Light Staff Meditation [UPDATE1]

Light Pillar 1

Another meditation gift from Guides. This is for everyone, and is especially good for those times when you keenly feel Wave X energy — esp. if you’re feeling discomfort. This meditation will help you achieve and manage the new energy levels.

Light Staff Meditation

  1. Sit comfortably. G+P+C. No need to rush.
  2. Imagine a staff you’re holding, made of light, about two inches (five centimeters) in diameter. Hold the staff and get used to it. Take your time. Listen for a high-pitched tone; it’s a beacon.
  3. Imagine the staff expanding out to the width of your body, becoming a light cylinder. Have it fully encapsulate you, so you fit perfectly within. Meditate inside the light cylinder a little while and BREATHE in SOURCE.
  4. Eventually you may sense and see old, darker elements of yourself. See them come together into the size and shape of the original staff, in your core center. Then allow this darker, heavier material to drop right through you to the center of the earth. Now see the light staff again, again at your core, becoming pure light in the center of the larger light cylinder.
  5. Meditate on your new energy state. Breathe SOURCE. You may see/feel many effects at this stage. Many CATs have reported getting ‘flash-of-light’ downloads, as well as the ‘elevator effect,’ where you rise to a new level. ALL have reported feeling lighter, and have much easier breathing; lung congestion disappears as your heavier 3d elements drops away.


Light Pillar 1


Pillars of Light


We can say with 100% CAT conviction that this meditation has ended our “energy roastage” woes. We just had to get that last bit of old dark debris outta there. The good news is, the above works for anyone… only that some might have to do this until there’s no darkness left.

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66 thoughts on “Light Staff Meditation [UPDATE1]

  1. Cat Eds. Oo am I pleased to receive this gift. I am very wheezy tonight. Worse than usual. I will do this meditation tonight. Thank you sooo much. 💖💖💖💖😘

  2. It May be a little slow on this site, but no one can stop It! Bugs Be Gone! Only Those Who Have Our Greatest Good In Heart/Mind/Soul May Be On This Site Of Benevolence!!! Peace.

  3. Not only do I “Like” this, I LOVE IT!!! Thank you thank you thank you!

  4. Cat’s and M’s this is so perfect it defies description….thank you “and the guides” too.

  5. Oh Wow, thank you CATs & Guides ❤️ The timing of this could not be more perfect. Really struggling at the moment…Can I put Elsie in my Light Staff too?

    Much Love & Light ❤️🙏❤️

  6. Thank you for this gift, Guides! Will be doing this frequently, as well as the Pitcher of Light… love to all in the room

  7. Good timing, as I’ve been struggling to breathe with all those crazy heat waves. Let’s see how it goes!

  8. Wow, did I need this. Things that I thought were long overcome have been resurfacing. In gratitude. One Love to All. 🙏🏽❤️🥰

  9. I think I did this (above), if my leaky memory serves, when I saw it posted –
    last night was one of the most difficult nights I can remember having in a LOOOONNNGGG time – don’t know if it was just pain, but even forgot how to ask for help… did finally remember my little dog, she came up and helped me for awhile before I remembered Brother J and SOURCE then undesignated AAs – things eventually got better.
    I hope the experience was helpful in some way – better today – pretending to be normal as usual…
    All the best and more to you all,

    1. post addendum…
      My daughter and I seem to feel roasting, no matter what the thermometer says is happening out in our local world today, also only feel like sleeping, food has been in short supply lately, but I can’t seem to care – I do have ample oatmeal and donated bags of pieces of nuts and dried fruit… maybe that’s all I need – I don’t feel in need… baby/tots need things more… tot is not really a tot anymore, I think she has some giant genes – up past my chest at 5 1/2 yrs old… I’m rambling… So tired, may seek unconsciousness again… so thankful for ‘small dog’…

      may all be well, hope some darkness has been cleared from me…
      much love,

  10. Thank you CAT’s
    wonderful meditation

    tonight a voice told me: *** Nobody can lock nature in a cage ***

    love Alnilam ❤️🙏❤️

  11. May I please request that anyone that wants to. To do a light pour on a long-standing dear friend “M” that has been told this afternoon that she has myeloma blood cancer. She is in the UK. Thank you to everyone. 💖🌈💖

