THE EVENT: Your Official Notice [UPDATE2]

[That is, 16 days from the date of this video.]

As Gregg Prescott correctly points out: “…the video announcing these gamma rays was produced by BPEarthwatch, who took a fear-mongering view of the event. It should be noted that both BPEarthwatch and one of his sources listed on the video, Paul Begley, are religious zealots who are seeking “End Times” prophecy fulfillment.” The CAT Staff doesn’t see it this way, of course.

In fact, this looks to be your late Xmas present. Something big and intense and POSITIVE is coming on/around December 26th. For those who like LOVE, it will be beyond positive. (For those who don’t….) Right now, take some time and imagine your ideal future. It’s time. For most, this is not “the apocalypse,” save for those who brought t upon themselves. Updates as they occur. Luck is not a factor. Stay positive.

UPDATE 12-15-16

All is well.

Don’t try to steer. Just sit on the funicular as it goes UP, and enjoy the sights. You’ll be instructed where to go and what to do.

Source is in control this time, so… everything is perfect. (Even the Oversoul is tickled.) If you start feeling anxious, stop and take a breath to reset things. I see a shift in energy AFTER the holiday (this calm and zen feeling). Just get through the next 10 days.


UPDATE: 12-20-16

As per the comments below…

Large Wave of Energy from Unknown Source Hitting Earth Now


HEADS-UP from M1-4: “The above image is a precursor… the real thing won’t leave you questioning. It will be so obvious you won’t have any doubt when it happens.” 

UPDATE 12-26-16: Well, we got a good-sized WHOMP…

…but it sure wasn’t The Event. Maybe we were reading the smaller energy influx; of course, the day’s not over yet. The lead Meowracle said The Event energy, which defies time and space, is “one universe over” from us in the omniverse, apparently. How long does that take to get here is anybody’s guess.

UPDATE 1-3-18

What we know now is that this was just the beginning… or it was the middle. Anyway, this energy has been building around and through and beyond the earth for a while. It turns out to be a 12-step process, with Step 8 on the way as we write this. This will mean various things to various people. Either way, your life is changing for the better.

UPDATE 8-5-18

One of the M’s just gave more info on what to expect from The Event: “What is The Event?

93 thoughts on “THE EVENT: Your Official Notice [UPDATE2]

  1. Can we get some reads on this? Lynn and meowracles? Do I definitely want to stay away from Florida for Xmas for example…


  2. Lynn's already said it looked “huge, intense… and positive.” The meowracles said the same, hence this report. We were all kinda surprised how it just dropped in our laps so fast. We can't speak to specifics for specific people because it's going to be different for everyone, depending on where they're at spiritually. Traveler likened it to an earthquake, where one person gets crushed by a building while the person next to them is unscathed. There's just too much wiggle room for specifics, sorry. On the whole, it's going to be transformative in the extreme, but also positive… for those who are positive. As for the cabal… well, we'd rather not go there. -CAT Staff


  3. ok, please don't hate on me but…Suspicious0bservers just debunked this. I have no idea who he is personally; but I do watch his reports daily and he's usually spot on regarding earthquakes. He reports solar weather; cosmic weather and earth weather. That's all I know about him. I find his reports informative. In a recent video he mentioned this isn't going to happen. I guess we'll know on December 26th and 27th.


  4. It's possible. This magilla has been impossible to predict. But one debunk is only one debunk…-CAT5


  5. Well, we were wrong with our election prediction!Being right all the time is boring. ;)-CAT3


  6. It will be a surprise….to everyone who is not reading this website! 🙂 LOLSeriously, I have always thought the same thing – that it will be “like a thief in the night”. The reason this video caught my attention is the timing is close to the dates given by Kim Russo and Lynn (Christmas trees).I would like to think the fact that this is not picked up by Suspicious Observers might actually be a good thing. Maybe this is not a “normal” space weather event! (Magical Thinking again) The many warnings about the EM Pulses that could take down the electrical grid are also a concern right now. This video has been a good reminder that whatever it might be, I need to focus more on emergency preparation for power interruptions. Thank Y'All for the feedback. AT SOME POINT IN TIME – IT WILL BE TRUE!! :)


  7. Not totally wrong. You were picking up on things not generally known. According to many different sources, the real Hillary is dead and clones are being used. Her handlers DID have the election machines rigged, and most likely did have some set-up rigging arranged on Trump to be exposed later. Only an intervention prevented that from happening. Who knows, maybe they read your prediction and dealt with the tampered voting machines! :)LOL And we might still have a do-over election, with different details.


