Meters and Ladders [UPDATE6]


You may recall us saying something at one time about ladders…

…well, here we are doing it again. Energy conditions are such that you can vibrate faster by imagining yourself climbing a ladder while in meditation. See yourself climbing in sets of eight, as that is vibrationally an octave. You can see the ladder rungs in the energy, too:

Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 5.12.06 PM
Note that this meter is inverted, with zero at the top.

Also, someone said they felt dizzy. This could be why:



Here, you can see SOURCE timeline energy plowing through lower timeline kerfuffles.

We also had another CME, so expect a little kerfufflage in the next five days:


Most CATs now imagine they have a motorized contraption that motors them automatically UP ladders, should they find themselves doing duty down below and want a quick way back up.



Another big timeline jump, around 4:30 UTC (8:30 pm Pacific), again in dramatic fashion:


Check out the double suns for a moment.





We def felt it as it happened:



Ok, it is the general CAT consensus that the existing chaos is part of the pre-SHIFT. We are getting really close.


We suspected as much and now we know. All CMEs are basically data downloads and this latest one has hit, then we had the timeline jump, and now… The Justice Phase is in full swing (but not entirely public). Mr T extended the “C-virus” precautions till May 1st to get this all done. Basically, the timeline looks to have been speeded up 6-9 months… which we suspected, but weren’t sure about so we didn’t make it public. Now we’re sure. The “pandemic” is now being used to stop the REAL pandemic that involves the p-vores and the A-chemical. Now, lots and lots of info is going to come out (as it already has with Sophia Love), and it is going to shock people — not just with the act, but with the pervasiveness in our society, going back to the dawn of time. Philosopher’s Stone? Elixer of Life? Ambrosia? Food of the gods? This is the A-chemical (puts the A in alchemical). All those tanks in the news? They’re to keep people from tearing things to shreds once the truth hits them. They will want revenge. We’ll need to rev up the lighthouse meditation again, but augment it to shed even more light. People are gonna need it. The Justice and SOURCE timelines run parallel and intertwined. Time to walk the razor’s edge. But… this means The SHIFT is way close.


Another CME in the opposite direction. Either someone in the solar system is getting an upgrade and a big ship just exited. We haven’t looked at the logs, yet.



Another CME (away from Earth), and another jump/adjustment:





Look at the ca8al keep trying to cleave off a new timeline, but their equipment just… can’t… seem… to… do… it. Huh. Wonder why?

You can also see the timelines ringing like a bell…


…each one of those lines coming off the 50 Hz (which is a power line) and its harmonic @ 100 Hz are other timelines. You’re kinda seeing them from the “top” (though there is no direction), with the others falling away like they’re on the sloping sides of a cylinder seen from the top.


Ew. We wondered what this was all about:

Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 10.42.44 AM

First we got it has something to do with blood, like maybe blood is about to be shed. Feels creepy. Then a CAT said, “But what can they do? We’re all in our houses.” And an M said: “I know, unless it’s their blood that’s shed.”

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273 thoughts on “Meters and Ladders [UPDATE6]

  1. Walking on a razor’s edge describes how I have been feeling the last 2 days, especially in the early afternoon. It feels as if a ballon is being stepped upon and will pop at any moment. Even though expected, it will still startle all when it bursts. I am also wondering if I truly am crazy. Everyone I try to warn of possible crimes coming to light believes I have gone off my rocker. I think that many will go into shock and refuse even evidence before their eyes. I just want to rip the bandage off quickly and let the light begin healing humanity. Deep breaths

    1. Same here, cay! As you said, deep breaths…
      and hugs!

  2. @Cat Eds and kagee3 Thank you for your response, information and kind words. For the last 30 years I have been actively healing from the childhood atrocities and am very grateful for the time allowed for me to come to a place of love and forgiveness for them and myself. They are still our brothers and sisters. I am grateful for all the seen and unseen help I’ve had in my life over the years including this website, all the commenters and cat humour!
    I am learning to live rather than survive, find joy in simple pleasures, nice smells, the sun on my face, spending time with loved ones.
    It is time to dream something new like walking through a golden doorway, greeted by a beautiful green sun where everything is heartbased and vibrating with love. Dreaming a new dream within SOURCE.

    1. Actually, there’s nothing that needs to be done. It will happen no matter what. You can all relax and let it happen. Don’t try to steer it.

      -CAT Eds.

