Buckle Up, Toto [UPDATE1]


Ugh. Here comes more energy.

Lots of CATs woke up feeling sick today. We’ve had headaches the past week (or two), and some have flu-like symptoms, the ever-annoying BODYHEAT and HOT-HEAD, and in some cases cold symptoms. Sure, it’s just Wave X, but…


…it’s gonna get worse.


We feel like there’s going to be a tornado of energy this week, and we’re going to be exhausted by the end of it. Full moon last Friday and now equinox on Monday… and we’re gonna get squished between the two.

This is going to show up somatically, interpersonally, politically, accident-wise, human-freak-out-wise… the whole gamut. We’ve already seen two small local tragedies unfold (and had spirits from the tragedies follow us home!). People aren’t going to know what to do with this energy so it will literally manifest in a bazillion different ways. It would be best to practice throwing grounding cords on people, so you might want to review the Tonic for Catatonics techniques. For anyone who appears lucid enough (be careful), you can try educating them in the ways of grounding if you think they might be open to them:


Calm your mind and think…

  1. Grounding cord to the New Earth
  2. Grounding cord to SOURCE
  3. Grounding cord to Gaia.

We know we’re already SOURCE-connected, but this reifies the connection mentally.


On the bright side, lots of people are “finishing up,” ascension-completion-wise — and they’re waking up. You might start seeing and hearing and experiencing more and more. After an exhausting energy early morning yesterday, one of the M’s heard a female voice (one of her Guides) say, “It is done, everyone.” We’re still trying to figure out what this means for this one M, but clairaudience is the handiest of abilities, as clear communication can take place.

Oh, if you feel unexpected emotions suddenly, for no reason, this might be you clearing something… or it might be the spirit of someone who’s recently transitioned and who for whatever reason hasn’t been claimed by Guides. (Sometimes, people think they’re monsters and either run or shun.) This is very common in younger people. If you feel an inexplicable sadness, for example, following you from room to room, do a quick G+P, then try reaching out with your mind and hands and feel what’s going on. If you sense a spirit, don’t make a big deal out of it; just ask them to sit in a comfy chair or couch, and then ask them to call their Guides to come collect them. Often, this action will resolve the situation.

More as it happens.

“Auntie Em! There’s a CORNUCOPIA stuck in the roof!”




Btw, someone asked about this image and whether or not it was authentic, and who was in the ship…


It is authentic. That’s an arch*n ship. Bad vibe city. We saw the military is basically admitting that UFOs and ETs are real… which should not give anyone license to put out the red carpet for negative and neg-neutral ETs. People need to develop their own faculties and protection techniques before they ever attempt communication with beings who are not only more advanced, mental-mojo-wise, but also experts in mind manipulation. Some can make you think you’re seeing a voluptuous Walt Disney come down out of that ship, anything to mess with you. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Just like coaches tell football players who score touchdowns, act like you’ve been there lots of times before. ETs will respect your caution and circumspection.

Oh… and if anyone gets an email from the UN inviting them to some high-falutin’ conference, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK. It’s from hackers trying to compromise your system. Blah blah blah.

And… yes, this Chinese moon probe is more Kubrick moon-studio magic:

Wow, that’s bad. All the technology available and they still can’t put stars on the backdrop. Lame.

Just had to do a whole new Buckle-up post! Wow.

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115 thoughts on “Buckle Up, Toto [UPDATE1]

  1. Oh Bast, you mean it’s going to ramp up again? Yesterday was awful … I was NOT nice to be around. Unfortunately, my significant other found that out. Nobody was going to mess with this Lion, OR appease her. Today? It’s iffy. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen between N(owch) and Equinox. Maybe a fresh saucer of cream will help me get through this. =>•.•<=  {miew}

  2. Well, recently I asked my Guide or Guardian Angel when I will get one particular job I am hoping for as I am still unemployed for 2 years (more or less, I had few jobs in between, but for short period), after company where I worked closed the office in my town ☹

    In the past I was getting answers as bold Yes or No, but this time I got the answer with dominant man voice, probably my GA which encounter in my dream I explained in mail to CAT’S, and answer was “in October”, this was during day time, not during dream state, just to clarify ✨

    But I also had a “feeling” that somehow getting the job is not that important for me at this point in my life, that my ascending have precedence over that.

    Well, maybe so, but I have two kids to take care off and I need the job, but somehow I knew that something is ahead and it is coming sooner then everybody else is thinking, so his (my GA) message to me “in October” maybe have some other meaning for me, not related to getting the job ?

