Meterage for 5-12 to 5-17-20 [UPDATE7]



Time for some interesting meterage [cue sound of barfing].


At least three of the CATs (M’s, actually) had severe headaches and nausea yesterday as this across-the-board energy jump began:

Note the various frequencies, and the across-the-board energy increase around 1:11 pm PDT. Some of the M’s started having headaches at that exact time…
…then a proton burst around 3 pm PDT, and one of the M’s lost their lunch. Bleah.

There was also more timeline separation earlier in the day:


Note that Kiruna looks like this today, which is notable:


Here’s a longer view of what we just went through; note the odd jump through May 11:

Our SOURCE-Suit post was published at the far right edge of the jump-black. Huh.


Also note that several CATs last night dreamt of groups of Victorian-looking people (all dressed in black) messing around on a cliff face (trying to disturb animals at various levels on the cliff) while a crowd watched. Some of them lost their balance because of what they were doing and began falling, in groups, to the bottom, though they weren’t seriously injured. Some lost their footing and grabbed others, who fell. Pretty easy to figure that one out. Needless to say, that part of the Justice timeline is beginning. You can stay and watch, or move on… unless it’s been determined that we have to stay for a period of time. As usual, we have no idea as to timing, but… buckle up.

We would like to wish M3 a happy birthday, though! CAKE!



This is important. When you notice systems around you getting glitchy, when computers freeze, or when you see meters look like this…

Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 10.57.23 PM

…be sure to G+P+C and do a quick meditation to concentrate on what you want and where you want to go, what you want to do. It looks like pre-SHIFT sorting is happening. Do your best to be and stay positive. But also, it’s important to realize that SOURCE knows what’s going to be best for you, and what’s going to make you the happiest.


Hm. The last two GRBs look fairly similar:



There were more GRBs (3) and a CME — and a hundred timeline jumps — in the past 24 hours, but they don’t look all that interesting. This Wave X energy hitting the planet does, however:

Screen Shot 2020-05-13 at 2.38.22 PMScreen Shot 2020-05-13 at 2.38.35 PMScreen Shot 2020-05-13 at 2.38.45 PMScreen Shot 2020-05-13 at 2.38.55 PMScreen Shot 2020-05-13 at 2.39.06 PM

Been going on for the past 12+ hours… not that any of us are feeling it.


Very interesting. Everyone keep their eyes peeled. 4d and 5d ETs are all over the place, observing, trying to blend in. (There are higher ones here almost constantly 24/7/365, spirits too, but the average person can’t see them.) If you notice someone, pay attention to how you feel about them. If you do see one, and your feelings are positive about it, try giving them a knowing, “hello.” Try to strike up a conversation, like a good neighbor. But stay put; don’t take any invitations, not just yet. Be cool about it, like it happens all the time. Ohh, we’re getting chills… so close…


Something is changing. Lots of us can feel it, but we can’t put our collective finger on it.


And here’s a recent ONE communication to Sophia Love (video) re: The SHIFT. We’re very very close.


We’ve had two recent non-earth-facing CMEs (the first one is kinda boring) and a weird GRB:



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290 thoughts on “Meterage for 5-12 to 5-17-20 [UPDATE7]

      1. Thanks for the update re: the SR graphs, was going to post to ask about it being “down” and thought to reload, and sure enough Update 2 was there!

  1. Happy belated earth birthday M3 ❤
    *Be thankful that there is a place where truth and beauty await you*

    In Gratitude ❤

  2. Happy Cosmic conception day M3 and many more . For all the Pashats here much gratitude and aloha.

    Lauraksmi re T W. Many cycles within cycles nested harmonics within the heart of Source, Source Gaia and Source us multidimensionally here and now in the spacious present.
    T minus 4. End of 1008 linear years of dark rule. New 1008 years of light dawning. 5 /5 5/75/5/9 critical passage through the stargates. From all that I experienced we made it. Guidance was Wild Beauty True Grit Steady nerves. Dream skies filled with white gold wings gently wrapping my sleeping self with feathery wings. Wings are all the dimensions now opened to wanderers here, tuned by the harpest of the aetherial winds like the finest of musical instruments that we truly are. Light loading Anon as we density drop the ballast and lift the earth and all of her trapped and beautiful souls in 3 and 4 D to freedom in our vast fields of love.

    Birthday celebrations to all as the world of beauty begins to externalize on and before 5/17 through the wind chimes so subtle that shimmer through our irridescent wings of Source DNA
    unfurled,untrammeled spiraling ever higher through the rainbow suns.

  3. So here it is Wed. morning in the PNW. We’re having a lovely, gentle spring rain falling on this incredible green verdance coupled with the incredibly vibrant and fragrant blooms. Sending it all to you ALL. I sat out in the cart with my morning latte about 7 feet from the bird feeders surrounded by 30 or 40 various species of birds. What happy joyous cheeps and peeps! I watched with delight as a flicker decided it wanted in on the action and was clinging to one of the feeders upside down. I thought they only ate bugs, but I guess black oil sunflower seeds are on the menu. I had some dear neighbors in last night for key lime pie. I sent one home with them as well. They get 5 more next week as well as a couple going to another friend so I guess I’ll have to make do with a scant 17 saved for when you ALL drop by. As an afterthought, I’m working on the body suit as well as ACIM. I’m on lesson 8 today. I find it interesting that I’d already figured out some of the lessons, but it is wonderful to have further clarification. We carry onward and upward. Cheers and a big Woohoo!!! (throwing in a Har and 3 nyuck,nyuck,nyucks for good measure)

  4. At the risk of sounding like an absolute ‘sky bore’ again…

    Wow, wow, WOW! The clouds are soooooo beautifully purple! The Sun is HUGE ad the sky is just gorgeous! Surely this is a good sign Cats?

