
It is time for this to be posted. This is a working document, not a unilateral pronouncement. We are all equal in its creation. If you have any (positive) suggestions, let us know in the comments. We’re trying to keep it simple.

To Whom It May Concern:

On this day…



Notice to All Beings



~ Rules for Dealing With Humans ~

1. Humans are equal, sovereign beings OF SOURCE, spiritually equal to all beings, and to themselves.

2. Humans will be treated as co-creators.

3. Humans have the right to say no.

4. Humans own all parts of themselves, as well as their complete past, and their future.

5. Humanity’s planet is Earth: Original Earth and New Earth. All *positive* vibrational beings are welcome here. Negatives and neutrals must go elsewhere, where they can be better served.

6. Humans officially prohibit humans, or the Earth, from being used as an experimental or exploitative platform of any kind, for any reason. Those who wish to experiment or exploit must go elsewhere, where they can be better served.

7. The Earth will be enjoyed ONLY by those who have her greatest good in mind. All others must go elsewhere, where they can be better served.

8. Humans will only work with positive beings who have our collective and individual greatest good in mind. Negative and neutral beings must go elsewhere, where they can be better served.

9. Humans will be allowed to grow, evolve, and prosper.

10. Humans officially ask for inclusion as a Sovereign Group in the Galactic and Universal Hierarchies, with all rights and covenants therein.

Declaration made on this day, Friday, August 23, 2019 at 11:11 am.

Declaration issued to the galaxy on Monday, August 26, 2019 at 5:55 pm.



Well… this is working. Between this and what the SuperFriends did, negatives and neutrals are nowhere to be found on earth. People are reporting all kinds of missed meetings with beings who they thought had their greatest good in mind, but clearly didn’t. If you run into any negs/neuts in your meditations, just G+P+C and then read the the Human Declaration to them and tell us what happens. Lots of ETs in our vicinity are in denial about losing their Earth Free Pass, including various factions of “sphere beings.” Boo hoo.

Note: We tweaked the name a bit “DECLARATION…,” along with the first clause, which now reads, “spiritually equal.” We are not equals in terms of vibration.


We were toying with the idea of creating a second energy cordon from the earth to the edges of the solar system FOR NEUTRALS… but figured this might cause a war. In the interests of peace, we will leave the NEUTRAL cordon where it is (surrounding the earth), and will modify the expansion of said cordon depending on how well various groups get along with other groups — including humans.

That said, note that there is an energy cordon around the entire solar system against any kind of NEGATIVE beings. If any NEUTRALS go negative (and they know what this means), they will find themselves immediately detained and under the jurisdiction of the Space Police (yes, there really is a Space Police, heretofore “SP”), judged and sentenced accordingly. After serving said sentence, they will be eligible for reinstatement. However, second infractions will result in PERMANENT IMPRISONMENT, or worse. The SP reserve the right to change the level of punishment for first-time infractions of a serious nature. (The SP get their orders/instructions/advisements from Spirit and SOURCE.)

Please don’t ask us (yet) how the SP rules work. They’re very confusing. It would take a year to understand their rules of engagement; we’re trying to get our heads around their “rules of war,” now. (NOTE: Humans will better understand this system once one of us gets to that level and agrees to join the SP.)


While you might think this is a puny internet announcement, the above notice has been officially posted by our higher-order SuperFriends on ALL the “billboards” across the galaxy. (These are like higher-vibrational message boards; there is a main one for the galaxy, believe it or not, and of course lots of subsidiary ones all over.) We could have it posted all over the universe, but there’s an energy charge, so we’ll leave that for a (much) later date. Hey, we’re just learning how this works, too.



