The Rainbow Dragon is HERE [UPDATED]

The best way to bring up something totally true, yet so totally out-there, is just to say it point-blank: that rainbow-y thing we were talking about earlier is actually a GYNORMOUS and highly intelligent — and very nice — all-powerful, multidimensional Rainbow Dragon from… well, from beyond. She hatched a few days ago from an egg the size of a small city. Yeah, we didn’t believe it either until she started talking to us a few months ago from inside the egg. She is also a Terran, like us, with roots elsewhere.

We can tell you for certain that this is 100% real and has really happened.

This is the same type of Rainbow Dragon being who’s visited the earth in the ancient past, only this time around, she’s a she. Sensitive people can see her. Truly gifted people can TALK with her, though don’t expect much in the way of conversation, as she’s been very busy since she hatched. She has a mission which we’ll talk about later.

The last rainbow serpent/rainbow dragon to visit the earth was a creator spirit known by many names (Q’uq’umatz, Kukulcan, Quetzalcoatl, Borlun, Dhakkan, Kajura, etc.), who visited and taught many many cultures — but was, alas, eventually reduced to a “war serpent” by later low-vibrational (patriarchal) factions in their histories. Some cultures have rainbow dragon traditions that are obviously referring to a rainbow in the sky, but what we’re talking about here is obviously different. From Wikipedia: “The Rainbow Serpent is one of the oldest continuing religious beliefs in the world and continues to be a cultural influence today.”[6]

What the Rainbow Dragon (whose name we will not divulge) is doing here at this time should be pretty obvious, however, she’s sleeping right now. Like we said, she has a mission — several, actually — but her primary one is a secret for now. All higher-order beings are aware of her. She’s working with very powerful spirit allies who are equally inexplicable. After she’s done, we’ll let you know. It’s equally mind-blowing.

Her appearance was foretold by a crop circle a few years back:

Rainbow dragon/serpent cropcircle.

…and there have been what might be termed “energy sightings”:

                                                                                                                       [Above three images courtesy Joni Neimela.]

Before you get too hinky or high-horsey — ack, or biblical — about this, note that the Rainbow Dragon is a power for GOOD, and not its opposite. Try to be open-minded. And, if amenable, you might wish her well in your meditations, esp. considering what she’s doing for you. She doesn’t need our help, per se, but an understanding would be helpful to all.

And that’s it. Updates forthcoming as warranted. We were keeping this info under wraps until she was out, not that she was vulnerable by any means, we were just being protective of her. Note that the Rainbow Dragon has no affiliation with any society or religion or faction. She won’t sign a contract with Disney. She’s a very very large and very very intelligent, elemental creator-being here to save your bacon from something seriously nasty (seriously) while helping to usher in the earth’s Golden Age. No pressure.

Before you start calling for picture-proof of giant egg shells, note that this is happening at a higher vibration than we are, so it’s only possible for a few of us to see this. (Some factions were actively searching for her… not that they’re around anymore. Ever see a spaceship get thrown into space before?) Some really CAN see this, and a lot of other things that would startle the pants off you. More than a few of The CAT’s staff have seen and spoken with this being. Like we said, she’s very nice. It’s was like an ant talking to an enormous space Rainbow Dragon.

The CAT’s apologies for not presenting this in the truly awesome way it deserves. Dragons have a lot of pop-culture overhead, so it’s a bit tough to strike the right Gob-smacked tone with this information without you personally experiencing a REAL and deeply sagacious Rainbow Dragon the size of Cleveland first-hand yourself. Well, we tried. All we can say is: wow.

UPDATE: So THIS is what we’re becoming. With lots of help.

UPDATE2: Factually, the rainbow DRAGONS are here. A bunch of them. Like… millions of them, all over the place. They’re much smaller than The Rainbow Dragon (she’s gynormous), about 10-30 feet long. Here’a video of them IN MILWAUKEE! Wow.

[Note: Schrodinger’s Other Cat is for educational purposes only. All images are copyright their respective owners. Please see the notice at the bottom of this site for more information. We’re just here to help.]

