Lifting Off; Odds + Ends [UPDATE6]


Some of the CATs had the same dream.


Half the CATs dreamt that we (humanity) built a huge ship, like the Enterprise but bigger (the NE). Some remembered walking her halls before, and seeing the ‘ship’ totally empty. But last night as we walked through the ship we saw her packed with excited crewmen, most of whom we somehow knew; they smiled and waved as we passed. We were moments away from shoving off, the ship beginning to move. We ran through the ship, looking for some people we knew, but couldn’t find… then realized they’d decided not to be there, decided not to come along. Rather than find them, we decided that that was that, and chalked it up to free will. So be it. We ran out of the ship to get some last things and saw an approaching (purple?) storm. We started to yell back instructions… then realized we had comm badges! One of the M’s touched the communicator and spoke to the helmsman, asking them to take the ship up and that they didn’t have to be so careful, that she could take it. That life was about taking chances, calculated risks. We were going to apparently beam up in a minute after we got something from somewhere. As we ran on our errands, the ground became slanted because of some huge storm (“from the nebula” — ?) that was affecting the planet. Then we woke up. Pretty cool.


A few more things, in no certain order:


This was the core bounceback of our rainbow-step meditations:

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Technically, the rest of what you’ll be seeing from meters from now on will be solar and cosmic energy bouncing off the core — without Gaia’s energy. Things might look a little different. Most (all?) meters/satellites are on/in 3d earth/space; the only 4d meters are… well, all of us 4d humans.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch… there was a BIG flare/CME earlier…


…as well as a CME proper at 9:00 am:


Expect that region to come back around soon. Here’s another view:


More 3d programming changes will be forthcoming… not that you should pay them any attention. There was also a proton thing:


And more solar/cosmic/Wave X energy (it’s currently a mix):







Note the separation.
The Sorting Hat is finished.


We thought this was worth adding to meditation affirmations (after the “I am light, I am love…”): “May all worlds host love.” (via Maryann @ Nine’s Path.)


It’s important in the time left to make it a point to do small things for people — even just a smile, or a kind word — and that we do them often. People are gasping for something kind and uplifting, anything to help them balance out the crazy. Try projecting your loving auras around yourselves. These simple things have more power than we can imagine. If Brother J is going to reach across and help us, we might as well as light up the path!


From now on, we’re going to pay attention to our spiritual lives entirely, and leave those who have dead hearts to tend to themselves. So, no more social media (CATs 4 + 10!), and no more ca8al tracking. This stuff isn’t worth anyone’s time.


This in from Glastonbury this morning (thanks to Pam141):


There’s a whole ‘King Arthur’ castle under that mound, that dates from way back.


The PTW did NOT get to sacrifice Gaia on their special day last week. They failed totally. Gaia has been saved, thanks to all who helped get her to the next level (um, SOURCE and Spirit and quadrillions of ETs helped, too). You’ll be called on again for similar actions… but you’ll be a little different next time <wink>. Humans can’t become angels — since angels, like the SuperFriends, are their own Extension from SOURCE — but that doesn’t mean humanity won’t grow into something similar — and unique. Don’t get cocky, kid.

“Who let Merlin out?!”




Be sure to ground as much as possible during the course of your day and night. Now that Gaia isn’t here to shield us from external cosmic processes, we’re gonna get blasted with energy. It’s already happening. The core feels like an “empty mirror,” and energy is just bouncing off it as it comes in. However, it may only be affecting some people on 3d, we can’t be sure. Some people are on the 3d timeline, some the 4d timeline, some straddling both. You are a non-local being having a local experience, so whatever you put your mental energy into you will get.

Latest 3d meterage:





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Try to hide under something of you can. (Yes, we’re joking. You can’t shield from Wave X energy.)


Hooboy. We’ve been feeling something building all day. At the moment (11:00 pm PDT) it’s coming up through our (body) cores, like that “champagne bubbles” feeling only stronger. We also noticed this almost 3-D structure in the latest SR:

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Note the odd, almost spiral structure at 12 (which is 10:00 pm PDT) in the 40 Hz territory (at the bottom; this meter has zero at the top).

