5]

  1. I woke up last night @ 12:34 in a gold mist. For ten minutes all I could see with my eyes open or closed was this gold sparkling mist.

  2. I was thinking about Pam’s comment earlier today. I think so far it is the one very simple thing I have heard that really resonates. Thanks Pam and guides.


  3. Thank you CATs & Ms & ALL for being you and being here. Off to bed after a beautifully peaceful & ‘misty’ eve with purple and blue light meditation ✨🙏💤

    Much love ❤️

  4. I thought I was falling apart, my head and my stomach have been in a twist. and since the 10th I have floaters in my right eye (I have never had floaters) I am so glad to hear these symptoms are out of my control, I will eat much lighter and give up the cup cakes until I get used to this.

  5. Well, one thing that I probably shouldn’t do right now is drive. I seem to be in an alternate space and find it hard to be real present in this current reality. Anyway, when I went to a late lunch today , the waitstaff seemed very odd. This was a proof positive that the regular folks are having a difficult time of things too. I know these people well and I was getting some strange wild-eyed looks. Yoiks!

  6. Ok, ripping out from a denser reality should logically result in a ‘lighter’ feeling, huh?

    Instead, when I woke up this morning (Central European Time, late night in the US) I felt like every limb of mine weighted some kilos more. In the evening I had to walk uphill for a short lenght, I walk there often, but this time it was definitely harder. I found myself complaining with “this absurd geavity”. This didn’t happen before.

    And, more sleepy.


    A big ‘thank you’ for your amazing job, CATs.

  7. Just heard a phantom ping pong ball go all over the place dog growled at it nothing there of course….energy?

      1. So this must be the strange noises in the sky that were reported on MrMBB333. Two people sent in videos with these eerie string like noises.

  8. Wow on the ET controlled landings!!!

    That must have sent shivers up the PTW undercrackers hee hee hee. Good on yer galactic brethren x Thanks for the amazing info Cats x


  9. I just woke up thinking Brand New Day. Happy to awake on planet Earth. That’s a first.
    Got an image of Le Fabuleux Destin d’ Amélie Poulain: create from a high vibe and follow the signs like pebblestones on the ground.

    For those who don’t know the song from that movie yet, enjoy. I’m sure some of the Cats play it on their instrument. 😉

  10. Are you CATS annoyed this has turned into a dream interpretation blog?! I had a doozy. There was a bed in space and I was serving someone in the bed but I did not know how to walk to them because it was i would be dropping into space. I looked down from the edge of the bed and it was deep space. No floor. So someone said to make a ramp for me off to the side, but I could still see me taking a long walk into space or falling into space. Then I ended up in a theater where several tvs were playing of a very scary political scene i wAnted nothing to be a part of. But it was futuristic. Then all these ppl gathered around an “outcome?” With large clock numbers flipping and swirling around reAlly fast-paced. i know it had to do with me- but I’m really small and all these ppl wouldn’t let me push past to see my # . The 2 #s i caught were 7 and 6.

  11. Goodness, what a night! After a blissful evening/meditation I just could not sleep at all. Flashing, tons of what felt like electric energy. Then at around 2am got incredibly painful IBS, must have fallen asleep around 5am when I dreamed an old school friend and myself were being stalked by a criminal. My friend was provoking him whilst I was trying to get us to safety and could not work out where we were. My clothes were all stained and dirty. I remember us being in some kind of factory then trying to get a bus out of there. Strange to have such a stressful dream and IBS after such a lovely evening. Maybe some kind of purging?!

    Much love ALL ❤️

  12. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Hyperbolics are abandoned as Higher Dimensional valuations are employed.

    Fleming cohorts command the troops of Light.

    Gaia commands for all to BE in Peace.

    Fireworks are soon to be lit.

  13. Feels like I’m ‘trucking torture’… holy maps catman.
    I’m not giving up cake.
    That is all.
    cept for Love… Love is good <3

  14. Wow!! My dreams were so much fun then I woke up and felt like a train ran me over!! Checked the Tomsk monitor – bazinga!!! I’m gonna need more coffee….lots more!!
    Love to All!

  15. This explains why I have been feeling like I’m ripping at the ends 🙂

  16. Cats, do you agree with this assessment that Trumps signing of this law streamlining GMOs into the market is not what it appears to be?