  8. Indeed, as The Event is a SOURCE-based event, it might not appear on normal astro-radars as anything but perhaps a glitch/anomaly. Then again, Lynn had already said it involved “Xmas trees” (which involves a certain window), AND both her and the meowracles saw 12/26 as go-time. This is why we rushed this out. The current urgency of the cabal and SSP and ETs also suggests 12/26 is it. Fingers crossed!


  9. Whoa. So much happening. 1. Antarctica is Atlantis (which some of us already knew!): has hit the MSM, too: But that's just misdirection, believe it or not. Here's Traveler's latest: THIS be The Event??


  10. It was confusing, because the 26th ALSO feels like something, but perhaps we won't be around for it?My bet is on Sara.~M3


  11. according to MAHALA GAYLE, Planet Alert Dec 2016…. ASCENSION TO THE UPPER LEVEL might BE, AT BEST,…. up to Jan 4 2017 when the sun is closest to earth. according to another guy,… by the end of March 2017, Earth and we'll all be 5th, if you are curious as to where you will be ascending……….. what you will be doing during and after your ascension…. you go. MOST OF THESE CHANGES DID NOT ADDRESS YOUR PERSONAL LEVEL, BUT YOUR IQ WILL GO SKY-HIGH DURING THIS EVENT, AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND ALL THESE CHANGES BETTER AFTER THIS EVENT.


  12. Part One: I have had two of the most powerful visions I have ever had regarding this upcoming moment. What adds credibility is th fact that directly afterwards I was also given a powwrful sign in the physical. This was spirit's way of removing all doubt for me.What I didn't like about the traveller initially is that it read as if only a very small percentage of souls had won the new reality lottery and the remainder were perhaps killed by a CATastrophe….?Then I read her post on the harvest.I can tell you now that I had a vision where one minute I was awake in my car on my lunch break, the next second I was in a beautiful field of wheat. The Orange sun was stunning as it cast through the fields. The wheat all around me grew at a very fast speed. In seconds it had grown a few feet in height. I felt joyous there.Then I found myself back in my car….!!!This is where it gets cool.I returned back to work and told my Christian colleague. He asked me if I had ever read the parable of the wheat and chaff, somewhat embarrassed I said no. So I immediately googled it and read it.I then came to sentence where it stated that the ANGELS would be the harvesters, well, as soon as I read that sentence something happened inside of me, I cannot explain it?I left work that afternoon feeling very strange. I recall driving down the long road from the company premises and towards a large roundabout at the far end. I remember there not being another car or person in sight. It was Autumn and the brown leaves were blowing across the road from left to right in front of me.Then I noticed something in the distance, it was glowing white. It looked like a torch light and it was about shoulder height.As I drove closer to it I could see it wasn't a light at all, it was a large pristine white feather that was shining in the sun light….!I slowed the car as my brain couldn't work out HOW this feather was suspended in the air with nothing “visible” holding it??? I looked around at all the leaves continuously blowing around it but still it remained there.When I had slowly approached the roundabout the feather then simply blew away, as if it had been “released”…My point is I now firmly believe that a HARVEST will take place, and of course by the Angels. The vision showed me how close we are by the fact the wheat was growing so quickly around me.This happened two years ago.