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206 thoughts on “PSA: DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS FOR THE UNIVERSE: Rules for Dealing With Humans [UPDATE3]

  1. Happy to be home where I can ‘like’ you all and not be unintentionally Anonymous.
    Thank you, Lily and J for your comments and all others here that make my life so much richer and others well wishes that I missed = my back is making me grumpy, short tempered and my brain not function – ‘course that all could be something else – like whatever ‘other’ feeling I’ve had most of the day…
    love to all

    1. Dito here.
      Just woke up with Through the Barricades in my head. That song ends with a victorious marching drum.

  2. Besides Earth, Does our announcement need to mention other planets where humans might be being abused? Mars perhaps?

  3. Question for the Cats, in prior posts you had mentioned that when connecting to Source (or was it when asking for help), we needed to add the word “ACTUAL” when asking for our highest good to avoid opening up or giving permission to something that could be masquerading as our highest good. Is it still the recommendation to add the word “ACTUAL?” Or is it safe to assume that because of the recent banishment and this new agreement that any highest good we are claiming will be actual by default and not something else masquerading?

    1. Yes. We added the word “actual” to defeat all those who were masquerading as SOURCE, or angels, or positive ETs. There were a ton. We’ll do this until we reach the New Earth level. No matter how diligent we are there are still those sneaky bastards out thee who try to worm their way back — unless they’ve been totally wiped out (like those black-eyed ‘teen’ things).

      -CAT Eds.

    1. I’de like to visit there. Been on my list for a few years. Peace.

      1. Christopher, yes, me too! Would be amazing wouldn’t it?! Much Love to You and Minky ❤️🐱

  4. Why do people sometimes make returning to source sound like you will cease to exist?
    This is not the first time source has expanded and contracted, and it won’t be the last. This is a never ending cycle.

    1. Well… you as a distinct personality WILL cease to exist once you fully return to SOURCE. You will become ONE with SOURCE, and leave the (illusion of) your personality behind. But this is more complicated than that, as you are ALREADY ONE with SOURCE, right now. This is all just an Illusion. You are asleep, inside SOURCE, as you read this, and SOURCE is just trying to (sloooowwwly) wake you up. Once you’re awake much of this will melt and you’ll say, “What was THAT all about?”

      BUT… we all have a choice. You don’t have to fully return to SOURCE right away if you don’t want to. You can retain your (faux) individuality as long as you want… but you will eventually not want it anymore when you experience — for only a second — what being back with SOURCE really feels like. Individuality SUCKS compared to being ONE with SOURCE, I can tell you from first-hand experience. Some beings are able to take a sort of “vacation” inside SOURCE, then return to their various lives.

      SOURCE does not expand or contract. SOURCE is infinite.


      1. I agree. It’s also hard to explain.

        Whenever people talk about going back to source and losing your individuality, I’ve always had a feeling that we’ve done that already and we “go out” every time source thinks of something fun to do.
        I also feel what we call individuality isn’t actually true. It’s more like a point than memories/experiences

        It is hard to explain with language. Maby I’m just one of a relative few who have a vague feeling of a previous time (for lack of a better way of saying it).

  5. I don’t know if anyone else has had this but ever since you guys affirmed our sovereignty people have started making comments about my appearance, like they had just noticed me, almost like I had a veil over me and people are only now just noticing, things like oh your hair is blue (it’s been blue for quite a while now) like they can see a change but don’t really know what it is.

    1. Hm. We were actually trying to first exert our EQUALITY with all the various (positive) off-earth civilizations, which would in turn set us up as having supreme power OVER OURSELVES, and not us or anyone else OVER anyone else. The word “sovereign” is overused and misunderstood. Perhaps we still need to wordsmith that part. It’s really the spirit of the document that is most important. Our galactic ‘Braveheart’ moment… but without being armed or angry or naked or blue.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I had a good ponder about what it meant to me, I think you are right in that the word sovereign means different things to different people. My take on it is that we have just as much right to exist, to commune with source and not to be interfered with as any other group of beings. I think I may still have some things to let go of over what happened to my best friend that may colour my views.

  6. Just a thought. This cold snap doth does speaketh off, during thy Shift, it couldn’t have been mistaken for falling ash over the Amazon?