    Much Love ALL ❤️🌈☀️🌈❤️

    1. You’re not alone 🙂

      The sky has been exceptionally beautiful lately; my neighbors probably assume I lost it completely, standing outside the house where I live and staring at the sky on a daily basis.

      I’m pretty sure this is just the beginning…


      1. Sifoo ❤️ Yes, I have been staring out of the window, sometimes with binoculars to get a closer look at something in the sky, I hope my neighbours don’t think I’m spying on them! According to Blossom and White Cloud we are currently in Phase One, so, I am wondering how many Phases there are and what is coming next…There were many ships in the sky last night, I wonder what they are all doing!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      2. This is what I do all the time now too! :)….and I do not care if someone thinks I am crazy!
        Worst case scenario they just start looking at the sky as well! ;))))


        1. June ❤️ 🤗☺️ I think everyone will soon be staring at the sky after reading these updates and Sophia’s video!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Cristina ❤️ You are so kind although you should see us (well me actually as Elsie always looks lovely) after a bad night! 😜😳🙃

        Much Love & Light ❤️🙏❤️

        P.S Love you photo too, so pretty ☺️

        1. Lily that happens to all of us, even after a good night 😉

  5. I know this is generally considered *a bad idea*.

    But my address is already out there and living in fear means the asshats already won. And I’m being told that reaching out is the right thing to do here and now, for unknown reasons.

    My ex used to say I was imagining things when I told her about this community, that there are others out there with similar experiences, people who to some degree understand what I’m going through. She always worked really hard to make me feel like a failure, like there was something wrong with me and putting up with it was more or less charity from her side. Then she threw me out on the street and guess who stepped in to save the day when no one else would? That’s right, my imaginary online friends.

    So consider this a reminder/invitation: if there’s anything you want to discuss/say/ask in private, you can always reach me here:

    andreas.gone.wild at


    1. Sifoo. We are a good hearted bunch here, you included. You take care and keep your energies high. We are nearly there – wherever that is.☺️🤗💕

    2. Thank you Sifoo!
      Yes! We are all friends! 🙂
      I am sure we all meet one day… 😉


    3. I look forward to meeting face2face with All here. It Will be an Honor, shooon. Peace.

      1. Hi Christopher. When everyone has the “shoon” meet up I want to meet all the pet companions too please. Lots of cats, dogs, guinea pigs and other varieties. 🐈🐕🦄🐼🐨🐿️🦔🐟🐒🐀🐇🦕

        1. It Will be an Event of “All”, what a dream. Like a Garden Party(Ricky Nelson). Peace

  6. I must have been lost! M-THREE, Have a Very Joyous Birth Rememberance Week. With Much Love/Gratitude to You & All. I (almost) never get an upset stomach! Yesterday I had to drink a gallon+ of spring water w/much grounding to clear up the “root” of things. Slept like a Kitty! PEACE.

  7. Yikes! I’ve been feeling it big time tonight. Just really weird feeling like I did on Sunday. Another article said there was a huge portal opening on the 9th and 10th and I felt that majorly along with extreme tiredness on Monday and Tuesday. Felt decent earlier today but after 6:00 it hit me. Been gpc and drinking water but just want to sleep again. Swirling in head. I think there was also a magnetosphere collapse on Sunday and I usually get to feeling something whenever that happens.

    Did have a dream the other day of giving birth to a baby girl. I’ve had several dreams like that over the last few years. Birthing the new?

  8. Well, another hearty Har today. It’s now Thursday and I feel so lousy that it is truly funny. After my first latte, maybe I’ll be a little more functional. Cheers!

      1. Who knows. I know that it is affecting my solar plexus big time. This change to light body in the physical is hard on an old fart. I did, however, rally enough to go to my favorite nursery this morning. Treasures were acquired for the courtyard pots. It was disheartening to be among the crowds. At least 95 percent were wearing masks. Then after our trip to the nursery the plan was to stop at the co-op to pick up some items. (that is until we got there and noticed the lineup of sheeple standing the oh so careful 6 feet apart while the guard at the door admitted the requisite number allowed for health and safety in. Soooo sad! I’ll tell you what, the farm never looks so welcoming. I think I’ll have a smidgen of key lime pie and take a nap! C’mon SHIFT!!!!

    1. J,
      I was lousy Wednesday with a bit of nausea. Generally could not identify why/how I felt bad. A bit of everything : aches, pains, nausea, fatigue and irritability. Got my Source suit completed just in time and plan to leave it on for the remander of this incarnation. Cay

    2. @J- I’m a few years younger than you, but have broken my spine, pelvis, scapula, and other various parts and can relate to what your saying. Nothing can break your Spirit and sense of humor. Cheers to you brother!

      1. hi, @ scott!
        find that amazing –
        did you think of regenerating your spine, pelvis, scapula
        with the SOURCE-suit?

        1. @oro – Yes, I’ve been working at it for a while, talking to my DNA, directing attention and energies, visualizing it all restored. I’ve been having some success with it, being vigilant to stay in the now, and remembering it whole and forgetting it was ever broken is the key. The Source -suit has been a great addition to the process! Thank You for asking, hope you have a joy filled day. Infinite Love/Light

  9. How to deal with people stepping on your rights?
    I found that lately people who has at least some sort of power over you or they think that they do, always trying to use it…

    Should I keep using Mantras on them?
    Any other suggestions?

    I am getting so tired of living on 3D Earth I wish I could say – “STOP the planet I am getting OFF!”…Arrived at 5D New Earth! 🙂

    Are We There Yet?!…

    Sorry…This is my rant for today…
    I hope you are All well!