  13. Part Two: I had a very similar experience regarding the event. I had a “special” dream one night after seeing a couple of flashes in the night sky as I sat in my living room. I dreamt of being in the woods and hearing a voice inside of me telling me to be afraid. I refused to listen to it. It persisted as I walked through the leaves and I kept refusing to lend it strength.Eventually I came out into a clearing, there were about eight very large organic but some how futuristic pods that people were living in. As I let go more and more of the fear the small voice disappeared and my feet slowly lifted from the ground.I then began to speed up and gradually lifted above these pods in the trees beneath me. I then gave myself over to source completely and i was pulled upwards rapidly towards a blinding white light.It didn't end there!Immediately I awoke, I lay in my bed with my eyes closed and I was then shown a powerful vision. It consisted of seeing many people's faces, one after the another like a slide show. Every one of them had a look of pure ecstasy and bliss. Every one of them had a background of dark green trees which looked like evergreen (Christmas trees?….!)), and every one of them had hundreds of small dazzling white lights all around them. This continued until I simply couldn't take any more, not because it was uncomfortable or unpleasant but because there were so many and it wouldn't stop LOL.Then feeling very strange after all that I had the overwhelming urge to visit the woods that day after the dream and vision. So I did.As soon as I had walked not one minute into the woods I felt something watching me. I turned and there was the largest deer (not stag), lying down watching me, but it wasn't just the size that pinned me to the spot, she was also pristine WHITE! After about a minute of me gawking at her she slowly got up and walked away into the trees.This physical indicator I believe to be again lending powerful credibility to the dream vision and waking vision earlier that day.What I am leading you all to is that these experiences (amongst many others), for at least myself, leave me no doubt that we are soon to have some kind of divine moment. An upgrade or graduation if you will.You could argue that this is standard when we all shuffle away our mortal coil, but this is i feel unprecedented.Will many of us die?I am unsure if we will be released from our physical bodies? But what I can tell you from my experiences and from my intuition is that we do not need to be afraid. This is a moment where we touch God. I was also given a message last week, it was in the last post on this site. I was about being “fixed” by a guest team that are now here on the planet in preparation once we are “complete”. Make of this what you will but it is tantalising to speculalte it points to this event and the closeness of the hour.I am no one special, and yet we are ALL special, together. Why have I been shown so many things, probably because I moan so much about being here.. ;-)This I am sending out to anyone who reads it in the hope it can relieve any anxiety you may naturally have.Trust in source, trust in the Angels, they are very real. And let's hope this is the best Christmas ever, so we can be fixed and fix the mess that has been made on this long suffering planet and all those that live on her.See you on the other side… XBBMark


  14. Okay… i just come back from my nap, and an other thing happen… is my heart chakra just exploded ?! I was just awaken because my brother was out to work and my dog lurking around him, trying to escape outside (the noise and the little squealings. I decided to concentre a few seconds before to get up. I feel a fantastic energy emerging from the area of ma heart chakra, coming whithin and litterally pushing out! I couldn't stand and asked myself what happening? I couldn't speak, was to shock about this powerfull push from inside. Pressure was stronger and at the apex… A mixture between a small bubble and bone exploding, just where you will normally place the hearth chakra. I was in shock, thinking it is out for me (like an heart attack). Until i realized i could still breathe and all was okay… Since all is good… but if i have to do this for the others chakras… i will die how many time ? oO So much happen energetically the last 2 months for me… i expect anything to happen now ! lol


  15. Hey, easy with the 'CATastrophe' comments! We've never forecast doom and gloom! Just hope and whatever else might rhyme with hope!-CAT5


  16. FYI: for those still here (if applicable), there will be an announcement of some sort on Friday 12/16, but it will be downplayed. It will be a distraction from the real truth of what is out there, and people who are awakening will know it in their subconscious.~M4


  17. It is most definitely starting…… and ramping up with momentum.  Hold on!~M2


  18. This exact same thing happened to me, as well. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER, but it was just a chakra thing that eventually cleared. Very very weird feeling. Don't be alarmed if you feel odd pressures and pains and such in key chakra areas for a little while.~CAT2


  19. You are of course quite correct C5 and I am indebted to you and your feline ilk. And Da-da, sadly I think your aiming a little high on the vending machine, can we agree on an unreliable chest freezer? (Tee hee)


  20. I don't know if you want to know this….but after we transition from carbon to crystalline bodies, your 8 master cells inside your pineal gland will activate. these are codes or programs. one of these programs is the ADAM KADMON BLUEPRINT…… gives you the complete control of your crystalline body, control of your metabolism,your height, weight, your respirations,.. you can grow wings , as you wish.


