That 3D Look of Liberty [UPDATE3]


So, we were shown this twice last night, when we asked for a sign that The SHIFT was about to happen.

We saw what looked like The Statue of Liberty’s face look like this:

Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 12.22.27 AM

Meanwhile, we had some significant energy bursts recently that some of you may have felt. First, there was increased energy, like solar snow…


…then a burst…

That’s extreme energy, not lots of ships.

…then it hit here on earth, causing lots of headaches:




And then Harry Potter arrived:


It’s not The SHIFT, though, for those wondering. This has happened lots of times before.

The day or two before, others of us had suffered through a strange timeline adjustment/multi-jump day:





Very uncomfortable, but we are all apparently now where we need to be, energywise. Some of the CATs have just today received new gifts, and some are simply amazing — one an uncomparable gift from our light-being brothers. Some will see it on the NE.

Now we’re all just awaiting the rainbows and shocked Liberty. Won’t be long, now.




Another interesting anomaly recently occurred — the sun winked off, then back on:




Note the above is a UV view of the sun. Hmm. It typically takes anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours before we start feeling effects from what happens on the sun. We’ll keep an eye on the meters. We did have a timeline jump around the same time:


And a little muon spike before, but it’s probably nothing:

Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 2.09.16 PM

We thought about it and lots of us felt the need to meditate around the time of the UV “dimming,” to deal with the extra energy coming in. We’re feeling it again around 3:00 pm PDT.


Ok, we looked more closely at that sun blackout thing and it’s a BIG timeline jump.


It is very important that everyone meditate, morning and evening, the longer the better. We’re very close to being DONE, but we need more time in meditation. You may find it easier now, and… well, different. You’ll see what we mean.


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208 thoughts on “That 3D Look of Liberty [UPDATE3]

  1. Aluna Kay
    Bill gates was arrested in January

    I posted about it at the time

    His clone was arrested two days ago.

    No vaccine is going to be ushered out .. it isn’t ready.. the white hats /The alliance are in control.
    Any one claiming otherwise is seeing the flu shot being pushed.

    1. you are the 3rd one to say this. However, is there any for to verify?
      I’ve heard all about the white hats, alliance or whatever name is being toss about, being in control. I hope that’s that’s the case b/c it look pretty out of control & contradictory. Plus POTUS stated recently that he liked Dr. Fauci. I can go on but you get it:-) Thanks!

      1. We verify it. BG is under house arrest. Children are being liberated. Lots of celebs are under house arrest. We haven’t looked at Fauci, yet.

        -CAT Eds.

  2. Still dealing with massive headaches – worse last half of today – ongoing…
    – some stuff happened and dreams last night, but wasn’t to comment on it/them… *shrug*


  3. As I was reading this huge military helicopter went real low over the house lol.

    1. We’ve had one cruising over my hood lately, any day now we’ll finally get to know what they’re so desperately searching for. Or maybe it’s just another test, like the moving “stars” at night. I still find it absolutely fascinating that the majority can simply walk through all of this without seeing anything.


      1. Interesting 14th in NW Pa. Cell service was powered down to emergency calls only. Full service today! Much Love/Gratitude/Protection for All. Peace.

  4. I just this moment ( 2:50 am EDT) finished watching the youtube film, “Out of the Shadows” which premiered four days ago and already has over 4.6 million views. Mr T put it in a Q drop yesterday, I think. It is going viral and is about the whole expose of the Matrix we have lived in, Hollywood, pedophilia and, I believe the sh** that is about to hit the proverbial fan. And why Miss Liberty is about to look like you envisioned. Very Powerful. I went down this rabbit hole over 4 yrs ago, before Q started and subsequently, spiritually, found this group. It is not for the faint of heart but is something many of us have probably known and felt. This may have been an envelope for me. Deep Breaths. I KNOW that We are the Love. We are the Light. We are the Truth. We Are.

    I will now go to meditate and ask to hold hands with you all in Source because I need to feel that Love, Light and Truth.

    1. Yes “Out Of The Shadows” has gone viral. More for the newbies me thinks.
      Then there’s the “Fall of the Cabal” parts 1-10 on YT. Also good for newbies.
      If anyone here follows me on twitter, you know what’s up.

    2. Here is a link to the movie “Hoaxed” by Mike Cernovich in case it is removed from public sources (already gone from Amazon). I have not watched it yet, but it is supposedly very good. So, just in case it disappears from everywhere else, here it is:

    3. WWG1WGA! Most should see so it never happens again/We get past Justice to Forgiveness, IMO! WATLaughter/Light/Love/Truth, We Are This We Are! Peace.

    4. Watched Shadows… it’s all so half baked, and riddled with ‘connections’ that are tenuous at best. They reference all these different supposed revelatory links that point to the ‘truth’ but never get into the weeds about any of it, just broad generalizations and then they move on to the next thing. No thoroughness, just cheap and easy talk. The lack of depth and analysis just serves to further simplify this narrative in their heads, which makes them MORE sure it’s all true. This is the exact playbook Hollywood employs to influence viewers. The irony!

      The film’s take on Abravomic was laughable, it just illustrated how there is no interest in grappling with complex ideas, which her work contains. Do they know she’s one of the most thoroughly examined artists of the last 25 years, with reams of criticism written about her work? No, they just saw something that looked kinda occult, so yep she must be a Satanist! Que Dana Carvey’s church lady…

      The Zappa and JM references? Ummm

      Of course there are links still with the CIA and the entertainment industry, with bad faith actors wielding agendas. Big whoop, just have some discernment in what you watch. Good art that is insightful and positive is made every day, both within and without the industry. It’s your choice to seek it out.

      The big irony about the pedophilia topic, is that the cartoonish and broad ways both the film and others discuss it makes it seem even more far fetched than it perhaps is. They undermine themselves, because it’s thus easier to dismiss as crackpot.

      1. The pedovore thing is not farfetched. It is reality. Abramovic is a pedovore, and a devil worshipper. All the ca8al are. These are the people who lead our existing culture. The entertainment industry and alphabet agencies are about controlling and culling the masses. This should surprise no one. But the lengths they have gone…

        -CAT Eds.

    5. lauraksmi ❤️ I watched it too. Although I had seen bits and pieces of footage used a while ago, I still felt the need to clear myself after and surround myself in light/meditate!

