Meterage 4-24 to 4-27-20 [UPDATE6]



Some CATs awoke at 5:30 am this morning, wide awake, no idea why. Then we saw…

…that The Square had started up again:


And a little later:



…the bottom right-hand corner.

You can almost see all four points here…


…Color modified:

Huh. A Square. Around the sun. 4d slice, anyone?


What’s really interesting is that we when we tried to refresh this image, the image dropped back to an earlier time where there wasn’t any Square:


Huh. It was there at 22:59, but the last image vanished. We would expect nothing less from the “space program,” where the space is between their ears. Alas, lots of the other satellite imaging systems are reported as “down” right now, so it’s tough to see other telltales. The Hawaii solar observatory has been told to scrub images like this…

Note: This is the sun’s coronagraph. (The earth doesn’t have a corona. 😉

…so all we have to go on is… The Square. Something is up, but how long will it take to really be something? An hour? A day? A week? Two months? Half the M’s were seeing it on Easter… but then nothing. Very frustrating.

What Guides told us is that SOURCE is getting everyone in the Square who needs to be, then The SHIFT goes boom.

Screen Shot 2020-04-24 at 4.11.09 PM

Ugh. Time for a nap.



Those CATs who could be reached were very tired and grumpy yesterday… and a bit today. Big surprise, right? (The energy is affecting a large segment of the population.) What’s interesting is that we ALL awoke at 4:00 am on the dot, having heard what we call a “sky quake.” Oddly, of those CATs who have house cats, their cats were seen “having a meeting” at that time (??), all grouped together within feet of each other in respective parts of houses where they don’t typically sleep. Anyway, there was also a timeline jump at that time:




This burst of ‘programming’ was shortly before the jump.

Now, what’s MOST interesting: Around the time of the “sky quake,” the Square returned. Here’s  a recent snip:

FYI, this is the earth’s magnetic field, not the sun’s.

We don’t know if we’re close or far away. Stay tuned.


Disclosure time.

Here are a few correlating “anomalies” (read, “SHIPS THE SIZE OF THE EARTH”) from the past 24 hours, from independent instruments; the B&W view is PROBA2, the green view is STEREO A @ 195 Å. So, if these are glitches, as scientists continue to claim, they are glitches that appear in the same approx. place and time on two separate satellites:










Disclosure, Q.E.D.


Still going:


Watching these various meters over and over again reminded some CATs of the soundtrack from that timelapse movie, “KOYAANISQATSI.”


WHOMP in progress… mostly for 3d we think, but you never know:





Our ears are ringing and our heads are getting hot (literally) and hurting a little, so we’re guessing this is a good-sized upgrade…


More timeline jump meterage:

Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 4.54.20 PM
This is for 4-27-20. Wish this guy would configure his meter properly.

Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 4.54.03 PM4-27b-20-ace-sis-24-hour

And there was a good-sized GRB:


And we don’t know what this is, yet. It’s happened three times, recently:





At 5:10 pm PDT some CAT reported seeing “horizontal static” in their meditation (?), “like a sideways snowstorm with your eyes closed.” A little odd, but note that most CATs meditate near (natural) portals. We were also feeling very sleepy right before that.

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281 thoughts on “Meterage 4-24 to 4-27-20 [UPDATE6]

    1. Ladybirdbeau. That dream was fascinating. There seems to be an emerging theme on the blog at the moment of people having extremely lucid dream experiences. Maybe we are creating new realities whilst we sleep. Love and hugs. 🌈☺️😺💗

  1. I have a question about Brother J. There is a consensus among most religions that he did exist. They may differ on exactly who he was or exactly what he achieved in his physical life but they don’t seem to debate his existence.

    However, there is considerable debate about the manner of death. Are you familiar with the Seth Speaks material? It was a channeled message that suggests that the crucifixion was a con. They found a look-alike to stand in for J. Apparently it was a delusional man with a god complex who truly believed he was the savior. J was elsewhere during the crucifixion. J didn’t believe a blood sacrifice was necessary to save anyone.

    The farsight institute did a remote viewing project on the crucifixion and validated the Seth Speaks material. It was so controversial they had to release it separately as an unaffiliated project. You won’t find it on farsight’s website but it does have a dedicated site where you can view the results.

    Over time I’ve come to the conclusion that both stories hold some truth (bible narrative and seth/farsight narrative). It is my belief that J exited his body before the crucifixion and indeed was elsewhere in spirit. He didn’t feel the need to endure the physical suffering. What the remote viewers saw was a body devoid of spirit which likely appeared as a different person. I still don’t understand the blood sacrifice but I think it likely happened, just without the spirit or consciousness of J.

    Which story is accurate? How can a remote viewer confirm a channeled message and both be wrong?

    1. The Crucifixion was not a con. That stand-in theory is disinfo to detract from J’s message. His full message is there for all to see in “The COURSE” (@ We personally watched J die, and have been dealing with the trauma for some time. This is yet another reason why The Course was written (by J), to show us exactly what his example meant.

      We paid good money for that Farsight Institute “viewing” DVD when it came out, to verify it. They performed NO PROTECTION during this RV exercise and channeled exactly what team dark wanted; none of their data is reliable because of this lack of protection, not to mention the fact that they are viewing various timelines, not all of which are part of this “reality,” not all of which still exist. It’s really tainted, garbage data and we pay it no attention. Very disappointing, its derailing perhaps intentional.

