Special Project #2


Remember when we asked readers to use “The Mantra” on those folks who needed some personal spirit-boosting? Well, we have another important mission for you, should you choose to accept it.

The following are high-ranking influencers of the Mainstream Media (MSM). We thought they might benefit from waking up a bit. So, please do us a favor and look at each person and think to yourself:


Please do this for each person, looking into their eyes as you (mentally) say The Mantra. And that’s it. This will spawn a new timeline. Can you guess what happens on that timeline? Needless to say, this is one of the most important posts the CATs have ever written. Let’s see what all of us can do together.

They appear in alphabetical order (we’ll explain our choices later); chances are good you’ve never seen most of them before; some of their pics were not readily available. Anyway, here they are:



































[NOTE: The “mantra” really isn’t a mantra at all, but is instead a “Coursian” blessing technique developed by a student of Brother J’s (channeled) book, A Course in Miracles, available at acim.org.]

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221 thoughts on “Special Project #2

    1. Oh yeah!!!
      With some I had a hard feeling in the solar plexus.
      With others a wonderful fluency.
      With the majority it was neutral.
      And I have to say that it is not motivated by my feeling towards them.
      I’m from Spain and honestly I do not know almost any of those that appear in those photos.
      What I think for this job is better. I do not put feelings or subjectivities. I just do it

    2. Oh yeah!!!
      With some I had a hard feeling in the solar plexus.
      With others a wonderful fluency.
      With the majority it was neutral.
      And I have to say that it is not motivated by my feeling towards them.
      I’m from Spain and honestly I do not know almost any of those that appear in those photos.
      What I think for this job is better. I do not put feelings or subjectivities. I just do it

    3. Yes M2, I noticed that as well. Some I had to do again.
      Hugs 💜

    4. Yes, some were different to the others. Some were childlike, others were stubborn. This was great! Much Love to All <3

    5. Yes, and on one I felt myself soften and start to cry he felt receptive. If we do this more than once does it help or is once enough?
      Was going to go out today but energy completely zapped. Two very strange lights in the sky near my house last night. Seen a lot but nothing like this and not in that part of the night sky. Wonder what they were and why they were there. CATS any idea?

    6. Done and some did feel more difficult
      than others.

    7. Windows to the soul, no doubt. I felt the same thing; some just need a slight nod in the right direction, others are still too busy digging their graves to notice.

      For a short while, before I managed to reign in my feisty tendencies after waking up; I used to openly confront creeps like the poope and elizzy.

      Nothing I would recommend. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you too. That’s how you get real nightmares and make your life more difficult than it needs to be.


    8. Yes, I noticed that too.
      Some of them felt like walking through a strong headwind – a restistance – and from some I felt gratitute. Some of them also changed their apperance to when they were a child… Also noticed a lot of tingling sensations around my head and heard “cracking/knocking” sounds coming from the walls around me in my room.
      It is done❤️

    9. Yes ! some were easy like they were being forced to do what they were doing and on some I stuttered and even forgot what I was saying… so, I felt it important to do it again and again with more love and compassion.

    10. @ M2
      I certainly did!
      Yesterday, even, probably picking up your intention, i went directly to pelosi and
      said the mantra 3 times. You may laugh, but the next one was j. nadler, and the third – imagine! – was hrc. Here i felt quite exhausted, and a kind of block was put on my chest, hurting me right away.

      Q 1: Is it enough to say “brother/sister”, if we don’t know their name?
      Q 2: Does it still help focusing in their eyes, when their eyes don’t look forward?
      Q 3. From my experience with hrc, i guess a thorough protective shield is absolutely necessary before one starts.
      Q 4: Do you recommend saying the mantra 3 times, for stronger results?
      Thank you, dear CATs.

      1. @ CATs

        allow me, please, to report to you a most wondrous miracle, that indeed,
        IN-DEED! happened to me, myself, after saying this mantra:

        A new flat was promised to me by the owner, with the contract even
        sent to me.
        Then, all of a sudden, the owner called me, that somebody interfered,
        who would have higher chances than me, being a relative.
        Well, i said the mantra under tears, actually day & night, many days long.
        Brother J was always by me.
        Yesterday the owner called me, that not his relative, but I may have the flat!

        Thank you, you CATs-The-Miracle-Workers!

    11. While all are Soul and never lost, some “felt “ close enough to easily grab a lifeline, and others seemed submerged, lost and drowning in a Sea of LoveLessness………..