  3. @The Cat That Lived ….one of my many lessons this time is to unlearn being a control freak and allow life to unfold rather than steering it 😉
    @M6 yes another one of my lessons as after meditating for years got angry and resentful that it appeared not to make any difference so stopped. Silly me.
    Do know that there is a parallel lifetime of mine in meditation for this experience in the illusion. More lessons……
    Thank you to everyone here I learn from all of you and send 💖💖💖

    1. Thanks ladybirdbeau for passing along this video as it shows how the awakening is occurring and will not be stopped. Our guides are working overtime. I agree to avoid the vaccine as it seems “too convenient”. Also there are no long term studies on any flu vaccines for safety or efficacy. Cay

  4. I have a sense as well, that we may getting quite close to a split, or shift. The tones/beacon have been quite different, as well as many dreams with ladders, elevators, working with guides or beings. There also is an indescribable fullness, joy, a completeness in meditations that is different. That peaceful calm, connected bliss, is remaining longer after seated practice, and moving practices, like tai-chi are feeling amplified/flowing. It’s easy to become disenchanted, disgusted, angry, with changes occurring in the world, but the old must crumble, for the new to rise.
    Like many of you, I too, have felt weary at times, and eager to move beyond the suffering and sadness, whether it be our own, or in the collective. For souls that have had an awakening, we see the illusion, have glimpsed a greater truth, or remembered other realms, lives, or experiences, and felt unconditional love. We are eager to move on, and yet, we realize that we are all in this together, that our very existence, has an impact on the whole. It is understood, that Source has the highest good of the totality in perspective, and that extends far beyond what we could envision, and it’s All in Divine Order, and Timing. There will be countless souls, so shaken, as their whole world view crumbles, and we will be needed, to comfort, guide, inform, reassure, and Love Them. Whether it be on New Earth, or on the crumbling old 3D planet, we have an opportunity to serve the greater good. I suspect many, likely most of us, have volunteered to be here and now, to serve, learn, teach, to give and grow. There was an experience in 2016, during a meditation, that is beyond words. I expressed that i wanted to serve, that i wished to know how to best do that. A question came to me, are you so willing and ready to serve, that you would become a simple organism, a bacteria on a meteor, seeding new life, in a new universe, and see it through until it was evolved, self aware, and ready to serve? That provided a new sense of how linear we can think, and also how Infinite Compassionate Love Is Without Limits. Keep Shining Your Light, Giving Your Love, We Are That I AM!
    Hang on it’s just a ride 🙂
    Infinite Love To All Of You!! scott

  5. Is this “A” drug something that we produce within ourselves when we feel fear? If so do we somehow feel the effects of it? I am just thinking about people who act out from a place of fear so that they can feel a sense of control… in some instances power…

    Speaking from personal experience, there are times when I’ve felt threatened by someone… I am actually thinking about when I was a kid. I felt threatened by my step sister, that she would ruin or take something away from me (my mom) and so I would do/say things that would make me feel like I had power over her and the situation (and she would do the same).
    Our relationship is much better now – we grew out of it. But when I felt that “power” it felt “good”.

    I’ve since done a lot of introspection and work to understand my reactions – but I feel that there are many people who struggle with this well into adulthood and sometimes for life. Wondering if there is a connection there to the drug.

    1. Adrenaline is a hormone produced by Fight/Flight response. I think people get addicted to the jolt it gives: roller coasters, horror movies, Playing “chicken”, dangerous sports, etc. Those activities might be replacements for creativity and sense of accomplishment hormones? You can make your own adrenaline (epinephrine). The “A” drug is more concentrated, coming from the outside more powerful and makes the user feel young and strong, obviously even more so than cocaine?? .
      I think it is a cheap substitution for Bliss and Joy. Especially for those who have never experienced or know those high emotions.

  6. The chemtrails have started up again.
    I live in Europe 20min from a major airport.
    I thought they had been stopped, I guess not

  7. Mash note to Kg re: your sweet response to Sifoo early this morning. I most definitely have a crush on you! Just sayin’ J

    1. Thank you, J. I’m extremely fond of you, too. 🙂 I’m so happy you can live and participate where you do…


      I used some tax return/ poor people credit to send for some MSM – Universe thought I needed to double my order for some reason – so I can now 'spread' it around to family members, too… I never tried it due to lack of funds…

  8. Thank you for these wonderful updates CATs!

    So…. S*&$ about to hit the fan! 🙂
    This is why everybody buying tons of toilet paper?! :))))
    Sorry… Could’t resist… ;))))

    I hope you are all well!!


    1. It had already hit and the fan is icky. The “pandemic” is actually a pandemic-within-a-pandemic: the lockdown is to keep regular people away from the celebs and politicians and staff and MSM from passing the virus they all got from their latest tainted global batches of A-chrome (what we are now calling the A-train) that they call “tomato sauce.” A CNN anchor and the Gov of NY were talking about it ON AIR, surprisingly. Any politician acting irrationally (like the CA Gov), or who looks afraid is on the A-train. Besides being impregnated with the virus it also has the blood marker trace, so… this is why Mr. T extended the emergency measures till 5/1, so everyone culpable can get tested and arrested. Sometime soon, the A-train news will hit the masses and they will be LIVID. Once regular people start threatening riots, then The SHIFT happens. Might seem scary but it isn’t.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Now there are rumblings that Cuomo (NY governor) will be the Dem prez candidate, because he’s been acting so “presidential” during this “emergency”. Right, presidential, with his nipple rings and his outright lies about the number of ventilators he has on hand and his brother the CNN anchor who’s infected with the virus….. Hadn’t heard about the tomato sauce discussion, but then I avoid the main stream news like the plague it is. I used to work for a New York State agency and my boss had to attend meetings with him; people weren’t allowed to speak to him unless he spoke to them first. They call him Prince Andy for a reason. SMH.

