Meterage, News & Tidbits for 10-18-18 [UPDATED]


Wow, seldom are the Northern Lights (these photographed in Svalbard on 10/14) so RED. Scientists have no idea why. What a shocker. Of course, we’re also unsure what causes scientists these days. Anyway…


Looks like the “bridge/roadway completion project” is either done, or taking longer than anyone expected. Hard to say, as our eyes and ears both have peanut butter in them — chunky-style. We’re only getting things in dreams right now… well, save for one of the M’s who’s still operational… but for the most part our heads are full of jellied concrete and our ears are ringing peanut butter off the hook. Or something like that.

Eventwise, we know that various psychics and sensitives and writers have stated that they don’t see a big “Event” happening… but we still do. We always have, unless we’re misunderstanding what we’re being shown. Or we’re just lame.

Meterwise, the meters are… kinda boring right now, with a few exceptions. Here’s what the Moscow SR meter currently looks like:

That red-tinged white squall to the right was ouchifying us a bit, today.
Lots of exhaustion and out-of-sort-ed-ness going on while timelines are being shucked and retooled… if you don’t mind mixed corn metaphors.
THIS is interesting. Note those horizontal bands at the higher frequencies. Look familiar?

In the meantime, here are some bits and pieces that don’t seem to fit anywhere.


  • Everyone keep asking, so here’s your answer: Right now, we feel the energy is indeed shifting in its “slow-motion Event-ness,” (our apologies, this blog must be difficult to translate!), but we still feel The Event will come in its dramatic form, as well, and will be so huge that we won’t be questioning if it’s happening. If you think about it, more and more people are getting used to the idea so it won’t be quite the same shock as it would’ve been without any preparation. We still have our own date we’ve been shown, but this date could mean something else, so we’re gonna keep it to ourselves as we hate getting all our hopes up.
  • Dreamwise, we’re seeing “matrix run-time glitches,” with people running past… then halting, frozen, vibrating in place a moment… then running by again… like the tape got updated while we were looking at it.
  • One of the CATs also dreamt about going along an elevated highway — made of wood? — at night, with everyone on self-propelled scooters (with lights on, as it was dark) through puddles here and there. Anyway, they went around a corner and the elevated highway abruptly ended in mid-air… with a huge gap between the rest of the multi-level highway, the entire structure having been totally removed all the way down to some old railroad tracks from one point to another. The CAT had to jump down and run down the tracks to the other side, and climb back up to the highway’s inner structure to continue their journey.
  • Our friends in Australia mentioned that it was very quiet at their various OZ locations, last night. We noticed the same thing here during our night-night time, as well; this has been happening more and more over the past year. In some cases we noticed that the sounds occurring around our dwellings (cars going by, planes in the sky, people taking, highways in the dustance, etc.) are at times also muffled. Those affected initially thought there was something wrong with their hearing!
  • Btw, we don’t like to look at or talk about politics much, but T is going to be replacing his AG soon, though we’re not sure who it will be. Things will pick up speed after the new “ontological interstate bypass” is done.
  • Oh, while we’re in the neighborhood… the Midterm U.S. Elections are going to be an utter disaster for some. It will set one party back generations, if not permanently. (Btw, politics will be a thing of the past once people start communicating telepathically.)
  • Also in the comments section, someone asked our opinion about someone, claiming to be from Venus, who predicted when The Event was going to take place. Folks… there is no one on Venus, on any level, or at least not that we can see. It’s totally barren, above and below.
  • That said, your own abilities should be coming on line right about now, so please review them on our Clair-X list above and try giving them a spin again in meditations. Your inner truth-meters should be working better and better right about now. Hopefully you aren’t as fried as we are.
  • UPDATE: Good news. The LHC stays on 3D!

Oh, we also discovered something today, a historical mystery we’d never heard of. We’ll tell you more about it if we find out it’s true. It’s… amazing. That’s all for now. Our paws and claws are currently vibrating, so…

Oh. THAT’s why they were vibrating.

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93 thoughts on “Meterage, News & Tidbits for 10-18-18 [UPDATED]

  1. I’ve talked about how quiet it is here in the country, but I’ve not talked about how PROFOUNDLY quiet it has become most times. It’s like the air is crystalline and will resonate if struck with a mallet. I suspect that I am remarkably blessed!

      1. I have a property for sale in the farm land if you are interested -one problem though, the ability to connect to your site is upsetting at times.

    1. Yup…sharp pains on and off on my left side, kind of like running stitches. The weird thing though is the burning pain I have where a small gall bladder surgery scar is. I also have phantom pains from broken toes a couple years ago. Are we actually purging residual physical trauma?