    1. June ❤️ Forgiveness with firm boundaries! Easier said than done I know!

      Much Love to you ❤️🙏❤️

  10. Happy belated birthday M3! Appreciate everything all of you do here.

    The Dog Lady

  11. Pineal and Pituitary really making themselves felt today. Sheesh. Good thing it’s my day off. Hard to process a coherent thought. Yesterday it was wonky eye sight, and spine issues. And heart. Just not slowing down is it. Morphing morphing. Into what.

    1. Hi Angela, I don’t know if it’s the energies, or the Source Suit addition, but I’ve been feeling a bit giddy, or wonky myself. Feeling detached, uninvested in the physical, and also hard at times to stay coherent. Perhaps we are morphing into our next phase of expression? Hang in there, Love & Light

    2. Angela & Scott ❤️ Yes, really discombobulated today, have had moments where I feel I am literally phasing in and out, the room will go all patchy with light blobs and sort of hazy! I keep thinking ‘Okay, is this it? Is this it? 😊

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Hi Lilly, I finally signed into WordPress and can see your reply. I wish I’d seen it that day I could’ve use the camaraderie. Some days feel like it’s lately it’s so very close. When I’m doing my job, I keep thinking this is so unnecessary and useless and I hardly have the heart for it anymore. And I really like my job.

        1. Angela ❤️ Sending Love and Light and a whole lot of strength!☀️🦁☀️

          We are soooooo close, hang on in there!

          Hugs upon hugs! ❤️🤗❤️🤗❤️

          1. Thank you Lily! We are very close….to something large. So many things are converging.

  12. Besides the mantra, the best thing you can do for everyone is to get out of the way; leave them to suffer their miserable lives until they get a clue. If that’s not an option, ignoring them might work but it’s sometimes very difficult depending on the kind of relation. Their evolution is not your responsibility, your well-being is.

    If there was a way to stop this madness I’m pretty sure I would have found it by now. But from a more positive perspective, we are learning something important from this; it’s all happening for good reasons.


    1. Hi Sifoo,
      Ran into something like that today. With my brother, who is a very intelligent kind person. And he doesn’t see anything wrong with anything happening. I was a bit upset when we hung up. Then I took a walk, and thought about it.

      If I feel bad because we don’t see it the same way, then I’m doing something wrong. And I realized that we’re all doing it our own way. Some views will sync, others not so much. That doesn’t mean I love him any less. Or I will get somewhere and he won’t. We’re all heading “there”, but the scenery will be, in most cases, vastly different. Except where we find common ground. And congregate. Like here.
      I love my brother, and who knows what’s accurate in all of this maya. For all I know, it changes drastically from one person’s universe to another’s.
      Not sure I solved any great thing, but I felt better about it.

      1. I had to break contact with several people I love because it just wasn’t working. They’re all great except for the fact that they can’t stop hurting and stepping on others to feel better about themselves.

        And by allowing them to do that I’m not helping anyone.

        As much as I would wish things were different, this is where we are. They will figure things out eventually, and probably cause a lot of suffering along the way, but it’s not my responsibility.

        Having different perspectives is fine, hurting and stepping on other people is not. Unfortunately, thinking there’s nothing wrong with this world most probably means still enjoying the ego game.


  13. Long time no posting. But i just start the ACIM via toutube video and the RE-sourcing of all the systems of the body and mind…. Just now, the back of my head is just tingling, feezzing, etc, like crazy , at my cerebellum, or at the part of the brain for the vision (looking at your picture). crazy!
    Arf, while i am tapping this, my front head join the party…need to meditate….

    Thank all, Cats, Ms, Readers, Universals, our brothers/sisters for all it happens now!

  14. Oh my giddy crumpets! I am sooooo hungry all the time, what is going on?!

    I’ve just polished off my third pack of Chilli and Lemon Lentil Crisps!

    Anyone else got serious munchies?!

    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Hello Lily 👋🏻
      I thought I was the only one with the serious munchies. What’s worse is that I am craving tons of junk food (the latest craving is sour cream and onion flavored Pringles) 😓. And here I am trying to eat healthy(er).
      Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

      1. Sharon ❤️ Oooooh, Pringles are dangerous! One Pop…☺️

        Maybe we need energy to get through to the other side whatever that will be!

        much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    2. Started making my own guacamole and gazpacho out of nowhere, ever since I got home I’ve been eating mostly the same boring stuff but now something is definitely happening. And nachos, though I’m stocking up on crisps tomorrow. Chili, garlic and salt; all good stuff.


      1. I’ve had more appetite than usual lately too. I thought possibly its because of all the incoming energies, and body upgrades, but I don’t have much appetite usually, so I’ll take it. I’m guilty on the junk food also, had me a banana split

        1. How is a banana split junk food? It’s got ice cream — which represents the Ice Cream Group — and bananas, which are a fruit rich in potassium and Yellow #9. Then you’ve got whipped cream — which represents the always important Whipped Cream Group. And nuts, which are a Legume. Then there’s the Chocolate Sauce Group, the Strawberry Preserves Group…

          -CAT Eds.

          1. @CATS I’m eating insane amounts of Reeses Pieces. I sit at work and munch on them all day. Then don’t eat dinner. I’m usually an m&m girl! I gave up coffee, soda, monster drinks, bread, fast food, and now I’m downing Reeses Pieces😁

          2. @CAT Eds. Very good point, Thank You! I AM exonerated of guilt. It was delicious and I very much enjoyed it.

        2. Scott ❤️ I must agree with the CAT logic, banana splits with copious amounts of chocolate SOURCE and whipped cream are necessary for health and ascension!

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      2. Sifoo ❤️ Mmmm, now that sounds just yummy, can you send some over please via local portal system?! 😊

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        1. I would; good food deserves to be shared and I think I might have overdosed on crisps, can hardly feel my lips 🙂


          1. Yes! I can imagine a very tasty NE picnic! Hope you’re lips feel better! Who needs Botox when you have crisps!


            P.S I never had Botox!