      That lady, M. Abramovic keep popping up! I wonder if she is under arrest or will be?

      “Abramowitch” Microsoft Ad Just Pulled After Massive Easter Weekend Backlash Worldwide-Monday April 13, 2020

      Back to the Light!

      Source Love & Hugs ❤️🤗❤️

      1. Aaaargh, CATs please delete this comment or cut that link off, the link I saw did not have that horrible photo in. I do apologise…

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

          1. Thanks CAT Eds, phew! I’m sure folk do not want to see that! yep, icky is one word for it!

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  5. Thanks CATs ❤️ Will keep an eye out for those beautiful rainbows!

    Had a curious dream last night. M2 was in it! M2 was telling me that they had distracted me with some fish! A very large aquarium I was staring at for ages, whilst they scanned me and told me I had something attached that wasn’t very positive and had removed it! Hmmm 🤔🙃

    In another part of the dream I was giving my daughter silver drops to drink! I cannot remember the rest, all a bit of a blur!

    Have been getting full body aches. The last two nights after getting up off the sofa to go and have a bath, have practically staggered across the room! Felt like the tin man without enough oil in my joint! Feeling a lot of weight/density…

    Elsie is struggling again, lots of screaming tics/frustration.

    Have not seen the moon the last couple of nights either. It’s very cloudy today but hearing lots of aircraft in the sky above our home.

    Keep on keeping on everyone, it can’t be long now!

    WATL, WATL, WATT, WE ARE! ✨☀️✨

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

  6. Forgot to say, I have noticed a lot of anger on the television. People warning against ‘alternative media’ getting very worked up about questions regarding vaccines, 5G, the virus etc… One lady, I cannot remember her name was so angry defending the PTW’s ways that I thought she was going to spontaneously combust!

    Eamon Holmes was hosting the programme and told the lady that people should not automatically reject theories just because they were a different narrative to that of the state/MSM! I wonder if he will lose his job now!

    PTW folk desperately trying to keep the walls of this little paradigm up but the bricks are tumbling, one by one…

    Much love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

      1. V is a very good movie to watch. Lost count of how many times I have seen it..
        The 1st Matrix movie as well.. Then I moved on too They Live..
        Dune is another classic for me.

        Back to basics during this lockdown and time line jumps. Silence and Stillness is key..

        Peace and blessings to all

          1. Nope, I kind of stopped watching films years ago when I was pregnant, so much other stuff was going on. Now of course, it’s tricky trying to watch anything of length and see to Elsie. When I do have an evening I tend to stick meditative mind on you tube and hang out here, with the odd Blossom or Laura video. I have been down that rabbit hole, not as far as some but find it really tricky staying well after some of the things I’ve seen on you tube etc…I always feel so blooming heavy and ‘icky’ afterwards! Kind of need to put up a protective shield as I can feel the darkness/insanity coming out of the screen, not pleasant…

            By the way, what you said about Wednesdays being UFO night, you were right! Just saw three ships I think through my little old window!

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            1. Heheheheh! Well I am amazed, Elsie has allowed me to put on a lovely flute cd! Actually, I don’t think she has realised as she is momentarily engaged with some books in her bedroom. When she realises, the nursery rhymes will be back on again! Trying to sing and enact ‘I’m a Little Teapot’ over and over again with as much enthusiasm as I can! 😬😉🙃Still, good to see her happy!

              Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            2. Well current favourites are:

              A-Z (alphabet) series by Jane Belk Moncure
              My Wonderful Nursery Rhyme Collection, Bonney Press
              The Dictionary of Difficult Words by Lexicographer Jane Solomon
              Various other ABC books including Dr. Seuss’s ABC: An Amazing Alphabet Book!

              She isn’t too keen on story books but anything to do with words, the alphabet and nursery rhymes…

              Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. SHC could be ok for some that get too “hot”(joking). Look up a product called HA, from bio alternatives on the web it Is the fluid in Your joints(works wonders). And the Lovely little 1, maybe a higher aspect is recommending colloidal silver,
      N-ergetics has the best I know of. Peace.

  7. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Sportif clients are emburdened as they carry their loads.
    Dissolutions create their vortices.
    Navigators with skills enroute their vessels.
    Fortunates are boarded upon the ships.
    DeLightfuls come

      1. I believe the dark take it as a game/sport, yet now they’re the hunted! Peace.

  8. Hi cats, do you know what these new nightingale wards opening up round the UK are for? Thanks

        1. @ pam141

          there are way more underground tunnels, bases, cities,
          many on 4-7 levels…a whole network, connected by
          Maglev/magnetic-levitating high speed trains,
          all around the planet! — than we can fathom.
          When Tr says “invisible enemy” – is just that: the dark.
          There is a WAR under our feet, a huge military offensive.
          The children in cages, underground are the first to be saved,
          tens of thousands. For them the many field hospitals & ships.

          1. Remember the order Obama put through before the end of his presidency for those billions of rounds of 9 mm bullets? It was for the u-ground dark army. But they’ll fail. The light is working overtime to stop them.

            -CAT Eds.

        2. I don’t like the sound of that. See Economist Cover for 2020 …

          Bottom row….

  9. Thank you for the charts. I have the headache too, and woozy detached head. I’ve changed my profile pic as it fits in with the rainbow theme. My feet! I was standing in the hall with the sun coming through a prism in the glass of the front door.🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈☺️💖

    1. Newlynn ❤️ Loving the new photo, boooooootiful!

      Big hugs and Love ❤️🤗❤️🌈☀️🌈

        1. Hi Lily. Lol 😊☺️ thank you. I never imagined anyone would call these old feet beautiful or even footiful! Love and hugs to you both.🤗💖🌈🌈🌈

    2. Sooo, You Are the Rainbow Light! We Are the Ones We were Waiting for! Peace.

  10. Well, I cant imagine the statues face changing physically, so it must be a metaphor (regular Sherlock… ).

    So, Dr. Watson, we know that the SOF represent America and Liberty. So we can conclude something shocking will reveal itself to Americans concerning their liberty (freedom), past, present or future or all three…

    Well, we always knew this justice malarkey would have to play out until the main event. Question is, does the shocking reveal facilitate the SHIFT, or is the reveal simply to identify which camp wed rather be before the split?