    12. The woman in the black and white branch blouse. I sort of forgot the mantra suddenly, like the memory was dropped when I got to her. When I remembered and did it I got the impression that she did not want to be forgiven at all, in a sort of neurotic way? Like she has massive amount of guilt or something. Weird!

    13. Yes. Some I felt clearly a releasing of energies around that person others nothing at all.

      (Kitten In Training)

    14. I sure did. There was one that I had to say it three times because of the energy surrounding him. Others were ready to let go and some were locked with a key. I really like doing this, it feels good. 🙂 Thank you!

    15. OMG 😲 you were right! Why couldn’t i remember the simple sentence once I hit #19 on the list on down? I literally had to go back and re-read 3 or 4 times! And then it was downhill from there. What the heck?

    16. Yes but is that because of them or because we recognize them or are biased as to how they look? Obviously spoken as a newb ha

      That was a lot, but if felt good! 🙂

      1. Me personally I don’t know anof them. The one I mentioned just felt “off”.
        Though I can understand that it’s easy to question the feelings. I’m a noobie too. 😛

    17. Wow. Some were very resistant. Because I pay no attention to msm or their minions, I don’t recognize any except Bezos.

        1. I threw my TV out 14 years ago and stopped reading news so I did not recognize any but the two obvious characters that even a first grader would know. The rest were strangers But that being said I got the feeling that some were not human and did not care if they were forgiven or not. So then I did it 3 more times on them.

          1. Cat’s
            A lot of these folks have green eyes, why is that?

        2. Yep, Bezos is a tough nut. I wonder what they did to him.


            1. I suspect the reason you noticed is that he’s VERY aware of his ears.

              This is more or less how our interaction proceeded:

              Me: You are perfect immortal, what?

              Bozo: Hey, did you notice my ears, they’re like huge!

              Me: Ok, fine, scratch that…Spirit, Brother. Whole and, what now?

              Bozo: Look, if I wrap them around you can’t even see me.

              Me: Yeah, keep doing that. Next!

              Maybe that’s it then, people made so much fun of his ears along the way that he decided to join the other team. Source walks in mysterious ways.


    18. Yes! there were some who I didn’t want to look into their eyes. I also saw/felt the very hurt child aspects of many of them….

    19. A few gave me a slight dry eye/burning sensation, but I didn’t keep track. I only saw one that looked familiar, NY politics? Much Love/Gratitude to All the “Fathers” out there, not necessarily males. I have the Utmost respect for All Father figures. Peace.

    20. Definitely!

      I don’t know if my mind tricked me, but with Jeff B. it was much more difficult and I also felt some physical pain.

      Phew! That was somehow draining. Perhaps I’m feeling all the whomp-age of these last days.

    21. Yes, I did. Interesting exercise. Thanks and Infinite Love. 💗


  1. Mission accepted and completed. I will even do it again for good measure.
    I felt like I connected with them, or something. But is blurry vision and seeing colors in my peripheral (electric blue and pink) while doing this exercise normal?
    Hugs 💜

  2. Done.

    A few “Darkies”.

    #6 Hard to reach, a little reluctant lol.


  3. It is done… Wow! Yes that was quite a challenge, some of them had some seriously high walls!

    Much love ❤️

  4. Okie dokie… whew! interesting the different feelings perceived with each one as I did them… Long ago I had asked for a tangible sign of confirmation- what developed was that my body will on it’s own nod or a head shake (side to side). After each addressed mantra – in most cases got a quick nod of confirmation (received? ) in a few cases didn’t get that, but not a head shake either… One person got a real feeling of ‘trapped’… one was really hard to look at – the ones I didn’t get a nod after I got some headache after. A nod to my not watching MSM or tv – there were only a few that looked even vaguely familiar… My left knee and right kidney just started hurting – I get it won’t last long – time for sleep?

    nite –

  5. I don’t recognize them. They are human? Not ca8al/draco?

  6. Interesting… last week I walked by the biggest mediahouse of this country, it’s just round the corner, and said the mantra.
    Now this.
    Ok, let’s do it. 💓

  7. Yes, I noticed that some where easier than others, however, mission accomplished. I’ve been using this mantra quite regularly now. What a difference its made for my interactions with others and for my Immortal Spirit to have peace. This week was brutal physically for me….breathing issues, lots of mucus, strep throat, and inner ear infection. Down for two days and nights. Fighting battles on all levels. Last night I slept finally and feel alive again. Am so grateful to participate in this mission with you all. I love reading your comments and the interactions between us are very meaningful to me. Hugs & Blessings to all who come here! Thank you.
    xox Cat

    1. Sending you love and healing, Cat. Feel better soon!
      Hugs 💜

  8. I hate to sound ignorant but I don’t know a single person except one. I am someone that does not watch TV or interact with media. Does that matter?

