The Fall Forgiveness 3-Step

Since October and November could be a little hectic, we’re going to need a bit more framework.

The CATs have been using this for a decade, and it’s long overdue being shared. ~AM gave it its autumnal component.

The Fall Forgiveness 3-Step

It’s simple and consists of only three things to do:

  • Forgive
  • Unify
  • STO

Many of you have been doing these for a while; many years, in fact. This post is so we can all be on the same page. And… this will be very important in the days ahead.


Those studying The Course have a pretty good handle on forgiveness. It literally means “to overlook,” to pay little mind to something or someone that/who may be bothering you or appear in error… since it’s not real and it’s no big deal. Intellectually, CATs and CAT blog readers and Course students know this world is all an Illusion, but it’s a powerful one, one that keeps hooking you again and again, CATs included. When you remember that nothing around you is real, that no one is really doing anything bad, you can settle back and let things flow. But for those times when The Illusion snags you… we offer this real-world forgiveness example from ~AM:


Bad Driver

Back when I lived in the Boston area, I was getting a ride to work from a friend (let’s call him Jim) one day. Jim was forever driving angry. Anything could set Jim off — and it often did, making other drivers even more aggressive toward him. That day, on a whim, I asked Jim if he’d be mad if the person who just cut him off was his Grandpa Dave. (Dave was a sweet old guy, a little scattered, but impossible to be mad at.) Jim’s demeanor changed instantly:

“Of course, not. It’s Grandpa Dave.” No one had ever been mad at Grandpa Dave.

Then I asked: “What if somehow everyone in all these cars were your Grandpa Dave? Or members of your family? Would you get as mad at them if they cut you off or weaved into your lane?”

Jim didn’t say a word the rest of the drive, he was deep in thought. To my knowledge, he never drove angry again, and was himself a changed man… until one day a man in a pick-up truck cut him off — on purpose. Jim had to swerve to avoid hitting the truck. Rocketing up toward the vehicle and screeching to a halt at the next stop sign, spitting gravel everywhere, Jim glared out his car window at the other driver… and saw me smiling at him. Jim started laughing, and is probably still laughing.

While Jim did eventually lapsed now and then into being an angry driver again, he did LOOK at the person to make sure he didn’t know them before cursing them and offering interestingly impossible body geometry suggestions. It would’ve been a great story if Jim had transformed into some kind of rolling saint, but the kernel of the idea was planted, and grows to this day. And today, he’s a lot more like his Grandpa Dave.




This is your easy way out of any highly charged situation. CATs have been in various group settings over the past four years and someone invariably points a finger at one of us and asks loudly: “What are YOU? Republican or Democrat?” Again, we learned this from ~AM, having seen him say this several times in various social engagements over the years. (One person always seems to single ~AM out as the opposite of whatever it is they’re feeling is important, and they try to pin him with a question.) Anyway, when asked which side he’s on, ~AM would say:

“I have no side. I am the founding member of the UNITY party. And I’m here to tell you to get along with your fellow humans, all of whom have value. We might appear to be individuals, but we’re all the same. Start looking for reasons to come TOGETHER, and celebrate those things we have in common. Do it NOW.”

It helps that ~AM is a combo of angel and ET and human, a winged cherub with a lion’s head! (Note: Cherubim don’t look like fat naked little flying babies!)

That’s a bull’s head on the other side. He has another that looks like Anubis… maybe more, as this is basically an omata fusion.

He can be a little startling. Oh, and those who know the story of Ezekiel… you recall the wheels he saw, “Ezekiel’s Wheels-Within-Wheels” that accompanied the Cherubim, that some have wrongly thought were UFOs? What were they really? And why are CATs associated with them?



Now the freelance part.

Since you’re reading the CAT blog, you’re probably already familiar with/used to thinking about providing Service-to-Others (STO), if not now then perhaps one day. In this instance we’re not asking you to perform some tortuous task or put yourself in harm’s way, far from it. CATs go out in public and do regular things and don’t say or do anything special, but our energy is there amongst people, offered as a beacon without anyone knowing it’s there — like ~AM’s true form, you can’t see what the beacon energy looks like on this 3d level — but you can feel it, since it extends outward in a huge glowing multicolored explosion of light. (Some of you even carry your own CHOIR 3000 soundtrack, but the accordions kinda ruin it.) Most of you reading this are similar beacons, sewing goodwill and hope just be being out and about… with or without the accordion.