    I do not know, maybe it is me getting the job, but who knows, October is just around a corner, we will see ✨

    1. Ooo this is interesting, I have had same message several times related to different stuff! I have been trying to focus on doing the stuff that ‘lights me up’ in an attempt to drag myself out of some quite heavy depressions, (I realise its quite possibly stiff Im picking up as much as my own stuff!) One of the things I am most happy doing is being with horses, one of them in my pic 🧡, I am looking for a new buddy (horse) to join our little herd and keep getting ‘be patient, it’ll unfold in october!’
      This is also for me linked to new buisness venture I hope to start 🐴 I feel like it’s possibly relevent to much more than my little hopes and dreams.
      By the way cant tell you all how grateful I am, these posts keep me sane! 🧡

      1. Today I was driving to one interview for IT Administrator job (not the one I hoped and asked for, but…), and in my car CD player was one album from Queen, I crank up the volume and first lyrics that I heard was “This could be heaven for everyone”, amazing, so much for a synchronicity ✨

        And then I smiled and thanked Sorce for that lyrics at that moment, but not regarding to that job interview, but as what future hold for us/me, I hope it is in very near future, maybe even in October ✨

        1. @ Perica. I do hope you get the perfect job soon. Even if it’s just for a short while before we shift. I listened to that song the other day. The words were really ahead of their time and are so true. ☺️

          1. Well, the interview with general manager off that company went really well, he was very pleased with my knowledge and expertise as I worked with R&D teams in France and Italy as consultant and helped them with a few issues to sole during my work in the former company (Kodak distributer in Croatia). He called me that day at 8PM to inform me that owner off the company wants to meet me, which was a bit strange for simple IT administrator job ?

            Next day (yesterday) I met with a owner and it turns out that he expect from me much more as I am electrical engineer, to help them in organization off the manufacturing process and in the electrical side off the process as they are missing a good quality electrical engineer anyway 🙂

            Owner is graduated mechanical engineer, so our conversation was very easy and he is a very good person as is his general manager and they value creative and innovative mind way off thinking and they see me as great asset for there company, beside that IT administrator position for which I applied 🙂

            Anyway, I got the job and I am start working next Monday 🙂

            Finally, I worked for almost 22 years in the former company and now after 2 years mostly without job I got a job which looks very promising in both professional and personal as it seems that the relations between employees in that company is great 🙂✨

            1. And this came literally as salvation for me as I was stretch money wise at maximum breaking point, so the October was my dead line.

              But looking back at a times when I was in need for money and every and each time something would happened, opportunity to earn additional needed money would occur, from nowhere, sort off speak.

              I was always grateful to my GA for that, but was it really necessary to wait to the end for that to occur, ughhhh ☹

              But I guess it was important learning for me, but what was I thinking when I agreed to that scenario before this incarnation, ahhhhh 😣

              But probably, it would not be the learning process for myself if everything in life was going easy for me 😇

            2. Perica,

              That is wonderful news! I am so happy 😃 for you.

              With many blessings,


            3. Well done Perica I am so pleased for you and wishing you lots of good luck in your new job. 🙏💕xx

            4. Perica,
              I’m SO pleased to hear about your new job. It sounds like a “dream” job for you, utilizing your talents and abilities and work experience.

              I was sure hoping this would all turn around for you, since you have family responsibilities.
              HIGH fives!!!!

            1. Thank You all for such a kind words 🙏✨

              I hope that everything will go well, at least up to the Event, and then who knows what I or anybody else would have as a job, hmmmm, I always thought that I would be good as a pilot 😎

              Last year I even tried for month and a half to work as electrical assistant on one cargo ship in the Persian Gulf, but my body did not liked high temperatures down there, uhhhhh, it was really hot for my taste 😨

              But at least I tried, and there are some nice photo as a proof, all taken with my mobile phone, untouched originals, I hope that You will like them, I think they are OK, here is the link for just a few(Solin was the name off the shup 😉):

  3. Again I say Har! My loins are girded, I have an ample supply of coffee, flannel sheets and the obligatory down filled comforter at the ready. Plus I’m not going to leave the farm this week (I’ve already bought the farm, so I guess I’m ready.) Besides I have to stick around for my Lisa read next week.

    1. J. Lol. Har back at you. I like your survival plan. Snuggle in and don’t forget to raid the key lime pie mine!😏😊☺️

  4. Yes to the head-achey stuff and sickness and nausea and eye blurring and hurt-ey bits, not to mention the sadness followed by bliss followed by irritability and then again by LOVE! Heartburn, acid-reflux, digestive tract buggered, etcetera!

    Loins girded. Hatches battened down. Wagons circled. Aunty M informed that we’re definitely NOT in Kansas anymore… not ever!

    Woohoo… bring it on! XXX

  5. “It is done, everyone.”

    Timeline merge completed?

    This cat feels it so.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  6. Love the Samuel Catman! Today, tiny pain, no stomach upset. The community’s Loving thoughts/grounding/water/nap worked. Love/Gratitude to All. Peace.