    1. I did a nice large slow gentle pour Newlynn. I wish for the best for your friend. Love, Angela

      1. Angela. Many thanks. I very much appreciate your light pour. She is a lady with a very big heart. She fostered a lot of children when she was younger, and despite many health issues and a troubled childhood,always thinks of others.💖💖💖

        1. I just did another pour Newlynn. She sounds like a wonderful soul. I hope all of our Light makes a difference. Love, Angela

    2. Mantra spoken, light poured, all the way down her grounding cord with special attention to her blood pathways. Hope it helps Newlyn!

      1. Susan. Thank you so much. I hope things are getting easier for you.💖💖💖

      1. Christopher. Ahh thank you. She was really looking forward to a trip up North to see Luna and have a peaceful time in our conservatory. Hopefully she will be healing and convalescing on NE in the near future.💖💖💖

    3. hi, dear @ Newlynn,
      ‘Miracle Healings are pouring to Earth’!
      Great LOVE and Healing and Source Light pouring on “M”.
      Expect Instant Healing Miracles. Diagnosis was wrong.
      In Love,

      1. Oro. Thank you very much. It’s interesting what you said about the diagnosis as I also thought that. I’ve no idea why. I just felt it. Bring on the healing miracles.💖💖💖

    4. Newlynn ❤️ It is done 🌟✨🌟

      I saw beautiful silvery light pouring down on your dear friend, M.

      Much Love ❤️🙏❤️

      1. Lily. Thank you for the light pour. You are a sweetheart.💖💖💖💖

        1. Newlynn ❤️ You are so welcome, anytime, anywhere…☺️

          Much Love & Hugs ❤️🤗🌟🤗❤️

  12. Yes, and those of higher vibrations are living in parallel with 3d, because:

    1. It helps those on 3d
    2. You agreed to come here and do this.

    We have had enough of selfish people whining about how long this is taking. You came to help, so help. It takes as long as it takes. All you have to do is EXIST in 3d-people’s presence, you don’t have to ‘do’ anything else.


    1. Seriously. We’re all weary of how long it’s taking, but we’re doing this as part of our agreement to help those at all levels. Every time you help, even a little, it shaves thousands of years and lifetimes off the time necessary to return to SOURCE. And if people decide to check out, they don’t DIE, they transition back to Spirit.


      1. M7, M6— Thank You for your responses. That’s exactly why I co-created this garden. It resonates and uplifts by it’s very presence. That’s why I always had my previous gardens open on Mother’s day for over 30 years. I was always flabbergasted over how many people went through those smaller gardens (compared to this one at the farm) Literally hundreds a year. I would discover later at how the experience touched people’s lives. We do this simply because it’s what we do.

      2. ACIM talks about doing the course because that’s what time is meant for. From what I recall of the early chapters, you shave a LOT of time off “getting to the end” which seemed to be the goal, the state of enlightenment, nirvana, or something like that.

        I really like that we don’t have to DO anything,and just BE. Perhaps have told me that I “healed” them just by being with them and loving them as they are. How easy is that!!??

        Love to all in the roooooooommmmmmm <3

      3. While I am as excited as any for the big event, I am patient as well. I have been on this journey for some time and I have never seen so many signs of awakening as I do now. For me it is amazing to watch this all unfold. And if I chose to be here, as well as my children, then we must have a mission. I may not be the light worker that many here are but I would like to think I have a purpose in all this.

        1. @Amanita,,, “I would like to think I have a purpose in all this.”
          I would propose that if you are here with us now there is a reason – BE with us here now – it seems a hard thing to most, to just BE… I’m glad you’re here…

    2. This is so true and poignant. It – “Source” – was flowing out and affecting people around me when people kept asking me personal belief questions. The asking triggered me to try and understand this phenomenon….and I came to believe this was part of my purpose. Thank you Cats for this validation of service to all. Peace & Blessings to all.