    3. Lily, I don’t so much but my husband does all the time. We can finish a good meal and an hour later he goes looking for food and will eat all night long. And he is thin mind you. I on the other hand am still stuffed and not very hungry at all and the least little thing makes me gain weight. So not fair!

      1. Brenda, ❤️ Ooooh I used to be like that when I was much younger, could eat anything, but not anymore! Hopefully on NE we can imagine and eat anything we wish without any problem at all! Am currently craving chocolate profiteroles!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    4. Yes, many meals/snacks of all types. Minky & Tinky just have to check every move I make, to see if they like it. Yet I don’t seem to be gaining weight. Peace.

      1. Christopher ❤️ That is so sweet, you have two kitty taste testers! 😊🐱🙃

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

        1. They love the whip cream/ice cream, I give them a small spoon. For I know the sugar is not great for them. Their normal snack(favorite) is shrimp w/touch of sea salt in the water, clean plate! Peace.

    5. @lily144. I’m suddenly munching on Reese’s Pieces! I never ate them before! I was more of an m&m girl. But in the past 2 weeks, I can eat half a bag of Reese’s Pieces in 2hours and Skip dinner! Nutty! 😉

      1. Do You run in circles? (Energizer Bunny) Peace.

      2. duganknows ❤️ Well, I always thought it would be fabulous as a child to have sweets for dinner! 😀😉

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    6. Lily. Well I have just eaten two crumpets, but they weren’t very giddy lol. Yes we have been feeling more hungry in our house too. 😊🍩🍪🍧🧀🥞

      1. Newlynn ❤️ Heheheheh! Crumpets are very yummy though, just not so much the gluten free kind! ☺️ Did you put lots of butter on top? Yum! ❤️🤗❤️

        1. Hi Lily. Is there any other way of eating crumpets. I’m sure there’s a law stating lashings of butter must be applied. 😊😺💖

          1. Newlynn, one of the yummiest thing in my life ever are/were Thomas English muffins (not like crumpets exactly, different texture I believe, but nooks and crannies were part of their ad slogan) great toasted with tons of butter – many people also make little pizzas with them. My brother while in the army was stationed in Tacoma, Washington(State) in the 70’s and we had to stockpile this companies English muffins(others are NOT the same) freeze them and ship to him and his wife – At that time I believe they were only available east of the Mississippi.
            Series cravings starting, lol…


  15. Thank you CATs!

    Update 4: There seem to be more ET’s in the sky too?!

    Update 5: Yep, something is seriously going on, tingles upon tingles and keep realising that I am holding my breath, anxiety maybe for something I am picking up without understanding! Need to do some deep breathing and grounding.

    Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Hi Lily, I’ve been feeling those tingles as well, I’ve really felt the energies the past few days. I was happy to see this recent post & the updates, I’ve been waking in the middle of the night the past few nights. I watched Sophia’s video, I woke at 3:30 last night myself, & was doing dreamwork, just couldn’t recall it. It was odd hearing her mention the blinding light, I heard that song toward the end of our last group meditation. You and Elsie are beautiful angels! It sure feels very near,
      Infinite Love!

      1. @ Lily144-Blinded by the light, the Manfred Mann version, forget to mention it. Scott

        1. Scott ❤️ Yes! I’ve had that song in my head a few times the last few weeks!


      2. Scott ❤️ Thank you 🙏 It really does feel near doesn’t it! The sky is deep purple tonight and I keep seeing small flashes of light. Also have had a few moments where it feels as if the ground is tilting/swaying somehow!

        So odd to think that out of linear time, this Shift has already occurred!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  16. Exciting Updates! Especially 4 and 5! 🙂
    Will look for them… 😉

    Thank you for letting us know!


  17. I have been told something big is happening today (5/14). It will be good. It may not be seen but it will be felt.

      1. Thanks CATs ❤️ That is good news! ☀️Certainly feels right, the days are getting more and more surreal, cannot even put how I’m feeling into words anymore!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  18. Okay, the story continues: I just got up from my nap and went into the kitchen to make my afternoon latte and what should I spy but a freshly-baked strawberry-rhubarb pie sitting on the counter from our own rhubarb. The dear neighbors whom I gave the key lime a couple of days ago returned the favor. I guess one could say it’s (brace yourselves) pie-back time. Har!

  19. The last three nights I’m seeing, from the corner of my eye, a “shadow” on the wall by the door, as if someone is standing in the doorway… when I turn to look … it disappears.
    My guess was this might be a spirit… since reading update 4 I’m encouraged even more that this may be true… now I’m curious to see if it happens again tonight.

    In Gratitude ❤

    1. I get that a lot too. Makes me want to charge admission lol. Then my dog starts that low growl.

    2. This happens to me and others in our house multiple times a day. Getting chills just thinking about it. Never nefarious, just like a little check in / drop by.

    3. This is happening increasingly often here as well

  20. I have been doing my best by doing what you suggest – staying positive. I have had really wonderful experiences with the recent meditation. But… I had a slip into negativity. Yesterday morning, I read the news and went grocery store shopping all while sweating uncomfortably behind my mask. After I came home had a meltdown – total fight or flight, done with this situation. It didn’t last long. But the question is this – is my momentary lapse of positivity going to have a negative effect on my “sorting”?

    1. Ha! Looks like you just sat down next to all the CATs! Those on duty just laughed and said, “Ditto.”

      Be sure to watch this latest from Sophia Love. It’s good.

      And no, your reaction was totally normal. What will be most telling will be your reaction to seeing a gynormous energy wave heading right for your nose. We’re guessing you’ll welcome it. 😉

      -CAT Eds.