    Kabamur on Twitter: “summary via #Neioh: 1/2 This will play out completely different than how it is being perceived. The purpose of this is to prepare to stop toxins entering the food supply. MSM wants people to believe POTUS has unnatural motives but it’s the opposite.” / Twitter

    1. Hm. We don’t like this. The whole GMO thing should be banned. Our food supply in general is so far from “real” food, and here it looks like his Big-Ag influenced advisors are pushing the GMO agenda. Don’t worry, this will have a natural and surprising end.

      -CAT Eds.

  17. I fell while skateboarding today. On both knees.
    Fell last week as well. From a tree while trying to sit in it.
    On both occasions I didn’t see it coming. Is the Universe telling me that it’s time to change activities? I think so yet I’m only 44.
    Perhaps it’s time to rest because of all the upcoming energies?
    Something huge is up I can feel it. Anyone else?

    On a different note, I bought a nice new deck of tarotcards yesterday: Mystical Lenormand. Best deck I’ve ever had, wonderfully intuitive.

    1. I had a loss of balance/direction in the shower when I closed my eyes, as if I was in space. Opened my eyes in time to put out my hands, (falling out of shower). Peace.

      1. @ Christopher. I have experienced that a lot. Even this morning. I have found it better if I open my eyes regularly when I’m showering to reorient myself as I think I lose my perception of where I am. Not surprising as we are shifting in time, space, density etc almost constantly now. Just don’t fall on Minky. 😊

      2. @Christopher Schneider

        Would you, please, be so kind and keep your eyes open in the shower, sir?
        There are some people here who quite enjoy your presence.
        I bet you didn’t even report this to Minky, lol

        1. Yes Christopher, do please be careful your insights and presence here is much loved and appreciated 😉❤️

        2. Minky Appreciates/Loves Everyone here. Peace.

          1. And we Love you and Appreciate you too Minky. Big hugs <3
            Peace and Joy <3

    2. If you are only 44 don’t stop doing any of those activities, but maybe wear Knee pads on the skateboard and don’t for heavens sake climb very high in the trees, you are still a kid, never stop being a kid, I am almost 70 years old and rode a bicycle 11 miles today to stretch my legs in nature…but I used some simple common sense, I was on a bike path that was flat and paved instead of a craggy mountain bike path that would have certainly been more thrilling (once) but with the less risky path I could observe Nature more while my scenery changed.

    3. @ Stefan, hope you’re okay? I’m only 43 but feeling twice that at the mo! Used to love climbing trees! Maybe NE will lots of beautiful natural climbing frames for us 😀❤️

      1. Yeah today I feel 88 as well. But hey I like double digits. 😉

    4. Around 10 years ago I was getting really into climbing, then I had a brain fart and fell 20m and crashed back first onto a rock ledge. By some miracle I managed to get out of that mess with only a smashed vertibrae that still sort of works but looks more like a modern art installation.

      My take home from that experience is to skip zero-margin offers, the kind that puts me one step from serious injury.

      I suspect its about trying to prove your immortality in many cases, I know that was true for me. And its correct, sort of. Just not in physical form.


      1. Ha Ha Ha Nasa admins leaving earth, that is so telling of the times, how can all those lower beings even stand these frequencies while I am stumbling around, choking on food, not eating or being a no more than 5 ingredients a day Vegan, grounding myself constantly, blessing all …but I have to admit even if it is a little painful to endure I have never been happier in my life.

      2. I’m pretty sure the same goes for all of them, including Fake Valley-creeps. That’s why they’re in such a hurry to build and test their rockets.

        About time too, may I suggest a one-way trip to a different solar system?


      3. Hmmm I dated a NASA Administrator a long time ago. I’m not sure I should say anymore!

        Much love ❤️

  18. As I understand it, each of us have been placed on the correct path by the Tree of Life, ensuring that all those held here repeatedly by SET and the Coven of Azazel against their will, has been now sorted. There are only three paths. WEST back to the Underworld, EAST back to the Heavens and all EVIL to be sent to the PIT (aka the Lake of Fire/HELL). The PIT has been around the Abyss cleaning up all the mess eg nets, broken parts of the VAH’s, even the EL who were executed as they played their part of the total extreme EVIL here. The PIT is like a Galactic Garbage Truck of sorts. It comes here every Division of the Families. Its been filled up numerous times already! People going EAST to the Heavens, is literally going to be birthed into it with a all new body. If you’re disabled like myself I’m sure you’ll be grinning from ear to ear reading this with tears in your eyes. I hope to see you all again soon at the gathering. Mum and Dad are waiting to see their children again.