  7. @ Cats:
    Heh, I looked it up, just to make sure. 😉

    reify verb
    re·​ify | \ ˈrā-ə-ˌfī
    , ˈrē-\
    reified; reifying
    transitive verb
    : to consider or represent (something abstract) as a material or concrete thing : to give definite content and form to (a concept or idea)

    Reify is a word that attempts to provide a bridge between what is abstract and what is real. Fittingly, it derives from a word that is an ancestor to “real” – the Latin noun res, meaning “thing.” Both “reify” and the related noun “reification” first appeared in English in the mid-19th century, though “reification” is a few years older and some dictionaries consider “reify” to be a back-formation of the noun. In general use, the words refer to the act of considering or presenting an abstract idea in real or material terms, or of judging something by a concrete example.

  8. Been feeling a greater and greater need to simply stop and meditate, lately. Tired and lethargic as heck.

    Is something closing in? Certainly feels like it.

  9. Thanks CATs ❤️

    Thought I would share latest dream, again, a little patchy!

    I am in Norway in a beautiful Fjord house with a small family (I have never met in this life) Alovely husband and wife and their beautiful young daughter. For some reason I gave to go into town, it is so busy, chaotic. I suddenly realise my hair is bright white! I start looking around some shops for a silver hair dye to ‘tone it down’ a bit. I then realise I should be getting back to this family. I find the bus depot which is again chaotic and busy. I cannot remember which bus I need to get home…

    Then I woke up!

    Love, Light and Soothing Vibes for ALL who need it ❤️☀️💕✨

  10. I got the same message this morning. “It is finished.” Like you guys, I had no idea what that meant. Still don’t. I can say that the last few weeks have been so extremely challenging that I almost cannot imagine a day UN-challenged (but I welcome it). Today was actually much better for me. Very useful post, though, and excellent reminders.

  11. Waking this morning again with long term repetitions of all mantras for family members, groundings and more –
    Today is my daughter’s partner’s birthday and there was venting earlier – relationship stuff, frustrations, unresolved troubles of how best to give/receive love in action – there are just sooo many trauma pasts living in this house – energies settled down –
    My daughter had a win over poverty mentality at a store today, had to find cheap clothes for Amazon girl (she looked 7 yrs old today) – no girls stuff anywhere near affordable, but huge clearance in boys – she was grateful for the correction in color prejudice in boy’s clothing, lol – found shorts with pink waist band and something else salmon color – all 1$ each – our kind of affordable 🙂 This is from someone that had always had a verbal litany of ‘nothing ever works out’ – everything in that vein – things have been changing there these last few months… and understanding between us too – she is my third? timeline shift-over daughter – rather than the one remember raising, but a lot of MY memories are missing of those times and since she has had a different raising experience there’s a lot of ‘going on faith’ and accepting her experience and the repercussions of that – I know why I have missing memories and wouldn’t mind sharing, but it would be too identifiable, life-wise – and here I thought I was going to do short comment… again!…

    Headaches this afternoon and wanting to NAP! – Another inspection tomorrow – we’ve had so many this summer to now – it’s got to be symbolic – cleaning house, stress of privacy invasion, ahem, 2 dogs not on lease to remove for the time period – unofficial resident, just visiting, lol. – such an adventure… At least this one is timed right to be our pre-re-certification to lease renewal inspection.

    Someone commented on Oct and job timing guidance – reminded me of that mention of 10/10 energies – calmly waiting to see what’s up then…
    Also will see if this early morning mantra-ing/grounding will be a daily thing – not ‘consciously’ planned, just starts on own…

    Remember to pull your socks up – un-bunching them makes the bootstraps easier to pull up, too.

    Much love,

  12. oh man, this is brutal. I”m calling out sick & putting in for vacation. I can’t take it anymore. This year cannot end fast enough.

  13. This past weekend was very, very challenging, and on Monday it’s over. Somehow I have a feeling that it was my final challenge.

    1. yes challenging week I had too, so i guess i am in practice!

  14. Yoiks! I journeyed to the local store tonight. Shoulda stayed on the farm like I stated previously) The people were already crazed. The energy there was manic. Apparently I was needed there ’cause I certainly mantra-ed the place and everyone in it several times. I even had to use a few grounding cords. (I was subsequently relieved to get back into the Farm’s blessed energy field.) BTW I hadn’t looked at the U.S. temp map until today. I didn’t realize that it’s still hot summer out there. It’s decidedly autumn here in the PNW. Temps in the 50s and 60s. The fall rains have started early, too. We’ve had 3″ of rain in the past week, hence my previous comment about flannel sheets and down comforters. Soon the fall bulbs will arrive and the real fun begins! Cheers All in the upcoming week.

  15. Sorry celestial folks. Your favorite 3D Earth soap opera is coming to an end. It’s the final season and the series finale is coming up. Better start auditions for the next batch of actors. It’s curtain call. It’s closing time. We’re going home, bow.

  16. In brightest day, in blackest night,
    No evil shall escape our sight
    Let those who worship evil’s might,
    Beware our power… Earth humans’ light!

  17. What comes after “pacing oneself to get through the day” and eating ice-cream for energy (just to be able to do that)? It has only worked occasionally this past week. I think a massage is in order and banana bread as an upgrade in comfort food consolation. Cay

    1. My wife made 2 loafs @ my request, first w/pint of blueberries, 2nd w/raspberries. Grand kids took most home, at least I got to taste both! People being triggered easy here, sending All Love w/Sunny & 75 from NW Pa. Peace.