    In some ways, it’s a little unfair. We have prior knowledge and therefore prior time to decide and prepare. But what of the vast majority? Based upon that, maybe it’s not about separation (justice v SOURCE), maybe its simply about shaking everyone out of slumber, then mass elevation?

    Mark (Detecting since birth.)

    1. I feel the reveal will be a catalyst.
      Everyone will be shocked and the ones who take a negative response will burn themselves out and the positive ones will create a better world with their new-found freedom and knowledge.
      This will cause the shift and we will be in 4D/5D

    2. But how did we get that prior knowledge? And why? It’s all choices, nothing is unfair. If anything, knowing is a responsibility.


  11. Sigh! Well youse ALL, thanks for this “timely” update. That certainly describes the transparency and whatever I described in my last night post in previous thread. I am now assuming, that what I experienced last evening was NOT the effect of the chili relleno dinner I ate. Har! Cheers! We’ll see what today brings.

    1. Here’s a second thought that was just presented to me: The past couple of days, something has felt somehow off to me. Yes, everything appears to be going along as usual. The birds are still singing, the buds are swelling, the flowers are blooming, but somehow, they are devoid of the vibrancy and immediacy of spring. And then the experience I had in the garden yesterday evening. I feel that what I am seeing is the acceleration of the division of frequency played out before my eyes. This is proving to be curiouser and curiouser. Hmmmmm. Comments?

  12. New Gaia Portal
    Sportif clients are emburdened as they carry their loads

    by ÉirePort

    Sportif clients are emburdened as they carry their loads.

    Dissolutions create their vortices.

    Navigators with skills enroute their vessels.

    Fortunates are boarded upon the ships.

    DeLightfuls come.

    ÉirePort | April 14, 2020 at 8:08 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

  13. You might want to check out the last few posts by Terran Cognito.
    “They’re here.”

    [please edit out if this is a repeat]

  14. I had a dream that I would be receiving my “envelope” soon. I listened to blossom last week and I wondered , is it a literal envelope? So it could have just been my subconscious wondering about the envelope when I fell asleep, than an actual message. But it was exciting none the less!

  15. And why would lady liberty be shocked and scared? The excitement of the shift who be a happy event. Right?

    Or is the shock coming from what is underground in NY?

    1. The lady liberty is still somewhat of a mystery to me. Who gave her to us & why? what do the chains on her feet mean? what’s the meaning of the star or vortex she stands on? Is she another form of one of their gods or other?

      1. It’s a classic Bell Curve. We are early adopters. The bulk of the group will see and move into what’s to happen and be affected by it, the rest will straggle behind and get a little something out of it… and the final portion will deny anything ever happened. Some people will look up in wonder, others will look up in fear, some will not allow themselves to see anything at all. It all sure feels imminent to us.

        We’ve stopped worrying about everyone. SOURCE looks out for all people and beings. Each person has a whole team around them. There’s nothing to worry about. Let it happen and don’t look back.

        -CAT Eds.

      2. I wrote a long (winded?) response to this Cat post that seems to have been eaten by my phone.

        Here is the short version:

        If what is about to be revealed to the world, is what I think it is, my first thoughts go to the short amount of time people will receive to take this information in. The horrors are hard enough to ingest over large amounts of time, let alone a short compact one.

        This leads me to “forecasts” that keep me up at night.

        Normies are going to lose their minds and riot. I mean, RIOT. Thinking will shut down and rage will take it’s place.

        I know the Cats mentioned the Nat Guard being deployed to help but c’mon. That’s like trying to stop a tsunami with a tennis racket.

        This information has to be put on a slow drip (ugh, that term has new meaning now) over quite a bit of time.

        What say you, Cats?

        -Karate Gpa

        1. Karate Gpa ❤️

          I was just talking to Mum about this today. How we have been able to look and understand teaspoon by teaspoon. As horrible as it all is, cannot imagine how it will be to be one minute fine and dandy in 3D life or perception of 3D life to then suddenly be given a crock pot full of this stuff.

          Not sure if I was doing the right thing at times but have tried to send friends and family odd bits here (links, videos, suggestions) and there just so that the information will not be such a overwhelming tsunami. It’s going to be hard anyway but…

          Maybe we as humans are stronger than we realise. There have been many atrocities that people do know about even if the origin/complete truth about these things was not revealed. I guess the biggest shock will be that the perpetrators were the ones that people trusted and looked up to, admired, followed…Then it will sink in, how every part of our lives have been controlled, infiltrated on every level…It’s certainly not going to be pretty.

          I guess this is where we really have to hold the light, perhaps that is what those envelopes are all about, Source only knows!

          Perhaps the Shift will come before it goes into complete chaos…

          Perhaps we should trust in Source…

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

            1. @ -CAT Eds
              of course!
              this is the meaning of the screaming Liberty!
              first humans need live TRUTH and be shattered by it —
              to be able to overcome, and jump.

  16. This is all so wonderful. I’ve been on a studying kick lately, and I came across a Dr. Andy Kaufman, who said he had a scientist friend who was studying cells and their potential ability to actually create bacteria and viruses (and yeast), and notice that when he figured a point of creation to have occurred, he saw a little point of light every time!

    And so, man, how amazing are our bodies!? We may see this existence as sort of a prison, they are called cells after all, but it’s also such an amazing gift at the same time. The balance of duality!

    And so, I’m imagining how our cells can create what they need, with some kind of ability that is reminiscent of sonoluminescence, with oxygen as the gas, our blood as the liquid, and our heartbeat as the sound needed to create. Something that I think Rudolph Steiner tried to express, as he believed the heart wouldn’t work as a pump.

    I don’t know if this is all true, but I just put it all together for myself this morning, and my heart feels so lifted. I love the possibility of it, at least.

    I don’t think I’m the only one in this group of people, to find the prospective of learning how this whole system worked as being one of the most exciting things to look forward to as the shift happens!

    1. This reminds me of something I learned awhile back about how your body produces a blink of light when your knuckles crack, or your back or whatever. A pinpoint of light is produced. (I hope I am remembering this correctly, I have no link to direct for the information, sometimes random stuff just falls out of my brain.)

      1. Sounds right. Trapped energy is trapped light — you release it and voi-la!

    2. Your cells are being programmed and run by your DNA Field — it is the DNA that is the Master (computer-like) Server, sending out the instructions to the individually Conscious cells, which in turn are a relay network, all simultaneously connected, as all physical creations are.