        1. Just found the transcript of the sauce conversation with his brother. Bro said he’d send Andy some of their mom’s secret sauce…. Ugh.

          1. Wow, he said it ON AIR?!! These people really ARE stupid, do they not look at the internet??!! Do they really not think anyone knows what they’re hinting about?! Just mind blowing, evil AND stupid, what a way to go….

      2. I have feeling I’m not gonna be a music producer/director at the radio station any more. I still have my job, but I’m talking about when the world finds out these SINGERS and MUSICIANS…are on the A -TRAIN…What am I gonna play on air?

        I was setting up music this week and I’m loading certain entertainers who have cryptic Twitter posts and I don’t even want to play their music. But innocent until proven guilty, plus it’s not my call. I have a program director.

        1. There are lots of talented independent musicians out there who never hit the big time and who aren’t on the A-train. Hopefully, it’s their turn now. The famous ones only got famous because they bought their ticket and sold their soul.

      1. About a year ago, I had the TV on while I was reading. An old and very stupid (maybe 1980s) vampire comedy was playing, something about a vampire wanting to give up drinking blood and become human. When he started to become mortal again, he realized that he needed a job and for some reason (I wasn’t paying much attention), he was being offered jobs left and right. I perked up my ears when he was talking on the phone to someone offering him a job. He said, “No! I don’t want to run a pizza restaurant in Washington DC!” Never was able to find out the name of the movie….

      1. That kinda thing isn’t going on anymore for ETs, since they’re out of the picture. That term now refers to humans torturing children to make A-chrome. Some humans had some bad teachers.

        -CAT Eds.

    1. I dreamed about Jim Henson a few years ago I visited him in a gated off world community and before I left on the group tour he gave me a Muppet Cookbook. I really thought it was symbolic considering what he put in his movies.

    2. The most blatant in-your-face example I’ve come across so far is Jupiter Ascending. But it’s everywhere once your filters come off, The Matrix etc.

      I’ll probably live to regret saying this; but I look forward to seeing how it will be presented, and the reactions once it hits the fan. I especially look forward to seeing the faces of people who went all in to bury Pizzagate since it was just too much for them to deal with.


      1. The kids film trolls is definitely up there, eating little people so you can feel emotions yuck

    3. Yup, I’ve thought that for years now, I even have the DVD. I think Jim Henson was a really good guy, did his best to get it out there. A visual genius!

      1. hmm, Jim Henson died due to a virulent FAST pneumonia… hmmm ???
        taken out?? I don’t usually conjecture like this…

        1. Kg, It is possible that Jim Henson was taken out. He died at the
          hospital where I worked and I remember, at the time, thinking that it was odd. The hospital was a favorite of the Cabal and, I guess, that
          is probably why I got a job there. It was next door to Rockefeller
          University where I liked to go for lunch as their cafeteria was much better than the one at the hospital, and there were always beautiful
          plantings that changed each season. Once, I got on an elevator with
          Kissinger and a man I assumed was a bodyguard. Kissinger looked
          closely at my badge and then asked a question about which floor
          would lead to the exit. I thought it was funny 😁 as I knew who he
          was but he didn’t know who I was!……. one of the unknown members of the opposition, you might say.



  9. Hmmm. My sister in Idaho called me this afternoon . There was a 6.5 earthquake near Stanley, Id the oh so obvious 10 km down. Hmmmm.

  10. Last night around 9:15, 9:30 central US time I suddenly got a huge burst of energy and felt lots of love and joy in my being. I felt like running and exercising and felt light while doing it. It was exhilarating! I knew the geomagnetics had been at a 4 that day and usually I am tired and groggy and dizzy, etc when it’s there, but maybe this was a turnaround for me. Have had bursts like this in the past and they were great, but usually followed the next day with the same old symptoms again.
    About 2 hrs. after exercising I suddenly got the massive burps and indigestion. Still felt joyful mentally, just not so much physically. Took some digestive enzymes, which usually help some, but the burping continued until I finally went to bed at 3am. Still couldn’t sleep for awhile and finally did fall asleep and slept till 11am. Fell ok today so far. Anyone else?

    1. Hi Brenda. Nice to have that burst of energy. Mine has gone AWOL for the last week. Groggy head, sinus pain and slightly peeved (to quote John Cleese) for it to last this long. Regarding the windyness, I have said to my partner that it always goes along with the timeline jumps. Sleeping in instalments seems to be the norm for me nowadays. I managed 10pm to 3am then 5am to 9am last night. That’s not so bad when I haven’t had to go to work because of lock down. Hope your new energy burst sticks around for a while.🤗😸💖

      1. Hi Newlynn. Yes, those bursts of energy are great. Had them on and off for years and always wished they would stay, but lo and behold they would usually be gone the next day and back to the groggy head, heavy feeling, etc. I’m 61 and feel like 30 when I get the energy bursts. It’s just an overwhelming happy and joyful feeling. I hope everyone gets there joyful burst now and it stays. Yes, I think the gas thing does come with the timeline jumps because usually when I check the meters later and find there was a jump, it does correlate with the symptoms. Our state is in lockdown since Monday here in Kansas. I didn’t think we would here, that is would stay mostly on the coastal states that have the most criminals, but I’m a homebody anyway so I don’t mind.