As we get deeper into Autumn, try this: If something disturbs your piece of mind, imagine it’s a particular autumn leaf on a tree. Each day of Fall, the leaves change color and you let things go, more and more, anger and resentment eventually withering and dying and falling from the trees, leaving all deciduous trees looking… the same.

I’m Spartacus!

We won’t talk about those damn EVERGREENS. 😉


Again, for the record: None of The CATs are “above” any of you. We ARE you. We are here FOR you. There are no levels, only rates of vibration. Some of us can do some things, and we’re pretty mean in the clinches, but that’s why we were sent here at this time. We’ve had a lot of help and training to handle this… from Brother J, angels and archangels, our Guides (and Brother J’s Guides!), higher-order beings and ETs, and The SuperFriends — not to mention our own amazing motley crew of felines and friends.

Now, whenever you see an Autumn leaf, you can add forgiveness and unity and service to its seasonal message. Eventually it will become second nature and all around you will be…

DON’T rake the forgiveness!

…piles of forgiveness crunching under your feet. (Just don’t rake them, they’re good for the soil.)

P.S. Our apologies to the N. Hemispheric-centricity of this post! For those in the S. Hemisphere, try to see every new green leaf as a budding opportunity for forgiveness.


To reiterate:

  • Forgive ~ Let it go. It’s not real, anyway. (“Yes, Haunted Mansion is awesome, AND so is Pirates of the Caribbean. You’re both right. But they’re just rides…”)
  • Unify ~ Look for common ground. (“Is that a fritter? Hey, HAM!”)
  • STO ~ Be mindful, be helpful, shine your light. (“I am here to chew bubblegum and bathe you all in SOURCE light… and I’m all out of bubblegum.”)

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133 thoughts on “The Fall Forgiveness 3-Step

        1. When I read that post I got the vision of old boat bell, how cool is that 😉✨

    1. No. Forgiveness is letting go OF THE ILLUSION. You can’t be trapped in nothing, by nothing. There is no guilt. The forgiveness is done by you, and needs no agreement with the forgivee. Forgiveness freely given, it’s not a contract.

      “All is forgiven and released.”

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I came to a beautiful realisation when I was working on forgiveness for my alcoholic dad. I finally realised that paradoxically there was nothing to forgive, ever.
        It’s a state beyond forgiveness, the act of which is a step on the way to letting go completely.
        L 💖💖

  1. Oh this is perfect! Had a sitch just this past week where i had to utilize, in my somewhat off-kilter way 😉, these exercises. (Now if only i would ‘ exercise’ in other ways…this somewhat misnomered quarantine 15 is, let’s just say, exceeding itself. 🤣😮)



  2. Thank you for this. It makes sense of some of the things I’ve been thinking/feeling for quite a while

  3. When I saw the Wheels. I thought of that movie Contact. Remember where Jody Foster had to walk into those massive giant WHEELS that spinned super fast and transported her to “somewhere” in time? Then she dropped into the ocean.

    Side note…no fall leaves in the desert. 😜

        1. Wow, no monsoon? That’s crazy. Lived in Chandler for 12 years (more than a decade ago), also looked forward to that hot-n-sticky-n dirty time of year….

          I’ve always thought 120 degrees is a good start for a great day (but I’m really different than most people, I know….).

  4. Many times in the past I would notice little children staring at me. Maybe they could see the rainbow light?

    The most memorable one was when I was around 8 or 9 years old, I approached a woman who was holding her cute baby. As soon as the baby saw me, it suddenly becomes very excited and happy, staring at me and flailing her little arms and legs.

    The woman, looking very surprised, said to me that she has never seen her baby react like that to anyone before.