      As for the the bible, it is an imperfect chronicle. The First and Second Councils of Nicaea left out huge relevant narratives in order to keep the masses dumb and under their thumb. (For example, J taught reincarnation, but the bible never mentions it. And Mary Magdalene was J’s wife, though they had no children. And Judas did what he did because J asked him to, etc.).

      J’s wasn’t a sacrifice at all: it was an extremely advanced spiritual lesson in what is real and what is not, so complex that it is still misunderstood. However, he tells you exactly what he meant by every word he ever said, in his verbatim work, “A Course in Miracles” (The Course) as told through a reluctant NY psychotherapist who never wanted the job, but bravely did anyway. Imagine walking down the street when a voice says to you: “This is a course in miracles. You might want to take notes.” 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you Cats, for this link, and the clarification re Urantia and ACIM.

        Source has got this (my new fave reminder), 💜😉


      2. Thank you for your comments. It’s very much appreciated and completely rings true. May one ask, did Judas actually take his life, or was that misinformation as well?
        And if he did, was it out of turmoil or guilt because , others mistakenly projected blame onto him for what he did and what transpired ?

        1. Sadly yes, he did. He saw what happened and failed to understand the lesson (like all of us!), and felt horrible. He was also blamed by everyone and just couldn’t take it after all he’d been through, already. He was one of the first J came back to to help him through the scars of that experience.

          -CAT Eds.

      3. I knew it!!!! Mary Magdalene was J wife! The arguments I’ve gotten into with the fam they thinking she was a prostitute! No where is it written in the bible she was a woman of ill repute! I liked her best.

        I was feeling down last night about not having children and then I thought, Jesus didn’t have children. But then it probably doesn’t correlate

        1. Yes, Mary was actually the most accomplished of the apostles, and the others were jealous of her access to the Master (what we called him at the time) and her innate grasp of the subject. Mary could actually do some of the “miracles” that J did, she was so advanced (we would probably see someone walking on water as a miracle today; it wasn’t a magic trick; it was the power of the mind over The Illusion). The apostles were so jealous of her that they downplayed Mary after J’s death, such that she was later put in the bible as a prostitute. Ridiculous. But Mary couldn’t have had children with J, as the baby would’ve been so advanced that the pregnancy and delivery would’ve killed her. J wasn’t here to create dynasty; his teachings were about OVERCOMING the body (which doesn’t exist). And he definitely didn’t want to leave progeny behind who would be hounded to death like he was all his life. J had to basically hide out like a fugitive for much of his life, though he bravely shrugged that off at every turn.

          The OTHER Mary, J’s mother, barely made it through her pregnancy. The baby was so incredibly advanced, genetically, spiritually, energetically, that she almost died several times; luckily she had Pleiadians with her at all times to help her through it. We wouldn’t have had Brother J without the help of the Pleiadians. We owe them a great debt of thanks. (Well, those who were involved, anyway. There are lots of beings from that star system, and they bank on our goodwill when we hear “Pleaidians.” You have to G+P at all times with everyone until this SHIFT is over and done with… and then again for another 6-8 months afterward, while we still have limited proximity to the 3d timeline.)

          And BOTH Marys eventually escaped the oppression and turmoil after J’s death, as did several of the apostles et al. It’s a fascinating account. A tale for another day.

          -CAT Eds.

          1. LOVE this! Thank you for these wonderful tidbits. Is this info included in ACIM? I’m ordering the book (again).


            1. Not… really. The CATs were there, AND we can talk to Guides, so lots of this is from the horse’s mouth. The Course is extremely important in healing your mind, but it’s scope is not really historical. J would say that lots of this past stuff that we’re talking about is unimportant as there really is no past (to rehash) or future (to look forward to): there is only now.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. Well thank you for sharing these experiences, so love hearing about J. ❤
              Yes, it’s all an illusion after all. But, hearing about J is, well ….. so much better than Netflix! 😁 (understatement intended)

              All Love…

          2. It really is the greatest story never told. Love to everyone! 🥰

          3. This story on Brother J is utterly fascinating and a learning experience, alxo confirming things I’ve read elsewhere. TYVM.

          4. Thank you CAT Eds. for this account Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. I wasn’t sure if Mary M was Jesus’s wife but I certainly felt the portrayal of her in the Bible as a prostitute was not true and done on purpose. Very interesting to hear about the difficulties and help from the Pleiadians during M Mary’s pregnancy of ‘J’, but it makes sense considering the Being ‘J’ was and to have to come down onto this 3D planet Earth.

            Looking forward to hearing the tale of BOTH Mary’s turmoil and escape after J’s death.

            ***Love to All***

            PS….Update 3 pic is so crazy with the red energy swirls contained inside the square. What do you CAT Eds think the scientists who are also viewing these magnetopause pics with the square enclosing Earth, think they are looking at? Do they have any idea or not a clue?

            1. They have no clue, and are in denial about it. They call it a “glitch.” Ah, but some wonder if it might be a giant ET craft is getting ready to swallow the Earth! (It isn’t.)

              -CAT Eds.

          5. By the way, was Yeshua at one point in his life in India ?

            1. Oh, yes. They called him “Isha” (which sounded kinda like his actual name, which was “Yshua”). He traveled to India when he was about 11 or 12 and stayed there for some time; he traveling there with his uncle, Joseph of Aramathea (Mother Mary’s older brother), a wealthy and respected metals merchant (to the Romans, among others) who made business trips all the time, and was allowed to come and go at will. It was safer to have J away from Herod, who had soldiers hunting for J, so Mary and Joseph kept him out and about quite a bit. He lived with some scholars along the way for a time, who had ancient knowledge and artifacts from… well, let’s say some past civilizations. If you use some of these names people think you’re nuts. Anyway, J had quite the education… and taught and influenced a bunch of people along the way.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. Huh, when You wrote “Isha” I got a word “Teacher” in my mind, I do not know why ?