We’re not really seeing what we’re feeling on any of the meters, though. Note that The Event occurs FROM INSIDE-OUT, not from the sun… though there could be external activity, too.

Keep it up, lady.


Oh, that’s why so many CATs reported feeling nauseous this afternoon — we had another timeline jump:

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At the same time, the sun did more of that singular phase-shifting its been doing of late:

Big portal opened up right before.


Check out the movie. The sun’s getting ready to jump to a new energy state, just like Gaia.

Just noticed, as we were feeling the “champagne bubbles,” the proton counts went to infinity:

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All the way on the right of both meters.
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And another timeline jump:




This is the current proton count…


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…now look at the scrambled numbers to the left on yesterday’s graph (those blue and red lines to the right of the graphs are *readings,* not the edge):

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 12.00.42 AM
Timeline scrambled.

Is it any wonder we were feeling nauseous?


Check this out. That latest timeline jump (where we all felt nauseous) was a pre-SHIFT test, to see how we’d do! No idea if we passed.

Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 7.35.54 AM

Be sure you’re doing Lisa Gawlas’ rainbow meditation (concentrating on each color step on the way up, ROYGBIV, until the color appears). It’s definitely taking more time than usual as we go up and up.

More later.

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231 thoughts on “Lifting Off; Odds + Ends [UPDATE6]

  1. PS: to my last comment – even hard to find books I want to read – gave up on trying to find appealing movies long ago… guess I’ll have to ask for books that would be enjoyably contributory for me, to work harder to find me… 🙂

    1. Request books that make you laugh. It’s really nice to take time for yourself, and end up laughing.

  2. Things feel so odd at the moment, since Gaia left. Everything feels sort of empty and I feel like I’m not really here. Just in a daze, going through the motions of daily life/routine but almost like being on auto pilot.

    Elsie is so restless, refusing to sleep until the wee hours.


    Much Love & Light ALL ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Well… Gaia still has some remnants here; all the Gaia portals are still here. This is a big transition, so there is still a little bit let to be moved, but it’s automatic, nothing we have to assist with. As Gaia puts on her new dress, she’ll eventually pull everything in (it takes more time since she’s got a much bigger body than we do), and then those of us who are going with her will get the nod… whenever that is! Then the portals will go, too. We feel like Elsie.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you ❤️ I see Gaia in such a beautiful dress!

        Hopefully we can be part of her embellishment, and sparkle with her…

        Yes, I feel like Elsie too! Since I ‘merged’ our minds and nervous systems through the SRB we are ‘feeling’ each other much more! Mostly positive but a few moments of dis harmony, mostly around sleep (or lack of) I guess we are learning still!

        Much Love ❤️🌟❤️

    2. Lily, I feel the same. Often so dazed and wobbly, I feel like I’ve been drugged. I feel like I could sleep all day but become wired once night falls. I feel just so completely over 3d.

      1. Brigitte ❤️ Yes, it does feel like being sedated at times!

        I think we could also be picking up on the absolute unrest and chaos out there. It is like you have to ground a few times a day to keep on an even keel!

        Sending Love ❤️🙏❤️

    3. Lily ❤️

      I felt that way too on Saturday which really surprised me because I’ve been integrating my higher soul body layers over the years and usually I am pretty grounded.
      The feeling was like abandonment, loss, anxiety and sadness… I cried some, wallowed some, then I just energetically disconnected from any cords to 3d and that past aspect I was carrying in my body/being for Gaia at that level (felt like how you would do for a relationship ending)… and then by the next day I was back to my new self.✨❤️ Now it’s more bliss and love waves which are nice ✨💕

      Hang in there 🤗

      1. AOA ❤️ That’s great, so happy to hear you have your bliss back 🤗✨☺️

        I have a feeling I may just need some decent sleep and a few salt baths with a ton of lavender oil!

        Oh and some good quality Matcha Green Tea!

        Anyone fancy a cuppa?! Would love to make it properly, in the traditional way…hmmm, maybe that will be something for NE!