Unless otherwise stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.

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31 thoughts on “The Rainbow Dragon is HERE [UPDATED]

  1. This is thrilling and magical. Thank you so much for the post and the gorgeous images.

  2. Our pleasure. Some of the staff were a bit apprehensive about making something so out-there public, but… we've all seen her!

  3. Does she have a favourite sort of stone or crystal, perchance? Enquiring minds wish to know…

  4. She does, a giant diamond from some other place, with a blue tint to it. Not much help, sorry.

  5. Really nice work… Is there information on how the egg was formed..?She… a queen..? someday to be more, or migrate to the next planet.Life-span forever a dragon… or evolve ever more..?

  6. Namaste Earth Families,I concur that there are highly evolved spiritual dragons. I've friends who are shamans and they've seen golden dragons creating families (eggs and all). Apparently, I've a golden dragon sent to me (to protect me) as mentioned (a reading done for me) by a shaman friend. She said that my Grandmother sent it to me although I can't hear or see it. I only know (and feel) that the rainbow energy has been with me since childhood and I've seen quite a number of 'double layered' rainbows in my lifetime. The rainbow dragon has always been a huge inspiration in all of my art pieces. Someday, I will post them at my website and also at my fb to share.In the meantime, you all are very blessed to be able to communicate with her. I've yet to be able to communicate with my guardians. Sending the brightest Rainbow Reiki blessings to All As One. – Agnes Khoo Schwenk

  7. Oh, for the record: none of us at The CAT are channelers. We have direct discourse with beings for information, usually prompted by dreams.

  8. I have incredible images, but I have no idea what type of dragon it was.. I captured it with a professional camera and lens. Let me know how I can contact you. I am just curious as to what it was. This happened in November 2015.

  9. A number of years back, I dreamed of a baby dragon in a tree, just outside the window (of my childhood home). It looked VERY similar to the illustration for this article, but smaller (eagle size). It was a beautiful, vibrant, light-filled green. We were face to face. I put my hand up close to the glass only to find the baby dragon could penetrate the glass as if it weren't there, which caused me to take a step back out of surprise. It was responding to my desire to touch. This little tiny dragon was SOOOO beautiful, peaceful… just amazing.

  10. I know this kinda thing is hard to believe, even for me (and I've seen all kinds of things, despite being trained as a scientist). I wouldn't have believed in dragons if I hadn't experienced these for myself. There's actually a near-infinite number of beings out there, all around us all the time, from all over. That's why grounding and shielding — and maintaining a positive outlook — are so important. And once you become open to it…

  11. In an other blog, the Psychic Focus Lynn, i put my experience in medtion with this being. I don't know if it is her directly, just the energy she exalts or something else… but in all cases, i thank you all, the CATs, for this wonderfull meeting ! Really, thank you very much!”At the end of my day's meditation, i take a moment to try to connect with her to welcome et thank her about what she is and will do for Earth and us. I don't know if i managed to connect directly with her consciousness or just catch or feel her energy… but …WoW as you say on the web site.This energy just push me up with a intense …solar ? Determined ? Wonderfull ? Kind ? feelings, emotions and sensations… impossible to really describe, so much pleasure to be irradiated by ! My first intention was just to welcome and thank, but i ask to stay in this flow for a bit longer … diffiult to leave a so great feeling. I let her to rest after my intruison. It was very difficult to sleep after that and stay a long time in this emotionally intense meeting. Thinking that a so powerfull, wonderfull, kind entity is there to help us for free, even with all the things we do as humans on this Earth… can't stop few tears to drop along my cheeks of gratitude about her.”

  12. That is awesome, truly. And indeed, that's what the Rainbow Dragon came back for, to help us usher in a new higher consciousness… as well as get rid of something nasty in the woodshed (still coming). She is quite literally the living spirit of The Golden Age.

  13. i was in the pool today, and noticed the refraction of the sun hitting the bottom of the pool was amazingly rainbow… more than I've ever seen… now i know why… thanks so much CATs!