    1. Adam, technically there is no “evil.” There is love. There is sanity. And there is insanity. Those people and beings who do things against others aren’t evil, exactly: they’re insane. I know it’s hard for some to hear, but the insane are your brothers, too, and they need healing and compassion. All will wind up where they are best served. SOURCE even loves people who do terrible things… because SOURCE knows that this is all illusion. Technically, no one has done anything wrong. They’ve done these things in a giant video game, a dream. Once we wake up… the dream is over. What the insane actually get is education and therapy. They will eventually be “upstanding citizens,” again, especially in their own eyes. Not going to the New Earth isn’t a punishment. Some people have to take classes more than once to get a passing grade. They themselves grade themselves.


      1. Thank you. If this illusion is understood by source as unreal, then why set a soul,or release a soul to an endeavor of wasting time learning unreal lessons in an illusion. But I’m probably insane. But I ask great questions, and never accept every answer. And you won’t and you can’t. Call me pissy if you can.

  19. Hi CATs. Check if you wish latest message from Daniel Scranton’s channeling the 9D Arcturian Council – A SOLSTICE SURPRISE (let’s prepare for that timeline jump!)
    Saludos, Patricia

      1. These time line jumps would be much easier to deal with if I could fast more because it seems to make swallowing food more difficult. It gets stuck in the
        esophagus, does any one else have any choking issues.

        1. I have had swallowing problems
          on and off for years. It is hard to
          enjoy eating when you feel like the food may not go down. Once
          I had to go to Urgent Care where
          they gave me a muscle relaxant
          and said I should have a procedure where they put sort of
          a balloon device down to stretch
          the esophagus. I never did it
          though as I had too much done to
          me, as a child, and am very adverse to medical procedures.

          1. I agree! I worked at a hospital for 10 years and it did not make me love western medicine. Quite the opposite, I prefer my herbs, tinctures , supplements, changing my diet or avoiding certain foods but I don’t want to be poked with needles or have surgery, I would rather take my greens and lumpy veggies and make smoothies out of them. Just the thought of having a tool stuffed down my throat to stretch my esophagus
            gives me the serious heebie jeebies. I gag at the thought

        2. @milfiori yes! Whenever I eat, feels like food is getting stuck on the way down the throat! Maybe a short fast would be good?

          Much love ❤️

        3. Yes. Myself and my partner have difficulty at times swallowing. I take it that it’s telling me not to eat at certain times. My partner has always had a cast iron constitution when it comes to food, but she is being sick now and again and said it’s feels like something is stuck in her throat. Although the Dr has looked twice and there’s nothing there. Weird times.

        4. I don’t exactly have issues with choking per se, but I do have a good deal of digestive/food issues, which always are exacerbated by lots of incoming energy and/or timeline jumps (which has obviously made it difficult to eat lately). I mostly just get (often extreme) nausea, but I do remember having trouble swallowing once or twice. I’ve had digestive issues since I was a child so I’m quite used to it by now, but the weird thing is that when it happens due to strong incoming energy or timeline jumps, I pretty much just have to wait it out and breathe through it – I have a couple of medications that I can take if neccessary (because this has affected me for so long), but they literally have no effect on me at times when it’s seemed like many people on here were experiencing similar symptoms. Nonetheless, I’m sure there are people who are even more strongly affected (in this way) than I.

        5. Yes, food occasionally would get stuck in my throat, but when it happened, I tried to determine who in my past had hurt me, then forgive them. Afterwards, the food went down smoothly. Somedays it used to be every meal. Now, not so much.

        6. Hi Milifiori – I have had some terrible episodes trying not to choke to death in the past couple of years – it seems to happen in waves, as most days I can eat and swallow just fine, and now I can tell when I’m going to need to take really small bites and drink lots of fluids with it to make sure it gets down. I try not to even eat at such times, but oddly it seems that’s when I’m most hungry and HAVE to eat something, and usually protein or I get weak and lightheaded. Never thought about it being from timeline jumps, but that makes as much sense as anything. Scary when you live alone, my dog looks at me all worried but doesn’t know how to give me the Heimlich!