      Then your DNA energy field — which exists beyond your 3D vision in the higher dimensional 4D Template Field — connects itself to ALL the higher dimensional levels and densities through the multiple ‘wormholes’/vortices that are created on the DNA strands.

      I had the privilege of SEEING, once, my own DNA field… is f***ing HUGE the size of a large room and surrounded me completely like I was in the middle of an encircling aquarium… suddenly realize that your puny physical body truly IS simply “riding around” in your Energy Field/body, rather than your physical body, (as the higher ETs always said) — which really does blow your limited puny 3D mind out of the water when you actually experience it…..

      I could also see what had been done to our DNA strands, that only 2 spirals were still connected and functioning, while the rest of the double strands that would normally and naturally connect us to the higher dimensions, had not only been completely disconnected down the middle, separated from each other along the pairs of nitrogenous bases —

      — but even the outer ladder-like connective enzyme Backbone of the strands had been ripped off/removed from the step-like bases, so that we would be unable to reconnect them at the 3D level, no matter what.

  17. Had the worst headache in a long long time yesterday. (4/13) Thought it was allergy and glass of wine I had the night before. But it never went away all day. And the power was out all day yesterday from the storms. It was an ODD day.

  18. Yesterday’s headache extended into my upper incisor teeth. Yowser! Cay

  19. The solar flash event

    The solar flash is made of 5 and 6th dimensional frequency energy and this will brings us up into the 5th dimension also..

    this energy has been slowly drawing us up in frequency over the past 2 years .. our cells filling with light.

    Upon the flash occurring our DNA will fully reactivate and our abilities come back online. Telepathy , instant manifestation . Etc

    we will also lose the amnesia we have had since incarnating here.
    You will regain all of your soul memories and why you are here.
    This also means you will merge mostly back with y o ur higherSelf/ soul self.
    Not fully as you are in a human vessel.
    But you will regain all your soul skills and memories.

    A full upgrade to what you should be ..

    The solar event is to occur between July 1st and Dec 31st this year.

    Aluna kay
    9th April 2020

    1. Love what you just wrote. Yes! Our body computer is amazing. I’m assisting this process with a very clean diet, lots of water, meditations, fasting & being in nature, programming my drinking water, etc. . It helps/speeds up the process of activation-leveling up. Thoughts?

  20. I have not had headaches for a while now but I do get intermittent bouts of quick and strange anxiety and feelings that I can’t breathe. I feel like I’m suffocating, the air gets hot, and I have to move, can’t sit still and or like I want to crawl out of my skin. Some times it’s pretty unbearable. Does anyone else feel like this and if so do you have tips to lessen the adjustments?

    1. Oh, one other thing that comes along with this is that I can’t take a deep satisfying breath. I can fully expand my lungs but that satisfaction feeling of a complete breath is elusive. I had this symptom a long time ago when I was diagnosed with hypothyroid, but I have not had that symptom for years and years. My daughter, 16, also feels like this and she does not have thyroid problems though she is empathetic and anxious through all this. Thoughts?

    2. Yep, like almost every day now. I take L-theanine. It helps. Also, turning off the wifi router if no one is using it seems to help. And I have one of those microwave heat wraps that I put around my shoulders/back/neck. It’s like a warm hug.

    3. Hi Puffcatty,
      You could try some YT videos by Donna Eden for anxiety. She works with energy meridians to relieve various problems. Certain chi gung exercises might also help and s/b available on YT too. The irony here is that breathing techniques are probably best for calming anxiety…but also shows how much the breath is tied into our emotions. Grounding, then focusing on your heart while breathing may help transmute that energy — I have done that for similar episodes during the night. Let your heart be the crucible. Tense energy going in is black, transformed energy going out is pink. Hope this helps, hang in there! xo, L

      1. Not getting enough oxygen is a major unconscious issue for a lot of people, probably goes all the way back to the stress during delivery.

        There are various more or less elaborate methods out there, but I prefer to keep it simple.

        It will slow down and adjust itself from sitting still with eyes closed and counting how long each inhalation/exhalation lasts; and even more importantly, the periods in between.

        It’s not about control, just observing the breathing process.


        1. That’s interesting. Is this something I need to purge then? I have been releasing trauma for many years now. I felt done late last year, didn’t think there could possibly be any more but I suppose it’s comforting if this is just another purge.

            1. That’s true, thank you so much for reminding me. I was stuck on the thought I was done purging that I didn’t even consider it.

      2. Thank you! Those are great tips, I appreciate you help.

  21. Lots of dreams last night where people were trying to get me to help them get to the NE… but it was way too late. They hadn’t done any work.

    And he won’t tell you, but ~AM was gifted a ship to use on the NE (!). It’s sweet. Looks like a big shiny jellybean, about the size of a Winnebago. Extremely cool. Total Star Trek experience. Most of you will get rides, I’m sure.


    1. I resonate M7 about it being too late. I have been blatantly shown repeatedly the past couple weeks how people I know are absolutely not going to NE. It has been pretty easy for me to decipher the message of these events to lead me to that obvious message. It’s likely happened to make me absolutely let go of everyone on this old earth and any expectation that they will either awaken or make it to NE.

        1. I think there could be a whole lot of people on that fence, can we give them a little nudge onto the greener side?!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    2. Lovely to hear everyones unique experiences and this is where I wish you all bon voyage a safe a happy journey and hope to see you on the other side. Hope to have a ride on AM’s cool jelly bean Winnebago thingy transport. Most important question what colour is it?
      Will miss all you commenters and look forward to a joyous reunion 💖💖💖

    3. Beam Me Up Scotty/AM, to Infinity and Beyond. Peace In Joy.

  22. Headaches (3 days) Rainbows EVERYWHERE, Harry Potter mentioned in conversation yesterday with my friend, Ben!!! hee hee… Feeling good.

    Love is all around… and WWG1WGA !!! XXX

  23. Okay, here’s my 3rd comment for the day and it’s not even noon here. Here goes: Previous comment about lack of vibrancy, etc. Well since I posted the last comment, I’ve noticed this very slight shift back to vibrancy and aliveness. Perhaps it’s one of the new gifts coming on line. I’ve always been able to detect shifts, but this noticing of very subtle and almost imperceptible shifts is certainly new. I guess it’s more fine-tuning of the unit. Go figure! Must now go back into the garden. Lots of stuff to do. Cheers!