        Much Love & Light ❤️✨❤️

        1. It’s easy to make. You just need fresh matcha (it goes bad over time), one of those bamboo whisks, boiling water, and a matcha bowl. CATs are experts at tea and coffee, if we do say so ourselves. We even have own own coffee blend! (Courtesy of Da-da.)

          -CAT Eds.

          1. Mmmm, well I hope I get to taste your special recipe on NE ☺️🍜

            I might have to treat myself to some real Matcha! Going to go do a wee bit of online shopping me thinks!

            Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    4. Same here, but also, now when I am grounding to Gaia prior to meditation, like it is off center, and before I was grounding straight down, I do not know if others feel the same way ?✨

      1. Percia ❤️ That’s interesting, I used to get that sometimes but before Gaia ascended.

        Perhaps you are feeling her as she settles into the higher planes…

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      2. ~ Perica~ yes, when grounding now for last few days, sense is of ‘Up’ whereas before it was under me. I take it for good news! 😎

  3. After my last comments I really wanted to go back to sleep… felt like my brain speeded up, on overdrive, then felt very morphy throughout my head mostly, then MAJOR pain in upper few vertebrae and brain stem, and neck muscles – THEN pain in crown, too. (little dog sleeping above my head again, too – why does she dooo that?) – couldn’t sleep with all that going on…

    @Cats, Ms, ~AM – does anyone know what was going on with all that – it’s reduced, but still headache-y in the temple areas and the cerebral/thoracic junction and WEIRD… oh, and shaky…
    thank you,

  4. Spirit in the sky just started up on pandora as I read the latest update…

  5. These are beautiful times we are living to see these transition/ transformation/ transmutation into New Earth and 5D.

    I mean you feel the energy in the air! We all chose to be present at this moment to be part of this event.

    Im a quarter into ACIM and it is very transformative if one applies the it to the spirit and mind.


  6. Hello Cats hello 4D-5D World and Creation,

    I am much grateful to be part of this great shift and transition that is taking place at this very moment, what a time to be witness and to heal.

    Their is so much energy in the air its amazing!

    I’m about a quarter of the way through ACIM, very transformative in how it breaks it down.

    lets enter I new state of light being with Source with Brother J and Superfriends!

    I choose source! Gung-Ho!


  7. This popped up in my feed and started playing, and I paused at the sublime feeling. Then I saw the title. I believe others of me at different higher levels are sending the call down too.
    While listening to it, I saw an incredibly beautiful Shire like place, and I saw vines strengthen with love and drop down in the levels. It couldn’t go all the way down, but it started gently dropping Love down in the lowest and lower levels.
    We are so loved, we are never lost. We can always come home.
    Here is the music.
    Love to all. Angela

    1. ~ Angela ~ thank you for the music link…. I love it! JUST the thing for me right now.


      1. Hi Friend, Isn’t it lovely. I like 432 as a rule, but this was special. Calms you right down. And it’s “Spirit Tribe Awakening”.
        And my garden loves it! The jasmine is winding around my balcony rail, and when the music plays it turns toward it – every day.

        1. ~ Angela ~ Now I’ll see your beautiful jasmine dancing with the music as well as my own images… how lovely an addition! Thank you again.


  8. Reading this post, but also some comments here is making me wonder about real reason for some off us coming here, specially for some who are more often then others seeing the lights/ships in the sky, but also having the dreams about being on the ship, doing some work as a part off the ship crew, as I am having all off this happening to me, but as I can tell, to some others here, including the CAT’S and M’S 😉✨

    I have feeling that some off us have a different role here, at least after the Shift, which may include going up to the ship after the Shift, then maybe coming back to help others, or staying on the ship as a crew, which we were before coming here, or after all is settled on the NE, then returning to the ship as a part off the crew we were before coming here….

    I already got some info that I am watched and protected, so this my reasoning have some merits in my case at least, but I do not think I am alone in this, and that was also something I was told, soo….✨

    Any thoughts about this ?