              But, the reason why I asked this question, beside remembering that I read somewhere that he was in India is because in one off my dreams I saw a person floating in the air wearing a white robe similar to indian yogi outfit, resembling Yeshua depicted image, with his legs in lotus position, but with brown cross on his forehead and his open palm shown to me, so I floated in the air to meet him, he touched my forehead and I woke up ✨

              Was that Yeshua in my dream, I mean, indian guru with cross on his forehead and palm, how strange, but I felt peace ✨

              And I am not brought up as a Christian, my family was not religious, and I am not even baptized, but I do believe in his teaching and I am trying to live his words 🙂✨

          6. Fascinating! So did the Marys escape to the south of France as the tradition there in Provence holds? An there was no daughter named Sarah? No need whatsoever for the Crusade to wipe out that “heresy”? <3 <3

            1. They did. Mother Mary and Mary M and Joseph of Aramathea (who was J’s wealthy metal-merchant uncle — with tin mines in… the UK) all escaped… well accidentally. They and some other followers were confined in a big boat and pushed out to sea by the Romans (who didn’t really know what to do with them) with no food or water or oars or sails and simply left to die out in the ocean. But the group of about 25 people somehow (gosh, wonder how?) made it all the way to the South of France in two days (!), where Joseph of A’s friends just happened to see them. J of A was an int’l metals merchant so he had friends and business contacts from Scotland to India, and was so well-respected by the Romans that they dared not imprison or kill him; hence their marine solution. After arriving in Provence, they then traveled north through France (then Gaul) to the English Channel and then… across to Glastonbury. Talk about the Holy Grail. There’s a whole castle under that Tor.

              We haven’t looked at Mary once she got there; she may have remarried and had a daughter. Let us check that one out. She may also have adopted lots of kids.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. Another quick question: Was the Book of Love that the Cathars spoke of and protected indeed written by Brother J?

            3. The Holy Spirit (HS), actually, stepping in as J, who was back within SOURCE at the time. We call the HS “Uncle Ho” to both differentiate and remove the religiosity from the name (it’s a bit much for some), kinda like a code name. Uncle Ho is ONE’s Memory of SOURCE, and since we’re an Extension of SOURCE, Our Memory is so perfect that it IS SOURCE. It’s a little weird — and rather perfect, as SOURCE has been with us through literally everything we’ve ever done as We the Extension have splintered into a near-infinite number of beings, all with the SOURCE common denominator.


            4. @lauraksmi
              and the place they put foot on shore is called to these days
              “Les Deux Maries”

          7. This is what I find beyond fascinating! I love that you opened up about this! I’m overcome with emotion! All I’ve ever searched for or wanted was the truth about God, Jesus, maryr. I was even kicked out of Catholic school in the 5th grade for sale the wrong or too many questions! Lol. So buying the acim book

            1. DuganKnows, there is an app called ACIM that is about $6 US dollars and has the full text, workbook, and manual for teachers. (i.e. the whole thing). It also has a place to add your own notes and a reminder feature to use as you do the workbook exercises.

            2. Oh my Source! Thank you ALL for the confirmation of that information! I am also overcome with emotion! I have never had it confirmed through QHHT, but I “know” that I spent a couple of lifetimes in France and felt that I was “Home” when I lived there for a year and whenever I have returned. I was very drawn to the story of the Cathars and did a lot of research on them about 6-8 yrs ago. @oro, I have been to Les Deux Maries, in this lifetime, and it felt like holy ground! <3 <3 <3

            3. Note that no ground or place is more “holy” than other other place… in The Illusion. You can pick up on the residual energy of people, though. Some of the CATs were Cathars and we don’t like to talk about this, much. Too traumatic.

              -CAT Eds.

      4. Cats and Ms, I am curious why you use the initial “J” for Jesus when that was probably not his name, and I would think it was fabricated by someone after the 1300s, since the letter J was not in use until then.

        You wrote in a comment that J was called Isha which sounds like Yshua (somehwere in this tangle of comments). Was he called Yshua in Palestine? I guess my question is, what can we call him nowadays besides Jesus that would be appropriate? I have also heard Sananda but not sure what that name for him refers to.

        This information is so amazing and interesting. Please tell us morrrrrrreeeee!

        1. Isha was what they called him in India. While Yshua was his real name, his followers called him “The Master” — which to Whovians has a different connotation! We started using the shorthand J (and Uncle Ho) so we could discuss this stuff in public and around other people and not have them think we were religious nuts, and so now he’s J or Brother J. The question everyone should be asking is: Who did J speak to when he was meditating? J spoke with Uncle Ho, the Holy Spirit (Who is Our Memory of SOURCE, so perfect that Uncle Ho IS SOURCE… because We are a part of SOURCE and Our Memory is Perfect. It’s a little confusing.) What J does for all of us is act as a bridge between us and SOURCE, to foster better communication. In a way, J and Uncle Ho have combined, creating what you could call “J Spirit,” but just J is fine. People get so hung up on names. We have to rename all kinds of beings we meet because we don’t all speak light language, and their other languages are equally hard. So, we started giving some of the SuperFriends “earth names”… and now they all want one! (Naming dragons is tough, there are so many.) A recent Guide came in and already had *its* earth name picked out (the being had no gender).

          -CAT Eds.