    Woke up hearing Bob Marley: One Love, One heart, let’s give thanks to the Lord and we’ll be alright…yea man!


  7. Gaia Portal ❤️

    Blue spirals of the Higher Fractal design comes to the fore.

    Specializers of the Light are employed and viewed with delight.

    hu-manity leaves its shanty village.

    Heavenly Mansions are entered.

  8. FYI, we’re seeing this a bit in the news now, the thing about Greenland. Turns out there really ARE tunnels in Greenland AND active missile silos. This is all true. The PTW are sneaky. Could be why Mr. T is shedding light there.

    -CAT Eds.

  9. Well, here’s the latest from Lisa: I’m still wrapped cocoon-like in the wool blanket, but 2 other people that she read for are dealing with the same “wool blanket” of protective energy. Will try next week to see if she can see. Jeez, you’d think that we’d get at least a clue, but, Nooo! Can any of youse All figure it out?

    1. Yeah, we “viewed” ourselves for this week before exhaustion shut us down.

      Some of us are undergoing a “seven day transformation,” starting last saturday, and ending on the new moon/supermoon of the 30th. Each day offers a new kind of spiritual/psychic/somatic transformation that is cumulative, and builds one day upon another till the culmination of 8/30 at 3:00 am PDT. We are already seeing NEW levels of “SEEING” that are very comprehensive; other CATs are so ridiculously manic (and eating popcorn (?) like crazy) that we want to hit them with a rock. We have no idea how many people are affected by this seven-day thing. It is utterly draining. All CATs seem to be affected.

      -CAT Eds.

          1. I’ve been completely exhausted the last week and falling asleep whenever I sit down, take a bath or hit the bed. Xxxx, jane

      1. Get rest/eat live food! We send Loving Energy to All cats. Peace.

      2. I find that I am enjoying a remarkable sense of peace and calm today. (How very unlike me) On another note Re: Update 3, I knew without a doubt that this Declaration was more profound than it appeared at first glance. I could feel it at my very core. Hence the comment I made on the 23rd. Words still cannot express the importance of the “simple little declaration” Again I say Job Well Done All!

        1. Thanks, J. We’ve already had our first neutral ET scoff report (via a regular reader), but we’ll go into detail tomorrow. Suffice to say that: A. They didn’t like it and B. They’re not able to come to the earth anymore. It’s the little things.

          -CAT Eds.

  10. Thank you so much for this post and pronouncement CATS! The only way I can describe the feeling I got after reading it was that it made my heart sing!
    Much Peace 💓

  11. Forgive me for this my good friends, but two questions have I.

    1. Why wasn’t this declaration created sooner?

    2. What makes this declaration any different from the dozens I have read over the years from other sources?

    (I think I know the answers already…)


    P.S Yes, major whomps and knackeredness.

    1. 1. Hm. That’s a good question. We don’t know. This all happened organically.
      2. This one was Guided into place. We don’t know if it’s better or stronger, but we can feel that it’s GOOD.

      (Btw, sometimes some beings pose as other beings to act as catalysts. We suspect that’s happened here, but we can’t be sure.)

      -CAT Eds.

  12. Having another mini heat wave here in the UK, not used to this weather, no air conditioning so sitting by the tiny fan in the living room shared by ‘Elsie’, myself and three guinea pigs who are all flat out! Willow puss is asleep in the hottest part of the house silly puss! Blinds all down.

    Still have painful eczema on hands and a red rash which started the other night on my neck, has now spread to face, so itchy. Exhausted but can’t sleep, bad nausea last night.

    Have an appointment in a couple of weeks to have a coil fitted after having enough if bring demobilised by long, painful, heavy periods since ‘Elsie’ was born. If anyone knows of any reason not to have one please do let me know. Not sure I like the idea of having something synthetic inside my body but also need to look after Elsie…

    Had very strange dreams last couple of nights, first night my brother was telling me that I was not caring for Elsie properly and last night mum and dad took Elsie off me along with two small dogs I didn’t know I had! Funny because in ‘waking’ life they all say I’m doing a difficult job very well, hmmm!