    1. I don’t think that matters Debbie, I don’t know any of them. You can do this with total strangers and it will still have an effect seeing as they are all brothers and sisters at the end of the day, they’ve just decided at some point to stray very far away from their origins, Source!

      Much love ❤️

  9. That was an evocative exercise. Some brought me to tears, some I felt a push back. Overall, I think I got healed at a deeper level. Thanks for the opportunity to participate 🙂

  10. Also done, after I rescued my neighbor’s cat, Hercules, who somehow managed to jump off his first floor balcony and make an escape for freedom! Once he came down he was not especially happy. Fortunately his human came to look for him and they were reunited!

    1. I agree, but some of the ones that felt human, I felt sadness, as though they had no choice in their actions. It was an amazing experience, thank you for this Cats.

  11. I had to go back and repeat a few as there was some resistance. Almost as if they could not forgive themselves. Second time around felt no charge with release. Bring on the best results for all. Cay

      1. I took a break planted some ferns (hands in the earth) in the garden thinking about this mission, then came in to do the Mantra a second time and I got no resistance at all and I feel wonderful.

  12. Hey, Gang! All your notes are beautiful proof that We are, in fact, quite remarkable. Thanks One and All.

      1. 😎💗 I am a CAT now!! Categorically Awesome Tribe? Creative Autonomous Treasury ? Creator’s Allegiant Trust? or? 🐈

      2. I love this, we are part of the CAT club 😉🐱.

        Have had cats in my dreams so frequently recently. Last nights adventure featured a large reddish brown furred human/cat being that really got involved in our family dynamics and was loved and accepted by everyone! Cannot remember details but do remember our beautiful feline friend having a brilliant sense of humour 🙂 ❤️ Glad to be part of the CAT clan xxx

        1. @lily144 big hug to my cat soul sister <3

          big hug to all cat's here <3 <3 <3

          1. @anonymous1444 kitty soul sister 😊❤️🐱 Big furry hugs to you to and ALL kitty family ❤️❤️❤️

      3. Is that why I am a cat magnet they come out of the woods to live with me and the dogs .

  13. This is interesting. Our blogging systems and PCs have become *very* glitchy since we put up this post! Love and light to all who need it. Just reading our words now has a kind of auto-blessing built-in.

    Wait… did we just have a timeline jump?


      1. Thanks for this! I’m trying to set up a new computer and it’s WAY glitchy. I thought it was me/mine. Good to know it’s The System. Did this blessing and felt sad compassion for some, nothing for others, kept forgetting the words on a few – don’t know who most of them are. But I noticed MY pain level is significantly reduced: the stiff neck and sore knees and back are suddenly much looser, mood feels lighter, more energy. Think I’ll give up on the computer and go vacuum up a couple of weeks worth of cat hair – maybe try vacuuming the cats . . . NOT!!!!

    1. Am feeling this one. [breathe trought it, breathe through it…]
      Thank you for the pic, Stefan❤️

      1. Uggh, thought something was going on, pressure to the head, loud white noise in the ears and small piercing headaches…thanks for the confirmation😀😻x

  14. Phew. Ok, second time through for bunches of us. Seemed easier, like our MSM brothers had been softened up by all of us, even the tougher targets (stubborn, but more accepting). BUT… we had a geo-magnetic/Wave X GLITCH right toward the end that affected electronics! Interesting.

    Note that this was our first *public* strategic exercise (we do CAT work all the time, under the radar). We’ll see how this pans out and adjust accordingly. It will take time. This might be really amazing to watch unfold. Let’s hope others pick up on this post.


    1. It doesn’t HAVE to take time.

      Instead, believe and know that it will be immediate.

  15. I am going to try again and cover up the mouths. I know this sounds strange but you know sometimes folk smile and their eyes do not match the smile! I think I may be able to focus better on getting ‘inside’!

    Much love ❤️

    P.S If anyone gets any ‘feelers’ from photos, what do think about this kitty?

    Daughter has been really interested in cats the last few days and carrying my old Bagpuss (UK toy/TV character) around with her and saying ‘Ahhhh Bagpuss’ whilst stroking him! Out of interest I played her Aristocats (have a slight aversion to Disney so hope there is not too much ‘programming in this one!) which she loved. I then put on Lady and the Tramp and she turned away and got her ipad out! I would love to get a rescue cat but I think maybe a kitten that will grow up with her and hopefully transcend to NE with us would be the best! Plus, there seems to be zero rescue Maine Coon here 🙁

    Anyway, here is the ad. The price made me gulp a bit!