    Thank You,


  9. I wonder if you might be able to clarify questions I have about The Event in relation to ships appearing, people being taken on board etc…

    I know many feel that this will be part of the scenario but how can you tell if it is benevolent or not? Will we just know?

    Simon Parkes has mentioned some pretty dark dealings with ships and humanity but is this all in the past?

    Alison Coe and others have talked of sessions where their client describes them self or others going aboard ships.

    You mentioned before that ships won’t be needed so that would then be quite straightforward and nothing to worry about.

    Is there anything you can tell us about this?

    Perhaps it all depends on timelines or perhaps like you say, things change so often it’s hard to know how this whole thing will play out…Just want to ensure we don’t end up in an ET burger!

    Many thanks & Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. Depends on how it all happens. We’re not getting on ships for The Event. What happens after that, everyone will have to play it by ear.

      -CAT Eds.

      1. Thank you, I need to trust more and just go with the flow! I did a couple of tests the other day online and definitely have quite autistic/aspergers ways. It’s actually a comfort. For all those years, I just believed I was a square peg.

        I get hung up on words and take things so literally then worry about it for ages afterwords.

        Love, Light, Peace ❤️🌟🙏

      2. That is also how I understand it, but then immediately after the Event, there could be knocking on someone’s door 😉✨

    2. Hi Lily – I’ve never thought it would be a literal “getting on a ship”. I think we are already there, on the ship. At another level.

      I’ve had deep heart felt knowings of missing my ship, all my life. But not any ship we know of here. This ship is alive, our friend.

      Because I agree, I would probably never simply get on a ship I wasn’t familiar with. From here anyway. That’s why I wonder how we will transition. Will it be like waking up, as we withdraw our energy from one level and focus on another – where we already are. It’s all happening now. It’s confusing from here.

      1. Angela ❤️ Thank you for your insight. I do have a habit of taking things a bit too literally sometimes!

        In dream experience The Event feels like it would be a sort of melting away of the old and very fast growth of the new, being in a state of absolute love and amazement whilst watching everything unfold before our eyes.

        It’s so hard to put into words!

        I have also heard of ships being living entities/part of the being that flies them!

        So maybe you could become your ship?!

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️🤗🌈

        1. Hi Lily,
          I seem to have a touch of Aspergers myself, so I understand compulsions with minutiae. Lets just call it a love of detail shall we 🙂 So don’t apologize for questioning – anything. We’ve learned that cautionary tale very well.

          With my ship – It feels more like a telepathic connection that allows for a very deep level of closeness. A friend, and more than a friend. What sprang to mind when reading your post is a Holodeck.
          When we finally find the key, the code, the phrase to release ourselves – it would be like it simply disappears from around us. Although with the control panel jammed, I guess we’re going to have to learn a new level of transcendence to make it out of this one.
          Hmmm – just a flight of fancy I guess. Star Trek had a very large impact on me for sure – too much like something I remember.

          1. Angela ❤️ I do love your thoughts 🤗✨☺️

            yes, the control panel was well and truly jammed, now they are making sure no sound comes out of the machine too, so many folk being gagged! It must be out of sheer desperation, game up I reckon!

            I don’t think they can be any match for Source but blimey they really are trying aren’t they!

            Much Love & Hugs ❤️🤗❤️

      2. It seems like a lot of us feel like we
        are part of a ship’s crew, I have felt
        this way for years although it is not
        clear what my job is. Yes, it certainly
        is confusing, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find that many of us, who feel like we are a family here, are also working together on a ship.

        🛸 🌈 ❤️ 🛸 🌈 ❤️ 🛸


        1. My comment from yesterday at
          6:17 pm, is still awaiting moderation, although others, after mine, have appeared. I did
          not think that I said anything out
          of line so I will try again.

          It seems like a lot of us feel like
          we are part of a ship’s crew. I have felt that way for years although I don’t know what my job is.Yes, it certainly is confusing but I wouldn’t be surprised to find that many of us, who feel like we are a family here, are working together on a ship.