    Also having random ‘train’ dreams!

    Thanks for the updates CATs, amazing news! Thank you to Everyone here, love you all lots!

    Big Love ❤️

      1. To be honest most of them are very blurry. The first I had recently(that I remember) involved my mother who had bought tickets to board the train. We couldn’t find the right one, they were all going to destinations near where we wanted to go but not quite there…I was looking at lots of different destinations, all London underground stations but they were not the right one, I wanted to go home!

        The most recent, all I remember is standing on some old brown railway tracks. It was an underground line with other tracks running parallel, curving away from the one I was on. I seem to remember thinking that I knew I was taking a risk by standing on the tracks but it was something I needed to do and there was no other way of getting where I needed to be! Sorry, that’s all I can remember. I know there was a lot more to the dreams but my memory is getting worse at retaining the details! ❤️

          1. Have been having these dreams for years but never get where I want to! I did actually make it aboard the train once though! 😉❤️

            1. We have, too. We’ve gone so far as to get ON the train and sit in the first-class compartment… waiting for the train to move… then finally gave up and went outside, to the back of the train and PUSHED. You’d be amazed what 20+ people can do. A bunch of us once picked up a VW bug — that was parked illegally in a handicapped spot behind the school — up onto the (concrete) roof of the building as a joke (in our musician days). When the guy came back outside and found his car on the roof, one of us said, “You know you can’t park that there.” (We helped him get it down; had to show off how strong 20 ants are.)

              -CAT Eds.

            2. So how far did you manage to push the train?

              Heheheh, love it! We are on a housing list waiting to be moved near to my parents for more support. I often say how good it would be to just shift our little home over there! Maybe it’s possible, where there’s a will and all that…!


    1. Hey, Im in uk too, I found weledas ‘skin food’ the best for eczema, its not cheap but a little goes a long way (tried so much stuff over years and years)
      Also I had coil for years and was fine with it, but in my humble opinion I would say DONT have the hormone one, the synthetic hormones Can really mess you up. But Im guessing if you have heavy periods they will say the hormone one is best. I have met a couple of people that said reducing sugar and carbs really helped balance hormones and heavy bleeding. Anyways maybe worth looking into to see what resonates for you 🧡🧡🧡

      1. redhorseyogi thank you ❤️ I’ll look for the ‘skin food, have tried everything else! Thanks also for advice about the coil. I am seriously considering not having one, after all, you can’t just nip to the bathroom and take it out of it starts causing problems! Yes, I read somewhere about sugar and carbs affecting periods and a whole host of other things! Am trying to fast half the day and have ditched the coffee and lots of other ‘treats’

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    2. @lily144, My daughter had an iud removed finally this past year – had lots of troubles – like one semi good week out of every month (with it)- also has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), so extra problems… some things are much better after removal, but they (drs) didn’t inform her of issues following placement AND removal, so if you’re considering, get as much info as possible. She has un-diagnosed Autism and anxiety disorders – schools wouldn’t let her get testing or help because she was ‘coping’ and did ‘well-enough’ in school – I tried over and over to get her testing – she always did everything from right to left for one thing and took hours to do first grade homework. (I think schools may be better about testing now?? ) There’s lots of meds she can’t take – the one anxiety med she can has a huge warning not to take in first trimester, but now just on physical and med contraceptive, never really knows if she is first trimester anytime – and for other reasons now has high possibility for miscarriage which is what happened early this year – also questionably useful insurance so med help hard to get…
      Just get as informed as you can and listen to your body and best guidance? love you muchly…
      Oh, my non helpful advice on psoriasis, my ex-landlord friend has had lifelong issues with – mostly on his legs – the only time it’s gone away totally was when he followed a strict Ayurvedic diet for his type – mostly kitchari and herbs for three months – came back when he added previous foods… 🙁

      much love

      1. Thank you Kg ❤️ So sorry to hear of all your caughters challenges and your own, sending Love and Light to you both and your beautiful grandaughter ❤️

        I think I have slight autistic tendencies, it does make sense of many things throughout life and difficulties growing up! ‘Elsie’ is home schooled but I think many girls get overlooked as they can hide it quite well?!