  13. In this meditation – longest one I’ve ever done, so there’s that… – my mind kept being drawn (pun unintended) to a video I’d seen regarding the manufacture of glass fibers used for Fiber Optics purposes. [Video link (remove the spaces): /watch? v=6CqT4DuAVxs] I’m guessing the message I picked up was that to be effective carriers of light, bringing a message to others, we experience all sorts of indignities and pain and so on, and come out transformed – ready to be used to benefit others.

    Even as we read these comments in this and prior threads about the amount of time this has been taking, I am guessing the real message is that we continually get to experience the process of increasing our readiness to carry the light. Maybe?

    In any case, forgive my rambling. And my thanks to the Cats-n-Ms for this meditation suggestion!

  14. That meditation is quite effective. I actually felt lighter today.
    And –
    I found a new way to let off steam and disrupt the anti-lifers. I had a moment today involving a one way arrow down an isle, and an overly helpful customer regarding my cart direction in said isle.

    I believe I could have handled it better.

    When I was finally in the car, with my daughter – the voice of reason & who owns a prodigious amount of patience. More than her mother (lots of Aries in my chart). I try, but it really isn’t my strong suit. And she was upset with the lady for upsetting me. I really should have let it roll off my back.
    So I found a way to let out the frustration and disbelief at it all.
    I looked at my daughter and said crank up your music (she takes it everywhere, tuned to 432) and lets Dance in the etheric. Disrupt the attempt at robotics, at control, at uniformity. And we blasted music and danced all up in the etheric. I don’t know about her but mine was messy and wild and knocking down artificial structures that were like crashing glass – that were attempting to limit with unnatural structures. And boy was it fun.

    So now I have that in my arsenal. As well as a determination to expand my patience ability. I can’t say that without – Sigh. I’ll get better.

    1. ~ Angela ~ I never would have thought of doing the DANCING in the etheric! Brilliant, and Duh! I love it. Have made a new pocket in my tool pouch. This is going to be fun to try out when in public the next time! and to practice with in front of a mirror first, of course :-))))

      love to you and your fascinating daughter,

      1. Thank you friend, she is something. Good luck with the Dance. It’s a wonderful way to unleash all the Energy when it gets to be too much. It’s resets your mood and is so freeing. And it feels effective. It’s a keeper!

  15. Hi all, this is taking long, but I’ve personally noticed that days are getting shorter without having a chance to do anything. We have been on lockdown for more than 130 days already, this circus is unbearable.
    I don’t meditate often, believe me it is hard to do with two toddlers screaming around. But I’ve been attempting at night and noticed some energy burst near the spine and the hands, like I used to feel when I was younger and meditated somewhat often. Feeling tired but very expectant about the better days ahead.

    Peace to all.


  16. I was on My way to Ohio to do a chore. Was called to look up, and many clouds were in the shape of the starship enterprise insignia. Talk about screaming “lookie up here”. I’m going to learn that trick! Much Healing/Love/Light to All. Peace

  17. This meditation helped me get through mid day roastage and lack of sleep from last night. Breathing Source in and out relieved the nausea. I am amazed at the resiliency of the human body. Cay

      1. Well last night was another story. I did sleep 3 hours, then up 2 hours, then slept again for 3 hours. It was better than Thursday night, but still nauseous with back pain today. I cannot really complain as many here have it much worse. Cay

  18. Dear Cats
    I have a problem can you help
    My husband passed on the 5 July 2020
    My son has now gone missing as of today August 1st
    He led me to believe he was in hospital having a procedure
    He had an operation on the 17th July
    This was an added procedure to the operation
    He has been messaging me for two days About what’s been happening to him
    I went to the hospital they told me he hasn’t been there
    I rang four other hospitals in Brisbane they haven’t got
    him as a patient
    He has been his normal self
    Please cats can you tell me some information about him
    I don’t have clairvoyant skills
    Would appreciate your input about him
    You have my email address on this comment
    I am concerned for his safety
    Thank you cats

    1. Thank God you are reconnected with your son, Susan, I cannot imagine what you are going through. I am so sorry life has put you through this. You need each other now. May deep love surround you now and heal you both ❤

      Mark x

  19. Thank you for this gift, will use “when” I get some “me” time…


  20. Pleiades 1 Messages July 31 2020
    Ashtar(ans) celebrate New Cycles!
    Adjustment *PM + / Magnetic Poles / in progress.
    Peaceful transmissions expand.
    Internal tunnels are evacuated and healed.
    Astral conflicts continue, as final cleaning takes place.