  18. Oy, more? I don’t usually get much in the way of symptoms, but this headache is getting very old indeed. Also have a couple of cold symptoms. Really can’t complain; I’m still fully functional and in good company with all you lovely people.

  19. Cats and Ms. Thank you for the heads up. Being prepared does help, when you encounter awakening humanity. I am so lucky not to live in a city. My first thirty years was spent in Birmingham UK. I just can’t stand so many people around me now.Anyway I am ready to throw grounding cords if needs be.💕

  20. Home is gooooood, outside baaaaad, staying at home all cosy and peaceful! Had a little miracle last night. We had a power cut at about 9:30pm UK time. When it came back on my old job which had given up the ghost a few months ago came back to life, yay!

    Much Love ALL hang on in there 😉😉😉❤️

      1. Oh Lily you did make me laugh ‘ I thought for a moment “oh my goodness Lily must of been offered her old Job back 😯 and wondered what it could be….hehe 😻x
        So glad your old Hob has come back to life Lily and by the way I appreciate all you contribute to this site you endure so much bless you but still come out positive and smiling ,one of the most strongest women I know with the most beautiful heart and daughter ,hope all’s well with the cat 💕xxx

        1. May I second that, Lily? You are inspiring and Kay and I often mention you in our heart-conversations! Big love, beautiful lady xx

          1. Ladybird beau ❤️ Awww Merci, Merci! 🙏 feel very humbled and grateful to ALL here, such amazing people, love you ALL and love it when I have time to come and hang out with you all, feeling very blessed! So much Love, Light and Ease of ALL symptoms for ALL 😉❤️🙏❤️

        2. Kay ❤️ Hee hee, bless you and thank you 🙏 You have to have a sense of humour sometimes ☺️ Have been having such a chellenging flare up of the ulcerative colitis and been spending so much time in the bathroom in a fair bit of pain and all but I couldn’t help wondering about the amount of loo roll we have gone through the last week, feeling very grateful for such a simple item at the moment lol 🙏

          Willow Puss is playing a lot, but not with us! She has become very territorial about our little conservatory which is where she sleeps and if you try and play with her or even enter the room she hisses, it can look quite fearsome and snake like! She is quite unfriendly to be honest but I’m hoping she will come round and see the benefit of being around humans, just hope she doesn’t try to swipe ‘Elsie’ as tried to do me last night! I read on some sites to offer your (bent) finger for them to sniff in the hope she might nuzzle it but she instead made a swipe. Got my finger away very quickly!

          On a brighter note the hob is still going strong so I was able to have a tasty egg for breakfast!

          Hope you are gliding through these energies 😉

          Much Love & Light ❤️☺️❤️✨❤️

      2. Lily. Was puzzled there for a minute lol! Home good, I heartily agree. Got to practice my cord throwing technique yesterday on the way home. There’s a young lad who drives like a manic and will have an accident soon, and I threw one at him as he overtook me on the small country road. Blow me he slowed down. I said the mantra at him too. Stay cosy.🤗💖

        1. TeaKay ❤️ The mantra is so powerful, it is such a special gift. The amount of time I have had a dodgy driver behind me and the mantra worked! They slow down!

          So much Love to you, hope you are feeling better today ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Dear Lily,
      My native language is Spanish, in English I defend myself, but sometimes like this I am perplexed.
      And my curiosity forces me to ask, I hope it doesn’t bother you.
      From your message, according to my level of English I deduce that:
      1.-Last night you had a power outage
      2.-that before (days, weeks or months … I don’t know), you had a ghost at home.
      3.- you stopped having it.
      4.-What, I don’t know if by the power outage or why, when entering your kitchen you found your lost ghost, sitting on the counter (hob).

      That said, I deduce that:
      1.- Or you are an extremely brave woman, who is on a night when there is no light to a ghost in her kitchen and she says it so happily, calling it a little miracle. If this is what I understood is a veeeeery great miracle.
      2.-Or else (and I think this is going to be), my level of English is horrible, but at the same time fun because it leads me to absurd situations of “lost in translation”, like this one. Lost is me, obviously.

      I know my question may sound funny, but I mean it. I am intrigued.
      Looking forward to your response, I send all my love, to you, to your kitten and especially to your wonderful girl.

      1. Hi Cristina, “given up the ghost” is a phrase which means something is broken, so lily means when the power came back on the cooker that was broken suddenly started to work again! Yay!

      2. Dear Cristina,
        I will let Lily do the explaining about the hob, but I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your comment.

        I can’t imagine trying to write in Spanish, or even French or German, which I knew a little of many years ago.