          🛸 🌈 ❤️ 🛸 🌈 ❤️ 🛸


        2. Coriboy ❤️

          Yes, I believe that is completely possible. I have had dreams that I cannot remember but when I awake I know I have been somewhere and am absolutely exhausted so I totally believe many have been working on ships or elsewhere in dream time, perhaps also on different timelines, different aspects of ourselves assisting somehow.

          Much Love ✨❤️🙏❤️✨

          1. Agree! I awoke with sore chest muscles as if I was doing some heavy lifting last night. Could have slept most of day. Peace.

        3. Coriboy that could very well be true. The call from higher levels has gone out, so maybe it’s the time where we find each other and gather for a leap. Different groups (crews) at different times, covering different aspects of the whole operation. Maybe our leap is up. So many pieces. I can’t wait until I can see more of the picture.

    3. @hello dear lily144

      same questions for me
      if there wasn’t my dream about being an space ship commander in end of 2014, I would not believe in this scenario.

      It is so important to give not our power away for something, we believe is more powerful than humans. We humans are so special, mastering live at its best and going through graduation at this time.

      I believe, we are the saviours, we are the ones that we are waiting for. In any doubt, I have Jesus Christ and the “I am that I am”

      What ever will happen, we are safe, we are sealed with through the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and all will roll out in a matter of the higher spiritual world of angels (angels are not ET’s).

      What ever will happen soon, it will be for our highest good.

      ❤️🙏❤️ love to you and Elsie from Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Alnilam ❤️ Thank you 🙏

        I have had a dream where a ship lands, and a being emerges and embraces me and I absolutely know them from the heart and all I can feel is absolute joy and a feeling of such Love that I cannot describe in any language. It was so beautiful!✨

        Felt like my heart had burst wide open and I can only imagine what The Event will bring in terms of ‘feelings and Love’ I think The CATs were right when they said I would need lots of tissues!

        So, trusting ALL is well, ALL is in hand for the best possible outcome for ALL.

        So much Love, Light, Peace


    4. hi, @ lily,
      forget simon parkes. All past. And too much blah-blah – also past!
      All reigns are in God’s hands. How many mistakes can you
      count in all His works?
      I trust YOU more than all parkes together.

        1. CAT Eds ❤️ Well I can multi-task like a pro…..But….

          Yeah, I’ll leave it ALL in Source’s hands 😉☺️🙃

          Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  10. I dreamed I had help rebuilding my existing home. I had a professional design team come in and tear down walls and the bathroom was in the backyard. Lol and I was like, where is the money coming from to do this? The neighborhood donated. My master bath is tiny and it really needs to be torn down and rebuilt! Haha

  11. I also have had the ongoing  headache/ nausea for last 40 hours or so; somewhat easier today.  Definitely my own ‘meterage’ registering the energy flux.    

    A couple of new awarenesses:  

    1- I have been feeling that intense Source stillness for a while now, off and on.  Last night I noticed I  can feel Source stillness while also aware of normal stillness/ quiet, and can change focus back and forth without losing nourishment of the Source quiet.  I’ve been practicing reaching for and remaining in the Source stillness in the midst of waking life, and having reasonable success.  Most welcome feeling!

    2- DREAM…  crossing street to check on well being of some horses, had to enter a huge pseudo baroque mansion built to impress to get there, required a difficult ‘descent’ down steep stairways of narrow slippery steps, varying treads, and sometimes no footholds at all requiring acrobatics to continue.  I was dressed in fancy clothing and dress shoes to blend in with the elaborate social gala taking place in the building.  
    Coming back ‘up’ after assuring horses were ok, (their crippled movements were results of long past harm, and now their handlers were trying to help them move more smoothly) I tried a different stairway, found a hidden ‘elevator’ which zoomed up several floors then stopped at another ledge with no obvious way upward, more acrobatics and finally coming out at the ‘top’, and able to recross the street to where I’d come from.

    Take away:  the split is growing wider, the differences more obvious, ‘lowering in frequency’ still possible but barely, and the ‘sides of the street’ entirely of the owners’ making and choices.