          1. Mobtown! Sometimes these things spell on their own! Peace

  11. Cats and Ms, could you please check out the 3/31 post on Terran Cognito’s blog? Have we had an unforeseen timeline jump? [I know there is no such thing as unforeseen, but this would look alarming to some] Thor is an off-world contact. Posted this evening. What is your take on this?

  12. Huh, strange dream last night. I felt as I am in some boot camp for training purposes, I was present with one situation to deal with a dark attack on some person (not me) which I had to defend, and I dealt with it with flying colors ✨

    This is first time ever that I was fully conscious in a dream state, usually I was just a observer with little or no interaction, but this time it was different, like I was really there in Astral world fully conscious from the start ✨

    Now I am not sure if that was a real situation I dealt with or just a training, but I past the test for sure 😎 ✨

  13. Dreamt of meeting old pets that had passed on. They were semi visible but still tangible, it was truly lovely. Also dreamt of many large UFO’s lighting up our skies, it was positive. They are my best dreams. I know you CATS always tell us we are sovereign, but the joy I have when I see them all returning in dreams is unparalleled, sorry.

    There is always a certain shaped one too that appears. A large round flat bottomed one with equidistant round white lights around the circumference, underneath. This particular UFO once saved me in a drowning dream.

    On a personal note, I feel as if a dark cloud has lifted. My mind is clearer than it has been for months. I feel calm and happy, something I haven’t felt for a long time.

    I just want SOURCE back in our lives like it supposed to be.

    I am ready for the storm, because I am its centre.


  14. Hi CAT’S & M’s, can You check this YouTube channel which I am following for almost a year now, is it legit:

    They are claiming to be in contact with Palladians from Taygeta, as is Kabamur on Twitter, but when he was asked about them, he denounced them, who is legit then, or neither ?

    Thank You ✨


  15. Hi everyone,
    I’ve never had a feeling like this before about sharing something – yes, a call to share something – or post something, but not with this strength of? importance? – like a call for compassionate support (energy-wise) will help the whole process. Perhaps a meditation or whatever other way you focus in an area (not just geographical)… – *shrug* … I keep getting importance – a compassionate focus on most beneficial outcomes for individuals and situations around the content in Amanda Ellis’s newest video concerning the area/situations in South Africa/Zimbabwe/Kenya –
    I’m usually feel shy and unsure when nudged to share or post something – this feeling is overriding that – like flashing lights shining on this – a sense that your focus in this direction will show your ‘choice’ or re-enforce your choice of future – not just justice or SOURCE – something deeper ??? (what could be deeper?).
    There’s just a weighty waiting for me to complete this, no more words, just do it…
    here it is:
    much, much love to ALL,

      1. sorry Cats – unclear – the main focus WAS S Afrrica, but she was asked by two people, for various reasons, to also look in on situations/energy around Zimbabwe and Kenya – separately…
        sorry for confusion…

      2. – just to clarify she’s been looking into the energy in/around different countries as guided or asked.. so far UK, USA, India maybe another –
        – -the importance feeling wasn’t coming from her (other than the importance of certain things, energy to hold, etc., we all know) – just something different for me to feel, so shared….

      3. Ok, we worked with the SF to place light around the entire continent of Africa. It was trickier than shielding the moon from the inside-out, but it’s now done.


    1. Ohh. THAT’S what that meant. We were asking about “3 to 10 days of darkness,” which returned a NO — and a “waggle.” We didn’t know what the waggle meant, at first. But when we asked about the “3 to 10 days of the internet being down” we got a POSSIBLY. (That either means “YES, depending on what timeline you’re on” or “It’s moving in that direction.” Or both.)

      -CAT Eds.

      1. My take on that 3 days off darkness was orientated in that direction also as dark means (no info or rather, false info disconnected with source) and light means (real true information, connection to source), so I always thought that it would lead to that metafore to what “dark” is all about, OK I complicated this a bit, but You know what I meant with this 🙂✨

      2. Well I am already having internet problems! Am finding it a challenge to get online at all especially using Safari. It’s OK on Firefox.

        Also, I always leave a comment for Laura on her videos and every time I try now, I get:

        ‘Can’t find variable: Headers’! I just cannot leave a comment!

        If you are reading this Laura, Happy, Happy, Magical Birthday for the 4th! Wishing you enormous Love and Light and Fabulous Day!


        Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

        1. I had told a friend that I anticipated network congestion with so many people working from home, and looking for answers. I also had a feeling about the 3 day darkness being related to the internet or grid. Early I the AM, my internet went out, I looked with cellular on a website that pings servers, and reports outages. They were occurring all across the planet, with the exception of China & Soviet Union. They likely don’t allow access to the service

          1. Scott ❤️ Thanks for sharing, yes, feels like there will be an information blackout/lack of internet etc… Is this the start of it I wonder…

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        2. Try Brave, it has worked better/faster than others! IMO. Peace.

          1. Christopher (& Minky!) ❤️ Thank you, I will have a look at Brave, Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    2. THANK YOU ~ That’s the same message I’ve been getting from my higher self/team for the past week, too.

      Yesterday or the day before I was asking, “What the bleep is going on here? Is it 3 days or is it 10 days — and are those just separate/different timelines?”

      The first message thought I got back from them was that it is 3 to 10 days…and still up in the air —
      — that we on the highest timelines would experience the minimum days, or NOT AT ALL…(which was always MY choice in this long drawn out scenario)

      And I’ve been reminding them all (very much b!tching at them) that I told you characters a decade ago that if I was ‘forced’ against my will to be shackled to an End Time timeline to the very very end of this unendurable physical torture — that you guys better make dam sure I don’t lose the only thing I have, The INTERNET.
      The rest of my survival was a given, because if any of those resources were removed, I would be dead.

      And they cannot afford to lose their critical ever-charging Lighthouse Batteries.

      1. Glad to see I am not the only one with demands for them. I said I better have coffee and hot water. Lol. I am way too grumpy if I have to take a cold shower and no coffee in addition to that would be a nightmare. I guess I didn’t think about the internet also being a lifeline for me. But it is. So I am upgrading my demands. Lol.
        I wish you ALL the best. 🙂
        (Of course, it would be way better to just jump through that rainbow veil to the New Earth or whatever it is waiting) .

  16. Hi All! 👋🏻
    I had a beautiful experience yesterday evening that I would like to share. When I first started dating my husband, he was very scientific and skeptical. I have been feeding him little bits of spiritual info over the years, some he accepts and others he blows off. But he has slowly become more open minded. We were sitting outside yesterday and he asked me if I thought this was the end of the world (!)😯. I felt the timing was right, so I told him about the Event and Shift. He took it very well, and told me he thinks it is true! I told him to stay positive and meditate. When we came back inside, he surprised me again and played Hallelujah on Google (I know, Google 🙄). I had tears of joy 😃! It felt like something shifted for the better and a weight was lifted.

    On a different note, I am worried about my mom. She is in a lot of pain (we think it is sciatica) and she can’t keep food or drink down. If you can, please send her some love and healing energy.

    I am so grateful for the help, support, love and information you all provide! Thank you all for working in the Light for the Greater Good! 🌞💗
    I love you All!
    Hugs 🤗
    ~ Sharon

    1. I am so happy for you Sharon, I wish I had the same understanding from my family.
      Sending LOVE 💗💗💗💗and healing LIGHT to your mom! All is well!

      Love to All! 💗

      1. Thank you so much, June! I hope you have a similar breakthrough moment with your family. 💕
        Big Hugs! 🤗

    2. According to an article I have read, the Cbd w/Thc on board works much better for pain. On the Frank oil, add some ginger(anti inflammatory) and top with wintergreen or birch. Easy on the W or B, for they are Super blood thinners(USE WITH CAUTION). They accelerate the penetration of the Frank & Ginger. Healing coming! Peace.

      1. Thank you so much, Christopher! I think I have most of those on hand. I have to check my oil and herb stash. 💕🌿
        Big Hugs 🤗

    3. Sharon ❤️ Sending Love and healing to your lovely Mother, hope she feels better soon 🙏❤️❤️🙏

      1. Thank you so much, Lily! I hope you and Elsie are doing well! Please give Elsie a hug for me! 💖
        Big Hugs 🤗

        1. Sharon ❤️ We are tootling along as usual, thank you for the Hugs! Will be sure to pass them on to little bean too!

          Much Loves ❤️🤗❤️

  17. Also, new Gaia Portal

    Formidables are no more.

    Heaven sent messages are received in Joy.

    Surrender to the old and reception of the New occurs in simultaneity.

    Florescents are sown

  18. Why you call the planet’s spirit ‘Gaia’?
    It is the Greek name for her in mythology.
    Why not:

    Manipuri mythology: Leimarel Sidabi
    Greek: Gaia, Cybele, Demeter, Persephone, Rhea
    Roman: Tellus, Terra, Ceres, Ops, Proserpina
    Slavic: Mat Zemlya
    Andean (Inca): Pachamama
    Hindu; Prithvi
    Native American: Spider Grandmother
    Chinese: Houtu (Di Mu)
    Mongolian: Umay (Eje)
    Norse: Sif