        I have had these intriguing mis-translations myself, so I enjoyed your comment and admire your bravery for wading in, in English. One of the things I enjoy the most about the internet is the opportunity to talk to someone who lives on the other side of the planet. 😉

      3. Cristina ❤️ I don’t mind you asking. The first sentence I was just joking, outside is not bad, I was thinking of all the energies and how some folk are getting a bit impatient, angry in the outside world!

        ‘Giving up the ghost’ is a saying we sometimes use to say something has stopped working! The top part of my cooker (hob) stopped working a few months ago. Last night we had a power outage and when the electricity came back on, my hob started working again which is really odd but very good!

        There have been some strange happenings here which I wrote about a bit on previous posts but this was purely just about power outage and a cooker top that had just started working again! Hope that makes sense, I’m not the best at explaining!

        Much Love & light ❤️🙏❤️😊

        1. Thanks to all three, Pam, Anonymous and Lily, for this advanced English lesson. It is a luxury to receive it from natives.
          Sayings, phrases and slang are the terror of a student of any language, but if taken with good humor, they bring funny moments like this. 😉
          In another order of things, I am deeply glad that you don’t have a ghost swarming around your kitchen, Lily …..You have enough with that night shadow that strolls around your house!!

      4. Dear Christina,

        I so admire your post trying to
        understand what Lily was saying about the power outage. I am someone who is linguistically challenged and would never be able
        to write what you did in another
        language. Even when visiting the UK
        there were words and expressions that I did not understand but the people were always very nice and
        helpful. I thought it was funny 😄
        when people would approach me, to
        ask for directions, as they did not know that I was an American until
        I told them, with my American accent, that I didn’t know where I was
        With love and best wishes,


      5. Cristina ,
        There are variations in meaning even regionally with English (as in any language). Even though English in the U.S. was brought here from Great Britain, it may have a different but similar meaning. My interpretation of “giving up the ghost” meant to die or the inability to function physically any longer. Also I had never been exposed to the word “hob” before Lily’s post (which we call stove or cooktop). So you see your question provided clarification to all. Cay

  21. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Predilections are dissolved.

    Truth of BEingness replaces.

    Humanity expands, as hu-manity fades.

    Garrisons of Light come to the forefront.

    Archangelics rejoice.

  22. Hey Y’All!
    I live in north Mississippi – no rain for a month and still mid-90s! Can’t wait for cooler temps!! Mornings aren’t too bad, so yesterday I harvested all sorts of herbs (basil, spicy globe basil, parsley, thyme, lemongrass, and Greek oregano)…spent 4 hours sorting, cleaning, bundling, putting on drying racks. I noticed herbs are more pungent then last batch I picked-dry conditions must be concentrating oils.
    Today I’m digging up ginger to make elderberry syrup-great immune booster!
    My garden is my Zen. A place to be in the moment, to create and use imagination, solitude when it’s too peopley and simply enjoy life! Naturally, my 3 cats supervise my activities & take charge of security!

    As for the symptoms…yeah, ditto all above!!
    Dreamscape – I’m the organizer, planner, navigator, always gathering stuff & moving to new location, pointing out bad guys/places/weather to avoid on the way!

    Lavette Hawkins on YT says we will enter Age of Aquarius, door to Black Lodge will open-our third eye/pineal gland will open…winter solstice 2020…we will SEE. Be patient. May happen sooner…I’m already dreaming about seeing a pinecone getting bigger and opening up!

    Wishing You All Peace, Safety & Love!!

    1. Free spirit,
      I had the great fortune to grow up in northern Alabama which is a beautiful part of the U.S much like Mississippi. I now live in So. Cal. but miss the woods and the thunderstorms. Enjoy your piece of paradise. Cay

    1. What a treat, thanks for posting this, J! Put a spring in my step this morning!

    2. Thanks for posting that, J. It came out the year I was born.
      So much sweeter than songs today.
      I can’t even imagine someone singing about Dear Hearts and Gentle People today. I think we are fortunate to be able to remember a kinder, gentler time. A time when things mostly seemed sensible….and classy.
      Bing could really sing a song, eh?

  23. I think I was scolded in dreamtime last night. I was surprised to find myself in a restaurant when I had just been scavenging for wood in a forest. Walked down some burgundy-carpeted stairs to find my way out, with all the diners looking at me. Decided to go back up the stairs and realized I was dreaming.
    This is always my chance to do something fun, so I said “I want to see my next life” meaning NE. I walked into darkness then felt the buzzy vibey wall, walking through, walking through, sort of swimming vertically through, on and on til I realize Hmm, I’m not getting anywhere with this.
    Find myself back at the restaurant at the top of the stairs. Apparently I was standing there complaining because they are all looking up at me like I’m a scum of the Earth whining princess. I see and understand this but can’t seem to stop bitchin’. A very plain middle aged man with a blue-painted face covered with some sort of mask with a rectangle cut out for his limpid brown eyes appears just below me on the stairs and begins explaining what I’m doing right and wrong (I think) but I can hardly hear him. I really try to hear him but he doesn’t raise his voice any and all I got was something like ‘you don’t kill animals’ (I really try not to), but that was all I remember.
    So, I know I’m impatient for the next phase, but I guess I still have to be more grateful for what I’ve got in the here and now, not to mention that the Greatest Gift of All is on its way and that’s *plenty* to be grateful for — so shaddap, Princess!