      1. What package of bad “intents” do you think she’s referring to? A solar flare? … Or any number of the horrid agendas being thrown out there right now?

        Why does this have to be so scary? So. Weary.

        1. We took that language to mirror what will be directed at us by the MSM et al. Whatever it is, it’ll suddenly pop up, the MSM media will spin it, yell “TAKE SHELTER” and the CATs and friends will all go outside and join hands and say yay. You think people think your nuts for not wearing a mask?? Wait’ll they see you going outside — in clear violation of a public order to shelter from the Big Cosmic Bad Coming From Beyond! Pfft. We’ll be looked at like we have lobsters crawling from our ears!

          -CAT Eds.

          1. I know exactly what I will be doing.
            I’ll be outside meditating. Envisioning a world of peace, love, happiness and prosperity. A world devoid of fear and manipulation.

          2. That’s pretty cool actually, instant polarization. At that point the only people still outside will be the sane ones. I have nothing to lose, I’ve had lobsters crawling from my ears as far back as I can remember.

            Bring it on!


          3. At this stage in my life, I think the best course of action is to do the exact opposite of anything the MSM or PTW tell me to do. Party hats and noisemakers would be awesome in the street as well! 🎉

      2. Thank you @CATs and @M2 for letting me know that what I experienced is typical for these times and situation. I wish I had reacted differently but I was swept away. It happened so quickly and easily. Avoiding the news seems to be the #1 thing I can do for my overall health. Also, next time I go into public, I plan to do the mantra and “SOURCE Suit Up” before I even leave the house – like putting on scuba gear before an underwater dive.

        And yes I’ll welcome a positive change!

      1. I don’t care much to be out in the stores or public much either. I ran to the grocery store yesterday, and it felt like I woke up in a twilight zone episode. The aisles are all marked one way, nearly 80-90% of the people are wearing masks and many also have surgical gloves on. It’s disheartening to see the fear, and I suppose a lot of them watch the mainstream news, and have no idea. One can also feel the collective energy in some places is really heavy. I’ve been yelled at by people for not wearing a mask, or told I wasn’t 6 feet away, it’s unfortunate. I send them love, mantra them, and wear a smile.

        1. Oh no, I think you have it mixed up! The mask wearing isn’t out of fear of catching a virus. It’s a courtesy to protect others around you from your germs. It’s just a small gesture of kindness, a means of being a good fellow citizen in these uncertain times. Much love

          1. Right. But people in Japan, for example, wear masks when THEY THEMSELVES are sick. Healthy people don’t tend to spread contagion, so they don’t wear masks. Also, wearing masks all the time increases the amount of CO2 in the blood stream and can cause all manner of problems.

            -CAT Eds.

            1. Attending a funeral in Wed one of the older male mourners was wearing a mask then pulled it down for a sneeze, cough, spluttering blowing his nose then carefully replaced his mask. No hand sanitizer was used afterwards. I looked at everyone else attending who wasn’t wearing a mask and no one batted an eye. Do people not get the correct use of masks?
              All sorts if crazy mindless behaviour.
              Booked next week off as it’s my birthday intend to sit in the garden and read Disappearance if the Universe and ACIM, I’ve dipped in and out both books the last fortnight and look forward to enjoying them fully with lots of naps if required!

      2. I generally never liked being in public, so not much has changed. I mostly work from home anyway. And we were considered an essential service, so I was lucky to be able to keep working through it all. I was telling my daughter, we really need to examine our lives when this is all over. It’s a pandemic, and our lives barely changed. Something might need examining there.
        Not much overt fear here where I am. I simply dislike how some people (not all) won’t meet your eyes now, and look away as they scoot past at a safe distance. Like if we don’t acknowledge each other, no one can catch anything.
        I’m finding myself being more chipper to diffuse it. It’s so surreal. (me being chipper) It’s a mix here of mask and no mask, with no confrontations about it that I’ve seen anyway. I’m not shopping at stores that are requiring masks. Costco, etc. It’s the strangest thing, if I wasn’t seeing reports of how bad it is in other places, I would have no idea based on where we are. Again, very surreal. The whole thing. Like a dreamscape.

        1. @belle369 – Happy Early Birthday to You! InJoy your retreat & have some cake for me!

      3. No kidding! People on fakebook are turning aggressive and nasty, too! I have to be on there right now because of the wretched home study thing, I need to stay in contact with the school folk. Boy, there is some bad juju circulating out there! I had the hardest time with this yesterday after reading the post of a local christian minister who bragged openly for the world to see about treating a “confederate flag-hatter” in the most condescending, manipulative and cruel way with clear contempt and disrespect for his fellow human being because he was not wearing a mask! I could not believe what I read! And his whole ‘flock’ congratulated him on freakbook! This seriously threw me off for the whole day! I sang in his church this last Christmas and liked the guy! And now this? Clearly a case of ‘They know not what they do’…So yes, definitely feeling the ‘I am so done with all this’!!!! I did the mantra on him and surrounded his church in a rainbow light bubble. Working on my Source suit made me feel better. Now that is some neat tingling! Amazing to feel the organs and tissues inside as they are ‘sourced-up’! Like a living internal anatomy class! Incredible! Thank you so much for that and all the latest updates! Hubby and I are definitely feeling IT coming. We are already planning for our new children to join us! Hugs and love for all!!!!

      4. You don’t even need to leave the house to feel the fear, it’s in the air. Needing to put so much focus on grounding and meditation, protection, Source Suit and just keeping afloat at the moment otherwise it just permeates everything. TV is off, nursery rhymes for Elsie during the day and meditative mind for me in the evening 🙂 If you even dip one curious toe into that fear quicksand I imagine it could swallow you up before you could blink!