    1. Okay, I just did it again covering up mouths and the intensity of the eyes came out so much more. Some were incredibly steely, I felt such resistance/challenge and also a need to shield. Some, I saw tears come into their eyes as if they had gone so far down that road they did not know how to turn around, they had felt trapped. I think us doing this has set some of them free. I hope so!

      Phew, feel like I need to light some incense and shake it all off!

      Much love ❤️

    2. Keep looking Lily. The perfect Maine Coon will need you to give him/her a home and will not cost a fortune. You daughter’s companion will arrive at the right time. Xxx

      1. @ Newlynn ❤️ Thank you! Yes, you are right, absolutely! I think a kitten is not really right for us. There is an older kitty soul somewhere out there that needs a loving home. Lovely to know that they are out there somewhere, maybe snoozing and having kitty dreams! ❤️🙏❤️

    3. Hi Lily,
      I had a look at the kitty… yeps, he’ll be snapped up. Looks like she’s on a breeder site… or from a breeder. I automatically don’t ‘go there’… just how I am. Maybe call the shelter near you, and talk to them about what you are wanting to achieve? They may have an area where you could both look at the kitties… and you could see how your daughter responds to certain ones? I’d give it a go for sure.
      I loved the website with Iris and Thula… that painting at the end… just Wow.
      Big Love to you both <3 <3 <3

      1. Thanks Tea Kay, yes, i know what you mean about breeders. I’m not going to get the kitten after all, doesn’t feel right. I would rather get an adult who needs a good home 😊
        Iris’ art is just amazing! so, so beautiful!
        Much love and huggles to you ❤️

        1. You’re very welcome 🙂
          So awesome to hear you’ll be looking to rescue a BeautyFull Cat.
          I’ll be very interested to hear about how your Daughter responds and grows with him/her. Purry hugs to you both <3 <3 <3

          1. I think we’ve found our kitty! An ex-breeding Ragdoll cat who needs a good home! She will be called Willow! Much love ❤️🐱❤️

  16. I felt my heart open really wide after reading all the comments!
    So many Thanks to CAT’S, M’s and all commenters and silent participants
    Much Love

  17. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck! After this peat and re-peat exercise, I went out into the garden to do some pruning. Poor choice! I had to hang onto the tree ‘cuz of the blind staggers. Must take nap!

  18. Done with my round. Interesting to note that at this time I didn’t notice any significant blocks from any of them, except from one woman.

    I was able to feel compassion for all of them, which is a first for me. Never thought that embracing the Light would make me so different with a mere few years…

    Might try it again later tonight, lest I doze off first.

  19. Well, same feeling here. Some are very resistant.
    (Sorry to repeat what was commented above)
    Don’t know anyone except for Bezos.
    By the way, I feel the same resistance coming from my neighbours upstairs who keep making noise day and night … At times I think they are not human … I know, you’ll say they are. I have a mantra for such beings:
    “All energy sent from me, to any sources that do not honor or respect these energy offerings, will be returned to me cleared and purified.”
    (This insures that I do not waste precious energy, and it protects me from actions that come from misguidance or a need to rescue.)
    Some people do not want to be rescued. They should ask for it.


    1. This reminds me of Leo Kottke instrumentals (which really shows my age). Cay

    2. Wow… thanks Lily. I think I shared about the hot energy coming through my left ankle recently on this blog… well… as I scrolled to this song, it came on again.. strong. I decided to test it a bit… so scrolled past it… heat when away… scrolled back up to it… heat came back. Did this a few times.
      I listened to the song, and it of course makes perfect sense.
      I think it really is very telling of what we have all just been doing here on this post, And, within our own lives.
      Also.. since finishing listening to the song, and typing this comment, the heat has gone again. I’ve been feeling it out, and this time I saw it as Golden energy, filling my vessel. There is also still the feeling of being ‘free from the chains’. Awesome 🙂
      Lots of Love <3

        1. I know right? You’re so welcome!
          Thank You for listening to You and sharing the song to begin with <3 🙂 <3

  20. Sophia Love ❤️

    June 12, 2019

    Is there someone here who wants to connect?

    Yes, Sophia, we are here.

    Hello. I feel you rather powerfully. Your energy puts me to sleep.

    Perhaps there are too many of us, or else this is not the best time?

    Yes, let’s wait a bit. I’ll reach out again soon.


    (Some time passed, and I reached out again that same day.)

    Okay, let’s try this again.

    Yes, let’s. We are here, Sophia.

