Mantra-ing the Past


It should be noted that that mantra we keep taking about…

…is not really a mantra at all. A “mantra” is a “sacred utterance.” Nothing we say is sacred. They’re just words, and imperfect ones at that. The thing that we’ve all been using is actually a “Coursian” technique (a technique based on Brother J’s NEW teachings, A Course in Miracles, and developed by a student of The Course) for releasing yourself — little you and BIG YOU — from various things holding you back. One of the most powerful ways to use this is on all those people you’ve become embroiled with over the years, or anyone you have a problem with.

You know who we mean. We all have them. People (or in our case, beings) who made your blood boil.

My forgiveness ray compels you!

Try this: Sit for a few moments and think of all the people you’ve had a problem with in the past. Pull up their faces in your minds, and say to each one of them:

You are perfect, immortal spirit, brother,
whole and innocent.
All is forgiven and released.

Might take a little while, but afterward… BOOM, you are free. And so are they. It’s worth a few minutes.


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75 thoughts on “Mantra-ing the Past

  1. Don’t neglect yourself.

    Doing The Mantra on oneself goes a long way towards releasing one’s burden.

      1. I used the mantra for the group the ‘parents were involved with, it took quite some time and felt lighter when finished. Have also used it with people at work and ex people who are no longer in my life. Looked in a mirror and said it to myself. We all have erred hurting others and ourselves. We are here to learn that we are not perfect but to love, forgive and accept ourselves and others without judgement as this is a game. Although I still grumble at the hoops I’ve set myself, sigh. Living with PTSD I respond differently which can appear emotionally unbalanced and have huge trust issues with humans.
        Are we there yet? :0

  2. Exactly, works great. Once I learned this “mantra” I started applying it to everyone, EVERYONE; ex-wife, Trump, you name them. WORKS great, tyvm. AND I feel loads better for doing it. TY Brother J.

    1. Agreed, I used it on myself and others. And, It does feel Good. Peace.

  3. Wow!
    There were two old faces I had forgotten, ahem … I wonder why I remembered one of them … he was a big boss and created huge trouble for a lot of people, really a lot … a despicable person … ahem …
    I like the way you coin new words, not just here 🙂

  4. Oh, this is a tough one. I’m trying this mantra on a former business partner who shamelessly stole from me and unjustly ruined my reputation, and I can barely mouth the words with contempt and scorn. I’m not even sure if I believe them in my heart, but it’s the best I can do for now.

    1. @Elemental I hear you. If I remember correctly, the Course also offered assistance with such resistance with the statement that goes something like this “God help me to be willing to be willing”. In the beginning of practicing ACIM, I used to add *several* willings to that statement. 😊 It helped. Mucho Love and Gratitude to All here ❤️❤️

      (Joy113) can’t seem to get logged in 🙃

      1. @Anonymous, I think I must have subconsciously remembered that”willing” part of the Course from when I did it in 1980? as I used ‘I want to want to ______ etc in the past 10-15 yrs A LOT!


  5. I’m loving these “projects” and can’t wait to try this one too. For conversation’s sake, I’m curious if there’d be more strength or impact, for lack of a better phrase, if we had them scheduled for a certain time? I know ya Cats do that, tho maybe that’d be adding a level of complexity for a blog post that isn’t necessary and could alienate those who aren’t clicking this site every four seconds like I do.

    Regardless, it’s fun. Keep’em coming! 😀😀

  6. Love the notice sign… 🙂 I feel like that is my life modus operandi this last decade. – Also this last decade I feel like I’ve spent ‘mantra-ing the past’, just without the mantra/Coursian technique. It’s much easier with this to use – simple and complete.

    My energy is better today even with the, nightly now, battle of the spots interrupting sleep – had to get up early to come dog sit the 15 yr old Gr. Shepard – still better than most days – mainly just headache…

    be well, ALL

    1. To All, I’ve been at my old landlord’s house dog sitting today and using his old laptop – some things I can’t do here like ‘like’ comments and I guess not ‘noticing’ and becoming anonymous. 🙂 can’t log in here as myself –

      I spoke too soon this morning although grateful for the better energy, then late morning I CRASHED big time OUT!

      – huge wind storm with white sky a little while ago… with whistling! – now the sky looks like an impressionist painting blue white and grey…

    2. Note: I was dog sitting at my old landlord’s house (the 22nd) and was using his old laptop and couldn’t do certain things -like like comments and thus became anonymous for the day – back home and ‘me’ again.
      Love to all,

  7. God is…


    Two most important things to realize, together and separately. Easy, but not!

  8. Hello All,
    If it’s not too much to ask, could you please say the mantra / Coursian technique for my husband and me? It’s been a bit rough for my family lately.
    Much love and gratitude to all you wonderful souls!
    Hugs 💗

      1. Thank you so much, Lily!
        I hope you and your lovely daughter are doing well!
        Love and Hugs 💗

        1. Done, Sharon! Glad for the opportunity to help!
          All the best to the two of you!

        2. Love and hugs Sharon ❤️ It’s sooooo humid here. Daughter has gone off to sleep after a very sleepy day. Another hospital appointment tomorrow for her, will be glad to get back home after and just relax…no more appointments for a while after this one phew!
          Much love ❤️

          1. Hi Lily!
            I am so happy to hear that you and your daughter will get some much needed rest!
            Sending you two lots of love!