        2. @alsoonewhobelieves thanks for acim app information. I checked Amazon and there are a lot of books titled A COURSE IN MIRACLES. I had no clue which book to get.

  2. Today Los Angeles was covered in chemtrails for the first time in weeks. Why could that be? I was enjoying the blue skies!

      1. Ok, this shouldn’t concern anyone if it happens to them. 3D is like an anchor at times, so when the spraying is exceptionally heavy, it leaks into 4d — but in image and light-filtering only. Some CATs were also concerned when they saw this, thinking they’d somehow dropped down in vibration, but it’s not that. Still, it is disconcerting to see that this kind of thing is still happening. The planes doing it are military, so some of the military are still ca8al; seems limited to certain air bases, so those commanding officers must’ve sold out. Tick tock for them.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. Thanks for this response. I’ve been seeing the occasional spritz of chemtrailing on occasion. Usually just a few short trails.

        2. Thank you so very much for looking into this. I was concerned about dropping down in vibration as well. Are you saying the chemicals aren’t dropping into 4d?

          1. No, not at all. The icky 3d stuff — and fears and some actions — are staying there.

            We have the greatest respect and admiration of those who have chosen to stick it out here to help, btw. Truly a momentous calling that will yield huge leaps in personal spiritual growth.

            -CAT Eds.

        3. Thanks CAT Eds ❤️ That could explain why I have seen the odd chemtrail with no plane in front or a very faded, almost translucent plane and why the trails can almost be erased with intent or seem to be erased by an invisible force following the plane?!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

          1. …’cause you’re on 4d. (!) You’re seeing activity on 3d, but it’s not all coming through; we’re technically still anchored to 3d. The separation has begun… a little… and some of us are feeling the effects. The two timelines are intertwined so it’s not a definite split just yet.

            -CAT Eds.

  3. Uhhh, I was on fire this morning, woke up at 5am, maybe even earlier, did not look at a time, could not sleep, but as Blossom last video is named “Quite Time”, ohh, so appropriate, as we all are on waiting for the Storm to come ✨

  4. O gawd (laughing through physical pain tears),

    did NOT expect her to be wearing this….still LMAO and sharing the funnies with you all who haven’t seen this yet~

  5. What does it mean when you get bitten by an owl in a dream?

      1. …although, the owl symbol has been heavily adopted by the ca8al, to imply that they’re always watching. (Remember Twin Peaks? “The owls are not what they seem.”)

        Try to imagine, for a moment, being totally free of that silly ca8al symbolism and oppression and their mind-numbing soul-suck maquiladora. It’ll be better than winning the lottery.

        We also look forward to a world free of fleas, ticks, mosquitos, blackflies, poisonous snakes, attorneys, politicians…

        -CAT Eds.

        1. …..chiggers, fire ants, brown recluse, etc. Oh yeah ! I’m ready. 😁

            1. Oh heck yeah! I’m allergic to most of those. A single fire ant bite can put me outta commission for a week. Not to mention wasps. Ay caramba. Wake up time bring it on! 😉

              (However, “*you are perfect, immortal spirit, whole and innocent. All is forgiven and released”. Covering EVERYthing! Haha) not so sure about fire ant etc “spirits” but not taking chances. 🤣)

            2. Hm. Insects are part of a group spirit attached to Gaia. That spirit already knows it’s whole and innocent. You can’t develop karma from group spirits… unless you’ve been really gloatingly bad to the environment, that is… in which case the mantra probably wouldn’t work; you’d probably have to have a lifetime where you were forced to live in tune with nature… and then see nature die around you because of someone else, and you with it. There are near-infinite lessons to be learned by a near-infinite amount of ONE-splinters.


            3. Ok. Thanks. Hopefully not gloatingly bad to the environment tho I’ve “sent to God” my fair share of insects. 😮 But have also “catch and released” a fair share also.

            4. Note that some of that was wishful thinking by some of us. We’ve been told there would be no fleas or ticks or mosquitoes on the NE, but wanted to add more to the list!

              -CAT Eds.

            5. Bedbugs, too please – we were gifted by the duplex neighbors and our ‘houseguest’ – we’re on the winning side of the stalemate though… sticky tape is great for the individual capture and demise – for the larger problem we’ve found good methods – I tell them, sorry, they must go, but I’m grateful they are not disease carriers and don’t like to hang out on furred creatures…
              NE = no bedbugs Please, I could go for that… we’ve had a few black widows, too.
              I’m glad I’m not scared of bugs or snakes or too much else, creature-wise, has lead to just dealing with the practicalities…


        2. Thanks for the reply. i got the feeling it was something to do with wisdom, just wanted to be sure.

  6. Could this square thing have anything to do with me seeing squared clouds all over? I’m in southern NJ. For past several months, since end of 2019. Either the clouds themselves are showing very hard right angles, or, there are square/rectangular holes within clouds. It seemed to me like the cloaking is slipping or something, so maybe energy or tech “black boxes” are being revealed or not able to hold their camouflage anymore. Has anyone else noticed anything like this???

    1. Huh. Could you get some pics of these squared clouds? The ca8al does have this “black cube” teleport thing they got from some low-vibe ETs, but they 1: Can’t make it work, and 2. Don’t understand what it’s really for. It’s basically a nothingburger, so if you see it, don’t worry about it. What you should wonder about is what the ca8al traded to the ETs to get it.

      -CAT Eds.

    2. Susan ❤️ I’ve seen quite a few clouds like this, they sometimes look like doorways! Also, lots of triangle shapes too.