    Hello. Thank you for coming forward.

    You’re welcome.

    Would you introduce yourselves to me? I sense a group.

    Why yes. We would be happy to.


    We are doctors.

    We do not come from earth, but from another planet. It too resides in earth’s galaxy, but is not recognized by humanity.

    Our purpose in contacting you today is a discussion of what healing and healing professionals can look like elsewhere. We are not manipulated or restricted by control and greed as earth’s doctors are.

    It therefore looks quite different.

    That would be great, thank you. Is your physiology similar to humanity’s?

    It is, but it is not exact. Our internal organs are structured slightly differently.

    Also, our food is not the same. This affects all of our internal systems.

    By “not the same”, we refer to the chemical treatment of your organic matter, which is eaten not only by humans, but also by the animals which humans also ingest. We do not chemically treat our population.

    Okay, please explain what the healing profession does to promote and sustain health. Also, to heal when an illness occurs.

    We utilize the natural biorhythms of the body as well as the vegetation. As one feeds the other, the latter are more easily maintained. (By latter we mean the body.)

    Our physical structure is a bit smaller and slightly more uniform than that of a human. There are not huge variations in height and there is no such thing as obesity.

    What we pursue is a promotion of constant rejuvenation. This is similar to what is done in the Pleiades, yet we are not Pleiadian and it is not exact.

    Waves are utilized to heal portions of the organism in need of repair.

    Food is taken for sustenance, not as much pleasure as we see done here. What this means is that it is packed with nutrition and palatable and taken at regular intervals. It is not so much an event where we gather to establish or reinforce connection. It is a necessity. Sort of like bathing is for you.

    When we gather to connect, it is around play. It is around music. It is also around joyous events such as a birth or a committed union or a successful project.

    We are a calm people for the most part.

    Our work as doctors is more of regulation and maintenance. There are relatively small numbers of physical injuries. When they occur, we utilize the shower or focus of waves in order to stimulate repair and return to optimal condition.

    We are blue skinned.

    Our average height is about 5 feet 5 inches tall.

    We are hairless.

    Our eyes range in shades of deep blue to violet – almost, but not quite black.

    We love physical exercise and move often and quite gracefully for the most part.

    Yes, there is clothing and footwear. But all of it is molded to our bodies and our feet.

    Our climate is temperate.

    We do not participate in wars.

    We do, however, have competitions; games of skill. We find that by competing we learn from one another and sharpen our techniques.

    These games of skill would be similar to what you have as obstacle courses. They are extremely rigorous.

    We like to laugh and in order to do so, engage in many comical shows where we entertain each other.

    Our comedy is not mean-spirited, we often poke fun at ourselves.

    From a young age we watch these comedy shows. In them are told the history of us – and in the knowing of our history we find unity and solidarity.

    As doctors, one of our jobs is to monitor the mood or what you might call “vibe” of the group. At times, it can be affected by tension, such as (from a) death or change-over of government. We find at these times that a mere adjustment of frequencies in the rejuvenating showers serves the group well.

    In these ways we serve our communities as healers. Everything impacts health and with watchful eyes and judiciously applied energy, a sort of calm is maintained.

    This calm is the bedrock for the best possible physical response.

    As doctors, we are trained in bodily function, maintenance and performance.

    This training includes emotional and even some spiritual components. We view the body in what you’d term a holistic way – all of what is going on for you matters and for certain it impacts your health.

    Doctors are chosen at a very young age, when it is seen that they hold the compassion and interest for it. They spend many years in the company of those who would someday be their peers. Intense study happens long after that.

    We work in groups always. How large depends on the needs and size of the community. There are no (medical) specialties by age – all of us are able to heal all ages.

    If there are “medicines” suggested, it will only be an increase, and a temporary one, of a specific herb or plant that will accelerate a specific healing.

    Chemicals are never ingested.

    We look at some of your human practices as almost barbaric; at the very least as harmful.

    We hope that this introduction will open your eyes to other possibilities for the healing arts.

    Thank you. It does.

    You’re welcome. We wish for you good health and long, happy life.

    You as well.

    The conversation ended.

  21. I can’t do it. I don’t believe in the mantra in respect to those who chose evil so I cannot complete the project. Why grant immortal life to those whom actively fight against it? All is forgiven and there is no disdain but I cannot understand. And let’s be real, these faces represent the (furthest) lesser of evil faces in the scales, but I guess in the end to forgive “weakness of being”????? is a higher order ideal. Yet I find the more satisfying outcome to be disintegration rather than re-integration. If we do this for these people is it the same for all the satanic population? A fantastic twist that would be, willingly and happily accept the plan with open arms. Complete forgiveness of consciously promoting evil? Oh well, once a psychopath always a friend. Always a beginning never an end. Acceptance of the divine race! A handshake, the devil, a grin.