  12. Well, where to begin today. Up until around 3:00 PM PDT, I was burning hot. I was barely able to function. I then decided enough! I jumped into my newly restored car (1 1/2 months getting engine work done 210,000 miles) and drove to my favorite nursery which is at least 45 miles away. I had my mojo restored by my purchases, altho the sad brain-washed mask-wearers were out in zombie-like force. Sigh. Anyway the question I have to you ALL is what shifted energetically about that time , if anything??? Oh, and the power was out from noon until about 4:30. My eyes are spinning in my head going in direct opposition to each other. (kinda’ like those Felix the cat wall clocks that were popular in the distant past. Oh, Cay, it got up to 75 briefly today after 1 1/2 inches of rain the past 5 days so it was muggy (or what passes for muggy here in this mostly marine climate.) I did take off my long underwear today as well as my down vest. So there!!! Other than that I know nothing. But wait: Perica this is for you. I have stated some long time ago in this blog that I have very clear memories of being part of the crew to seed this planet with plant life, so I suspect that we’ve mostly ALL putted around in some sort of contrivance or another whilst performing our duties. Now I’m done!

    1. I wonder if some off us will at one point meet on one off those ships ?

      In one dream, there was a guy in the blue uniform, but not as a jump suit, more like here a standard jacket type officer uniform, and just before I woke up he looked at me straight in front off my face, and I had feeling that it was done in that way so I could remember that face, I felt like in the original movie Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger when original him Hauser appeared on the laptop to deliver him a message 😉✨

      Few months later, I was told, that guy was actually me on the ship, and it was done like that intentionally to remember it, when time comes, sometimes I wonder if I am doing the duty on the ship while I sleep, or there are multiples me at a same moment, multidimensional in a way, somehow, and by the way, I am not in guys, but it was good looking guy, no beard, but I hope it is allowed 😎✨

        1. Hahaha, Thank You Cristina, but I am adaptable, so if I have to shave it off, it is OK with me, still, I have it (like on that my picture, which is about 7y old but I like it), for more then 20y, but as I said, I can manage without it if it is a rule, soo… 😉✨

          I was in a military for a year and on the cargo ship for a 1.5m, so I know the rules, even in this life 😎✨

  13. I dreamt I moved into a new house. It was a house inside a bigger house and there was a neighbour inside the bigger house.
    It was as if there were 2 houses next to each other inside a warehouse.
    The outside of both houses was white and the inside looked old, but in an appealing way. I didn’t like it at first but quickly got used to it.

      1. Was hoping it was something better than that. In my current situation, moving to a new house is a very bad thing.

          1. So in my dream I was fixing up my current house,(my body) like Fixer Upper!

            Which makes sense! Cuz I love being short, love the red hair, blue/green eyes, freckles. But I need to tweak my former athletic build and fluffy figure. Lol

  14. I have to post.

    Who else can feel it?

    Talk about on the cusp of enormity…


  15. Funny how Bill and Ted Face The Music comes out in August…

      1. Last night my dreams had a theme of Relocation.

        One was set in a truck stop (large gas and services area for long distance truckers and travelers). I was in observer mode.

        The second involved my stopping mid-journey to sleep overnight in some sort of public park, then being questioned in the morning whether I planned to stay long… my reply was ‘ NOPE, just traveling through! ‘

        Must have been along that 3d/ 4d Highway!

  16. Hello! I dreamed of 3 brown siamese cats, they were “teenagers” and were abandoned, one of them was on my shoulder, another was sad but wanted me to welcome him, the third was very nervous about the situation, wanted to bite but in the end he accepted the affection.

      1. I’m looking forward to my first chat with Luna tomorrow. Burmese are supposed to be talkative too. Don’t know where my lovely old Poons inherited it from. He was a black smooth haired moggie who could talk your ears off.🐈😸☺️

        1. ~ Newline ~ Big day! I hope all enjoy it immensely, regardless of conversational gambits lol.


    1. As I have said before, I am crazy about Siamese cats, having had
      eight in my life. In fact, I seem to have a Siamese cat addiction
      and have even been to treatment centers around the world, only
      to learn there is no cure…….it is just something that I have to live with!