    1. @A.C. that happens to me all the time too. Babies. Kids. Love me. I’ll be at a store. Grocery. anywhere, and a baby or children will start staring at me or smiling. And if course I’m gonna smile back. I do play back too. I think it might be my red hair though. 👩‍🦰

      1. @duganknows They could probably see your light and/or feel your vibration/energy.

    2. That happens to me too, followed by the parents saying their little darling never does that. Animals too, dogs will run up to me dragging their leashes behind them, followed by their apologetic human. I always thought it was because they saw my wings. But sure, it could be my light too. ❤ Cool!

  5. Would I be right if I said that forgiveness was one of the points of ACIM? That time was created so we could experience those moments to forgive and heal those particular jumbled up soul knots?

  6. Wow! As I was awakening from my nap I was startled to see a rainbow bridge, but as I woke up it faded rapidly. I’d apparently been standing there looking across it for some time. (note to self: next time cross it!) It really is there!

  7. I wish this site (or wordpress?) had more than just “like” to express how much I value and appreciate and LOVE this blog, and especially this specific post – WOW!! So much goodness!

  8. Love this whole post. I used to get road rage. It was my way of releasing all of my anger for all of the unjustness in the world and pinpoint it down to one person who didn’t obey the laws. Hah. (How I’ve learned (especially from you all)). Anyhow, I just had a relapse the other day. Which I was surprised by. But there was heavy energy surrounding me for a few days. I yelled. They yelled. It was low energy all around. But the amazing part was how that I forgave that situation just as I drove away. I turned around and apologized to them. I didn’t want to bring my fellow man down in low energy. It was awesome to see how they too apologized quickly. Im learning lots from you cats. And others. Thank you.

  9. Also. I just found the Cats training video for anyone that wants a sneak peek. You can see one of their guides in action.

    1. OMG this is hilarious, I used to do this w/ my cats and dogs when I was little. I just had the GREATEST idea/manifest happen … and I would recommended it to anyone who wants a good laugh and maybe some release finally – picture anyone you know present or passed, at the moment they’re cracking up laughing!! You’ll be amazed how many wonderful hilarious times you’ll remember that you haven’t thought about for years, and people you haven’t thought about but you remember laughing with them. Laughter is such a gift! Once you remember one incident, then you start laughing all over again at what was funny in the first place, and it’s so healing, and you’ll probably cry happy tears like I did. Anyway, heard something funny but true – ever meet someone who doesn’t like you on the spot for no seeming reason? It’s because your spirit doesn’t like their demons! Happy Fall everyone!

    2. Oh. After reading my post. I didn’t realize it may come off snooty. But that was not my intent at all. I just thought the video was fun and playful and wanted to have fun in jest with you awesome Cats.

  10. Not sure if I have a choir but my boss always looks a bit terrified round me, maybe it’s the accordions 😂

    1. Awesome, I love Lorie, and singing live no less 🙂 Thanks!

      This place gets weirder every day. I’ve been struggling to find work and make ends meet for almost a year now. Before then I was completely logged out of the system for five years, on and off for five years before that. I was pretty sure this was it for the rest of the ride. It’s not crazy bad, working on my own schedule without oversight is nice. Even delivering food was pretty chill, despite the schedule issue.

      But then out of nowhere I get a message about an opportunity to do another round in the madhouse which is full time software consulting. And surprisingly it felt like the right thing to do at this point. My last employments lasted a month or two before I freaked out over being locked up all day in front of a computer. So it’s a close race; we’ll see who freaks out first, me or the rest of the world.

      These came up for reasons:


      1. One of my favorite songs. Love the Unplugged Version. So beautiful.

      2. @Sifoo, the first video, with all the different instruments, had me in tears.

        If humanity has brought anything of value to the universe, it’s creative harmony. Music transcends where words fall short. It elevates the soul. I feel so proud of us when I connect with the exquisite vibrations of group harmony, it’s beautiful, breathtaking and inspiring.