          Weird dream this morning – I was at my former home in another state where I lived with an old boyfriend, and me and a bunch of other people were there (he wasn’t) packing everything up into our RV because we had to leave right away! But the kitchen was a total mess and I had to do all the dishes before we could leave, and then some little boy I knew in my dream said, “we have to catch the cats, they went outside and we can’t leave without them” and they were the feral cats that I feed (that would never have been indoors or allowed to be picked up in this life!)- it was dark out but we got ’em all rounded up into the vehicle finally and were ready to take off and I woke up!

            1. I guess I’ll add- I’m not choking and I’m not having a hard time digesting the food. But I am getting pointed to a more plant-based diet than I am now. I suppose all of our eating habits are being changed?

          1. I used to try to be with them, as a child on my grandparents farm during every summer.

            But they could not be evolved.

            The message is that the cats have chosen to remain “outside”….and you must honour their choice by leaving them alone and not dragging and not trying to force them to go upwards with you in your journey.

            1. Well… if your animal wants to stay at third density then there’s probably not much you can do about it — with cats, anyway. We have no insight at all into ANIMAL free will. Not sure there is such a thing, as animals are group spirits.

              -CAT Eds.

        7. Hello Milifiori 👋
          I haven’t really had issues with food, but liquids have been a problem lately. Water, tea, etc. has been going “down the wrong pipe”. My body seems to want to inhale the liquid instead of drinking it. I try to be mindful, but it just happens anyway.
          Hugs 💜

  20. There is a lot of fear around 5G now that satellites have been launched and more to follow. Will we be safe from this? Will we timeline jump away from it?

    Much love ❤️

    1. Those of us who G + P won’t have a problem. It’s more a pacifying tool for those who have yet to awaken. However… we suspect that this tech is gonna have itself a little accident… 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I love you Cats, this comment made me laugh so hard!
        some how I also feel the things they( ptw) throw out there literally to frighten the humans will back fire on them ,bless them bless them. G & P helps our higher aspects of our selves get messages through to us as well.

        1. I got a message from my HS yesterday. I do hear things with clairaudience (and a few of the other clairs are in action too) – and this one I got when I was in the hypnopompic state. Clear as a bell, it was the word Tertullus. (I also had a vision of a short female person with dark hair running quickly towards me and then past me as if I didn’t exist). This was all as I was coming out of the dream state. But psychic impressions have a different flavour – different feel. I knew it wasn’t a dream. So I search-engined Tertullus, and there were 2 differing mentions – one, a Hebrew lawyer in the Bible. It wasn’t him, for sure. The other was a French guy in the early Middle Ages – records say he might have been a myth – but my clairaudience indicates otherwise. Turns out he might have been a descendant of Melusine (a French water fairy/goddess). This Melusine was at the beginnings of the House of Plantagenet. The night before, I had been reading about shamanistic journeys. Then, this. My ancestry stretches back to Normans and before, I wonder if this was a blast from the past. I do think this is all just various levels getting to know themselves.

  21. Yellow Rose for Texas has the bigger picture of what happened to humanity –posted on UT–Start with the lies that Nasa told–see them all. Real proof is there starting in 2007—Adam is right –the is happening.– Sol24 .net — Has Seechi vids–to see lastest out there-Jupitor just got taken out of the game — Watch-Stereo & SOHO too big things show there too -list shows many things — Love sol24

  22. I’ve been watching a lot of sawyer-ing videos lately- this last week? – last night was a gentlemen from Tennessee with a small one man sawmill and farm – The people I’ve tended toward are either woodworkers finding and preparing wood for their own or others’ crafting or like the farmer above – they have one thing in common – they are saving trees that are dead-fall from disease, storm damaged tops that have been windblown – tops blown off by storms – trees that have to be removed due to rot at the base and endangering places and people around them – anyone sensing where I’m going here? 🙂 Do any of these descriptions remind you of yourself, bodies or others about now – The best thing is that these sawyers examine each tree/ log and their characteristics and bumps and branchings to determine the best way to cut the log on the mill into planks, exposing the , hidden, BEAUTIFUL, patterns of grain and colors, strong or soft woods, unique figuring – special ‘crotch wood’ patterns where branches met trunks.