      I’ve also noticed that whenever it is cloudy, like this morning, I hear a lot of loud aircraft above our home as if they are using the clouds for cover!

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  7. Family, I was pondering how the following exercises from ACIM correlate with Ho’oponopono.
    From ACIM:
    Lesson 35 My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.
    Lesson 36 My holiness envelops everything I see.
    Lesson 37 My holiness blesses the world.
    Lesson 38 There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
    Lesson 39 My holiness is my salvation.
    This one asks “If guilt is hell, what is its opposite?” “Your holiness is the answer to every question that was ever asked, is being asked now, or will be asked in the future. Your holiness means the end of guilt, and therefore the end of hell. Your holiness is the salvation of the world, and your own.

    Paraphrasing the book titled “Ho’oponopono” by Ulrich E Depree, we can heal ourselves and others by practicing ho’oponopono:
    1. Join with Original Source
    2. Contemplate and accept the problem
    3. Take 100% responsibility for the existence of the problem in your life
    4. Be ready, following forgiveness, to handle things differently
    5. Mutually pardon and forgive
    6. Give thanks and offer closing prayer
    I am beginning to understand how going within and looking at ourselves and our behavior and beliefs and prejudices and actions is the salvation of the world. I feel amazed and deep gratitude for finally getting it.

    love love love to all in the room.

    1. While the Ho’oponopono has value, it doesn’t have the same function as The Course. J wrote The Course to both heal your mind (because you’re NOT separated from SOURCE) and to totally undo The Illusion in your mind, to free you from it so you can “return” to SOURCE and wake up *faster.* You’re with SOURCE right now, dreaming this dream. All you have to do is wake up! The Course is the fastest way to wake up back in SOURCE. Note that even ETs are reading it on their worlds. Brother J is a big deal. He was anticipated for thousands of years by the Pleiadians, having heard about his future appearance from some angels, and that’s where the whole “messiah” thing came from that was prevalent hundreds of years before Moses.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Cats…ACIM protocol on website is 1 lesson a day, for a year. Since we’re in a special ciircumstances now (and also bcuz i did do part years ago) I’m thinking maybe one could do more lessons perday ?

          1. Ok. 😐 Even tho i have a STRONG background/knowing in the Life is a Dream, this is just a projection/hologram/illusion we will all wake up from scenario? Just sayin. 😉

            1. It’s not a judgment. It’s just J and Guides’ instructions. You’ll be bringing the Course to the NE with you so there’s no rush. Learning is what time is for.

              -CAT Eds.

            2. Yes. I have already accepted this (since my last query) and feel totally at peace with the set protocol. Even a warmth of love? regarding. Thank you. 💜

      2. Thank you dear Cats, for clarifying. What an amazing lifetime this one is! Love to you And all in the room

        1. I just bought a copy too! Hopefully it will arrive soon. I started doing the online lessons a while ago but got distracted. Hopefully I can start again!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  8. Had a weird night last night – at about 1:00 am EST on 4/27, I woke up with a jolt and felt almost dizzy – more like a gong had been hit and was reverberating in my head and I had to just lay still until the pendulum swings/sounds settled down, pretty scary. Then my whole body felt tingly and super alive like electricity was going through me, but I forced myself to just relax my mind and remember I’m just having a major upgrade and am not in need of medical attention! Finally slept on and off with more dreams of people from the past I haven’t thought about in ages. Also the cat, who normally sleeps with me, didn’t come upstairs until after it was light out, but the dog, who normally does stay downstairs until the middle of the night, did come upstairs to sleep by me, hmmmm. And the outdoor cats are constantly following me around whenever I go outside now, not keeping any distance at all, in fact all they want is constant petting (these are the cats I couldn’t touch for several years until recently!) Something is definitely happening, but when I try to meditate on it and ask my guides for help, nada. And it just keeps raining and raining without end here in upstate NY – so no sunshine or blue skies, pretty gloomy. On the other hand, it is Monday morning and I don’t have to go to work still, so at least I can take a nap when I need one, which won’t be long I’m sure!
    That square is simply fascinating, and I’m starting to wonder what it is I can’t see for all the clouds…. thanks for the updates Cats!

  9. So many questions to ask. While outside reading my book on Saturday, here in So. Colorado the skies were full of chemtrails it was difficult not to notice. The thought entered my mind to go back inside, but when I tuned in, I got word its was okay to stay put. The post you put out on the chemtrail situation was very helpful for me thank you. Do not be concerned! OK

    Also, what are your recommendations for listening to sounds. I believe you posted 528 Hz healing frequency lately and all solfeggio tones. My body is responding (feeling my electromagnetic shifting, pulses, etc.) as I’ve been listening to all of them,, but wanted to know more information from you all.

    Thanks, actually I’ve just been feeling so out of it lately, wondering what more may help…… My cats are acting really different, too.

  10. Went outside with a dog and I saw crystal clear blue sky, I don’t remember that was ever so clear blue, beautiful ✨

    I saw that Pleiadian light “train” passing by, but, why they are doing that passes, what is the purpose off that, just to get attention, but why they are not changing that flight pattern so the PTW have to find a new explanation every time until they run out off explanations ?