    1. I’d be happy to take up some standing room in the back! <3 <3

    2. We Are Creators! We can have infinite Front/Window seats. Dream Big! Peace.

  24. So with everything else going on, and the power out yesterday, I forgot to mention- I’ve been having very vivid dreams, differing themes, but mostly seemingly positive or at least things that made me feel better by the end… pregnancy dreams, dreams of seeing people from the past that I used to have issues with, that in the dream we were talking, dreams of new homes, or building homes, or seeing my grandparents or family that has passed,(but oh I’ve had some terrible ones too, being in a dark tunnel under NY and being tortured? waking up to think the city was about to be obliterated by something big falling out of the sky, ugh) and besides all those, yesterday while the power was out, I had a “blink” that happened while I was walking down the dim hallway, the air flashed around me, like a wiggle? or flipping back and forth between a lighter version and a darker version of the same hall/house. I got a little dizzy actually. Hope it was a time/shift/dimension/shift blinky thing and not a precursor to a stroke. Haha.

  25. Does anyone here have experience with or insight into gematria? Is there any validity to it?

    I know how to calculate the word values. But I have a question that I can’t find an answer to. Can you determine the relevance of one word/name to another word/name based on gematric values?

    I think typical gematric comparisons involve identical values. So if both values equal 700 you could say these are similar or relevant to each other.

    But does a word with a 705 value have any more relevance to a 711 value word than a 701 value word would have? Difference of 6 vs 10.

    1. Mmm. That’s basically coding The Illusion. It doesn’t really do anything. Thought certain (positive) geometric thoughtforms can be therapeutic. The CATs, as a group, don’t tend to codify what happens as much as go the other way. Go with the SOURCE flow. SOURCE and your Guides know what’s best for you.

      -CAT Eds.

  26. Hi Everyone 🙏🌈
    In these days I feel a little bit of sadness/anger and I feel like I can’t meditate…
    Two days ago a person mentioned Harry Potter just before I was going to sleep.
    Some entities appeared in my bedroom just at the name, one was a 5-headed growling wolf…
    I did G-P-C and…a beautiful turquoise eye started looking at me then appeared Brother J face (the one where He has got long beard and long hair)!
    I released all the tensions in my body and I felt (positively) warm.
    In the morning I felt like I was a different person.
    Now I feel like I’m not interested anymore in justice timeline stuff…I’ve lost all the interest in them, for now I only like focusing on Sun, joy, nature and in the beautiful birdsongs.
    In this moment here it’s windy but the wind smell of sulfur.. ?? So strange
    I’ve only a curiosity. Can You tell me if Bob Marley was a good one? Wondering if he is so.
    Thank You 🙏
    Big hug to you all 🌞🌐

    1. Interesting. Several CATs reported seeing a “turquoise portal,” and others a violet/purple one. It’s the Third Eye opening up to something.

      ~AM actually walked around the NE yesterday, but not in his current body. Bi-location is a little strange.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. If it’s okay to describe it, so, how is NE according to AM? 😉

        Also, does it mean there will be no further posting in this blog once all of you ascend to NE? Now I have mix-feeling … happy and sad!

        The French would say “Que Sera Sera” 💖

        Much Gratitude and Love to all – CATs, Ms and AM and many who have contributed to this blog 🙏🙏🙏

        1. AM was busy talking to the ship and asking it questions, so he wasn’t looking at his surroundings. We chided him a bit. 😉

          As for the blog… it will become obsolete after The SHIFT, except as a repository of various bits of knowledge. It’s not really necessary, as all you need is inside you.

          You may have heard about native americans going on “vision quests” at various times. They fast and meditate until they meet their spirit animal, who is really Your Memory of SOURCE, what CATs call Uncle Ho (for Holy Spirit). Once you have this connection, everything else in your life is easier.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. If we separate, I will feel a huge loss. I couldn’t have made it this far without you all. I mean that.

            Mark x

            1. @ rusirius44

              alone in the physicality is separation.
              The SHIFT propels us in a higher state of consciousness,
              where we’ll be connected with our CATs forever!

            2. We (CATs) talked about this. If we’re not here (no one really knows what’s going to happen), others will step forward and take up the slack. There are LOTS of enlightened volunteers out there who are staying. If we do find ourselves elsewhere, we’ll try and communicate.

              -CAT Eds.

          2. Are you referring to Power Animals? I read about it but don’t know any shamanic practitioner to consult. I thought connecting to our Higher Self and/or Spirit Guides will help us to find our purpose in Life? Which unfortunately for me is still lacking.

            Ya, you’re right – my main problem is “connection.” Many of you here talk about connecting to Higher Self, Spirit Guides whereas I don’t feel that connection with mine. During my meditation years, I did talk to my Higher Self (since I read that everybody has one), and to Spirit Guides – asking them to give me a sign of their presence but alas I didn’t feel any connection. So, I lost interest in meditation and if I did, it’s more for relaxation.

            Then I tumbled on THIS blog (can’t remember how but it’s a blessing). Inspired, I decided to give meditation another try but it’s hard to take off on a daily basis. It’s just lately that I turn to Bro J (at least I know He exists) during meditation and ask him to “Show me the way” – and I’m still waiting 😅

            Anyway, I’m happy for those who will ascend to NE even if it means missing you all. Just the thought of that brought a few tears to my eyes yesterday – then I shook it off and told myself “Everything’s gonna be alright! They may not be here on 3D but I’m sure they will be urging us on from NE” 😇 Who knows, AM (any relation to Archangel Michael? 😉) maybe able to ride on his ship to say hello to us on 3D, from time to time?

            How I wished for a TIMELINE where all will be included, to ascend to NE, as mentioned by Trinity 🙏 🙏 🙏

            1. Not exactly. Power animals is a shamanic thing. Native Americans went on Vision Quests to find their animal guide, which is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. These don’t help you find your purpose in life as they do GUIDE THE WAY for you to go to best fulfill your pre-life plans.

              The Higher Self is ONE. All of us have the same ONE. So, in the end, it doesn’t matter which timeline we’re all on, since all roads lead to ONE. 😉

              -CAT Eds.