        Thank you also for your insights into the coil. I have always been ultra sensitive to medications, alcohol and even coffee! I think to have something put in that I can’t take out immediately if it starts being problematic is not good! i think diet is hufely important, stress etc… etc…i haven’t treated myself all that well over the years, numbing with food and wine too! I’ve healed before through diet, yoga and meditation though so can do it again, just need to be more tough with myself when it comes to what goes in the body lol!

        Sending tons of Hugs and BIG ❤️😀❤️

  13. hi Cats – i got questions, what is name of the galaxy which You send declaration and how far is it? What for is the declaration if there is law of one? And what about with harm that is made? And 11. Every entity that have done something bad must repays his debt with loss of benefits before so called event (hierarchy choose for us justice line) or newer again could be in out solar system.

    1. 1. The Milky Way.
      2. There is no ‘law of one.’ There is only SOURCE, and ONE, and our Memory of SOURCE.
      3. What harm?
      4. 11?
      5. We are not the judge of anyone. All need to establish their own relationships with SOURCE and move from there.

      -CAT Eds.

  14. Read and signed on at 4:44. Including this to open All future meditations, and sent out to those in my current situation who seek to lower my vibration through their fear based actions. I actually felt the release of that which I had been holding on to. Thanks to the M who mentioned that sometimes you gotta kick some ass, set your boundaries and allow the team to help out. This is a very powerful Declaration, as are the mantras. One Love All! ❤️

  15. Strange. I feel at peace even through all of this, like I knew it was all going to happen. I’m glad I was able to make it far enough to see this.

    This is a pivotal moment for our people.

      1. It was a necessary free-will choice… at just the right time… with just the right pre-action… felt very much like it had to happen this way/was always meant to happen this way.


  16. I just woke up from a 9 hour sleep—Exhausted! I just checked the Schumann resonance: WHITEOUT! Any explanation available, Cats? As always I am the Love, I am the Light, I AM. So appreciative of all the info, perspective, meterage and wisdom that you share. <3 <3

    Also want to mention that Terran Cognito has a new post out regarding the Amazon fires.

  17. Thank you so much for all of your work crafting Earth Human’s Declaration of Independence and Noninterference! Blessings also to the Super Friends who blasted everyone out and posted our notice. All Cats and Ms and all us honorary Cats are ready to spark this shift. Let Freedom Ring! ❤️🌎⚡️

  18. Long time no post. I participate at te most part of every meditation, even if i am a little of the mark in the hours (France here). Lots of feelings happened and endless tireness, making my work quite a challenge (physically).
    Yesterday, early in the night (i didn’t check the time), i was awaken by a clear toddler’s giggle in my left ear (i am single, slepping alone), followed by an intense energy? vibration? very big felling things? up to my head. With my eyes closed, it was like having a gynormus good, bright entity pouring lots of stuff in my skull. My pineal gland was at full speed, under this pressure. Asking Brother J and Archange Michael to enjoy it, was not too much to support this, while breathing through the Source. My third “baby” eye was all wacky of strange forms.
    Thanks all of you participing to this unbeliveable story of the Human bringing him(it?)self to his own sovreign being. Love and light!

  19. Whoooaaah! It’s so quiet here today that it’s almost deafening! It’s like a Giant pillow is over everything. Must have nap. Will report back later if circumstances merit.

  20. Thank you so much for this CATs, it’s a truly amazing and transformative thing we have set in motion. Much gratitude. 🙏❤

  21. Thank goodness! And let everyone know we are here with Source and expressions of Source. No more BS please. One last time being nice about this. We’re not messing around any more.

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