Moon Landing Hoax Photo Breakdown

This monumental lie just sticks in our craw, not to mention the “examples.” The following is a post Da-da did with Lynn at Psychic Focus back in 2015, but this drill-down vanished (TWICE!) and had to be totally and painfully recreated… which we finally got around to. Da-da was kind enough to let us use it here. You’re probably aware of some of this, but … Continue reading Moon Landing Hoax Photo Breakdown

Interview: Stanley Kubrick Confesses To Faking The Moon Landings [UPDATED]

What did he just say? The CAT rarely reposts, but in this case…  wow.  This interview took place two days before Kubrick’s death. He must’ve known he was in trouble. Stanley Kubrick Confesses To Faking The Moon Landings [SOURCE:]  A stunning new video has emerged 15 years after Stanley Kubrick’s death in which Kubrick admits that the NASA moon landings were faked.  Filmmaker T. … Continue reading Interview: Stanley Kubrick Confesses To Faking The Moon Landings [UPDATED]