      😊 ❤️ 😊 ❤️ 😊 ❤️


  17. @CATs, etc- had numerous dreams overnight/this morning around my old massage practice office and area surroundings – would this count as body centered dreams or occupation/location processing/change? dreams –
    I haven’t done massage or had that office since approx late 1998 when I became disabled…
    Thank you if you have insight to this – esp since there were so many dreams in one night relating to this…


  18. I wonder how long we should continue the Rainbow Stairs Meditation?
    How else we could be at service?
    Looking forward to more exiting news!


  19. So, if buildings in dreams represent the body, what would dreams about your actual body represent?

    Have had quite a few recently, not so much the entire body but trying on different clothes, having pink hair, that sort of thing!


    Much Love ALL ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Ahhhhhh fun, yes, how do you do that again 😉

        Actually had a lovely day with Elsie, reading books to her, making shapes out of play doh!

        Hmmm, might actually try pink hair too (on me not Elsie!)

        Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

    1. I had pink hair when I was at uni, loved it, I also had a massive pink fluffy coat like one of those pillows.

  20. Almost 02:00am here, lots off lights in the sky, few are even changing colors, as I can see (and my eye sight is not so good), from white to red to blue, maybe few others not sure, but nice to see them in such a large numbers ✨

  21. Last few days have been a serious struggle, I just want to sleep but can’t most of the time because the energy is keeping me awake and uncomfortable.

    At least I started running again, I have a nice forest trail that I used to run a lot back in the days, that definitely helps, except now my body feels more like 85 than 42.

    Plans change, but I’ve known for a long time that it’s supposed to happen before I turn 43, which is less than a month away now.


    1. I just had an interesting thought while reading your comment
      …July 4 is also less than a month away.

      How great would it be to have an “independence day” from the PTW?

      A comment below says that people are going to howl because of the medical community hiding cures. At least in America, July 4 would be the perfect time to go crazy (especially in my area you can’t eat indoors or hold parties, but you can protest).

      1. Yeah, I always figured there was a reason I was born the day after independence 🙂 Add 42, and something just has to happen.


      1. I’m feeling hopeful, which is definitely better.

        The energy has been very intense lately, I think my main issue is figuring out how to make the best use of it. And I just want to sleep most of the time, which makes it difficult to find motivation.

        Thank you,

  22. The White Hats are going to prove that the medical community has always had cures for cancer and other fatal diseases. They make their fortunes off of your and your loved ones illness and pain. If they cure your disease their money flow stops. This will create a worldwide HOWL.

  23. FYI, it’s 7:20 pm PDT and it feels like the energy kicked up about five minutes ago. Several CATs are reporting heart-rate increases. Be sure to Ground well and breathe (SOURCE) through the energy.

    -CAT Eds.

    1. It’s 10:30 pm here, and my daughter just put herself to bed. That’s unheard of. She stays up until 2-3 am every night. When she drops like that, usually I get it about a half hour later. So I put my fresh sheets on the bed 🙂 I’m all ready to succumb.

    2. Well, strangely enough, it’s now 7:54 PDT. I just came in. It rained a gentle rain here in the PNW today, but now it’s sunny. I looked up about 1/2 hour ago and noticed about 15 rapidly laid chemtrails in close formation. I noticed they didn’t last for very long. Har! This would have been about the 7:20 time you just reported. Coincidence? Anyway I noticed a very strong SOURCE presence around that time too. Don’t know what any of it means. It just IS.

    3. that’s 4:20 am Spanish time. And yes, my animals and I have felt it, now as I write (8.00 am) not even the third cup of coffee wakes me up. My cats and dogs sleep soundly, like drugged, this is their time to bark at the walkers and runners who are on the road in front of our house, I really miss this stillness.