    My allegory? is to the ALL of us individually, no matter our history – where we grew up – on a rich estate or boggy river bank – whether with strong attractive bark or that which looks rotting, growing odd things (mushrooms or fungus) on the outside – cracks and checks, and gnarly burls – when you look at what is inside
    – the valuable treasure of your beautiful HEARTwood, hidden with in All, no matter who. All are of Source, so all have beauty within…

    All of these woods are from log/trees that others rejected as worthless – to just be left to rot, chipped into nothingness or burned – now because of these wise workers who see value where others do not, have given renewed purpose, new beautiful lives with people that value their unique beauty and usefulness( as tables and furniture, say)

    Well, this little ‘sawyer’ sees the hidden beauty of all your HEARTwoods., no matter what storms and energies you have endured- whether you have stood strong while your base has deteriorated or your tender swaying tops have been torn away by energies or fell from the stress to the forest floor… you are seen and valued…

    much love,

    1. Kg,
      I was watching the same u-tube videos of the fellow in Tennessee finding beautiful treasures in the fallen trees. My husband and I have resorted to u tube videos that show craftsmen meticulously creating art from discarded items. It reminds me of our well used bodies. We can no longer find anything of interest in T.V. programming. Cay

      1. @ Cay, yes, me too, exactly – Have you discovered Matthew Cremona (he has a great laugh) you should see the huge sawmill he designed and built himself or April Wilkerson – I discovered them through watching Ben Crowe founder of Crimson guitars in the UK – they spent a week there on a guitar building course. Not advertising them exactly, but they all have something in common. A sense of humor, passion and JOY in their crafts and camaraderie with other like minded crafts – people.

        My go to is asking “What next will be a contribution to my life and living.”

        peace and joy,

  23. Did you all notice the magnetic flux was in the shape of 2 cats a couple of days ago?

  24. Urgghhh, feels like my brain is being re-arranged! I have asked Brother J to please enjoy these incredible energies with me!

    I seem to also be ‘seeing’ a bit more. Today, looking out of the window I saw flying sparkles, like small opal gems soaring through the air. Birds are flocking around my back door and a friendly dragonfly dropped by to say hello!

    Much love ALL ❤️

      1. Love & hugs Pam and anyone who needs one 😀❤️

        Have been pretty fried all day and am getting a big increase in flashes! Sometimes small, sometimes big flashes of light. Then there are the light patches that appear for a few seconds and sometimes move around the room before disappearing. They are usually blue or white. Sometimes it feels like they are following me when I go from room to room. Are they beings? Or am I hallucinating through exhaustion lol?!

        Love to ALL ❤️✨🌌

    1. Hello Lily 👋
      Just today I saw, out my bedroom window, small birds sitting on the fence fly to the ground in my backyard. When I took a closer look, there were no birds. It wasn’t leaves or debris, there was just nothing there. I never took my eyes off that spot, so they couldn’t have just flown away. But I have been seeing many things lately that aren’t really in this reality/ dimension.
      Hugs 💜

      1. A few days ago now, I was looking out my bedroom window at a bird on the fence. It ‘morphed’ into 2, then 3 birds. I watch birds a lot, and did note that no other bird/s got in beside this ‘one’ <3

          1. And Sharon apologies I meant to address both you and Teakay! The unusual is becoming the normal everyday occurrence!
            Much love ❤️

  25. Dreamed about a huge wave last night. I was walking on the beach with my friend, way down on the beach… it was late evening, dark out, … and suddenly we saw a huge wall of water sloshing towards us…I had wings on my back (like a dragonfly but they were metal?) and I struggled to lift myself and my friend upwards away from the crashing surging water… it was too much though… it covered the land far and wide. – . Question… what does GRB (the graph above?) stand for?

  26. For the past 4 weeks, I have noticed at night. That there is an energy “feeling” in my heart that I can’t fully explain. I seem to be restless, jumpy, and receiving “pings” in my ears. Some times a complete energy “zap” that starts at my third eye area and irradiates out through the skull. I switched the side of the bed I sleep on, changed where my cell phone charges (in a different room), and other “physical” things. Didn’t help. So, I started to ground protect and connect to my higher-self feelings, guides, and helpers from the other side of the veil. I said my thank yours and appreciations and asked for the “help”, compassion, kindness, peace, patience, and strength needed to continue what I need to continue, among other things.
    I continue to repeat this whenever I get a feeling to do it. Still, I feel this energy build up. This week was probably the most intense and has happened every night this week.