      1. Well I did send them I am mantra, no response, but I already got my response in a bug light show a week ago about which I made a post, it looked like all the lights in the sky was moving at a moment I looked at them, so I was grateful for that light show, it would be too imposing from me to have them repeat it every night 🙂✨

  11. Re: Update4…… For me the upgrade is appreciated. I’ve been blah for the last couple of days, but this afternoon I’ve noticed an uptick in happiness and interest. (Might I add a smidgen of joy added in for good measure) Just sayin’ Cheers

  12. Well its good to know the headaches and waking up a lot at night isn’t just me. I actually was thinking I was coming down with a sinus infection, and the headache and the hot and cold chills were the beginning of a mild fever to my body fighting it. Now I will have to rethink all of that.

    I did start reading the disappearance of the universe and I am reading through it now. I have kindle ordered ACIM also. Never read either, but the breadcrumbs are there so I am following them.

    I had an epiphany that has been building for the last couple days. I have been ‘sandbagged’ and spiritually ‘slowed down’ many times. Then this thought popped into my head…. I’m to remain behind and finish out 3D earth. Kind of sad, but a lot of the pieces of my life have fit together and given me some clarity through all of it.

    So now my mantra going forward, will be the minor role I have been playing but ramped up. I feel I need to help wake up more people and assist them into preparing to move to 4D. I think this is some of the ‘things going on while I sleep’ making me exhausted along with all the other aspects of my life fitting into place.

    I look forward to having this journey with you all for as long as I can, and remain behind to do the work for others.

    Now if I can just get my meditations to not be interrupted….

    With all the <3 and light…

    1. I’ll be here, had the same feeling. If I’m needed here more than in 5d, I’ll stay for clean up. Peace.

    2. We are pleased to meet another Course student — and even more pleased to find you embracing your future role. You made some of the CATs emotional, which we find interesting. Let us know if you have any questions on the material. 🙂

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I do have a couple questions, if you don’t mind. The flashes of light Gary talks about in the book, I have had similar experiences about 12+ years ago. I ‘felt’ at the time it was a jump to a higher vibration timeline. After reading what they say now I don’t know if that was right anymore. Could you provide clarity / understanding?

        Also, maybe you could help me understand this part as well. I always felt a strong connection to J. The connection isn’t as strong as it previously was years ago and I am working on rebuilding all of it, like I said spiritually slowed down (intentionally apparently). I meditated this morning and I saw a scene that seemed familiar. Like I remembered it but I don’t know where from. I am sitting on the ground close … a few feet from J’s feet looking up and listening to him talk. Was I there? Past life memory? And I always knew the vibration of ‘Jesus’ wasn’t his true name. I always heard it from spirit guides more like ‘Joshua’. (Which incidentally I named my son… spirit suggested it to me when I was pregnant.)

        TIA for any clarity you can provide.

        <3 K

        1. Those flashes of light (we got them, too, when we started) were primarily your mind opening up to the light that is literally all around you all the time. You are “sleeping” inside SOURCE right now and you only THINK you’re awake and living on a planet; SOURCE is slooooowwwly waking you up such that, when you think you’re to return to SOURCE… you’ll just get up! It’s a bit like The Matrix, but without all the fear and negativity. And green pallet.

          Timelinewise, we have all jumped… wow, we lost count… a zillion timelines since then. So much has happened. Some timelines became obsolete and are now gone. Whole UNIVERSES are now gone. One of them, the Dark Universe. Good riddance. Others… we are literally not allowed to talk about them. Some free will is seriously out of control.

          -CAT Eds.

  13. Tonight, I saw dozens of what looked like UFO’s flying a few kilometres from my house. They were all perfectly spaced moving at the same speed in single order. I think they were probably satellites, but I’m not sure. There was so many of them moving in all directions after awhile, and some even flashed at me and my family. We were so baffled by what we were looking at. The media said they were satellites, which is likely, but I didn’t think satellites moved in such a way with dozens of others nearby.

  14. Terran Cognito has an intriguing post from 4/26/20 at called ” Conversation with Thor” (one of his off-world contacts) about all viruses being man-made bio-weapons, that the current virus is spread by fear, and that also discusses some of the insects that you mentioned above. It also refutes a claim made by Magenta Pixie that the Draco are returning. At the end of the post there is a red “read more” post that links to a continuation of the long conversation and gives a transcript of Magenta Pixie’s dream. I find it so fascinating how bits of information from here, there and elsewhere all seem to tie together. With heartfelt gratitude for all that you share! <3 <3 <3

    1. Yeah, the “Dracos” are not returning. This is the last place they want to be… unless they’re being driven from their Orion sanctuary… huh. Ok, we’ll look into that.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Ok, we looked again (there are name issues here; diff people call diff ETs diff names, so we wanted to make sure). So, we don’t see any “Draco returning.” They don’t want any part of what is happening right now. They try to work through the reptilians, ’cause they won’t want their hands dirty. They’re kinda… prissy… and self-important. REALLY full of themselves, wow.

        -CAT Eds.

  15. Okay, youse ALL. Now you’ve gone and done it! After nearly 75 years, I finally ordered ACIM in hardbound. If I’m going to be doing this stuff on NE, I figured I’d better have a hardbound copy. Har and cheers.

  16. Yikes! As a p.s. to the day, at around 8:00 pm PDT I started to feel the energies ever stronger. It’s another TTMB occasions (take to my bed) If I don’t, I’ll probably find myself on the floor at some point. Very strong movement experienced. Lots of lavender-purple spheres around. Somethings up big time! EEEeeeeeee….! BTW, Visit with Lisa tomorrow. We’ll see (or, she’ll see, I hope) Cheers

  17. “But Mark couldn’t have had children with J, as the baby would’ve been so advanced”

    “Mark” — well I should think NOT!!!! (BWAAAAAAAAHahahahhaaaaaaa!!!!!)