  24. Metaphorically: Running. In. Mud. Physically and Emotionally.

    I think I could use a “Rudy speech”… a golden, shiny rainbow, only positivity and gratitude whompless post and subsequent replies. A happy kitty post perhaps. One post, only positive comments. Or better yet, a gratitude post where everyone posts one or two things they are grateful for. Anyways, just a thought. Be well and safe all!

    1. Eric you are awesome! You can do it! And I am grateful, yes, grateful, for everything, my dogs, my job, and especially for my daughter returning home soon. Be well, Peace.

    2. Eric ❤️

      I am greatfull for everyday with my beautiful ‘Elsie’ 🙏
      I am greatfull to CATs, M’s and everyone here🙏
      I am greatful for miracles🙏
      I am greatful for working hobs
      I am greatful for toilet paper🙏☺️
      I will be very greatful when I no longer need so much toilet paper🙏😊

      Be well & Happy ALL ❤️😊❤️

      1. Toilet paper is perhaps my favorite thing in the world. I grew up with these single sheets of hard-ish paper folded into each other like paper towels used to be – even into high school years we had this type – I have my favorites – mega rolls, lol – I did grow up with an outhouse, however until about 4th grade. It’s also the one thing I get a bit paranoid about as there are 4 adults and many times it is the forgotten item on the shopping list – sometimes I’m VERY grateful for the dollar store – my semi-least favorite thing is tp that shreds, lol.

        1. LOL….Kagee…I know about that paper towel type toilet paper. Rough as sandpaper.

          We lived in Germany for four years, and all those jokes about taking TP to Europe were just all too true. I remember this one roll in a public restroom that was partly just shredded wood. I kid you not. I dug out one little piece of wood that was the size of my fingernail clipping. LOL

          Lily made me laugh when I read her gratitude comment about TP, but it’s true, I’m very grateful for soft bathroom tissue. 😉

        2. Ha haha 😂 I’m loving this toilet paper thread, only the other day out shopping I bought a large pack of toilet rolls 18 in pack only two of us at home. I go to put them in the cupboard only to find I’ve got no room as there is another 16 in there plus the 6 I already have in the bathroom…I was like ” what the heck !😯 am I sub consciously preparing for something ? Anyway they are off my list for a while 😳 xxx

          1. Well, I think I will add my two cents to this thread as
            yesterday I bought 48 rolls
            of Scott Tube Free TP. There
            were 12 rolls in a package and
            each package was on sale for
            $4.85. This was after buying
            another 12 rolls, two days before, as part of an overall
            purchase of $30.00, in order to get a $5.00 coupon. So with
            the coupon I ended up with 5
            packages, or 60 rolls, for $19.25 plus tax. It was a pretty good deal, I thought, but now where to put all the rolls?!

            1. I also meant to say that
              the reason I wanted to add to the thread is because we seem to be on
              a roll!😃 🤪

        3. Kg ❤️ Ooooh yes, I remember thats sort of toilet paper and those awful rolls of what felt like tracing paper at school, ooouchie!

          Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

      2. Lily you are comical. Thank you for making me laugh and realising that I should be more grateful for toilet paper lol. Not sure why this process we are going through seems to involve a lot of time on the toilet. Maybe our bodies can’t be upgraded easily with food in them! Very much hope you feel better soon. Xxx

        1. Newlynn ❤️ So happy to raise a smile 😊 Been visiting the bathroom far too often but unfortunately seeing blood too much too (uc can be very challenging when it’s in full flare) Am reaching for the oregano oil now, found capsules which are far better than taking the liquid as it tastes awful and burns the mouth somewhat! Hopefully will put a halt to the symptoms and I will be able to get to sleep without being woken by mad rush to bathroom multiple times a night! Feeling for everyone going through whatever they are going through vecause I know we are all going through something!

          Much Love & Light and Painless upgrades to ALL 🙏❤️🙏

    3. Hey eric d –
      I hear ya — I had to sit and watch funny animal videos for a bit yesterday just to give my mood a reset. I’ve also found a radio station that plays hokey old ’70s music that no one else plays but gives me a nice dose of nostalgia. Music helps me a lot.
      And as I said above, more gratitude is also on the menu for me — trying to stop and count my blessings more. I’m in my head too much instead of in the present moment… So I’m on board for a positive posting extravaganza, can’t hurt!
      I realize you’re in a life transition right now and that can be very tough every which way. Do whatever it takes to lift yourself up! Someone once said, When a door closes a window opens, but those hallways are a real bitch! So true. We’ve all been there, just keep your head above water and keep the faith. Faith faith and more faith! Hang in there!
      xo, L

    4. Eric. That’s a lovely idea. I am very grateful for having been to the beach this morning. Had a wonderful paddle in the North Sea in glorious sunshine. The UK is having a mini Indian summer. Sending you a big hug for better times in your life soon. They will come. 😊🤗😸💖

    5. I am grateful for my hot shower every morning, my beautiful family, pets and friends, for my guides and other beings for keeping me safe. Having a roof over my head, being in a position to help others. For lemons, for my best friend for helping me get this far. Got a bit carried away.