    1. They are you. You are them. We are all ONE. If a child makes a mistake do you shun it and never look at it again? No. You educate it, one step at a time. We can speak SPIRITUALLY to people, all the time, whenever we want, and they can hear us. We can do this via a photo, a thought, even a memory of someone from the past. By using this mantra on these people (who we may take issue with), we not only release ourselves from the karma wheel, they themselves might also remember WHO THEY ARE and stop being the way they’re being! Start making better choices. There is no evil. THERE. IS. NO. EVIL. There is only insanity. This exercise is the first step probably anyone living has taken to bring these brothers back into the fold. There is no “satanic population.” There are insane people, who do insane things. This was to bring them one step closer to sanity. Thinking like yours dooms people to 3d. We don’t accept that.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. @Autumn Frost

      funny, funny,
      for we stepped in the Era of Healing — and judgement is…out of fashion!
      The high frequencies erase it by touch.
      How do i know, i’m no worse than my neighbour?
      To grant him immortal life, i cannot, it is not mine to grant!
      Isn’t Immortal Life a GIFT i got, along with all of us?
      Isn’t it funny to think, is my possession?

      And how about forgiveness?
      Isn’t Forgiveness a gift to give away?
      I cannot bury it, or keep it for me, for i get locked then, in my own cage!
      The moment i GIVE it – and only the moment i give it –
      i can break free!
      Yes, forgiveness is quite a funny thing:
      i seem to give it, but it works on me.
      How can I then, assume, i possess it?

      And to indict a being to disintegration/uncreation – that’s NOT my business,
      since i didn’t GIVE LIFE to that being, anyhow.

      Yes, the only force that increases when given away – that is LOVE.

    3. I can only speak from personal experience…
      For me, to forgive those whom inflicted incredible harms, has been THE hardest part of this Life Cycle. I’ve known, since I can remember, that Forgiveness was the only way Me and the All, would be freed from ‘what has been’.
      It’s been half a lifetime in the process of such, and maybe I am fortunate to have been saved many times, so I Could continue to try to Do what I have Known for so very long. Here I Am. At the pointy end of this process, and I can honestly say that I have travelled through every fibre, to get to this point.
      Forgiveness… has shown me, to Be of THE Golden ‘marking in time’.
      The massive release of all the harms that have been done.
      We are the Brave whom are here, at this time, in this life cycle… whom chose to come to Do this. I know, deep within me… I’ve seen, deep within me… what I Am capable of. It’s been no easy feat. Not at all.
      Still…. Here I Am.
      <3 Love to All <3

  22. Thank You Cats & M’s all done. I have no idea who they are but their identity is not important for their identities are ruled by their titles. Before I started my solar plexus was going ew ew ew then I focused & felt my heart open, some where easy others not, who caused a delay in trying to finish the mantra. one in particular was the lady with the black jacket, blue shirt & spiral earrings. After reading all the above comments it appears your strategic exercise is unfolding nice work 🙂

  23. Done, twice. I’d be curious to know how these folks were chosen? The only one I knew was Bezos. Maybe it’s what I know of him, but he seemed like one of the resistant ones to me. For good measure, I also did Lady Gaga every time she was played at the gym this morning!

  24. Oh yuk. Sorry can’t do it. I can’t give them anything else. Not even a blessing. Where does that leave me? Fhg if I know.

    1. Explain how paying attention to these parasitic influences clears what you mirror. I can’t.

      1. It’s easier to forgive if people understand that this is all illusion, a dream. Is a dream real? You wake up from it… it’s gone. That’s how real this all is. No one is evil. No one is doing anything wrong. These are your brothers and sisters (actually, there’s no gender in Spirit) who are actually asleep — like you — sleeping in SOURCE. This is your wake-up call. Those who are dreaming that they’re throttling the narrative will awaken and say, “Wow. What the heck was I doing in that dream?”


        1. What about remaining neutral with them? I can live and let live but I don’t think I can like them enough to be friends, ya know?

            1. What if my left leg starts behaving differently from the right one, m-m-m?
              I wonder …
              Sending love to you,
              <3 <3 <3

      2. Surely that isn’t your problem? But if we are all one my attitude is your problem, oooh that thought sucks. Hahaha

    2. We must practice compassion/ forgiveness/etc. to progress. Peace

    3. @Anonymose
      2019-06-15 AT 4:14 PM

      The Blessings are not our possession,
      but a Gift from on High.
      Indeed, they perform Miracles ONLY when given away.