      1. “I really miss this stillness”, lost in traslation.
        I wanted to say, that this stillness is strange. Not that I miss it … 😉

    4. Went out barefoot in yard, then took to bed, out! Peace.

    5. fyi 3am az time-not only energy kicked up but out here out of park-strange sleep-deep too deep-actually had some form of interaction-it was like being in a cocoon and something encroached-literally had to fight it off-my indoor cat gave the signal to get up-fight it off-up and outside to see the sky-clear-pure and watching-the temps did not drop as usual- enveloped in peace and oneness-came in to check and now out to gather the rays =greet the sun and turn into light-it was interesting-was not afraid but breaking out of the cocoon was a release and the outside air a pleasure-be safe everyone-this too shall pass-words i repeat often–ps2 out here in az cv spiking according to their numbers-we must be really close cause tptw are breaking their dams with a flood of deciet and deception-but the silence is ominous

    6. anyone feeling that their skin is crawling with hundreds of micro bugs but only on the head, arms & upper torso….although today June 12, it has settled down to a low, less annoying crawl.

      1. You can literally feel the vibration of your molecules, some days it’s just at a background hum, others it’s like they are going to shake themselves apart! The last few days has been an intense wave up my body, it’s now at the weird headache stage

  24. Massive back to back BOOMS heard in my neighborhood! 4-5! But skittish dog didn’t freak who runs to hide when something pops. Hmmmm. It sounds like a shot gun on a concert stage microphone

  25. Sophia Love posted this yesterday: The Light of Truth 6/10/20
    Her message resonated with me. I am going back to the Rainbow steps meditation for this evening. May all worlds host Love.
    We are ONE. <3

  26. I just read the Update 6, and I have a feeling that I incorporated a lot off energies very well, and as I now meditate daily, often a few times per day (not working for more then 2 months now, so I have plenty off spare and a calm time), I think that helped a lot, and now I almost do not feel at all nauseous or dizzy as I felt just a month or two ago, as if my physical body is more in tune with incoming energies, buzzing is still there, but the frequency is different ✨

    Soo I think I am ready for the next level, bring it on 😉✨

  27. Thank you everyone for your information and feedback.❤️ It really helps to have this space, to compare experiences, and learn new ways of thinking, meditating, etc. I am so excited for all of us! And I realized that I have been afraid of being excited for so long, because it just kept being a waiting game. But I feel this right now is very different, and that there is now a freedom to actually step forward, in progress. Just wanted to share my gratitude, appreciation, and love for all on this blog. Be well everyone! (((Group hug))) 💙🌎💎👏🏻🎶💃🏼

  28. Where are we now…?
    All I can say is there is more of me here, wherever “here” is now. And wow – the power available. I went walking this morning, and it felt like I could fly, so much leashed power at my disposal.
    I have walked, watered & re-arranged the garden, and completely cleaned my daughter’s room and parts of the house, in the 3 hours since I woke up. Feels like a really large amount of change is headed our way….but it doesn’t feel bad. I hope that feeling is correct.

    Just feels like there’s so much more of me now to apply to the situation. Either more of me came down, or we went up a notch, and I’m more into myself there? Can’t feel that part straight. Very interesting…

  29. All of these synchronicity.. 1818 2121 12 and white feather that falls down to me when i took a pic of a sky tonight.. and also headache that feels like forever in my head.. huuuft let me get some water..🤯

  30. Expand the Tomsk SR meter between 14 & 20. Cat messing with meter/ looking left/back? Peace.

  31. Hey CATs ❤️

    I am a bit confused with the whole Rainbow meditation.

    Can we just do the original CAT stairs meditation or do we need to forget that now and focus on Lisa’s Rainbow meditation? Lisa doesn’t mention stairs, just walking up the rainbow where I presumed you are covering all colours at the same time as they go up vertically together…?

    Also, would you still recommend doing the SRB meditations?

    I would really struggle with Elsie’s care to do all 3 meditations a day. She’s needing a lot of attention at the moment…

    Thank you and much Love ❤️🙏❤️

  32. CATs, are we accelerating (again!) today?

    I have that sense of driving way too fast on a washboard road since about 11am-ish PDT. That and a strong case of the sleepies.


      1. I know, and I try not to think too much about my mistakes or my successes … but I do try to be more cautious 😉

  33. Gaia Portal ❤️

    adventures are released.

    Expectancies of the moment are embraced.

    Sciences within are up-leveled.

    Harmony enters.

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