    Something you don’t even know — J was a special ‘hybrid’, which allowed him to come into said matrix with some higher abilities still intact.
    This was a carefully pre-calculated plan.

    Which is also why his children would have been too biologically advanced.

    Even trying to have them, with Mark….

    1. Indeed, we do know. Brother J was a first-time SOURCE incarnation, who went into a specially prepared Pleiadian/human hybrid body — which is why Mary barely survived. And the “matrix” isn’t important, as it’s just The Illusion. But J never had children.

      We’re not sure what you mean by “Mark.”

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I got tripped up at first by that “Mark” in your post, obviously a typo of Mark instead of “Mary”. We are all exhausted, n’est-ce pas? 😉

      2. It was referring to that you had mistakenly written “Mark” instead of “Mary” in your post 😁

      3. Har! You guys made a teeny little typo on the 27th at 10:22: ” But Mark couldn’t have had children with J, as the baby would’ve been so advanced that the pregnancy and delivery would’ve killed her.” I giggled, but figured out what you meant pretty quickly….. Fascinating stuff, by the way!

      4. @Cats Eds… ‘Mark’ was a SMALL typo in one of your replies that I believe was referring to Mary and her pregnancy with J – a typo that someone decided to use to make a ‘point’?…


    1. Mark. The clouded leopard is stunning. I really hope it stays safe and goes into hiding again. Just wow to those markings. Thank you.😺😊🐆

    1. Well, Kiruna just looks like WaveX swamped it out. Lyra is showing perhaps a tiny jump. We haven’t looked at all the meters this morning, yet.

      -CAT Eds.

  18. Here’s this morning’s update from Lisa: The new moon energies have completely blocked her from seeing anything. What she saw yesterday is that what we have been going through in March and April are going to manifest in May. We are in the gestation period currently. Yaaay! Other than that, we’ve both been staggering around these past few days. (I think that’s an understatement) Anyway the results of these past few months of “stuff” are going to be felt through the fall solstice. (I think she said solstice and not equinox) That’s the upshot, ALL

  19. For those who were interested in whether Brother J actually knew Buddha in previous lifetimes, as Gary Renard has said, we looked (again)… and they never met in person. We don’t know what Gary is thinking. However, we found that they did connect as *spirits* one time, but only once.

    -CAT Eds.

  20. OK I just ordered the ACIM book too – here I am complaining I have nothing to read and I’ve never read what you all consider the most important thing in the world to read, duh … I’m in!
    On another note, my ears hurt like crazy today, in fact my jaws and eye sockets as well, think I’ll go out and try to do some gardening and get my mind off how I feel, usually works. It’s supposed to be the only sunny day for another week, after a week of rain, but it’s totally cloudy out, once again the “meteorologists” have no clue. I just put out 3 more suet cakes for the birds – “fiery surprise” guaranteed to keep the squirrels away – guess my squirrels like Mexican food as much as I do because they’re just snarfing it down! :0

  21. Well, at this point, the timing feels right… I will be buying a hard copy of ACIM as soon as my next paycheck lands. Not sure if in Italian or in English… I have some time to decide that, I suppose. Hah!

    1. hi, @ Francisco
      there IS No possible translation,
      for such monumental original!
      PLS go to the source, brother, directly to the heart of things

    2. Hi Francisco!
      If you are Italian I would recommend the Italian one.
      I’ve just bought it
      It’s quite “difficult” in my language too…
      (I’m Italian)

      1. The first 100 pages are challenging. It’s an advanced course in spirituality. But you can do the exercises (one day at a time) while reading the text. It’s designed to take a year.

        -CAT Eds.

        1. I got it.
          So I could start the exercises from the day one?

  22. Cat Eds. I can’t remember where I read it, and think it may have been ten years ago, but regarding Mary M’s daughter, her lineage has continued through to a female in the present time, who has had to be kept well hidden. 💖💖💖

    1. Note that that’s Mary and another man, not J. The angels and Pleiadians who helped J get into that lone incarnation caused his body to turn almost to pure energy after his death, so there would be no ‘leftovers’ to be exploited by others, genetically or otherwise. Another reason why that huge heavy stone that covered the cave where his body lay was blown open.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. “Noli me tangere!”
        When Brother J first appeared in Light, and Mary Magdalene
        was running to hug him, he shouted:
        “Noli me tangere!”
        She would have burned otherwise.
        (Jakob Lorber, The Word)

          1. So, to keep this very interesting thread going a bit longer…..I used to think the image on the Shroud of Turin was from the burst of energy when J’s body turned to Light. Then various researchers said it was most likely a “forgery” of some kind produced at a later time. Was this a genuine image? Thanks for all the info you’ve been sharing.

            1. Nope. It’s a 14th C. artifact, created during a time when churches were competing for parishioners by having more and better holy relics. It was a kind of art-of-the-illusion. Another reason why J and Spirit (who’d looked ahead to the future) intentionally obliterated J’s body (and blew the stone door off) so this wouldn’t be as much of a later distraction. It’s ironic, as J’s message was that THERE IS NO BODY, and that all this is illusion, and here are all these churches with pieces of preserved bodies ruining the message. So it goes.

              -CAT Eds.

    2. Dan Brown hinted at this in the Da Vinci Code and perhaps in some of his other writings. <3

  23. Wow! Had to read a few times to grasp the storyline of Bro J and his family. I copied pasted the relevant comments here about Bro J for my future reference.