            2. That thought you had to shake it off because everything is going to be alright was God talking to you. He talks to you all the time, you’re just expecting something more obvious. But it doesn’t usually come that way, it’s subtle hints, light taps on the shoulder, whispers of thoughts that sneak in when you are not concentrating on something. He speaks to you in emotions, in thoughts, in experiences, in people, in animals, in music, in movies, in books, he’s everywhere. I resonated with your message and felt compelled to respond to you because I too waited for something huge, some voice in my head to speak English to me or show me some supernatural sign that I was connected. But connection is a feeling, it’s a happy thought, a visit with a friend, the desire to help someone, the smile from a stranger or compliment from a friend. It’s all divinely inspired. It’s not super natural until you begin to see it. Once you see it, it’s nothing but super natural. Meditation helps you connect purposefully, helps you see that the signs are all around you all the time, but it’s not the only way. Close your eyes and feel it. Even when you feel badly about something, it’s just a nudge that you are not seeing it with the right eyes, through God’s eyes, the ones that he gave you to use for this experience. Thank you for sharing your experience, because it was your words that made me know this to be true. Much love.

            3. This is exactly right. Keep in mind that SOURCE or Guides will also occasionally pour light on your head and speak LOUDLY to you in words that are plain and have meaning on several levels… but it doesn’t happen very often. It typically happens as the commenter describes, but sometimes that unforeseen SLAP is from Spirit trying to get your attention. 😉


      2. Got it.

        So, do you mean AM’s NE body is a 5-headed wolf? (It was so anger..LoL) Or maybe is he like Brother J?

          1. Ops, I had to check the “Cat Glossary” before ask the question.

        1. AM’s turning into a light being, where all the aspects of him will resolve in light. I’d say he’s on the angel track, but angels are a totally separate extension of SOURCE, while we are another. This means this discussion just went way about our pay grade!


  27. I do not know if anybody else is following this page (, it is somewhat cryptic, but I have good feeling about it, and what I just read sound very exciting:

    “Recentering codes are sent.

    Silver Mothers feed Gaia.

    Evident projectors spread across the Terran Plane.

    Galactic Scouts are born.

    Izush changes are evidenced.

    Abundant heritages are returned.

    Balancing protocols are announced.

    Green Angel keeps his intensive.

    Untruths are removed.

    Visitor numbers increase.

    Flash is discussed immediately.

    Flash notes are directed.

    Sacred Codes for reconstructions are delivered.

    Cosmic Evaluators arrive for the final event.

    Passive presence is seen as a sign of cyclical closure.

    Arrived logos intensify energization for Event.”

    1. Sounds like the alarm clock is about to go! My cordless drill worked without batteries last night(dream), I believe. Peace.

    2. I read them sometimes, Perica, but this is the first time it actually makes sense! Sounds very promising! I’m on day three of headache, haven’t done much but sit and my dog seems to feel the same. I want to garden, but it’s way too cold out and looks to be that way for a week more at least here in upstate NY, but I don’t think bending over would be good for my head anyway! And I’ve read all my library books and am going to have to order some new ones online asap so I don’t go nuts, reading keeps my mind off how awful I feel. That cat with the 3d glasses on is simply adorable!!! BTW Star Cat has come back several times more and I can’t believe how fast his fur is growing back in, and he’s a meower!! Hang in there everybody and thanks for the updates Cats – and please save me a seat in your jelly beanabeggo!

      1. @kt1111, sometimes I’d feel lost without my kindle unlimited subscriptions – there were a few years I couldn’t even afford that ($10.50/mo) you can have 10 books out at a time, but just have to return one and get another – there’s a library
        app that’s similar that works with the library system, my step daughter uses, swears by I’ll see if I can find it… just need a library card – if you don’t have a kindle the apps can be used with a computer and comes with it’s own cloud storage for the books in YOUR library…

        If I get a reply from my step-daughter I’ll put it in a reply to this… You might check with your ‘physical’ library to see if they are connected to a digital library service and their process for using such – from one reader to another…

        1. Hi Kg, thanks for the help – I get all my books from the library so do have a card – but my tablet died and reading a book on my laptop just isn’t the same. However check this out – after I wrote that, I had to run to the post office for stamps, and had totally forgotten they have a table of books to borrow/drop off for anyone there – so I got a couple more books and now know where I can take some old ones – been doing a lot of spring cleaning with the time off! Good ol synchronicity! 🙂

          1. @kt1111, very cool, synchronicity… I’m sorry your tablet died. I was very sad when my old kindle’s interior lights died in 2016 and had much trouble reading without them. I was able to get a new one early this year when SS corrected an OLD mistake that they hadn’t been paying me the correct amount for a few years and sent me some $$s.
            I used to prefer physical books and going to the library – I liked turning pages and the smell of books… I became unable to hold books physically – even the Kindle I have to prop with pillows and such, but not to read would be worse… 🙂

            much love,

        2. Kg. I love my old kindle and have the unlimited subscription. It’s one of the original ones that’s not backlit and easier on the eyes. The times I have been in hospital it’s been invaluable. ☺️💖

    3. ‘Silver Mothers feed Gaia’

      I had a dream the other night that I was feeding Elsie Silver Drops!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Yes, mother is always talking care off its child, say Hello to Elsie ❤✨

        1. I will Percia ❤️ I am sure Elsie would say hello back ☺️

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  28. As always, thank you Cats, Ms, all of the Spirit Team, and all who post here. (I have not figured out how to “like” the many comments that I do here, a techno i am not) .

    One thing I wanted to mention for consideration is regarding those who appear to be “too late” for the jelly bean bus. I had the idea that should someone we know come to mind, to our dream, or kinda show up to us, etc that those wonderful affirmations we have acquired here (IATL , You are immortal spirit, etc) and others we have learned that are of Source / Light origin might be used to maybe assist a bit, give a little boost that would help them along. Assuming that we might have the wherewithal to assist someone else. 🙄

    Anyway, i had that idea because reading about ppl who may not make the cut made me feel kinda sad. I also had the idea that the Light of Source will be SO bright, and transformative, and forgiving, and healing, that all will immediately become transformed. And that that in no way negates the overt (or covert) hard work any others have done, perhaps that is the work those souls came in for, in order to prepare the way for all, prepping for The Shift, of which all will be included.