        Thankyou for sharing👍


      3. There might be a role for you there over and above the computing stuff.. must be a reason why. There always is x

      4. Good luck with it Sifoo! Sometimes it’s the right time, the right people – and it works.
        Love, Angela

      5. Sifoo ❤️ The first album I ever bought when I was about 9 years old was a tape, the album was of course ‘Hunting High and Low’!

        My Dad took us on holiday to Cornwall. We had a car crash (no one was hurt) on the way down while ‘The Sun Always Shines on TV’ was playing. I thought for ages that the screech in the song was the car crash somehow weirdly caught on the album!

        Had a Morten Harket ‘thing’ for a very long time!

        Much Love & Light, I will go mad with you you can have some company there 😉


  11. That picture with the colored leaves and little
    bridge is a perfect Fall scene.

    Corrine is now shown as she is about to make
    her entrance as the Lilac Fairy in Act One of the
    “Sleeping Beauty” ballet. She is the leader of the
    other fairies who bring gifts of qualities and
    attributes to Princess Aurora such as beauty,
    courage, sweetness, generosity, mischief and
    musical talent.

    A quote that I saw, by an unnamed person,
    expresses how I feel about dance:

    “I always knew that in another life
    I could fly
    which is why in this life
    I dance”

    🧚‍♂️ 💗💐🧚‍♂️💗💐🧚‍♀️


    1. coriboy14 I can’t find the post now, but how lovely the beautiful little outfit was. Love, Angela

      1. Thank you, Angela. I showed the outfit, without the ‘cat’ since,
        as she is always seated, it is hard to see how the costume looks.
        With Word Press, once I change the photo, ALL of the ones I have
        posted previously have now changed. As I said before, these outfits
        were made for a 90 year old friend who has a ‘cat’ that looks like

        With love ❤️ to all,


    2. I love that! Dancing has always transported me off to a special place. It must be like meditation. I just close my eyes and disappear into dance land and happiness.. not enough dancing these days x x when I was little I had so many flying down the stairs dreams. Now I wonder was this actually occurring in spirit? I guess it was 🥰

    3. Coriboy ❤️ I love your energy, your words and your tutus 😊 Always bring a smile to my face, even on ‘those’ days!

      So much Love 🙏💃❤️💃🙏

      1. Lily and Elsie,


        With lots of love and hugs,


  12. Okay, here comes the next installment: As I was waiting at one of my favorite restaurants to get my crispy ginger chicken salad (my new favorite, I love the thin slices of pickled ginger. M-m-m) A version of O- holy night was playing in the background. I went whaaa? Christmas in September. Do you ALL it’s a sign??? Just askin’.

      1. Methinks a precursor. Thanks for the astute observation. In the meantime, I just keep planting. Hostas arrived today, bulbs arrive next week. After this week of delicious rains a week of sunny 70’s and 80’s. It seems to all be falling into place. Ya’ think?

  13. Thank you Cats and ~M’s and MendoCAT and everyone here. It’s so nice to share and grow together. So nice to have a group of like people. A little space within the greater, where we can “be” together while this unfolds. Love, appreciation and gratitude for all who share this space. Seeing Lorie’s video – I’d much rather navigate around communication going down, and let that card drop by the wayside… Love to everyone. Angela

  14. Love it! Thanks for sharing. The unity party is my party too 🎉. One time I showed up to a super bowl party wearing both teams colors and cheered for both teams when they scored. People were super confused and still tried to hassle me for whatever team they decided I was for after I said I was for both. 😂

    Politics I’m the purple party, red and blue together… Or maybe 🌈 now. Don’t care there either, it’s all the same. Let’s just get along and enjoy this human experience while we are here. 🎉✨

  15. Beautiful here, for another week. Send this Lovely weather to All. Mid 70’s to low 80’s, hardly a cloud(God’s Country). Again, I used the Coursian mantra on 2 individuals, felt good. Peace.

  16. Something happened to me today and I am curious about its significance. While working in the shade, a large tree fell down on and around me. Had I not moved just seconds beforehand I think I would have been crushed by its heavy and thick trunk. Instead,as a result, quite surprisingly all I have is a 1/2 cm scalp laceration and a badly bruised hand. I feel like I’m very lucky but why it even happened is a mystery. Any insights?