      1. Forgot about the heart palpitations because they are almost continual now. Physically kind of feel like a mess but mentally and spiritually feel like I’m in a New Earth and just waiting for my reality/illusion to reflect it.

      2. I hope we’re doing something constructive! I’m ready for a pina colada and a 500 waterfalls. Or is that one waterfall and 500 pina coladas?

        I’ll settle for a quiet cabin in a peaceful country, and a good cup of coffee.


        1. Less crabby now. Cat 6, I’m noted for my lattes here in the country. Come on up!

    2. Yes. For me it feels like lymph points. And it can be intense. I’m very aware of the body’s streams right now. But the distress seems to move around; it’s not always in the same places. It can be top-to-bottom sometimes; or all on one side; or just the lower extremities; or just front; or just back. So confounding. Someone below talks about phantom pains in feet; I’m having that, too, along with the gallbladder stuff she talks about. And, for the dudes, prostate blasts. That’s lots of fun. All of this in the last, oh, 4 weeks. I’m continually told by my crew to not panic, but rational people WOULD panic with all these weird symptoms. Guess I’m not rational.

    3. Yes, yes, yes! and a totally hot liver!
      Thank God you mention that!
      BTW, color not red, but PINK!
      Pink is the LIGHT RAY of the DIVINE LOVE.

  2. Ontological interstate bypass is what again? maybe the “event” has been postponed bc a majority of the people chose JUDGEMENT over LOVE…political season lends itself to lots of service to self. Seriously low vibration! And maybe the cool cats can find out if the event will occur before Christmas 2018 so I don’t have see my big “F”-word birthday!! It would be awesome to celebrate with galactic family

    1. Whatever timeline it is, I do not see much political/social justice taking place globally either. It’s a delay. Again. With a lot of covert operations.

    2. OIB refers to that chunk of omnidimensional space-time that was removed and is being reworked/replaced — or has been already replaced? Can’t tell if it’s done, or not. Wow, someone surely racked up some serious karma in trying to build cosmic time loops into the process.


      1. If only I had a galactic nickel for every time I’ve had to unscramble a cosmic time loop…

        We could go play slots at the omnidimensional casino for dayyyyzzzz.


      2. Are you saying I racked up the serious karma?!???? I swear, I have no idea how to build cosmic time loops! 😏😏😏. unless it has to do with lying about your age. Confession. But i look extremely young …I never age…I have amazing genes. Can’t face the “f” word number.
        what’s a cosmic time loop?

  3. Unusual music video from 2016 with imagery reminiscent of how you described the 4D/5D bridge. Lots of LSD references too, LOL. Probably that’s how the creators were able to access it.

    This band produced lot of other psychedelic videos too, but this one stands out for synchronicity with your postings.

    1. Wow, this is a really fun video.

      The first ~30 seconds, with the wiggly-ness/breathing-like movement of nature…

      That is a fairly good rendition of what nature *actually* looks like with eyes open, as I see often while meditating in/with it all.

      I am voorpret to begin seeing the floating rocks. Curious if I will float first, or they… or both consecutively.

      As Maharaji called it, LSD is “the yogi medicine”.
      1200mcg, though. jeezum. hash tag goals
      (wait what? uhhh… DROP IT!)


      1. Too edgy for me, too many special effects and not enough integration; and ingesting any kind of extract from unknown sources is a major gamble.

        I’ve had much better luck with stuff that grows on the ground; weed, shrooms, capi, hawaiian baby woodrose, datura etc.

        Right or wrong is not for others to judge, I wouldn’t even be here without these experiences.


  4. “Of course, we’re also unsure what causes scientists these days.”

    OMFG this is so funny!!!!

  5. I’ve felt exhausted before, many times. This however feels like a crucifixion.
    I’ll start singing I guess… always look on the bright side of life.
    Kidney pains, diarrhea, headaches, throat pain, eyes hurt, weird feverlike buttons on the side of my body and sleeping lots.
    I travelled to the other side of the world hoping to get some relief and be in a new energy after years. Perhaps I’m adjusting. I don’t know.
    I thought I would be able to teleport and be in a high vibe, a different reality,… anything.
    Not more and worse of the same ascension symptoms.
    I’m about to go KO.

    1. Well, ppl usually travel to any side of the world together with themselves, i.e., with their inner resolved and unresolved issues. Have you considered doing some detox? And maybe having a very intimate communication (not to be confused with resistance and rejection) with each of your physical and non physical discomfort?