            It’s always humid here, and we have had a heat index of 103°F (39.4°C) the last 4 days (Gulf Coast of Texas). 🔥🌡🔥
            But that is typical June weather for us.
            Stay cool! 🙂
            Hugs 💗

            1. Oh Wow Sharon that is humid and hot! hope you have coolers (ceiling fans?) etc..

              Much Love and Hugs ❤️😊

    1. Done with pleasure! All is well ❤️❤️
      love, jane

      1. Thank you so much, etnomenignotum! Hugs are wonderful!
        Love 💗

  9. I am definitely going to try this on the people who are the sand in my oyster shell. 🙂

  10. Wowzer! All youse guys feel lighter! (including myself) Something sure popped yesterday! I seem to be holding less pain today. ( BTW I’m having a meet-up with Lisa on the phone early next week. I’m most interested in what she sees.)

    1. I noticed a dramatic reduction in pain the day before yesterday; haven’t been able to go barefoot for more than a few minutes in several years and all of a sudden, I can! Went all day with nothing more than a slight ache. Sure hope the fingers are next….

      1. That’s so wonderful, Kolibri! I’m so happy for you! Sending thoughts of whole, perfect and nimble fingers your way!!!! 😉

      2. That’s so wonderful, Kolibri! I am very excited for you! Sending thoughts of whole, perfect and nimble fingers your way!!!! 😉

  11. When I try to do it for myself, I keep forgetting the word innocent!!! 😯😇 Granted, it’s only a little true what they say about redheads! 😉But honestly, it does concern me a bit! I do work in radio! I was a reporter years ago and did try to get the truth out and trust me, I’m PAYING dearly for it now.

  12. Wow, woke up too-early again this morning, despite being exhausted. Had to take a nap, later. Then, around 6:00 pm PDT, it seemed like the energies let up for a moment, and my body heat was replaced by ‘body cool’ for a change… it had been going on so long I really noticed when it was gone. I got the thought: “Finished with that stage.” Later, around 7-8 pm, I felt… superweird (I have no words to describe it), nebulous. I went outside for some reason… and things seemed viewed through an anamorphic lens, like reality was being bent or squished. Uncle.


    1. Same here. And I kept falling asleep for no reason all day, so I also took a nap. It seemed inevitable.

      Interesting, just noticed that the various notable sensations today all have a Tomsk counterpart. Need to blog it.


  13. Interesting phenomenon: I am able to bring to mind the faces of those who I need to “mantra-ize”, including looking into their eyes.  With a couple I find it bit difficult to maintain the eye contact in my mind and they look away. I gently bring their eyes back to gaze into mine and continue the mantra. Is this being too aggressive, too intrusive? Since it’s my own visualisation, is it MY resistence that I’m finding?

  14. While dog sitting uh, yesterday now – after a better energy morning I crashed HARD. out cold for about 6 hrs, I think with a couple of moments consciousness in there somewhere, then another few hrs late afternoon, early evening.
    My teeth hurt quite a bit , too – even non-nutritious bread hurt to eat… yogurt was easier, lol. 🙂
    We had quite a wind storm in the afternoon, with weird whistling – afterwards the sky look painted – an impressionist scene in blue, grey and white…

    Off to seek sleep after some mantra-ing – hmmm, how about ‘Mantra-Coursing’ ? – a new sport like cross country skiing and we all get a gold metal for even doing it in whatever stages we can..?
    nite nite,

    1. Sorry for repetitive posting comments – I wasn’t sure anything went through from over there… 🙂

  15. Dogs got me up early this morning, after tending to them, I had to lie back down and my body felt oddly warm/cool- tingly some areas almost numb , and fell back to sleep thinking that we must be having another timeline shift. Wondering if anyone else felt it?

    1. Sort of. It’s kinda hard to tell now, since we’re having so many of these all the time. However, for the most part, if you feel something and it makes you think of timelines or Wave X, that’s often what it is. Electronics are also a big-time telltale for this.


    2. Yes. I had mega heat moments all day Sunday. Much more than a normal hot flush – and I’m an expert at those! Also still tingling/ vibrating which has been going on for a week. Didn’t help the tingling though when I managed to get a stinging nettle go up my nose when I was gardening!