    Anyway, moving on. I am not scared nor in fear of what is going on. Just curious about this “thing” happening in my life and maybe a CAT or Two might have some insight on this.

    I appreciate any time, care, or love yall send. I really enjoy the energy you all inhabit to create this website and space for others to find and connect.


      1. I saw another giant white orb ufo who are these guys anyway? 😉

  27. Hi Cat Family,
    Long ago, I was told, that the best path and the most positive path to be on is where there was no 3rd World War, no Civil War and humanity absolved and forgave those that had perpetrated all the crimes on humanity and the planet. At the time I heard this, absolution seemed misplaced and with that decision, here I am now.
    However, I have since been told that most of these people become infected with a virus and are terribly ill which causes insanity. These beings need healing and for some, their memories will have to be wiped as they will not be able to handle what they have done and how far they sank.
    I have already forgiven them and hope for their healing, it is too late to offer them absolution and healing. Things might have gone faster and better if we had and so I am hoping to jump to that time line if it is not too late.
    I Love Cats

    1. I’m watching/listening atm, about 1.45 mins through so far. There’s some very interesting information for sure. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  28. Anyone else smelling/tasting non-existent smoke? It’s been in the back of my throat for the last week. I seem to recall that it’s a sign of bodily density burning off? It’s not unpleasant, just a bit odd, but hey, what isn’t….

    1. Both me and mr. tea kay smell cigarette smoke now and then. It tends to be in area’s of our home where there is no possibility of ‘second hand smoke’. With this type of smoke, I do feel it can be a ‘person in spirit’ whom was a heavy smoker and/or loved to smoke. I do however make sure to ‘feel it out’ and do the appropriate prayer to safe guard our home and all whom dwell within.
      The other type of smoke, as in general burning, I’ve noticed also. This I can’t pin point because we do live in an area where people burn off, have home fires etc.
      Interesting though, thanks for sharing 🙂

      1. Teakay, my mum and me have noticed this too! Mum has told me she has woken at night to smell smoke and had to check the house only to realise there was no fire! I’ve had that smokey industrial sort of smell every now and then!

        Much love ❤️

        1. Hi Lily, wow, that’s awesome that you have both experienced the smoke smell. Hmmm… very interesting, this is.
          I remember a message from what I call the ‘Water Being’, in recent time…
          it can come as pictures/shapes on the glass shower wall, or via the water itself as I ‘tap in’. This one was the picture, and I decode it, with help I’m sure 🙂
          From what I can remember at this time, there was a large animal, huge bison looking animal, that was carrying many people. Some people were sitting on top, some were hanging in baskets from underneath. I also noticed ‘things’ falling away.. onto the ground, as the bison moved forward. These ‘things’ looked like rubbish, bits of old ‘stuff’. And, now with the talk of smelling the smoke, I can see that some of the ‘things’ looked burnt. ‘Burning away the dross’?
          I’ll have to share last nights DT too, as it has burning/fire in it. I’ll add it separately to this post.
          Much Love <3 🙂 <3

  29. Yup! A whole new level of hear/feel energy intensity. It’s remarkably stronger than that which I’ve always heard. Wowzer!!!

  30. Hi All 🙂
    Last nights DreamTime was interesting… won’t go into all of it… but.. going inside a building to use an elevator, an asian looking man walked out all hurried like, with a strange look on his face. I went into the elevator and noticed a handbag on the floor. No one was in the elevator. First thought I had was ‘bomb’. So I ran out of there and let people know whom were gathered together eating…. like a hundred people. Someone called someone etc. Fast forward a bit …..
    I was carrying a cat in my arms, on a street in my ‘place of birth’ here this life cycle, looked up in the sky to see old looking war planes…. each from different times/wars. I then saw a black thing coming straight at me. As it came closer, I could read the big white writing on it.. ‘BOMB’. Like the ‘Road Runner’ acme bombs. Just before it hit, at my feet, a lady was asking if I would like this new top she was showing me. I motioned to her what was about to happen. I closed my eyes tight and held onto my fur baby, and told her its going to be alright. It won’t hurt. With my eyes closed, I could see a bright light from behind my eyelids, a big wind blew, then my whole body tingled. I opened my eyes to see where I was. I didn’t know for a second, but then realized I was ‘a okay’, and walked on. Something had changed… there was no noise.. no traffic, and this was a big suburb outside a big city. I felt bright.. Light. My body felt different. I had a skip in my step.