  6. For those of us newer to this wondrous website, do you CATs and M’s have a glossary of acronyms? or would you be ever so generous to have such a page or such?

    there are probably many of us who have been doing so much inner- and interdimensional- and color/shape communication and travel that we don’t stay clued in on acronyms and terminology of some dimensions.

    MANY THANKS CATs AND M”s. Your site is a sanctuary of sanity for the shifting inner and outer landscapes of our rides through forms and formlessness.

    1. Hm. Our replies aren’t getting through. Here’s this one again:

      What terms were you curious about? We’ll start a list and set up a glossary. Note that everyone seems to have their own terms for things, but we can address that.

      And you are most welcome!

      -CAT Eds.

  7. it is all about this lazer beam of creation?
    our counsciousness and our allowing to let in let in let in

    do you really love such expansion in your life?
    do you allow it without doubts and fears?
    are you full of inner power?
    do you love yourself more than everything?
    allowing this incredible now
    without yesterday and tomorrow?
    why I’m asking this?
    cause I am a cat

    1. Well if it refers to salivary glands (you never know with the messages from that amazing site) then that would explain my reaction to the gong/soundbath yesterday. I could not understand why I kept salivating the whole time (too much information)! What a strange reaction.

      1. We tease because we are cats. That’s a cat’s job! We can’t say anything because the ears have walls. Or the halls have beagles. Something like that.

        “my socrates note.”


  8. Whoa. Big time ear-ringie-ness at 10:02 am PDT. Gonna check the meters. Also awoke at 4:45 am PDT with extreme techycardia. MAN, I won’t miss that.


    1. Oh, my, I have tachycardia quite often, and it frightens me … 🙁
      I keep thinking about what Lisa Harrison said (in episode 51) about the “home team” that had broken through, and how all of them had been horrified by what they felt and saw here … It is amazing how much stress and negativity we have to put up with, cleanse, and clash with again …

  9. Yeah, yeah, and yeah! All of the aforementioned PLUS I’m crabby as hell! (but I’m sure that with a smile on my face and joy in my heart I’ll make it)

    1. No one sits next to us, anymore. Too cranky and prone to outbursts of SCS (Sudden Claw Syndrome).

      Good to see our comments coming through again. WordPress is a little wonky at peaks.

      -CAT Eds.

  10. I am grateful that I handle all this waves now much better than last year. Last year or even in 2016. I lost 10 Kilos and live very healthy. So when the waves come, I feel the love coming to me and I trust completly. I rember 2016 was a wave that I had really feelings. I t was as dying.

    I am so ready but in a sense of appreciation for my world that surrounds me. I am living in a peaceful and beautifu place and it’s my belief that I had manifested my place…. my Paradise.

    Adventurous that I am ( I moved 40 times over continents) I am with you – cat’s – and will ascend to new horizonz, cause we all deserve it. All humanity is part of the Holly Spirit.

  11. Well.. this is odd. The more it sinks in that all of this is little more than an illusion, the more detached I feel from any sort of outcome. Everything I happen to enjoy here feels more like a fun bonus now – much like the food and refreshments they offer you on an airplane trip – rather than the end-all of everything, and it’s honestly quite liberating. The waters in my inner being’s lake are so still that it makes me wonder if there’s anything in them all. Can anyone here remember what “normal” feels like? Because I don’t.

    The only thing I still truly give a damn about is forming and keeping meaningful bonds with those I cherish, be it friends, lovers or family (but in balanced doses. Introvert problems!). Those still feel very much real, and rewarding!

    Being hit with some heart palpitations and stomach aches lately, but nothing else in particular. Oh, and a pretty itchy coccyx area (where my Root Chakra once was)… but that’s been going for months, no idea why!

  12. Symptoms of my ulcerative colitis are flaring really, really a lot. Will be happy to see them go….

    Love-Light to all x

    1. It could very well be that you’re getting more sensitive and it’s time to do something about it before it gets unbearable.

      My psoriasis did the same thing lately, but I’m slowly getting a grip by following my intuition. When it was really bad; I simply closed my eyes and asked for help, any kind of information, nudges, internal changes that needed to happen to make it better. Then comes the slightly tricky part, paying attention and listening without rationalizing too much.

      We all have the capability to heal these things Jesus style, but I’m not there yet. It helps me to have something to focus my intention on. This time it was eating massive amounts of rose hips and rubbing ground herbs (that I collected all summer without really knowing why) with oil into my skin.