        Light, light, light around us all, around Gaia and every single soul. ❤️🙏🌈🌟🌈🙏❤️

        1. You’ve got It, for I tried to ask a store worker a question(with a smile). She waved her arms, took off! That’s when I realized others believe. I’m sorry, but I had to laugh. Peace.

  21. hello guys, something took me to these songs. just sharing

    Big Mountain – Baby I Love Your Way(1994)

    Jimmy Cliff – I Can See Clearly Now

  22. I watched the latest Sophia Love video “The Event. The Singularity. A message from One” and now I wonder, what this “Singularity” really is, as she/he said, that no one will escape it, around the 5 minute mark. When I look at the definition of Mr. Kurzweil, I can only say “No, thank you”…
    …maybe one of the Cats can shed some light on this?

    1. A singularity is SINGULAR. It has no other comparison. It is its own thing. Like no other. Forget what anyone says about anything. The CATs (on duty at the moment) and our Guides personally vouch for the fact that those are the words of ONE (aka, The Oversoul, ALL of US, Spirit). It shows. When ONE talks, we listen. In fact, we listened to that four times (so far). We even wrote some of it down, so we can ask Guides about it. In this case, ONE was speaking of The Event as a “Zero Field Moment” of Creative-Choice Expression/Manifestation. Language starts to break down in describing singularities because of their very nature, but this is pretty straightforward: What do you want? What brings you joy? What will you manifest when you exist in an untimed, non-space-time, nonlinear moment of ultimate clarity? That’s what you concentrate on. If your joy involves screwing people over and ingesting pureed children, that’s one avenue chosen. If your joy involves getting closer to SOURCE and Spirit and learning from higher-order ETs while you collect native plants to dry for herbal tea and cajole chickens into being mildly cooperative… that’s another avenue. 😉

      Bottom line: You either trust SOURCE or you don’t. SOURCE is the Ultimate Singularity.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Choice made. I think I will just go and brew some herbal tea, chamomile anyone?


    2. @myrealitychecks – In mindful meditation practice, remaining in a state of presence, following awareness to it’s Source, there can come a point of stillness. It’s like a zero point, it can collapse on itself, almost like a compression breakthrough, that then expands outward to infinity. There no longer is an observer awareness, just a state of Being. That’s how I think of it, if it helps. Much Love and Light!

  23. Yesterday, did the complete Source Suit meditation. Was inspired afterwards to do the light house / earth axis meditation (with the Source Suit on), showering the Earth with Source Light & Love. Somehow it felt much easier doing the meditation with the Source Suit on!

    Then fell asleep. Woke up 16 hours later. Felt happy and at peace. Thank you Cats & Ms for sharing the suit meditation. 👍👌

    1. We have an ulterior motive: You are MUCH more capable Group Meditators now! Like, several orders of magnitude more capable.

      Once most of us are not so walking dead (we’re doing the SOURCE-Suit thing, too!), we’ll have another Group Meditation and you’ll see what we mean.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. I knew it, was thinking to ask if You are preparing us for something with this suite routine, well, this is the answer for that never asked question 👍✨

      2. I did the SOURCE suit meditation before sleep and my dreams were most telling.

        After the blanket of bliss I fell asleep. What I initially recall is what appeared to be the collection of many past friends into a room who all made me feel a specific way within their company. That feeling was undiluted “Joy”. (Interesting as it ties in with Sophia’s recommended state of being, of which I saw AFTER my dreams.) The thing is, I didn’t recognise these friends, only their energy, which leads me to suspect they were ‘aspects’ of me, a sorting…

        Then I dreamt of many people all working together, helping each other to clean and fix various rooms for various functions. I even recall walking around with a screwdriver lol. Then my dream turned military again (yawn) but this time it was very different. I stood by an opening to another large room and welcomed many wounded soldiers through with disabilities. Then when the room was full the door was closed on me. I was curious so after a few minutes I sneaked in but everyone heard the noisy door. My old army instructor (who was very intimidating) actually smiled that I chose to enter. All around me sat these wounded soldiers with essentially treats in front of them, many! Then I walked towards an adjoining corridor where other people I kind of knew were using pastels, pencils, clay, every method of being creative. I spoke with them and studied their work excitedly.

        After waking, I noticed the themes. All about rooms, and fixing and cleaning, and healing and being creative. The SOURCYFYING meditation is all about our various systems and integrating SOURCE within them. That’s what my dreams were saying. I am being returned to my original blueprint.

        On a similar vein (pun intended), my SHIFT visions totally tie in with SOPHIA’S latest about the Singularity. The choice is that simple, if we wish to ascend we MUST replace ALL fear with joy and love. Any resistance (fear) will confuse our intentions (choice). This is about faith and surrender guys, we will only get one shot at this, make it count…


        1. what a cool dream you share, Mark! I like your take-away from it. Thanks

    1. Everyone needs to watch the first 60 seconds of this.

      That approximate date is not only the full moon (The SHIFT will be on a full moon), it is also the anniversary of the Founding of the CATs!

      6/5/2020 might be it.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. If you look at the video it says Friday May 8 and she says it happened on Wednesday so 3 weeks from the 6th would be May 27th

        1. Exactly!!
          That video was published on May 14, but from what you see on its home screen, it was recorded on Friday, May 8. So Wednesday was day 6. Following this, the three weeks would be on Wednesday May 27, right?

          1. Note that that lady’s Guides said “three weeks,” but weren’t specific. Neither was ONE specific with Sophia. We are the ones who used other data to extrapolate a date. Regardless, it’s finally gonna happen!

            -CAT Eds.