  25. Thank You Cats & Ms … Yes the tornado of energy coming in, I too received this information on 17th, my initial thought was this will hit the collective hard are they ready for it? the response was YES they are ready, so lets get the job done. During the gridwork on 18th it was all heart centred & towards the end the tornado energy came in … oh my I literally jolted up out of my seat & back down again it was so powerful. I have gridwork to do between now & the equinox to oct, but I know in my heart we have cleared the path. Spirit is saying the tornado of energy is a Universal Mind Convergence & its full of electrons … yes the whole gamut! there is an incredible amount of support available for everyone, so please don’t give up before the miracle happens (I keep being reminded of this when I feel I am not emotionally strong enough to continue the work, it motivates me every time) Love to All.

    1. It’s causing tons of accidents as people are “redirected” if they weren’t honoring the directions of their life contracts, while others are checking out early (again via accidents) to provide life lessons for others, in truly selfless acts.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Hey my comment did show up, I thought it got lost in cyberspace. Yes it truly is selfless acts providing life lessons for others. I kinda thought there would be many checking out early due to this. 6 weeks ago I started a new job & on that very day at the end of the shift a lady I work with got a phone call saying her grandchild was in a fatal car accident. So sad this young girl touched/opened so many hearts. Her funeral was only last week because the mother had a broken back 🙁 please be safe everyone.

      2. Hmm, I had thought this awhile ago. I wonder if my shoulder being “out of commission” is anything to do with this. Still haven’t figured it out, dr calling it possibly tendonitis and/or frozen shoulder. PT not helping. But on the up side,…. I don’t have to work full shifts at work, because I can’t, too painful. So I am working in smaller doses, which has improved my mood. Weird, I guess.

        1. Yes, some of us had this, too, on different shoulders, in the neck, etc. It just goes away one day. Grounding and asking Brother J to enjoy it with you was very helpful.


          1. I had similar problem with neck & shoulder it came out of the blue not caused by injury or anything in February & finally ended in May, just disappeared.

      3. @ Christopher Schneider
        2019-09-16 AT 11:59 AM

        “Expect miracles! They’re Here. May Every “One” enjoy in Joy, a Miracle today. Merry Christmas!”

        thank you, ChriSch, for wishing us Merry Christmas!
        According to some knowing people, Jesus Christ was born
        on Friday, September 26-27, 4 BC.
        A Celebration of Joy in Truth, in only 7 days!
        I get a big YESSS! to that.

        sending you all LOVE from my open heart

          1. @ The CAT(s) That Lived
            2019-09-20 at 10:29 am

            Thankyou so much for this CAT(s) &M’s and Higher Order Beings!
            I read a book in the early-90’s (published in early-90’s as well?) that referenced 03 March (as JC/Brother J’s birth-date), & I wish I could remember the book’s title!

            *goes off on a g*o*o*g*l*e hunt*


  26. They are spraying at night right now huge ones and the moon is still huge and orange here though not totally full. I always think they are blocking energy when they do this especially at night.

      1. thank you cat’s
        <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

        I still can not click on "like" buttom
        but I read and meditate…. feeling very happy
        I see rainbows everwhere….

        1. Check your browser cookies setting , you have to allow all cookies, even the third party ones. That worked in my case, I hope it will also work for You 😉✨

  27. It is set and done, the full DNA activation of everyone of 144000 Light-holders, very soon.

  28. Boy, yesterday was a doozy! My whole family had a really hard time, especially in the morning (CDT): intense heat sensation without fever, cold symptoms, strong body aches ( CBD tea helped finally) neck ache, oh my! Seems like it eased up later in the day. Others at work having a hard time with family, simmering conflicts coming to the surface, that type of thing…I’m just so glad to know what’s happening, I can’t imagine going through all this and having no clue as to why all hell is breaking loose all of a sudden…I wish I could just tell people- yeah right, that would go over well, lol! But I feel blessed that my family is clued in and we all know what to do! Thank you CATs and Ms and everyone commenting for the continued support and info! By the way, did y’all notice the US navy admitting that those 3 leaked videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” are real, “should have never been released”, and that the UAPs captured in that footage defy the laws of
    physics? Do I smell declass?
    Lots of love, Victoria

    1. Yes, some of us have been puzzling over this — and our own inexplicable “time homework” — for the past couple of weeks. We’re still not sure how this will come together. Lots of CATs keep falling asleep while meditating on this! (Me included.) Seems some of us will be presented with various mini-missions where we will have to quickly recognize what time stream we are in, and hopefully learn in advance what we can and can’t do in each one. For example, time will unfold differently on the NE vs. the OE, with different aspects to different senses (still unsure how that works); and while yodeling in a dinner jacket will be effortless in one set of time-space coordinates, doing so in another will turn you into a recalcitrant flaming penguin. It’s always something.