    1. Anonymous. Phew I’m glad you survived the tree. Perhaps it didn’t want to hurt you or your guides and angels have been working out.🙄😸 What an awesome experience.💖🌳

    2. Safly, trees sometimes just fall.

      What is significant is your unconscious ability to swerve potential disaster. If any lesson is to be learned, it is to trust your inner guidance, a lesson for us all, particularly now…


    3. It could have been a possible exit point – we seem to set up a number of them pre-life? Perhaps you chose not to use this one for that purpose… bet it got your blood pumping though/adrenaline rush, much?..
      glad your here…


    4. Hi Anonymous,
      That’s one way to navigate black ice…if that doesn’t generate feelings of gratitude and joy at simply being alive, nothing will. I’m glad you’re ok. With Love, Angela

    5. Right place right time. ❤️ Amazing you were not a tiny bit out of alignment… and it missed you x

      1. I surely hope not! 😀 Was that my black ice? Was the tree actually taking care of me by waiting for me to move before it fell? Was this to remind me that life is a wonderful game and I shouldn’t waste my energy or focus on things that aren’t in my best interest? Was it to remind myself that life is wonderful first and foremost even if I don’t get my list of to do things done or nothings “perfect” yet? Or is there’s some other “why” I should gather from this event?

        What’s even more strange that I just heard today from a coworker who was there at my accident is… at the exact same time the tree fell on me another tree fell down about a half a mile away on the same property. And two days before that, near where I was (in a different part of town then mentioned above), a tree fell down.

        And now I’m remembering in January one of my front trees fell down.

        So within the last three days, I was in the proximity of three large trees falling. In addition to a tree falling in January. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️

        1. No. The Black Ice in an internal mindset kinda thing; you’re negotiating what is important to you, where you want to wind up, where you will put your attention, etc. Basically… we’re back to the Justice Timeline vs. the SOURCE timeline thing again. If SOURCE is your goal, then make It your goal and toss out the virus and the election and the rest.

          As for the tree… it was two things: 1. SOURCE and Extensions of SOURCE helping you from being injured when it served no purpose, and 2. Showing you that while reality is changing, you’re safe, and to have no fear.

          -CAT Eds.

  17. This is so beautiful CATs 🙏
    Yes, we have been doing the 3 Steps for a long time.
    If I may, I would like to add one other Step that helped me also a big deal on my journey: thankfulness!
    In ~AM’s Story, Jim would be thankful to the pick-up driver for helping him exercise this new ability of staying calm.
    Every time I find even the smallest thing to be grateful about in a “bad” situation (actually there is no bad or good, it’s just what we make of it), it transforms the energy immediately.

    I KNOW we are ONE!

    Much Love to All 💜🌈🌟

  18. Thank you CAT’s
    the best way to walk over the black ice….

    love Alnilam 🧚‍♂️ 💗💐🧚‍♂️💗💐

  19. I will tell this group a secret. The day after the election, one of my radio stations I produce, will be starting Xmas music. No matter the outcome. The boss says it’s to hopefully get everyone think about Xmas and off the election.

    1. Hmmm, maybe that’s why I hum Christmas songs all year round? 🤔


        1. Why is the tune to “Grandma Got Run Over by a Raindeer” playing in my head?!!?

          J.K. 🙂

          1. Yeah, I’ve got Dominick the Donkey heehawing in my brain. Sigh….

    2. ~ duganknows ~ I can see you know a great omen when you meet one!! I’m going to borrow that, if I may. Thank you!!

  20. Just received a letter ‘inviting’ me to bring Elsie in for her annual flu vaccination. Hmmmm let me think about that 🤔😂

    Much Love ALL 🙏❤️🙏

    P.S I had to edit Much love all as auto text wrote much love ‘alive’!

  21. I think this post is my favourite CAT blog post, and my goodness we’ve had some real corkers, haven’t we?

    Thank you.


  22. I noticed lately, maybe 2 days ago, that I am maybe starting to get downloads or upgrades while in normal fully awake state or it is something else going on ?