  25. Ok, started down list, not recognizing anyone, all going well until I finished guy by the globe…couldn’t go any farther…so I scrolled and saw Bezos…too much evil for me…couldn’t look him in the eyes! Went outside and grounded in my garden and then had a great day. Thanks everyone for clearing the ‘air’ – every little bit helps!
    Much ❤️

    1. We didn’t recognize most of them, either. These are *print* editors and publishers. Most talking heads get their content from folks like these.

      -CAT Eds.

  26. ✅ Started at the bottom and worked up… for obvious reasons. Will repeat with more focus and intention later on. Thanks for this! 😀

    1. Oh, the order isn’t important. We put them in alphabetically.

      Some people were very cagey about allowing pictures of themselves to circulate.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Nice. Didn’t think so. I merely figured some folks would bail as they worked their way down, so chose to work up. That’s all.

  27. Done! I too stumbled over a few and had to redo and repeat the mantra before it stuck. As I said it I did try to envision each person as a small child, some were easier than others.

    I have felt for quite awhile the media or MSM is one of the major bottlenecks slowing down the raising of people’s consciousness on the planet so I hope this project opens the flow!

    Thank you CATS for giving me/us the opportunity to assist!

  28. #7 I had momentarily forgotten what to say… Happened with a few others – but that one felt paticularily strong.

    I have also been using the ho’oponopono prayer that my grams introduced me to – I use it whenever I see something that makes me sad or when I have negative thoughts or feel anger building and it’s been nothing short of amazing. It goes like this:

    I love you.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.

    From what I’ve gathered, it’s about recognizing that we all come from the same Source and because of this, we are all connected and thus responsible for “cleaning” the anger, hurt and pain… Healing others is healing ourselves. Thinking this prayer is meant to cleanse. It’s given me a whole new perspective. It’s also allowed me to gradually release the incredible amount of rage that has built up within me over the years…

    Is anyone here familiar ho’oponopono? I feel that a lot of what I read here is in alignment with this.

    1. @Me, yes – I became aware of it between 4-6 yrs ago, from different sources – I esp pay attention to things that come spontaneously from three or more different sources…
      As far as using it with others, I found it esp helpful using it with myself, as I have been esp good at self judgment in my life…


    2. I have used ho’opomopono off and on for years. I had a lot of resistance at first because I felt like I was apologizing for something that was not my fault. Eventually I saw that if the negativity was not part of me I would not see it. Very helpful

  29. Normally the eyes don’t match the smile. That means: when fakers smile they only move the muscles around their mouth not around the eyes. The TV-smile.
    YET… most of these guys and gals do both. Weird. Very weird indeed.

    Tomorrow, Monday 17th, full moon in Sagittarius/Ophiuchus at about 8:30am UTC, strongly aspected.
    Also a build-up to the total Solar eclipse of July 2nd.
    In between that, there’s the Solstice on June 21st.
    Can you feel it, can you feeeel it, can you feeeeeeeeel it?
    Yes Tito, we can.

    1. All the children of the world should be, loving each other in harmony….. woo!
      Yes its alright! Take my message to your Brother and tell him twice…. now tell me… Can you feel it? Can you feeeel it? Can you feeeeel it? Woo! <3 🙂 <3

  30. Did it. Three times. Out loud, in my “‘proper voice'”. Looked each one in the eye and recited the “mantra”. By the second stanza & even more-so, by the third, I was blubbering and crying, totally out loud; at each photo, of which i recognised none. I suppose if i never actually hated any of them, unconditionally loving them all is easy.

  31. I grounded and protected myself seriously the second time & felt no push back at all.
    Beforehand I worked with hands in dirt in my garden and talked with Mother Earth about this and had a wonderful night of good dreams.

  32. I found some connections more challenging/uncomfortable than others.

    I also found the phrase “all is forgiven” to be too loaded with judgement day for my system (judgement is one of those beasties that still trigger me). I replaced it with “all misunderstandings are seen”, which felt better to me.

    1. This is incorrect. “Forgive” means “to overlook.” It means “let it go.” What you say reifies the alleged wrongful action. There is no wrongful action in The Illusion.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I agree completely. It’s just that I have not yet succeeded in completely releasing some deeply held misunderstandings around judgement, and I found it interfering with my ability to participate in these connections. So I switched to a more comfortable phrase.