  29. Lisa’s comment about time turning in upon itself affecting things such as taste certainly explains why ‘most everything has tasted “different” to me these past days, including coffee! I thought it was just me. (Oh, I guess it is.)

  30. On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 4:33 PM Schrödinger’s ÖTHER Cat wrote:

    > The CAT(s) That Lived posted: ” Ugh. Here comes more energy. Lots of CATs > woke up feeling sick today. We’ve had headaches the past week (or two), and > some have flu-like symptoms, the ever-annoying BODYHEAT and HOT-HEAD, and > in some cases cold symptoms. Sure, it’s just Wave X, but..” >

  31. I wonder if it is the wave x energy that caused me to shock the cat, as well as the pool water yesterday when I touched them. Something is making electricity wonky. Also dreamt of electrical bolts of energy shooting up from the ground where people were mining. It sent folks running to avoid the danger of lightening which was not weather related. Arms and hands vibrating with the recent influx of energy. Cay

  32. Here in central NY there’s quite a few chemtrails that try to start but as soon as they appear they get transmuted into wispy angelic looking feathers – there’s a whole line of vertical wisps that I can see here from my work windows, pretty cool!
    Speaking of timely “accidents” – reminds me of 1997 when I broke my leg – showed me quite plainly how I needed to get the heck out of the bad relationship I was in (it was SUCH an inconvenience to my ex bf) so I moved back here shortly after the cast came off – I drove with all my belongings in the back of my sister’s pickup looking like the grinch’s overloaded sleigh. It had been pouring rain the whole drive to that point (washing the past away, yahoo!) – and as soon as I crossed the border into NYS, the rain stopped and a double rainbow came out – I cried tears of relief and knew I was finally on the right path again – and that’s when my awakening really started. Thanks for the reminder cats!

    1. The chem t’s got blown around to form a beautiful fluer de lis pattern last week. We thought someone has a Great sense of humor. Since then We’ve had beautiful, sunny skies in the 70’s. Heaven on Earth, compliments of Benevolent Beings, Much Love/Gratitude! Peace.

      1. Christopher ❤️ Yes you have to see the beauty and humour! I woke up to a very large ‘Miffy’ the rabbit in the sky this morning!

        Love, Light and smiles! ❤️🌟😊

  33. Today is a doozy – worse headache in a while and they’ve BEEN bad – Granddaughter weepy and emotional a lot today, interspersed with happier times and from what I heard since my daughter came home from work – got someone to cover the second half of her shift – (me hiding in my dark room trying not to feel my head and neck) granddaughter non-stop hungry today.

    Any survival tools are worthy of inspection – today I can’t even think of tools or what might help, just clinging to that branch with my itty bitty claws and hanging in there –
    Speaking of inspection(s) – We passed our apartment inspection Wed – yay! SHOULD be the last one this year…

    much love, to ALL,

    1. Kathleen ❤️ Congrats on passing inspection. Sending soothing for sore head and neck, and big warm hug for granddaughter ❤️ ‘Elsie’ is very up and down at the moment, refusing to sleep with lots of nighttime nappy changes.

      Love, Light, Strength & Healing ❤️🙏❤️

  34. Expect wonders. You know how Source always has the unexpected appear at the last moment as a surprise. Something you never could have dreamed up, yet you KNOW how to address in the moment. Whatever situation pops up, each of you is supported in love by your guides. Cay

  35. Morning all, I sensed something with my granddaughter this morning – she woke up weepy again -> prelude – something has occurred at times in my life – not many, but at times there were people I couldn’t ‘see’ energetically, even looking right at them. The first was an Osteopath that was recommended to me, a good friend of a counselor I was seeing – The osteopath was about to retire and my appt. with him was a bit disorienting because while interacting with him looking right at him and sight seeing him… he wasn’t there… two weeks later he died – I guess he was mostly ‘moved on’ when I had my appt with him – the same type of thing has happened several other times in my life.
    I sensed a similar thing with my granddaughter this morning while she was crying after waking and dad was tending to her – somethings even Cheerios won’t help. 🙂 I think at night she is perhaps visiting New Earth and then wakes up here – bummer – I think what I was sensing was a good portion of her energy was still ‘there’ and not wanting to disconnect from ‘there’ to ‘here’. I asked for her guides/angels etc, team? to assist her and she stopped crying – 🙂 it could have been the Cheerios, lol – I could also be wrong in all of this…

    My crown was very hurty this morning in center and with a circlet of very strong heaviness in the immediate area around it – have a pressure type headache with a lot of compression on sides above ears, but nothing like the severity of yesterdays killer headache…

    May you all be well-er,

      1. Fine! I had to go to bed at 11:30 AM PDT. Suddenly I could no longer function.

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