    I am feeling the energies swirling around crown, which I would usually felt only during the meditation, also there is sometimes smell off fresh grass, again in awake state and inside the house quite far from any grass, something crazy is going on, but I have feeling that it is good thing, we are almost there 🙏✨


    1. Great. We don’t listen to ETs anymore. We kinda never did. They don’t matter.

      Negotiate the Black Ice and get through the Gate. Don’t worry about what anyone else is saying.

      -CAT Eds.

  23. A week ago Joe Pena (voice in Blossoms FOL messages) done a great interview with a Dominika Reina, amazing person, but he mentioned either in that video or in the text below, that there is also one initial interview with her done a month ago, and by the way, she was guided to find him by name, literally. Anyway, I watched that last interview with Dominika shortly when it was released, but I was postponing for some reason to watch the first initial interview (released in 2 parts), until now. I watched both parts and I was stunned, really stunned with her story, but one thing popped up which I found familiar, and that is the fact that a lot off coding (beside direct ones) is done through music, through lyrics in that music, which happened to me a lot, I was writing here about that several times, and now after watching this initial interview with Dominika, I understand that it was a coded message in a way, I did suspected it, but it is easier to accept it when you here it also from someone else. When I first heard it in the car, it was like my conciseness was drown to those specific lyric, the text was something like “you are on a mission from god”, not sure now, but something very similar, I mean, we are all parts of god, creator, source, what ever you want to call it, and we are all on a mission for him/her/it, but it was a reminder I guess in a way for me, and that was just a beginning 😉✨

    I will go a little out off a way and post a link to all 3 of those videos in chronological order, even the latest one was maybe posted, I think most off You will find it exciting to watch, as I was ✨

    An Unexpected Story- Part 1:

    An Unexpected Story – Part 2:

    The Latest Dominika Reina interview by Joe Pena:

    Perica ✨

    1. I loved these! It felt like my story too, the way she was guided. It’s amazing and lovely how these things happen and magical when you are aware of it and trust and follow the guidance ❤️ I Wish I smelt fresh grass like you 🥰 you must be close to a remarkable thing happening now!

  24. Well… I keep being UN-encouraged to share some recent happenings……….
    I guess I’m !! ‘allowed’!! to share that after some of these things there was a morning that I strongly felt that I’d been given a new assignment – don’t consciously know what that is, but it came with a huge relaxation feeling/gratitude and kinda happy thing about it – esp considering the activity and INTERESTING cast of protective/guardian type positive characters that were stuffed into my rooms the night before – including fierce Mongolian Huns and big ‘biker dudes’ ( all very positive energies though).

    Still dealing with family energies and increasingly less functional body things.
    Happy trails to all on their respective journeys, much love,

    1. Hi ~ Kg ~ I just got the thought: maybe this ‘allowed/ not allowed to share’ situation you often mention, is up for a little renovation. You’re such a good inventor. Might be an interesting experiment at the least. Big hugs from me to you!
      love, friend

      1. Friend – my reference was only my way of referring to my inner guidance – I feel things physically, so if something is not going to be a contribution by posting or irrelevant by the time I think of posting it is a physical sensation – of forward movement or physically freezing, not moving toward the physical act of making a post – When I first read your comment I felt like you meant I was making things up and felt like I shouldn’t post anything any more and others seemed to agree – maybe I did not read this correctly – I still feel confused and inclined to stop posting – I thank you for you input – it took me so long to get over fear of posting I just finally gave it all over to this physical inner guidance – I don’t know if I got the wrong impression that you meant I was just making things up and should stop posting?
        All the best anyway…

        1. ~ good morning Kg ~ Apologies for the inadvertent bruises! Suggesting you shouldn’t post would never cross my mind. Please keep posting, I value your thoughts. The words I arranged to convey the contour of my thought … didn’t! I’ll start over.

          I have been looking at my own life and the beliefs I hold. I remembered the 4 questions of Byron Katie’s from years ago, and have been considering them anew along with the Black Ice metaphor.
          The questions are:
          1- Is this belief I hold true?
          2- How do I know for certain this belief is true?
          3- Who am I with this belief?
          4- Who am I without this belief?