  13. Maybe you are turning into a cat and growing a tail. Introverts don’t have problems, but the extroverts do. It turns out that the extroverts have the pleasure/excitement center in their brain under-stimulated, so they constantly feel the urge to compensate for it through intense socializing and enforced connection. And…. they make introverts believe that it’s the introverts who are defected.

  14. I absolutely love this blog!

    I concur on the “event”, humanity needs a clear demarcation between the old and the new!

    1. I love your statement, I really love it
      so when my ears are ringing I know for shure
      it is the galactic sound and it makes me happy

      it is coming
      we are in this all together
      and it’s a reason to feel the JOY

  15. Glad I’m not the only grumpy one, I was worried that it wasn’t a very enlightening way to be but the disturbed sleep does get to you, weird electric shots like restless legs but everywhere and a strange ankle pain. It does get better after tea and a hot shower, then I’m into work saying right team let’s go help some people.

      1. I’ve had the left ankle thing for about a month. Unexplained pains and weakness, actually has given out a couple of times and I’ve never had any problems or injuries to cause it.

      2. My left ankle is bothering me and I don’t know why. Wearing an ankle brace to help with the discomfort.

      3. Wow! Same here, both ankles, 3 years already!
        Feel like dark fetters to keep us down.
        Constricting rings/bands, TerranCognito mightily overcame.
        Denice, his companion, identified & dropped them at will.
        Very, very, very strange pains, all!

    1. Well, M6, if you take me up on my country latte offer, just perhaps you wouldn’t be snoozing off. Hmmm?

  16. This site is pretty damn cool. Y’all need to post waaay more often, like daily.

  17. Last two weeks new budda belly, and I am uncomfortable. The last 3 days vertigo. I want a decent sh8t a good sleep and a sweet dream. Lol

  18. Thanks, All’s cool @11:23. Just woke from knap and read these comments. Samo time last night. Peace/Harmony.

  19. Now this is weird (yeah, I know, what isn’t lately?) but the vibe in the sound, yeow!

    “Scientists monitoring the Ross Ice Shelf in West Antarctica captured the acoustic oddity. Using a series of ultra sensitive seismic sensors, ‘…they found strange spectral anomalies that escaped easy explanations, suggesting high frequency trapped seismic waves in the top couple of meters of snow’.”

  20. FYI, some people are talking to beings about the reptilians… honestly, who cares about the reptilians? No offense, but reptilians are so LOOK AT ME it’s embarrassing. Give it a rest and move on. Pay attention to SOURCE, hello? That’s what this little gynormicon cosmic EVENT is all about. Try connecting to SOURCE in your psychic klatches. You’ll be glad you did.


  21. FYI, if you are called to “move within stillness,” this is SOURCE, or someone steering you to SOURCE. SOURCE’s natural states are peace and an utter stillness. Once you experience it, you’ll know what we mean.

    -CAT Eds.

  22. That I can confirm. Source is not Love like many cats and friends here stated/repeated, it’s sth far beyond it, for which there is no word or notion in any language as it’s not a part of the”operational” human daily perception. The closest thing that can be said about the Source is that it is a state of supreme stillness, endless peace, immovable isness. Unfortunately the word love just like the word spirituality has been terribly contaminated and most things related to these words/notions are …perverted. The romantic and parent to child/child to parent love is a tiny less than 1 % of what the nature of Love per se really is. People automatically make pre-programmed assumptions that the love of Source they may experience beyond this 3-d mess means they will be finally tenderly cared for, appreciated at all times, and fully accepted with unfailing attitude of kindness instead of being habitually rejected. That’s not what the Source love or love per se is all about. Those are the missing attitudes or healthy connection here on earth and a projection of those onto the being (Source in this case) that supposedly has those qualities in abundance to share. One then assumes that Source is kindness, affection for every life form, compassion for just about everything and affectionate acceptance. That’s not what the Source is all about. What it IS about is you will face the truth of you and this creation, the ultimate truth of everyone and everything else, ITS nature doesn’t get affected by your belief or disbelief in it and it certainly does not consist of a pinky gooey emotional world with positive feelings, emotions, and sweet lollipops. It’s knowing the nature of all your feelings and emotions, the illusory and deceiving nature and irrelevance of them and recognition of the indescribable nature of Being that you are a part of until that illusion drops too and you know that you are the Source. Nothing remotely resembling the romance painted nonsense and neediness to be lovingly cared for and bathed with only positive attitudes and sweet emotions that ppl associate with love and being loved as suggested by films/cartoons/books/stories and the rest of msm programming. I am leaving this blog. The info in the cats posts is good some times, and other times it’s just a teaser. The cats statements and opinions (at least the ones presented here) are often inflexible, I gravitate to sth more expansive. The ppls comments are non-informative most of the time (I am baffled why some commenters post the comments that are simply empty, many comments repeat for the hundredth time what others have said (on popular topics) and which the commenter does not have a direct, hands on experience with, to actually say anything about).
    Some cat eds mentioned in their recent comments that our local, planetary and collective worries and troubles are all an illusion (implying they are to be dismissed, all focus should be on Source) and the painful illusion only exist in our minds, i.e., it’s not to be taken seriously. Ok… Then why would you so seriously care about the very probable “illusory interference” of TPW following some of the info you decided not to present here (for the time) as it may cause the “illusory nefarious behaviour” of the bad guys seriously intervening with certain positive things that ETs and EDs/Source are implementing to correct the “illusory planet wide disharmony” we are experiencing? It turns out the illusion matters after all, it does exist whatever you call it (I call it the ongoing collective reality) and while you deny its power and presence when other ppl bring it up, you yourselves are far from neglecting it and do take this illusion into account (which is appropriate and understood). How about being ….consistent? Some cats posts do contain valuable info, but it’s being more and more diluted and more comments and posts are littered with love, light, peace, and the rest of the long became nonsensical cliches. Seriously, each of you commenters and post writers, define love. Define peace. Define source. Define illusion. Because I guarantee you, everyone here and in the world has their own and usually extremely vague understanding/definition of these words and notions. Bye, keep improving and exploring.