    Anyway, these things i think about. 🌻


    PS Had a “Light Being” show itself during my meditation on Sunday, ever so briefly, but soooo nice.

    1. It’s not that they aren’t making the cut. They just need more time in remedial classes. We’ve all been there. And there is a place for those who don’t want to learn… as yet; they will eventually become thirsty for knowledge. All are on their path. There’s no need to worry about anyone.

      As for the light being… that was an invitation, Trinity. 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Yes, of course, all is well. Unfolding in perfection . Source is in charge afterall. ❤😁❤

        Thanks Cats…That Light Being was a joy to behold if ever so briefly.

        Then today when i was starting my meditation, grounding, then protection when i incorporate an orb/bubble of light, i couldn’t settle on a color. I had been back to using sparkly green with an outer layer of sparkly gold (because it seems feels calming, nurturing, for these intense times).. But that, and others I tried just didnt set. So i went further within, to see, and i saw lots of colors, so i went with that, lots of colors just tumbling around…a big new departure for me. Then i realized… .colors of the rainbow!! Which i then (as usual with the orbs) surrounded loved ones, those i know in particular need, and then the whole earth. And then I wondered, later, was that my envelope? 🙄

        Light and Love to All.


  29. I find it very interesting that Christmas lights for Coronavirus is a thing and lights are indeed going up in my area.

        1. @M5, the other day when I had dreams I wasn’t to comment on there was a strong Christmas energy going on – not that it was Christmas (time), but it was that energy – also, seems ok to now mention a lot of the dreams that night were moving groups of people, lots of people… 🙂


          1. btw – it went from temps here in the 60’s last week to the 20’s two days ago, two nights in a row and snowed – poor apricot trees, just about every year since 2012 ( a bumper crop apricot year) all the apricot trees went into full blossom then there was a very late hard freeze, like we just had, in late March or April and all or most apricot blossoms froze. 🙁


            1. @CAT Eds, will do – we have one small apricot tree by OUR parking lot and the senior housing where I used to live (2012-16) had 3-4 apricot trees per courtyard in each apt enclave – there were 6 enclaves with 18-24 apartments around of the beautiful courtyards with pine trees, lavender and butterfly bushes and some had roses and other plantings, covered porticos over the sidewalks outside the apartments around the perimeter – kinda miss the place!! I have a friend that had moved into the apt two doors down from me the year after I moved there – we had met in a (kind of awful 🙂 ) house share with 5 other tenants and a CRAZY landlord several years previous. I’ll get tree rundowns from him – the apricot tree outside his door was ‘special’; it grew out from under the sidewalk at an angle to clear the portico and was ~ 2 1/2 ft. in diameter – I told him when he moved in to pull his chair close enough to put his bare feet up on the trunk of this tree – incredible energy – he was a high stress individual – had had a lot of repressed anger and judgmental when I first met him – the St Germain teachings helped him a lot – his birthday is two days after mine – in the beginning of August…
              Ramblin much??
              Maybe saying goodbye to life aspects… I’D be the kid in the back of the jelly bean stationwagon waving to the traffic in back. 🙂

            2. … slight correction on birth dates in my comment below, the ‘2’ my brain was referencing was MY birthday, Aug 2nd and my friend’s is 6 days later – the 8th – same year… can’t trust that trusty brain, hehe…

        2. M5 ❤️ Ah yes, I remember that being mentioned, perhaps this is a really good sign!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        3. @ ~M5
          true, I remember!
          but if I am to expand my thinking,
          I would say Christmas is the Celebration of Christ —
          and the wondrous crystals of the snowflakes
          symbolize exactly the Divine purity of His Being!

        4. Snow in NW Pa. this evening and last. While the weather outside Is frightful, here by the fire…..

  30. 🙂 “Sacred Codes for reconstructions are delivered.”
    Made me think immediately of Bill Nighy’s scene of rebuilding of Earth in ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ movie… 🙂 – my first (conscious) introduction to Bill Nighy – loved him since…

  31. hi Cat’s, M’s and the readers..
    its bit weird bc couple hours ago, 12:30 pm wib.. i looked at the south sky area and i suddenly saw a horizontal rainbow, not to long tho.. but when i double check, its gone..
    I wondered what that was..
    ouch and my head feels lil bit uncomfortable.. medium headache as usual..

    take care guys.. i love you..

      1. @CATS so when I’m driving home at night at twilight and the entire horizon looks like rainbow 🌈, that’s a sign of shift?

      2. So when I drive home from work at twilight and the entire horizon looks like a rainbow 🌈, that’s a sign of the shift?

          1. @CAT Eds, did ya’ll take a peek and see the massive cracks in my windshield? LOL I was just trying to see if the cracks would come together before I get the windshield replaced.

    1. Guides and other psychics have told all of us, “Eat what you crave,” so long as it’s not cheetohs and jack daniels. Some CATs require animal protein, some require carbs, some have been eating sugar (though we did go through a spate of birthdays with cake recently). What’s best seems to be a balanced diet, of not too much of anything. Most of us also seem to ask Brother J to “enjoy this food with me,” using that for really everything, even energy. Between grounding and asking J to enjoy the energy with us, we don’t suffer the same ascension effects as deeply.

      -CAT Eds.

  32. I’ve come to the great conclusion that we’re here to share therefore, how could this go wrong? Wearily shall I discuss my experiences for I know not the consequences ; if there is or is not? Because the current struggle within is the AI vs Nature degree, I believe in Nature Being Source. So help me God. My mind was/is being shredded, I saw the Old Earth Timeline reach a peak, a ship in the night sky cordially played me symphonic tones that I had no control over, a curse or a blessing, the anti-cosmic forces strapped me to the wheel and for days the plan revealed and as suddenly as it was there, it disappeared at the end of a needle, kept far removed (I pray) and a 5D(5G?) armorial shield device implanted around (within?) my being and the way it works is this: the more fear I produce the more restrictive the shield encapsulates, condenses, and restricts my energy. The more love and relaxed, trusting and at one-ness my core is, the further into space the energy released until the shield is nought and the energy is vibrant.

    Trying to hold onto what is left seems useless, yet ever more meaningful.

    The days are/aren’t getting easier.