            1. This is interesting! I had a visit from a Junebug during a meditation on Sunday, April 26th. It kept banging into the window I was sitting in front of, as I was meditating and mentally asking Spirit and guides about my/our future. I have not seen any Junebugs before or since then, so this was definitely something that got my attention! I looked up the meaning of Junebug visits, and there is a very clear timeline attached to it. In the article it says, “May or June are significant indicator of events.” Also, “In three to four weeks lessons will be coming to swift manifestation.” This puts a big positive change into the week of May 24th. Another article said, “The beetle symbolism is giving you notice of favorable outcomes to the current difficulties you are now facing. Therefore, things are now rolling to a close. By maintaining your integrity, things will soon resolve.”
              Since I was specifically asking about when and how New Earth would show up for us, I take that as significant information. It could of course be only personal, but seeing all these other indicators made me think it may have had more meaning…

            2. @ The CAT(s) That Lived

              OMG!!!!! I am so excited!!!! :)))))))


      2. Dearest Cats and M’s,

        Since you mentioned the upcoming anniversary of the ‘Founding’ would you be ever so kind as to consider sharing a glimpse of your collective story with us as to how you found each other? I’ve been following you Cats & M’s for years and have always wondered.

        I don’t post much but just want to say that finding you All – Cats, M’s, Frens, has been a sanity saver and lifeline, especially when things go really crazy. So grateful to be here with you all on this ride🤗

        Thank you All 💕

      3. 6/5 is my birthday! The Shift would literally be the best birthday/anniversary present ever – I freaking hate it here (lmao just kidding… but I really want to see my dogs again 🥺).

        1. @Michelle – Sending a virtual hug, wrapped in Love & Light! ~ scott

  24. Came with the Dawn:

    “The Final Transition
    Aluna Joy
    May 15, 2020

    This unexpected time is the dawning.
    This is the beginning of a great dismantling.
    Obsolete consciousness is being dissolved.
    Duality is deliberately cancelling itself out.
    All of creation is being cleared to create a new vessel.
    The new world template is now being envisioned in spirit. 
    This is a cosmic transfiguration process.
    All will experience this time in various stages.
    First denial, shock, fear, depression, confusion,
    numbness, anger, and righteous rebellion.
    Then all will move into deep rest, and the birth of new coherence.
    No life form can be placed under extreme levels of continuous, compressed evolution without cracking open and awakening to the new, unexpected reality.
    No life form can be placed under the sustained alchemical heat of deep unknowing without cracking open to awaken to a new truth and evolved laws of nature. 
    This is a collective dark night of the soul for human kind.
    There will be no immunity or inoculation or way to avoid this.
    Expect nothing to feel solid, and nothing will feel stable under foot.
    The only constant will be centered in your internal orientation point.
    This will guide you to safely navigate this dissolving paradigm.
    All will be placed in a great cleansing void.
    You will not know where truth is during this metamorphosis. 
    All the sides that are dissolving are distorted or contaminated.
    Most will question everything and understand very little.
    Many will see from many perspectives yet still feel blind.
    Most will question if they will lose everything they know.
    You will think there is no end to the world confusion and the madness.
    But all these things will end, and will begin anew. 
    This is a space where everything will change.
    What will the next cycle of your embodiment BE?
    What will you accept in this new world?
    What will you reject and disallow in your future?
    This is a great awakening … and it is finally here.
    … and YOU are the master of your reality.
    What will you empower to manifest?”

    1. thank you Oro, this from Aluna Joy is a particularly timely and appreciated message! She often has some on-point insights from the pieces I’ve read over several years.

  25. This is a definite ramble, sparked by my conversation with my brother. About the nature of evil. I know it exists in our world, because of the bits of information trickled to us. At least I’m pretty sure it exists…but what if our assumptions about it are just to the left of truth. Intentionally. What if evil ones. (eo’s for short) are not as powerful as they would have us believe. What if we (all of us as humanity – the Q’s) are the power. And they have – with artfully constructed lies, suggestions, implied consent – steered us to create in the directions that cedes our power to them.
    What if eo’s are simply evil. But when we grant them our power of Belief – they become EVIL. It’s really us the whole time. Being seduced through the lens of their machinations to create true EVIL in the world.
    That would mean we are complicit. We are responsible for all of this – where we find ourselves. But most of all – it would mean that We can change it. Almost immediately, by withdrawing our consent. Our emotionally imbued attention that guides our intention. If we finally realize that we are the creative power expressing, then we can take that power back. Sovereignty. As a verb.
    So no, not everyone needs to know. If they are not at a spiritual point where they can stand strong in the face of such overwhelming evidence of their powerlessness, and let fear pass through them, then their fear will fuel the evil. So yes, let everyone be. When it’s time they will find the information needed to free themselves. Just as we will, and are.

  26. CATs and Ms, while watching Sophia’s video the thought of sunrise sungazing while grounding came to mind. What are your thoughts on it?

      1. Been there, done that, but only after “called” to do it, do not recommend otherwise, even then wearing sunglasses would be advisable 😉

    1. Been sun gazing for a few years with no damage. Perception Is important, for what You believe. We Are Creators, You’re responsible for what You think. What schools/science have taught is f.e.a.r. Use Your heart/mind. Peace.

  27. Thought I would share something interesting and colorful that’s happened to me.

    I’ve been having a problem meditating. My mind won’t turn off, interruptions ect.

    So, I just end up doing the mantra and talking to source direct and higher self.

    The other night, I had a dream I was with a group of people and the air surrounding us was PINK. I STOOD UP TO WALK FROM THE GROUP AND I SWEAR I WAS IN A TREE. (Dream)

    Last night I was taking my dog for a walk and asked Source for a sign of what’s to come of my future ( I was more specific) I got home and as I took the leash off my dog and my hand were surrounded by light blue air. But the floor was white. I looked up, normal color. Looked down and the dog and my hand ( small patch) were blue) 😇. Then I keep seeing rainbows 🌈🌈🌈 everywhere on tv!