  21. Humanity is worth saving, but 'the event' ain't happening … yetit's a be 'coming'…in layersyou will have to wait quite a while longer.the vial judgements first


  22. Caleb33, .RE: “Dazzling white lights around the trees.” THEY ARE EMITTING SOFT WHITE LIGHT. We are going to metamorphose from carbon-based bodies to crystalline. . THIS IS WHAT THE EVENT IS ALL ABOUT. The process already began some 26 years ago in the sub-molecular level, and now,…everything is ready. Some of you will now experience light emitting from your bodies, or that you will see your auras becoming crystalline or that you fade in and out of 3D. We'll move from 3d to High Astral…where the energy is as refined as the energy of HEAVEN/ as THE FABLED SHANGRILA. and 3D will be dissolved. IN THIS STATE OF BEINGNESS, WE HAVE BECOME CRYSTALLINE AND ALSO WILL HAVE BEEN EMITTING LIGHT. What you saw is real.You saw the new Earth. Been a frequent flyer to new earth since I was a kid, in my OOBE. Many will die, but that's a lie. DO NOT WORRY. those who die, and include the real bad guys out there that many think will burn in Hell..WILL ALL ASCEND. By the time the EVENT came along,…they will have returned to ONENESS IN OTHER PARALLEL WORLDS. 🙂


  23. At moment i feel more like the creature of Frankenstein…with my Higher Self as the Doctor ! Screaming “it works! it works! ” everytime i have one of those experience with high energy. It is so exhausting and unpleasant when those happen… and i don't know what i am supposed to be now ^^;


  24. Whomever said that is right: we have the best comments ever. (Be sure to see the new ones interwoven in the previous ones.)-CAT5


  25. Eh… 16/12 doesn't feel like it's gonna be it (at least for me). Hope i'm wrong though, i'm already done with this experience!


  26. RE: Adam Kadmon Blueprint in a Crystalline body — This will be a dream come true. And my first wish will be to sprout a tail and grow fur! LOL 🙂


  27. Au Contraire…. Vending machines are one of the few modern machines that have not been completely replaced. They were an Oasis in the Desert for me throughout my education and years of employment. It is the humans who have selected inferior items to place in them. They are capable of containing anything! 🙂


  28. Update 12-15-16: all is well. Don't try to steer. Just sit on the funicular as it goes UP, and enjoy the sights. You'll be instructed where to go and what to do.Source is in control this time, so… everything is perfect. (Even the Oversoul is tickled.) If you start feeling anxious, stop and take a breath to reset things. I see a shift in energy AFTER the holiday (this calm and zen feeling). Just get through the next 10 days.I'll also put this in the body of the post.~M1


  29. sorta explains why I'm a Juke Box, although a Vintage model. It's easier to communicate that way, besides being a mood elevator. And it's a way of showing appreciation for this website. It is intended to make y'all glad that you continually create it. If DaDa is a vending machine, and I'm a juke box, does this mean we've already been taken over by AI? LOL


  30. More 12/26 confirmation:”Burst of Transformational Gamma Rays to Arrive by Dec. 26th”


  31. i suggest, get some candles and matches that will last for 10 days, some drinking water, prepare sweaters and warm blankets.when darkness falls, close all doors, cover-up all windows, secure your pets and prepare to go back to sleep. when you wake up, everything will have a delightful feel…..and you might not even know who you have become.


  32. “When you can see and understand the current situation on Earth, the way forward is apparent and indicated by the collapse of the Illuminati’s control over the events taking place.Matters are changing even as they try to maintain some kind of control to no avail. There is a greater plan in place that regardless of the actions of those who instead try to impose their will cannot prevent a successful conclusion leading to Ascension.So do not be dismayed regardless of how you see events working out as all is well. The last gasps of those who face defeat can be heard, and many now flee to avoid having to answer for their actions against Humanity. They cannot avoid having to face the result of their actions, as there is no hiding place that will enable them to escape and justice will have its day. Do not be concerned with their future as they will reap what they have sown, and like all souls will nevertheless be assisted as soon as they turn to the Light…”[more]


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