    Complete surrender seems necessary.

      1. And just like my favorite HP character – she says what she means and she means what she says!

    1. Cay ❤️ Thank you for sharing, I have a lot of respect for Laura Eisenhower, good for her!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  33. Interesting what you mentioned in update 3…
    I’ve been feeling that for the last few days.
    1 personal sign left till the Shift, and it’s already half fulfilled 😀

    Had a metamorphosis dream the other night, we’re closer than you realize.

  34. I have a……”wait for it”……….CONSPIRACY THEORRRYYYY (said with Oprah Winfrey tone). Ok, check this out! Everyone is being quarantined so they stay home, get bored, use their cell phones all day and get sick from 5G radiation. The symptoms are then diagnosed as the virus. TaDaaa!

    It’s just a theory, and most likely wrong but I find it interesting that the hard-core quarantined areas are rigged with 5G.

    PS…..Why do I always get the same, ugly brown Icon??

    1. Actually, what’s happening is a tug-o-war between one group meaning bad, and one group doing good. It all works out in the end. This is probably why Spirit used to call this “The Big Show.” We aren’t even to the 30 min. mark yet!

      -CAT Eds.

  35. Last night I had a lot of dreams where I was involved in James Bond, spy type activities…without the flashy car chases…felt like the issues were more about chess moves on this Old Earth

      1. Sometimes I do but not all the time. I make sure to get lots of sleep every night. Last night (Wed night) I don’t recall details of my various dreams but I definitely felt that the theme of New Earth was running through all of them.

  36. The last few days I am phasing out from this reality so much that I am surprised each day when I wake up that I am still here ✨

    I am feeling so out off place or time even more then usual, I think it is also sign that we are very close ✨

      1. Ouch, that can be dangerous, I know the feeling, I was lucky (if that exist at all), that I was driving straight when that happened to me one time 🙏✨

    1. Found myself right in front of my deceased mother felt more than just a dream more out of body she was enjoying herself decorating a house. I told her everything going on in the world right now. Never saw her like that only in wispy dreams this was so much more physical to me then any dream I have ever had.

    1. Yay, Laura is back! I was wondering where she had gone!

      Thanks for sharing!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  37. Well, in case I don’t make it … I wish you all a happy Shift! and SOC: thanks for everything ☀️

      1. I hope so, Elsie and I would love a ride on that Jelly Bean!


      2. For those of us who may not make it, can one of you leave a short message like “Over and Out” here before you exit, so that the remainers can check back to know that it’s over? At least then, one would know that they’re on their own. I’m hoping for a ride in the pink jelly bean, mais on ne sait jamais. With loving gratitude. <3

  38. Not sure I’ll make it, myself, I HOPE so, but… I’ll leave that to SOURCE to decide. I’m still grateful for having run into you all. I wish you all as much peace and light as possible!

    Yep, I’m still alive. Sorry if I don’t post as much, but Italy’s been quite the gong-show lately. Been working a lot, too! Sneaking up a bit of meditation whenever I felt called for it. It’s not easy when living with your family and a very active black kitty!

    1. @ Francisco

      and yet, Francisco, “man has to always do the first step”.
      Say “I’ll go!” — and you’ll go.

  39. Today’s Big Adventure: So I decided that I didn’t have enough of one particular plant which, of course necessitated yet another trip to my favorite nursery. I gotta say the tulip fields across the road have never been more breath-taking bedazzleing- eye-popping gorgeous! The traffic was as heavy on the roads as I have ever seen it in previous years. I think folks have had just about enough of this silliness. The nursery was packed with lotsa folk, too. It was a delightful experience on a sunny day in the PNW. (also picked more cheesecake, too) Cheers!

    1. Good to hear J – I’ve been hankering for a good nursery trip myself… but it’s supposed to snow and lows in the 20s here for a few more days so I even had to bring my potted pansies in. Would LOVE to see your gardens someday and try that keylime cheesecake, you do know how to live well! Cheers to you!

  40. Today, my younger son (14 year) came near me and hugged me for no apparent reason, and the hug was like goodbye, I hope to see you soon type off hug ❤

    He is a great kid, an angel, I do not talk with him about incoming event, but I know he is sensitive to incoming energies, as often both off us would awake at a same time in a night, like last night about 4 am, the energies were so overwhelming that I could not sleep, but I also heard him getting up from the bed and going downstairs, and this was not the first time, few times we both went down in strange hours ❤

    I just hope that we will shift together 🙏✨

  41. Dreamt I made a bird out of clay which came to life after stroking it with love. Carried it around throughout the dream as a pet. Then…
    Today’s headache, nausea and dizziness was impressive. Those crystalline raindrops are boring into my head, neck and shoulders. I decided to heck with it. If i am having a stroke or dying let it be with pepperoni & pineapple pizza followed by a chocolate chip cookie. (That was after the nausea subsided and I could look at food.) Banzai!

    1. @ cay
      how sweet!
      Brother J, as a child of about 5 playing with other children,
      formed some little birds out of clay,
      and, with a sleight of hand, threw them all in the air, flying!
      I was bursting with Joy, reading that.

  42. Headaches from Tuesday are gone. I went from sleeping a ton and exhausted … to waking up every two hours. No real balance either way it seems. Today my stomach is out of sorts…. 🙁

    I am finding it difficult to get my meditations done. My (LS) Husband moved back in right before quarantine and he is up to his old tricks of storming into the room so loud it like rips me out of my deep relaxation instantly.

    Need this to stop… any suggestions? I have asked him to not interrupt and do his bull in a china shop routine. He thinks I am not focused enough on my mediation as he feels i should be able to tune him completely out.

    1. LS?

      Can you go to a room and close the door, and maybe put a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door handle? Lots of CATs have similar challenges!

      -CAT Eds.

    2. @Kittkattt, can you meditate in the bathtub?(if you have one) I found it so easy to meditate in the bath and get guidance and messages there, primarily, also helped tremendously with pain relief. I haven’t had access to a bathtub in over three years (unless dog-sitting and not the same there) – miss the privacy and the tub to meditate… Also helped me to have my ears under the water…
      Will your ‘problem child’… (LS Husband) barge in there – or like dogs, cats and children stand outside the bathroom door blasting you with energy til you come out? 🙂 :/
      Wishing you to find your way and peace…

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