    1. That was beautifully written. I like your style of writing, barely happens! 🏆

  16. Good morning, All,
    Here’s part of a dream, before it goes – I was weaving tree trunks together (4) old and new (thicker and thinner diameter), not easy – a small amount of water was used to help. This took place in a field near the left side of a main road shortly before a junction with a good sized side road. 90 degree junction with a stop light – stop light wasn’t there in the dream – This is a ‘real’ place from my past, mildly melancholy – when I was seven or eight neighbors of ours moved to this town – real name Newtown, CT ! – and these roads and direction led to their new home. The children in the family were a boy and girl, fraternal twins. I didn’t play that much with the girl – they were I think two years older, but the boy (I just remembered his whole name) Peter, was very nice and kind and I had a crush on him. I was sad he was leaving. ( I remember making him tapioca pudding before they moved, which I loved) He gave me his bicycle a 20″ (tire diameter) as it was becoming too small for him, but it was very kind and the energy behind it felt extraordinarily kind, esp with what else was going on in my life that was ‘secret’ and repressed. (abuse). Kindness was something I both prized and was unsure about, ulterior motives abounded around me, but this was pure…

    Perhaps it is wise to remember these types of connections when doing the exercise, not JUST people we had issues with, but also all those higher vibrational connections we’ve had, those that enriched our lives, enhanced our being – honor them with using the Mantra/Coursian technique…

    hope your days go well,
    much love,

  17. Just a sharing of my latest thing of contribution (to my life) – showed up just as viewed the last video of an amateur luthier restoring an 1890s parlor guitar – 40 something videos – she did a great job – loooong process…
    This may not be your ‘thing, but I love viewing things about things, sometimes more that the end product of the thing itself – so here is a link, if it’s correct, to
    Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment – ”not all orchestras are the same’ concentrating a certain period of music played with the instruments of that time – some original, some reproductions – so audiences can here what the music was composed for and on… I appreciate all music (most? – I haven’t heard all… 🙂 ) just might not play some for enjoyment…
    You are of course welcome to ignore this post, lol – not everybody’s thing, but this is how my having asked for contribution to show up in my life – when one thing is finished something else will show up to my attention – happens in all areas, like if there is something I’m to DO rather than BE. I think I’m more of a BE-er… generally speaking…
    Much love to all – you have only to ask –

    I've been watching the playlist of the introduction of the various Baroque instruments – their history and sound, how they were used, etc… enjoying…

    1. Ooooooh, thank you for posting this, Kathleen! I will enjoy this channel very much!

  18. I’m going to get my Native American Flute out today; have been thinking of it for days – has been languishing, un-unpacked in my closet since moving to this apt. and unplayed since my daughter’s family moved here, 4 yrs ago – time to reclaim and have the courage to play within hearing of others…

    love to ALL,

      1. @Stefan, it’s unearthed from bubble wrap and bathmat encasement – tried a toot or two – sweeeke, lol – must practice, get my hoot back, lol – on to the New tomorrows…

    1. J, why did Denise le Fay write this ??:
      “Denise says:
      June 19, 2019 at 8:46 AM
      This comment is for “J”.

      “J”, please refrain from sharing any more links to my website at the cats site. Thank you, Denise Le Fay.”

      is she does not like this place? Or is it that she hates cats?
      I do not get it.

    2. Thank you J.

      Your news is always well received.
      Energetically, many of your days are like my days.

      Excerpt from the High Heart post:
      “…those events are automatically recorded within our individual energy fields and is then transmitted to higher dimensional Team Light beings (they’re just terms) to use to further their Work with this entire Ascension Process and Shift into a NEW higher evolutionary cycle. Many of those Team Light beings deal with Team Dark beings crimes done against humanity. I’ve witnessed a few ancient negative aliens being dealt with in higher dimensions so I’d have conscious memory of it at that level of this process as well.”

      I fought against the Team Dark crimes against humanity and it is as if the battle is over and I have been sent to the countryside to love again.

      Thanks again for all your posts.

  19. With last night’s energy I felt weird – can’t quite recall… a strange kind of sadness? Had to sleep on and off yesterday (6/23). I almost can’t remember yesterday…
    I woke a number of times throughout the night after finally going to sleep a bit after 3 am… remembered some group abuse incidents that I mantrazied – felt I had do them in groups because I didn’t know their names or who they were. I felt the other day that on some people I needed to follow their ‘session’ with a session on myself as I felt attention needed addressing concerning any not nice feelings I may have felt concerning them and their actions I didn’t want to carry – these usually involved abuse scenarios or incidents – It’s always been easier to think it was all my fault, as I’d been told, than think other people would choose to do this. Since the abuse started around three weeks old, my thinking pathways weren’t great or discerning. 🙂

    When I woke early this morning I felt drawn to thoughts of a particular celebrity. Even though this person was accused and vilified I always felt he was being used as a scapegoat – perhaps ‘the Light’ had(s) some use for him the ‘you know whos’ wanted to interfere and try to destroy him – I have no idea, but felt this morning to do the Mantra with him – there was a lot of interfering (not from him) – I just felt a stasis about him,like he was in some sort of field – could hardly start, getting paused, forgetting words, attention pulled away, almost going to sleep – walls felt, esp before the last two phrases and then proceeded to just the last phrase that was really not wanted to complete – the walls felt like the walls, traps, blocking off things I’d felt that had been erected in my own mind to keep me from using my full mind and not remember some things – that I was told by HS in a QQHT session I didn’t have to remember – wasn’t to try – I guess I’ll have to get to Mantrazizing that while thing generally somehow…
    Anyway, persevered, even asking Brother J to be with me in it at a certain point.I believe it was after about an hour that I was finally able to do the whole thing rapidly/ completely three times without interference and followed by the the completion/relax feeling I get when done. I hope this helps the situation. still feel he is in stasis somehow…

    try to be well out there, Y’all,

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