          I think I’ll leave it there, and hope my good will for you will be better perceived.
          love, friend

          1. @Friend

            “convey the contour of my thought”

            Oooh, I like that ☺


  25. Sorry, gotta rake the leaves.

    They are the ‘bread’in the compost sandwich.

    This being a concentration of goodness that heads into the food garden.

    The dumb old grass can handle itself.

  26. Thank you for this post. I absolutely Love AM’s story, reminds me of my Dad, bless him. Always used to feel very on edge as a passenger as he could get quite angry and impatient with other drivers…He has mellowed somewhat but it’s still there, I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon, but you never know 🙏

    I feel so removed from everything at the moment, it’s like I’m just watching this film reel play, the last few minutes, quite detached and kind of calm really. It’s all unfolding in its own way and the end of the story (or the many beginnings of another) is not far away.

    My job J feel is just to keep the peace in our little bubble as much as I can despite the exhaustion and Elsie’s screaming and other daily/nightly challenges. Would be lovely to have a day without a scream. Sometimes she will do it out if the blue whilst sitting next to me right in the ear and I’ve had a few moments where my heart has stopped for a couple of seconds lol, made me jump out of my skin!

    I don’t watch tv but am aware of the demonstrations going on through social media which I am trying to wean myself off. The demonstrations feel just like markers really showing me/us that things are happening just how they were always going to happen and that we are on our way to the Shift.

    Sending love and strength to anyone who needs it right now and going forward, if the road gets rockier we will just have to help each other clamber over the boulders 😊❤️🙏❤️😊

  27. I wish I could remember my dreams at the moment, they are so odd!

    All I can recall of last nights shenanigans is that I was really small and I was in a room with an equally small man, who I knew in the dream but not out of it. We were climbing over really big furniture!


  28. Getting so carried away reading everyone’s comments on this wonderful blog and realised I am half an hour behind with Elsie’s bedtime schedule! Eeeek 😉


  29. So… what about all the ETs who are supposed to be helping us? The “Blue Avians” and the “Arcturans” and the “Plieadians.” Was that unicorn crap all along?

    1. They kinda got fired. They were taking too long, so SOURCE took over *everything.*

      This is now a 100% SOURCE operation.

      But forgiveness is extended to ETs, as well… so… we let it go.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Well that is reassuring at least. ✨big overview. Best interests of one, at the centre of everything.

      2. The Cat That Lived. The “firing” makes sense of the Terran Cognito post on the 23rd September. Thanks.💖

          1. The Cat(s) That Lived. Apologies. Just my musings. 🤔☺️

  30. Celtic in my blood, Scandinavian in my bones, what in my soul…I guess that is to unfold…

    1. Lily, I love Jonna’s videos! I’ve always felt a pull to go to Sweden. Where she lives is absolutely beautiful!🌲🌈


      1. Brigitte ❤️ Yes It looks so beautiful there, I have had the privilege of going to Norway which is also breathtaking but not Sweden. I wonder what NE will be like, hopefully a mixture of all the best places here and more…Mountains, forests, oceans all without pollution and just so much Love everywhere,
        ❤️ ☺️🌈🌎🌈☺️❤️

        1. Lily, yes, all of Scandinavia looks so beautiful. But there are so many beautiful places and all so different from each other. How could I ever choose!?


  31. Thank you for this post CAT’s!
    This is exactly what I need to read today!
    It’s like you could see what I am going trough and could feel my pain…
    You are AWESOME!❤️🙏❤️🙏


  32. Forgiveness has always been in my mindset even from a young age. I chose to not hate people who wronged me. I learned in my teens the negative emotions from people who wronged me made me feel nasty. So I forgave and it went away. Doesn’t mean I didn’t have trauma from it. I did and still do.

    There was an amazing piece by Anthony Willam on soundcloud, its a meditation about letting go of fear ….

    was a beautiful piece about reconnecting from the trauma caused to your soul. I am adding it at least once or twice a week to my routine.