    Much Love <3

    1. @Teakay could it be a past life, a clearing of it all to make way for the new? The CAT: something to hold on to as it is so precious and helps you both go through the ‘door’ to the other side, to NE?….Hmmm , so many thoughts on this!

      Much love ❤️

      1. Hi Lily 🙂
        Yes, it could be for sure.
        There were other elements in this dream I did not mention that pertained to the past in ‘this life’. The ‘people I used to know’. This has been ‘in my space’ for a couple of months now, I think? I’m also experiencing a ‘marking in time’… its a long story, but it is extremely huge, and this dream does feel like it signifies the final letting go of ‘it’, and moving on with a cleared heart… not weighed down anymore, and with no ‘need’ for looking back… Choosing Life in a New way.
        I wonder also… are others experiencing something in their lives which is a ‘marking in time’? A huge shift.. withing the ‘shift’?
        Okay.. just got the ‘hot energy’ again via my left ankle, and travelling up my leg a little bit. This is… well, interesting haha… I’m going to have to meditate on this ‘happening’, and try and get some more info on it… or.. Trust it. Hmmm…. going with the Trust at the mo 🙂
        Much Love <3
        Woooo! Major heat right now!
        Wow Wow Wow.
        Cats, do you have any information on this?
        I would appreciate it if anyone did actually, Thanks! 🙂 <3

        1. The ankle is confidence. The left side is the “female” side: intuition, creativity, feeling. DF.
          Translation: confidence in your intuition/feelings. Your intuitive powers are becoming ever stronger. The DF is becoming stronger. The more the old (story, programming,…) is released, and hence the warmth, the more free you become. The more free you become the more you (and your DM) trust your intuition/feelings/DF, and vice versa. Hand in hand.
          Like that little boy, the DM, which you mentioned elsewhere, is now ok to walk with you as he trusts the DF.
          Perfect timing btw: Moon in Ophiuchus, which is actually Isis. Isis, female healer who could raise the dead. Talk about girl power. 😉
          Hope this helps!

  31. Please, please can someone explain why the moon keeps moving?!

    A few nights ago, it was as bright as a penny and so big and I could see it from my north facing window.

    Now, tonight, it seems small and very distant and can only be seen from my South facing window. How can this be, it’s like the sky keeps getting jumbled up!

    Much love & light ❤️✨❤️

    1. Hi Lily 🙂
      I don’t know, but I have seen many others mention this over the past year or so.
      Mr Tea Kay and I saw 2 Suns, side by side, low on the horizon at sun set, about a year ago (or more). They were the same size too. I don’t have a modern phone with good camera, and I don’t take my phone everywhere etc… so had nothing on me to get a pic. It was Amazing to see, and we’ll not forget it <3

      1. Teakay yes, two Suns. I’m sure I saw this too last year! Also star systems sudden seeming so, so close to us like we have zoomed in on a huge lens!

        Much love ❤️

        1. Lily, I’ve noticed the stars as well. In the past few months they seem closer, brighter and appear to twinkle more. There have been months where I’ll see the full moon, then it will seem to disappear the next night, no clouds.

          1. Brigitte, Yes! I wonder are we skipping around so much, timeline to timeline that all these oddities are taking place? Are tgere timelines with no moon or two suns? Curiouser and curioser…!

            Much love ❤️

        2. Omg! That is SO awesome to hear! I have not come across one person since that time, that had seen it. Yay! <3 🙂 <3

  32. Thanks Cats & M’s … One Rip/Step Closer 🙂 the transformation before the transition. Full moon energy will be more beneficial then the Solstice. The old cycle is ending & a new cycle begins (i’ve heard that every year but this year is different) we begin a new cycle without repeating the old. Celebrations to come … Christmas in July & August brings in the New Year 🙂 Christalline Gifts for All.

    Could we all gather & meditate on the Full Moon?

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