    Albanian: tokë
    Basque: lurra
    Belarusian: зямля
    Bosnian: zemlja
    Bulgarian: земя
    Catalan: terra
    Croatian: Zemlja
    Czech: Země
    Danish: jorden
    Dutch: aarde
    Estonian: maa
    Finnish: maa
    French: Terre
    Galician: terra
    German: Erde
    Greek: γη (gi)
    Hungarian: föld
    Icelandic: Jörð
    Irish: cré
    Italian: terra
    Latvian: zeme
    Lithuanian: žemė
    Macedonian: земјата
    Maltese: art
    Norwegian: jord
    Polish: Ziemia
    Portuguese: terra
    Romanian: Pământ
    Russian: Земля (zemlya)
    Serbian: земља (zemlja)
    Slovak: krajiny
    Slovenian: zemlja
    Spanish: tierra
    Swedish: jord
    Ukrainian: земля (zemlya)
    Welsh: ddaear
    Yiddish: ערד
    Armenian: երկիր
    Azerbaijani: yer
    Bengali: পৃথিবী
    Chinese Simplified: 地球 (dìqiú)
    Chinese Traditional: 地球 (dìqiú)
    Georgian: დედამიწა
    Gujarati: પૃથ્વી
    Hindi: पृथ्वी
    Hmong: lub ntiaj teb
    Japanese: 地球
    Kannada: ಭೂಮಿಯ
    Kazakh: жер
    Khmer: ផែនដី
    Korean: 지구 (jigu)
    Lao: ແຜ່ນດິນໂລກ
    Malayalam: ഭൂമി
    Marathi: पृथ्वी
    Mongolian: дэлхий
    Myanmar (Burmese): မြေကြီးတပြင်
    Nepali: पृथ्वी
    Sinhala: පොළොවේ
    Tajik: замин
    Tamil: பூமியில்
    Telugu: భూమి
    Thai: โลก
    Turkish: toprak
    Urdu: زمین
    Uzbek: yer
    Vietnamese: trái đất
    Arabic: أرض (‘ard)
    Hebrew: כדור הארץ
    Persian: زمین
    Afrikaans: aarde
    Chichewa: lapansi
    Hausa: duniya
    Igbo: ụwa
    Sesotho: lefatše
    Somali: dhulka
    Swahili: dunia
    Yoruba: aiye
    Zulu: umhlaba
    Cebuano: yuta
    Filipino: lupa
    Indonesian: bumi
    Javanese: bumi
    Malagasy: eto an-tany
    Malay: bumi
    Maori: whenua
    Esperanto: tero
    Haitian Creole: latè
    Latin: terra

  19. Thank you CATS and M’s for all the confirmations and Updates of the current happenings, especially the Q JFK jr reveal, I too have felt for sometime this to all be true. But perhaps the bigger info drop is the feeling that the time has speed up for the SHIFT to be occurring, much sooner than we all maybe felt!!! Yes! SOURCE knows Best!

    I do feel the consciousness of the planet is rising, I understand and believe as you say, “we are in a pandemic within a pandemic within a pandemic”, we can help quell the fear individually and collectively through our meditations to send and shed the Light forth throughout the planet, sending healing energies to all who need them.

    You CATS and M’s, this site has been a Godsend for me and I’m sure many others here, for I am mostly in a sea of the ‘unwoke’ around me. It can be hard at times, for some who are close to me are so entrenched with the whole political 3D T derangement syndrome it’s almost breathtaking to observe. It was no coincidence I was led to this site (via Lynn of Psychic Focus – a wonderful, compassionate person and fantastic site!) some years back, you guys and gals are the ‘real deal’ and that is a understatement!

    I do want to share I saw on Twt (social media) today someone in the Qanon realm posted that the earthquake yesterday in Idaho seemed suspicious (PTW doing) because the depth was 10 kilometers. First time I’ve ever seen that reference to that depth and connecting it to PTW manipulation. Maybe a SOT follower or maybe the depth info now is common knowledge!?

    Also, I have a question, do you think the Q Team, White Hats or some within their group know about the coming imminent SHIFT?

    Thank you again each of you and Special Friends!


  20. Has anyone else had the thought of the irony these quarantines, and that on a higher subtle layer, it relates to the ego, or self imposed quarantine from Source, a belief in separation, or fall from Grace?

  21. Sooo, very tired lately – don’t care (can’t be bothered) about most ‘symptoms’ lately, but hard to keep eyes open or do things… even read or watch things, even music or movies, if I can find ANYTHING I’m drawn, too – have had breathing issues, but not trauma or illness, just too tired to take a breath. Just feel like I’m going to keel over half the time (well, maybe 1/8th the time?)