    I can’t wait to see what color today brings

  28. Yes, something ist def on today…. I can smell the Shift, like really smell it. Very confusing.
    Spirit is “yelling” at me to get ready the whole day. Guides, all of them, left today as they´re not longer needed, they said. Bro J is still there though
    Also my best friend just wrote me, she saw me on a ship leaving. She was concearned but couldn´t say why.
    I also dreamt about being on a ship last night.
    Also it was energy-wise the most crazy day, never thought I would say this ever again since the whole 2019 and 20 were more then super crazy 🙂
    So I´m either going to leave tonight or “leave” or maybe LeAve? leAve? LeaVE? I don´t really care
    Anyway, I´m ready no matter what

    1. Safe travels Ambien! 🙂
      I hope you are right!


    2. This morning not a cloud in the sky all of sudden long giant shadows cast themselves from the sky over my whole neighborhood and they are going fast. It was like that scene from Independence Day where Will Smith sees the shadow first then the giant ship. But, no ship no noise not even a large bird. Had me scratching my poor human head lol. So I ask my guides what was that they take a bit like they had to go check that one to make sure. ETs cloaked ships Lyran felines was their answer. Okay lol.

  29. Also, Tomsk is wiped out. It was there at 12:27 today (MEST) with a huge TLJ blackyness yesterday and now, nothing there, all wiped out

    1. @ Ambien
      Could you please post the link to these Tomsk meters? I can not find them just by googling.
      Thank you very much! 🙂

      1. @ Ambien- You already got the Schumann links, another useful one is, and space

    1. Did you notice the “fully-suited Hue-mans” bit? Love the resonance.

  30. Hi CATs!

    This is somewhat a silly question… ;)))

    Does the bold person is less connected to the Source and Universe? (If yes…Is there is any ways to compensate or correct it?)
    I have heard that people with long hair more connected to the Source and Universe at large…
    Please let me know! Always appreciate your opinion!
    Thank you!


    1. @Lawrence
      “Dnem rojdeniya i udachi”
      To them…can you help me further, please?

  31. Hello Cats & M’s thank you for all the updates. Something is definitely shifting, all week I was feeling so weary & lonely, our human rights have been suspended & the fear & ignorance in the people is overwhelming, I had thoughts we are not going to make it, tears flowing I looked out the window & in the sky was a Rainbow 🙂 my strength returned, all doubt fled & I am determined to fulfil this part of my mission. It all makes total sense why the gridwork has been so urgent since July 2019.

    On the 13th during Gridwork I was told there is a ‘Special Forces’ arriving (the words … marshalled & mad hatter have significance) somehow this is connected to the Sun, I keep hearing ‘magneto-sonic waves are not far away. On the 14th a fine tuning occurred with the Sun & Gaia’s Core like fine tuning a musical instrument, this Opened the Heart wider to be in harmonious unison 🙂 On the 15th was strengthened for Harmonic balance.
    Sound is a major part of the new gridwork … energy, frequency, vibration … the eternal living music animating the eternal living light … ‘music of the spheres’ or what the hippies say its all about the vibe man 🙂 we are all sacred musical instruments & are fine tuning to be ready for what is to come.

    Nice work … the Source bubble meditation is most appropriate 🙂 the full moon reminding us to step into full embodiment of the eternal living light or your light body … matching your physical body with your light body … I am Diamond Sun.
    we are all bursting into Pure Light matter 🙂

    I miss Hugs so I have been hugging trees, myself & receiving divine heart hugs to keep my vibe up 🙂 especially on the days my mind acts like a fish out of water lol

    Heart Hugs to All

    1. OMG, I needed that this morning! Thank you so much for posting this! Beautiful! Made me cry!

    2. Friend. Thank you these photos. They are so uplifting.☺️😊😸🌈💕

    3. So beautiful, thank you friend, reminds me of a beautiful book of photography my Mum gave me called ‘Smiles’ xxx

  32. Here’s another visual adventure, this one a short documentary about artists in Russia creating both performances and images expressing experiences while in isolation from fellow artists (and ordinary fellow humans as well!)

    The Art of Isolation… 14.:17 min      Russia Today Documentary.

  33. Good Morning! It’s 1:30 am EDT on 5/16/2020.

    Happy Birthday, Perica! It has been for hours now for you, so I hope you are having/will have a day of Love and Light!

    In Thomas Williams’ radio show last night, he mentioned that “something might happen today” though he doesn’t go by certain dates. We will see, I guess.

    I did the Source Suit meditation in the shower today, ending with the Mind segment as the warm/hot water hit my face and head for a long final rinse. Lots of light sparkles and tingling over my head and shoulders.

    I also had a sad dip back into 3D. I received sad news that my sister’s breast cancer has returned after a lumpectomy, radiation and chemo. She will now face more surgery and a possible double mastectomy. In addition, I learned that my last remaining aunt, age 84, a retired nun, holy and loving, already semi-paralyzed from a stroke, was diagnosed with breast cancer. SIGH. I would appreciate the sending of Love and Light in their direction by anyone who can!

    Then I was triggered and argued with my spouse about the corruption of the WHO and the CDC, as his only source of information is the MSM. I just got sucked back into that low vibe.

    So! Off to bed now to again try on the Source Suit. Perhaps later today something will happen. If not, three weeks is not that long to wait. And my Source Suit should be nicely tailored by then.
    We are the Love, Light and Truth. We are ONE. <3 <3 <3

    1. Lauraksmi. A sad day for you all. So sorry. I am sending love, hugs and light. 💖💖💖🌈🌈🌈

  34. Lauraksmi ❤️ Sending Light and holding you in my thoughts in Love as well as your loved ones. ❤️🌟❤️

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