    So, I appreciate when you have the time, to answer my following questions, please. 🙏

    “J was a First-time Incarnation from SOURCE”
    -what do you mean First-time? The first to incarnate from SOURCE? Or you mean a one-time incarnation from SOURCE?
    -Btw, who were the 3 wise men? Pleiadians ? Are ETs part of SOURCE too?

    “The Course is the fastest way to wake up back in SOURCE.”
    -So where did this belief come from:
    “Those who accept Jesus Christ will live for eternity with him after they die and those who reject will go to hell forever”

    Just curious, did Bro J ever express his opinion on the teachings in the Bible? Shook his head? Is that why he had this book, “A Course in Miracles” (The Course) written?

    “Mother Mary and Mary M and Joseph of Aramathea (who was J’s wealthy metal-merchant uncle — with tin mines in… the UK) all escaped…”
    -Did that include Mary and Joseph’s children – James, Joses, Simon, Judas, and two girls?
    -What happened to Joseph, husband of Mary? No mention of him in the Bible

    “He traveled to India when he was about 11 or 12 and stayed there for some time; he traveling there with his uncle, Joseph of Aramathea”
    -Interesting enough, the Bible is silent about what happened with Jesus between this time when he was 12 years old and the time he began his public ministry at about the age of 30.

    Come to think of it, you CATs could write a book about Bro J life – the real stuff. Anyway, I hope there will be more coming from you CATs here about Bro J. 😏

    With much Gratitude and Love 🙏🙏🙏

    1. Q: “J was a First-time Incarnation from SOURCE”
      -what do you mean First-time? The first to incarnate from SOURCE? Or you mean a one-time incarnation from SOURCE?
      -Btw, who were the 3 wise men? Pleiadians ? Are ETs part of SOURCE too?

      A. J had no previous “lives.” His “life” in his (illusory) body here on earth was his first incarnation — and his last. As for the three wise men… they look like angels to us… but took “human” form here while J was here, acting as Guides for him. Oh, they’re NOT Pleiadians (they kinda looked like it but that was after the human “transformation”), but came from a star in Orion’s Belt, close to where the CATs got their training before this incarnation. J was also kinda from there, in a spiritual kinda way, but went into a body here. What is most interesting is that: This was all against the rules of ET interference… which makes no sense if you think about how many ETs interfere here!

      Q: “The Course is the fastest way to wake up back in SOURCE.”
      -So where did this belief come from:
      “Those who accept Jesus Christ will live for eternity with him after they die and those who reject will go to hell forever”

      A. It’s not a belief. J says it in The Course. And there is no hell.

      Q: Just curious, did Bro J ever express his opinion on the teachings in the Bible? Shook his head? Is that why he had this book, “A Course in Miracles” (The Course) written?

      A. J dictated The Course to Helen Schucman because he wanted to be clear about his original teachings, and now that the language had advanced enough, he felt he could get his points across better. (Before, he was expressing himself in Aramaic, which is a desert/agricultural language, limited in scope.)

      Q: “Mother Mary and Mary M and Joseph of Aramathea (who was J’s wealthy metal-merchant uncle — with tin mines in… the UK) all escaped…”
      -Did that include Mary and Joseph’s children – James, Joses, Simon, Judas, and two girls?
      -What happened to Joseph, husband of Mary? No mention of him in the Bible

      A. We’ll have to check on this.

      -CAT Eds.

  24. Oops! I just realised that I have asked too many questions about Bro J. in my previous posting. So given the circumstances (an understatement I know) that CATs are in now, it’s ok to ignore them. After all, ALL these were just an illusion.

    On the other hand, why would we create all these illusions if we are already with SOURCE? And how did SOURCE come about? 😁

    So, ACIM protocol is 1 lesson a day, for a year. Does it mean if we miss doing it a day, we REALLY have to start from Lesson 1? No compromise? 😳

    One last question please – when will that book compiled by Da-da be ready for purchase? I already imagine me reading that book to my future grand-children about those “Legendary Heroes” that saved Humanity 😇 I also hope to get an answer as to whether when praying, do we do protection?

    Again with much Gratitude 🙏 & Love 💖

  25. Thanks a lot for taking the trouble to answer my questions – really really appreciate it.

    Afraid to say that some of your answers intrigued further questions from me:

    “…but came from a star in Orion’s Belt, close to where the CATs got their training before this incarnation”
    -So the CATs were all ET at one time and have chosen to incarnation on Earth for umpteenth time as Human to help the Ascension? But now that the work is done, do the CATs have the choice to go back to their home near Orion’s Belt, instead of ascending to 4D? Otherwise I see it as an immense scarify by the CATs to incarnate here as Human to help us to ascend. 🙏

    “It’s not a belief. J says it (“Those who accept Jesus Christ will live for eternity with him after they die) in The Course. And there is no hell”.
    -Then those who practice other faith, where will they go? It just seems unfair that they don’t get to go back to SOURCE the fast way just because they have chosen other faith, whether through family tradition or own choice. 🤷

    I don’t practice any religion for some years now as I have witnessed how religion has torn some family apart due to change of faith amongst family members. I was speechless when I have friends who proudly told me that they have encouraged/coaxed their mother/father to convert to their faith during the parent’s weakest moment, a few days before the parent passed away. Due to friendship sake, I just kept quiet.

    So, I decided to free myself from religion, I have less constraints in my life DOS and DON’Ts. Sometimes I still have this mental block to link Bro J to Jesus Christ as in Christianity!

    As for the book being compiled by Da-da, if the time come that I can place an order for it, it will mean that I’m also in 4D?!? 😇

    Love you CATs and all here 💖

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