    1. Mmm… no. SOURCE is LOVE. Literal Living Love. We all agree on that. It’s the lifeblood of the Omniverse. Its stillness is just a byproduct, to let you know that SOURCE is near. There are all kinds of “love,” felt in a number of ways, but SOURCE love is… pinkish. It feels hugely warm on your face and it somehow induces this pinky-orange-rose-quartz… impression… yes, a gynormous ROSE… at the same time. I’d never really thought about what I was experiencing. When you experience this you’ll understand. It happens for me now whenever I want.

      Ignore the “bad” guys, and thoughts to that effect. In actuality, there is no “bad” at all, as this is illusion. The illusion does not matter, though it’s ideal for education. We don’t care about te PTW, but we are tired of having to “experience” all this crap over and over and over again. People have not changed one bit in 3000 years. It’s frustating, I know.


      1. Okay. I don’t think any one word describes connecting to Source. When I do it, I feel peace, love, bliss, contentment, relaxation, knowing,… all simultaneously. And that was not enough words to describe it. Physically, you can see it on me. I change. I look relaxed, glowing, smiling,… and my breathing changes to these deep, clear breaths and my hand stays on my heart. Once there, it can take hours for me to “come down”, back to Earth. The only word I use is “connected”, because it is something you really can’t describe, only experience in the connection.

  23. very strange happening…. I was sure it is friday but we have allready saturday! Also my watch again was half an hour late.

    I allready had an impression how it is to change the timeline. It was after spending hours on the airport, waiting for familly coming from USA with two dogs and one cat. On the highway I was sitting on the side of my husband driving…. I had short memories of an paralell world, very simmilliar to my known, but a tiny bit different…. and only after being there I did know…. like awakening of a dream.
    This happend several times during one hour.

    This was 2016, the other time it was on the post office….
    allways being aware of the paralell reallity after it. Very strange but exciting!

  24. From Aluna Ash:

    The Veil is Gone!
    Synchronicties are about to get so crazy… someone will say exactly what you’re thinking… you’ll be tuning into other people’s energy so quickly. More extreme then ever before. People will be tuning into the collective unconscious more easily. How this affects you is based off of where you’re at on your individual path but the Ascension process & expansion in Consciousness will speed up rapidly!! Oct 30 & 31st is a new system reset connected to the 4th density collective brain. Everything will be adjusting… electronics, our bodies, the earth, our government systems, etc…

    1. Thanks for sharing, love Aluna Ash. Her channel, this blog and Earth Plan blog spot are my go to sites 🙏❤️🙏

  25. yes indeed
    source is pure love
    I experienced it many years ago in Bodh Gaya in the meditation room of the Mahabodhi Temple. Meditating about Bodhichitta and feeling an energy wave like of thiusend volts coming into my heart and a golden light into my crown chacra. During two hours absolute bliss and ecstacy.

    This was spontaneous, after meditating several days, one or two hours. I even at that time was not a Buddhism practioner, what I later became, during some years.

    Love is the highest force in the universe and it is our heart that have to open like a rose opens in the morning for the sun.

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