    There’s a project in the home caused and continues to BE a problem because our duplex neighbors WON’T address the problem. The shared wall and past visits exacerbated the issues and recently found out our past houseguest was hiding or oblivious and negligent with the issue, so my very pregnant daughter has most of the weight of the solution on her shoulders – We are all home now and can attend to it, but I have no energy or stamina to really help much… it’s been an almost year (or more?) issue. I wonder if we’ll succeed in a solution before the change in universal location takes place and we won’t have to deal with it…
    (daughter’s workplace shut down for at least a month, son-in-law hasn’t been to work in almost a week – he said hrs were cut, but seems more than that – haven’t asked; buying things may become interesting – my income will pay the rent, we have a bi-weekly box of food from the food pantry, a monthly small, but welcome amount of food stamps, AND my daughter found TWO small packs of TP yesterday at a store – yippee!! – my brother is helping with utilities – stock market has cut his $s down quite a bit – he’s 3 yrs older than me.) The plight of most of the rest of the world is thousands of times more precarious – I trust in continued personal solutions, I so enjoy the changes I’ve seen in both my daughter and grddaughter – son-in-law, I think, is coming along as best he can… I think…

    I’m not sure why I wrote all that – I’m not paniced or distressed, just wish I wasn’t so tired and I feel the word is ‘suppressed’ – like I’m not supposed to be ‘DOING’ anything. I, of course, will continue the inner work, only as comes up – not in search mode… mantras as needed, REMEMBERING to ask for assistance and support from the higher unseen, etc (almost forgot lighthouse)… Arrgh, so tired I’m nauseated….

    I wish you all the best that can be in these present times, I know we support each other – arms linked together no one can fall.
    much love to you ALL,

    1. Hi Kg. I have had breathing issues for a week which went yesterday to be replaced with a crippling headache. I spent most of the day sleeping and all night and felt so much better this morning. I think the encoding process is taking a lot of our energy to integrate it into our bodies and we need a lot of rest for it to do this. If you are trying to plod on then maybe it’s best to just give in and sleep. Love and hugs. 🤗😊💖💖💖

      1. @Newlynn, Yes I’ve had tons of headaches, too. – hard to sleep with whole family home and watching stuff right outside my door – my bedroom opens very close to living room and they stay up late – whole family are night owls – including me, lol – grddaughter didn’t go to sleep probably after she started flooding the house, lol ~ 5am?
        be well <3

  22. Oh dear god it’s time for me to wade in with a less serious topic (or maybe it is serious after all) I stopped in my T.Js today. The key lime pies will be available from May- August. They aren’t taking pre-orders . Just a thumbs up for all you key lime lovers out there) On a totally different subject: After several thousand dollars and 2 1/2 weeks my 14 year old car with 210,000 miles is ready to be picked up. Ready for the next 210,000 miles. I knew in advanced this repair was part of the rough 1st quarter energies and that I wasn’t going to get it until April. Lisa read tomorrow. If she sees anything significant I’ll report in. Went into the city today for desperately needed chiropractic work. My left shoulder was 6″ higher than my right. I have been in such misery that I could hardly walk. Tonight I feel like I could do Nuriev’s leaps (not) Anyway only 29 days until the golden energy of May. Cheers!

    1. Yea gods J. Six inches is horrendous. I used to work at an osteopaths and had never seen anyone that out of alignment. No wonder you were in agony. Glad you are improving and hope you keep up with the Chiropractic work.🙄😟😸💖

      1. Thanks, Kiddo. Much improved today. I must use common sense in garden. I actually stopped what I was doing to “give it a rest” But,but,but it’s spring. Good god! You’re 75. Get a grip! (internal dialogue) I bounced off the CATs privately for counsel about what Lisa said today. They felt that you ALL can handle it. I’ll post it after my nap. I waxed my sweet old car after it’s ordeal at the garage. I’m pooped now so later. Cheers!

  23. So, the rabbit hole brought me here and I want to share something. Two nights ago I woke up to a loud voice saying ” the sky event!” like a shout. It was in that twighlight of awake and asleep. I heard it and jolted a little and asked what I could do to help. I was given a basket, like a picnic basket. I opened the lid and to my surprise it was filled with scissors with red handles. What am I to do with so many scissors? I have to distribute them. Alright, friends..can you help distribute some scissors for me? We have been cutting loose for awhile, but others need help…and I have a basket of scissors!

    1. Excellent! I had a dream where I stood up for myself. I was “told” that because of the $ crunch I had to rent out a room in my house “NO!!” I discovered so much power inside… and added “and it it high time you start acknowledging the work I do” Telling this to my parents in the dream… authority figures?? This morning I watched LisamHarrison say “Time to pull up your Rainbow Panties” Fear tolerated is Faith Contaminated. I salute you all!

  24. @Carla, cutting old cords and vows? Vows can be sneaky and unrecognized consciously, but can hold us to things we’re unaware of… – How many times do we say, “I swear___” or vow something, or to someone not realizing everything THAT links to… too late in the early morning to think of some pithy examples, but using the scissors can be for so many things at this time… include any cords eyeballs have glued to news cycles and fear engendering…

    I really MUST sleep – both daughter and granddaughter still up outside my door… ZZZzzzzzz… 🙂 3:15 am here…


  25. I had a disturbing dream or atral projection this morning right before I woke up. I was seeing through the eyes of a military person, wearing their garb. I was deep underground, and was appalled to see so many children in cages treated like animals. It was sad and sickening. It was hopeful, though. Through the person’s eyes, I was witnessing a rescue operation from one of the DUMBs. Yes!