  14. Is she having an effect on the skies Da da? On my way to work this morning (and many mornings before) the sky was has been BEAUTIFUL. Colours more intense than I've ever seen, todays made me cry with happiness as a beautiful rush of energy filled me 🙂 I shall thank her in my meditations this evening!

  15. I've seen her. I drew a picture of what she looks like (to me). She is very beautiful and a powerful Lightworker

  16. I've seen her. I drew a picture of what she looks like (to me). She is very beautiful and a powerful Lightworker

  17. I've been feeling this new Divine Feminine presence all around me lately, I didn't know that she was a Dragon, how delightful…and to tie in your latest article regarding meditate and don't drink, I have to say I get no kick from champagne, but I did get a kick out of your reference to “Cold Comfort Farm”.

  18. Kudos for picking up one of The CAT's obscure references. ZERO KUDOS to this CAT staffer for using the word “KUDOS.”

  19. Don't worry, I get zero kudos for ripping off Cole Porter. We're all in good company.

  20. Powerful energy from source is still doing its rounds. Being visited by (rainbow dragon) felt and spoke to not seen. Powerful being with love light Another huge egg diamond is being protected.

  21. Note that this post was primarily about the MAIN RBD, who is in charge of all the other RBDs and dragons. The others are smaller, hence younger. There are lots of them here, now, and they are very powerful. They operate to vanquish dark spirits — and are doing a fantastic job, we might add! Also note that we're talking about higher vibrational beings, native to the earth (they were born here), and not the “dragons” that ben fulford and others talk about, who are just humans pretending to be important. There really are dragons, but they don't breathe fire, and they aren't mean… unless you're a dark entity, then BAM!-CAT Editors

  22. Another huge egg… one of the M's mentioned this about two months ago. -CAT4

  23. According to my 3-year old, he's seen an orange dragon with magical eyes all over it's body perform an atonement ritual involving cutting and fire-breathing. I suspect we are entering a brief Dark Age where many will lose their spiritual connection due to advances in technology and the dragons are here to protect us and help bring us back once we reach the Golden Age. -RF

  24. In a word… no. What your three-year-old is seeing is an advanced being, here to help. Kids can easily see these beings; some are in the form of dragons. These aren't “bad” dragons. They are the original essence of GOOD and LIGHT that came here long ago, that's since been denigrated and degraded by the PTW. The rainbow (multihued) dragons are here to HELP, and have been since the RBD arrived. One day, you will see this… and be eternally grateful to them.The Dark Ages are over.Note: If your child sees something, take it at face-value and ASK THEM HOW THEY FELT WHEN THEY SAW IT. This will tell you its vibration. If there's no fear, it's good. Expect the best to happen — because it is, right now. Our spiritual connections are ringing off the hook. So… PICK UP THE PHONE!~M4

  25. Oh he poked the dragon in one of his eyes, so I would say he was very comfortable with it. A few nights later another dragon came and went and now my home is filled with baby dragons. He goes on and on about the one that lives/sleeps in his stomach while the rest are hiding/sleeping all over the house or in us. -RF

  26. I have to say… it sounds weird, but it's totally normal. SEVERAL of the CATs have dragons all over the place (their kids see them, too). They are tremendously protective. You are safer and more blessed than you could ever possibly imagine. Note: they are a (much) higher vibe than we are, so they can go inside people and check things out — or sleep there. Totally benign… and perhaps a bit disconcerting for the uninitiated!-CAT2

  27. I agree. My son says that the roof of our house would open up when the big one's were ready to fly away. They flew towards the moon and then would blow up/pop and disappear. He thought it was hilarious.-RF

  28. Wish I had the sight… my kids picked that gift up from their mother.

  29. This is so wonderful! Thank you Da-Da for turning me onto this post. I already follow this co-conspired blog but hadn't seen this entry. I found this wonderful woman/artist/author/Druid several years ago who spoke of the Dragons role in managing ley lines and such in times since past. I've had so little experience with our dear Dragon friends but I am encouraged by this post & Update. Including a link for those who may be interested in the aforementioned site: Guenn Neona: gratitude!!

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