    2. I understand.
      I also want to say thank you for doing it in the way that you could.
      In my life, both personally and from observation, we are all making progress as we are able to. More so now more than ever, as far as how much we are pushing ourselves to at least try and Do the things we know would be helpful to the All.

  33. Did it yesterday. I agree with Michelle, that lady was a doozy…had the same feeling in the solar plexus as well. Some serious grounding, protecting and Brother J’s presence really helped, so I was able to complete the exercise and felt quite good afterwards. This is my first time posting, but y’all have been a very important part of my life for a long while now! Thanks to all of you for being so darn amazing, caring, loving and plain wonderful!!!!! Forgiveness seems to be such a big theme for me now. My physical symptoms seem to be less prevalent lately, but I am getting huge tsunamis of all sorts of emotions with every wave that comes through, anger, tears, frustrations, bliss, you name it…So much processing of old known and hidden pain and guilt! My capacity for honesty seems elevated, I can look things in the eye and acknowledge them, and it’s not pretty sometimes…And then, as if one of those hooks pops off, I will have a totally new thought that changes everything, and I can forgive, release and move on, just like that. It’s so incredibly easy once that switch happens. Emotional and spiritual growth on steroids! Exhausting, but exhilarating!
    Thanks again for being here and sorry for the long post…

  34. Just done it. Late but I got there! Tortoise and hare. On a side note. Travelled for six hours on the UK M1 motorway yesterday to see a poorly parent. We had an amazing experience on the way home. All of a sudden we were driving in what seemed like a rainbow. The cars all around us were bathed in rainbow colours for a mile. Then a few minutes later it happened again . Awesome experience. I could not see evidence of an actual rainbow anywhere. I looked, as I thought we were travelling through the point where it reached the ground. 🌈 🤗

  35. in my meditation this afternoon
    I saw and felt myself becoming a cat
    it was * a m a z i n g *
    I did the boosting…. some are not human
    strange cold energy.

    1. Some of us saw tumbling rainbow-colored waves of The SHIFT rolling toward us at 8000 mph. We’d seen lots of EVENT “wave” symbols before, but this was the first one that was multicolor/rainbow. Looked very… “how-it’s-gonna-look.”

      -CAT Eds.

  36. Happy Father’s Day to all you Cat Daddy’s. I am wearing my deceased Dad’s sweater today in his memory. Cay

    1. @J thanks for posting. Really interesting article. I would love to cut the ties to the old 3D world. It’s difficult when your daughter is disabled and has so many hospital apps. I bite my tongue so many times when confronted by a doctor/specialist who embodies such low vibration, narrow minded egoism (not all doctors are like this but many sadly are). I feel so claustrophobic and my throat chakra seizes up as I know if I speak my mind and truth my parenting will be judged so I sit nodding like a good little mother and then go my own ‘holistic’ way after we leave! Feels like I am playing a crazy games sometimes and so much crave freedom from these ‘systems and old ways’.

      Much love & light ❤️✨

      1. Oh sweet Lily, you do not worry about doing that.
        That’s what you have to do in the 3D world. You can not risk that they question your ability and take the girl away.
        What you do is very smart. In Spain we have an expression for that. That of saying yes and then doing what one really wants. I do not know if it can be translated, but it would be “Yes, for you to shut up”.
        So the next time it happens to you and you have to pretend to be 3D when you hear stupidities in a white coat (or whatever) recite mentally in that phrase. it will make you not feel guilty and at the same time make you laugh at the situation, with that point of rebellion.
        It works for me.
        With love

        1. @ Cristina ❤️ Thank you, I LOVE what you said! Made me laugh too! funny after leaving that comment. My daughter had some dental pain in the night and I had to get her in this morning as an emergency at a dentist we had not been to before. They could only book her in for ‘private’ treatment. When we went in the dentist was an absolute angel, she was so sympathetic to our situation and hugged me! I had a real sense that she held a LOT of light! So lovely when you come across this when least expected! She also gave us the appointment for free, no charge! So, there are some good eggs in the mix after all! 🙂 Much love ❤️

  37. Interesting. This one post is really bringing out the trolls.

    One commenter accused us of creating a “harvesting program.”

    Another disliked the term “forgiven.” It just means to overlook, as in overlooking whatever someone’s done wrong. It’s easier to overlook people’s mistakes if you know this is illusion.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. If this post brought out the trolls, imagine what a similar exercise of famous folks (who are easily recognizable) would unleash.
      On a previous note, I too saw rainbow waves in my pool yesterday refracting light like moving fluid prisms. Beautiful. Cay

    2. We all want forgiveness in the end some just come to it sooner than others. 🌈

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