  26. Carla,
    Welcome to the “rabbit hole” with access to the “tunnel of love”. I would like some red handled scissors and will use them to cut the old earth timeline from the New Earth in my next meditation. Let Gaia gently float away from the darker reality like a helium filled balloon. That is unless the Cats and M’s have a better idea and insight into “the sky event”. Cay

    1. Please take some scissors. I came here to pass them out! I think I spread them out across a good few spaces. I have only a couple of personal ones to distribute. There are as many as needed. Please share the scissors! We have to cut ourselves loose too. In so many ways.

  27. OH MY, oh my. oh my…
    You know that big white kerfuffle on the Schumann early this morning- about 2-3 1/2 hrs ago? it’s manifestation in our house was that my grddaughter (whose finger nails recently have become strong enough to turn the outside handle slot to unlock the room doors) was up and played with the shower hose then fell asleep on the living room big chair – son-in-law just woke up & walked out to find the whole house flooded (3/4 ) flooded all the way to the kitchen and under my bedroom door went into a non-breathing panic attack and my daughter started her – used to be usual – “It’s all her fault.” (for the exhausted pregnant lady to go to bed at 4am after cleaning all day) – used to be followed by a loud long anxiety attack.

    If you don’t think we’ve had multitudes of TLJs in the right direction with positive changes: here’s your proof – In less than 5 min, probably less than 3, they just calmly got down to the business (after she refused my suggestion that I call & ask my friend to borrow his shop vac) – of soaking up a house full of water (don’t want my help or suggestions… I’ve learned from past ‘instructions’…) I did put a call out to any and all appropriate AAs , angels, other high energy helpers for aid (mostly for my daughter dealing through through her anxiety and things)…
    We only have a tiny washer/spinner, so soaking and spinning is ensuing – quietly and calmly – You have no idea what a change this is from even only a few months ago – AND her relationship with her daughter – who did go to her room after only a little while crying, seeing the situation and the explanation to her why it happened and it was why she kept being told the shower water STAYS in the shower. But no big meltdown…
    Hmm, seems she counteracted(in her mind) my previous instructions to only offer help or advice if specifically ASKED, but even that ‘discussion’ was MILD in comparison to past exchanges.
    New Earth must be just around some corner…

    Just sharing because this is SOOOO different to past behaviors of all and to situations…
    I had asked… and this situation was supposed to happen for a reason – did sure clean the floor – 🙂 – grateful our floors are all either laminate or tile…

    Have a good day all,

  28. Feel feverish (do not have fever (1/2 degree of ‘normal’ – I usually run one degree below normal) and HEAT and some all over itchies were/are back this morning and feeling dehydrated – was up most of the night and drinking water… remember being ‘busy’ when I did sleep and remember thinking when I woke up this morning ‘How many places was I at, at the same time last night?’

    Is something (other than the usual not normal) going on??


  29. – my last post this morning – promise. 🙂
    Interesting note from Amanda Ellis this morning:
    “” Angelic Celestial Colours
    5 hrs ·
    For those not in my MJ ((Michael Jackson))group – I am sharing this post I just put up..
    Now then well THERE is a sign – without wishing to get into or start up a big conspiracy thread (please don’t post stuff like that here) – I will say this – and did – when I made my recent Ashtar video – that a USA Chinook helicopter flew over my house when I made it, as though they were keeping an eye on activity here.

    There have been many channellers who have stated over the years that military are able to trace surges of light (Drunvalo was one of the first that talked about it years ago and who also said they were able to track Merkabas being fully open)…anyway in a nutshell a Chinook has just flown over my house – have had none since Ashtar visited…

    Make of that what you will – but for me it is a sign my house has been lit up like a belisha beacon with Michaels energy…

    Soo funny …just had to share that with you…..


    xx “”

    ~~ She said she just completed a LONG session with Michael and will post it (to yt) tomorrow (Mar. 3rd ’20)
    I won’t post it – it will be easily found if desired. ~~


    1. Kg ❤️ Thank you for sharing that, really interesting. We have had quite a few helicopters over our house/area the last couple of years. I always wondered why they were here as this is a tiny village, very rural.

      Hope you are feeling better.

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  30. It is incredibly quite outside, even a little spooky, is something going on ?

    1. I sat outside and played some Opera just to make it have noise lol.

    2. Percia ❤️ I was just thinking that about ten minutes ago! How everything feels so quiet, surreal and that the tiniest noise seems to make the biggest sound, like a pin dropping would be so, so loud right now. It is eerie. My daughter is really picking up on the energies/something, as am I. Feeling quite nervous, it is very strange!

      Also feeling like I am in a hazy dream…

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Now when You mentioned it, I felt really wobbly after that moment off quietness, so it was a jump after all ✨

      2. Crikies, it’s like that here most of the time. I really will share what Lisa said after my nap.

  31. Last night I dreamed of my pets that had passed similar to what mark experienced and shared a few days ago.
    Doing my grounding and meditation3x daily. Body aches and headaches really bad. Deep breathing and reading this blog helps immensely. Thanks for JFK jr info. Take care everyone!

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