    I thought it may help people …. bridging a gap…. preparing to remove from the illusion.

    <3 kk

    1. You’re right, KittKatt.

      To ‘let it go’ really is letting it go. It festers otherwise, and locks you in to the trauma and perpetrators. By forgiving we disentangle from what holds us back.


  33. I don’t know why these things happen so often in supermarkets, but they do.

    I was maneuvering my trolley and approaching a corner, then all if a sudden I felt I was being lifted upwards. So much so, I actually tightened my grip on the trolley handle LOL.

    This cannot be a coincidence since SOURCE took over. Hang on!


    1. Thank you Mark ❤️ Sounds like you had an interesting experience in the supermarket, imagine if everyone had just started floating around with their trolleys and baskets! It would be like Charlie and the Chocolate factory scene en masse!

      much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. ***Happy Birthday Lily!***
        Sending warm wishes and loads of Love!


  34. Linked to the interview with the author, mentioned above, of ‘a journey through fear’ An extract from the book.. it seems like it would be a great book to read
    This extract is great too, talking about the power of a smile and our thoughts, word and intentions x

  35. Starting to think the Shift, NE and the flash are metaphors.

  36. Send your good vibes to Cozumel please. We have 3 hurricanes headed our way. At least category 3 storms and may potentially be worse. We considered heading inland tomorrow but, were warned by locals that people may try to rob and take advantage of storm evaders. So planning on candles, water, and canned food and sticking it out through the storm.

    1. I will send my good thoughts to you medidentalcozumel4114. Use it as you have need. Piling it up above you. May Love guide you true, and may you hear it well. Love, Angela

  37. After some difficult energies early this morning I repeated some of the I Am mantras – seemed like I did that for hours before I slept again – Dreamt of preparations, packing to go home for Thanksgiving from a college or school of some kind – mostly choosing from a huge set of cassette tapes – lessons or something that would help me cope? a few men (Deans or Deans assistants) I think one was off location with something before going… they were still doing needed things – I was helping one of them, find/coordinate? some things before I left –
    I was having trouble connecting to family members – gathering them or coordinating/focusing them to go home – there was/is a certain quality of sadness around that – deep heart stuff – I think I remember telling myself, “SOURCE has control, they’ll go where they need…”

    ‘Little dog’ was active awhile ago, foot stamping, tail thumping, licking my face, like she was trying to get me to go somewhere – she’s sleeping again now – right after I started writing this comment – thank you for those that thought to send Light to her – or even if you didn’t – it was a BIG thing that I felt enough comfortable- enough- to ask for that – it was a personal stretch for me to ask…
    Still feeling deep heart hurt, trying to breath through it… asking Brother J for sharing help with it… sigh… breathe…


    1. Kg. She is a little angel dog. Who could resist sending her love. Love and a cuddle sent her way and to you too.🤗🐕💖

  38. I do not know what this means, but have been seeing dragon references all day Monday and heard “Mount your dragons” while listening to this yesterday
    so for those of you on dragon patrol here is some travel music. Cay

    1. Hi cay, dragon is up – the reward is great, as the responsibility is honored. Much Love to you, Angela

  39. Love all of you here! THANK YOU for this blog!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ iam a better person for reading all of your posts! …and i’m kind of at a loss for words when connecting with each of you…AM you gave us a scare! i sense you like to tough it out yourself…maybe now it is time to morph into allowing others to help too? 🤔🙃…J…your vimeo videos are my “go to” when i think of peace & New Earth🌅…& J LOVe hearing your travel about stories! Perica…so love watching the mechanical engineer morph into a New You😺 (looks like your a cat now)! i could fill a whole blog on how i appreciate & cherish all of you…LOVE you all!!!! My dearest wish is to live in a community with you all…❤️💚💙

    *btw…the avatar is a collage i made to illustrate a male studio manager for a story plot i was working on…just needed something to put in the avatar place so used it here😉. Realized it made me look a bit butch…ha! (of course nothing wrong with that – just pointing out it is not a self portrait! haha! I”m very much a gal.
    Group Hug!

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