  21. My son Sam has been found
    He was taken to another hospital
    We rang this hospital four times they said he wasn’t there
    Anyway he’s been found I’m so happy

    1. OMG Susan !! I can’t even imagine from the horror you’ve been through.
      Very happy that everything has been solved well.
      I send you a big cube of Light and Love.

    2. ~ dear Susan ~ I am so glad Sam is located again! And I am sending very warm and caring hugs all drenched in Light for your heart, and for him. You must be a very strong person. Not easy to field all this stuff!
      love, friend

      1. Could very well be. My face got reacquainted with my keyboard these past two days as it slammed unto the keyboard several times while trying to do some work. Could hardly stay awake. 😂

    1. Honestly, it’s flying past at the speed of light. I’m lucky if I get one small thing done each day. And maybe it’s friction from moving so quickly through time, but I’m always roasting no matter the temperature outside. Just as glad that it’s moving fast; feels like life is on hold and I’m just waiting, waiting, waiting for something, anything, to happen. Are we there yet?

    2. Agree! This week seemed like a couple of days. Peace.

  22. Before sleep last night (today is the first) I surrounded myself with the Rainbow Diamond Light Pillar. During my sleeptime I was visited by the Tall Master from Venus and received a Healing💜. I have been reading Volume 6 of The Ascended Masters Discourse and was thinking about it at work—lo and behold He appeared🙏🏽. Thank you Cats for your suggestion of the magnificent Light Pillar! I know it allowed me to be open for the experience 🌈🥰

  23. I haven’t caught up with posts yet, but suddenly am getting a huge push to say something topic wise – not sure how this will come out – I pray for guidance with the words/content…
    please listen… YOUR experience is no lesser or greater than someone elses – it does have to do with what your ‘plans’ were , yes, but what we think it will be like or what we can handle when we are living it may be a very different experience – What we can handle is what we can handle – not greater or lesser than someone else’s experience – and it may turn out to be more than we think we can handle – can’t tell you and not necessary to mention how many contemplations , plans and action we considered about suicide in my life – alway found a reason not to – usually the thought of someone having to deal with the aftermath was enough – most plans were to hide the fact that it was suicide – also I’m kind of stubborn… also I had things set up that I could hide some of what was happening from my consciousness til I was stronger or it was ‘time’ to deal with it… I’m NOT comparing peoples lives – one persons one time experience – mental or physical can potentially be more intense in ways than my 20-ish years experiences, etc – life is not a competition – it’s our OWN plan at development…
    Not sure what else is wanted for me to say… sigh…
    Stop comparing your strength with other people!!! – the message is rather firm on that – do the best you can, if you CAN ask for help/support, do – sometime one of the hardest lessons – it helps to remember if you can’t ask for help you are depriving someone else of the joy in being able to assist and stretch out a hand – that makes me want to cry – weirdly it could be almost selfish not to let someone else help – if you get my meaning… – I know everyone is stretched in their coping, just remember we are ALL doing’this’ whatever this entails – We probably don’t know even a tiny bit of what ‘this’ is… – Not my seivy brain anyway…
    Well, that seems to be most of what was wanted to share – I hope It came out comprehensible…

    much love to you all – do the best you can, AT JUST BEING – let SOURCE figure out the hard stuff…

  24. Kg. I do so agree with what you say about letting people help you. My mother in law just used to push help away and was antagonistic towards you if you tried. That’s pretty daft and so prideful when you are on the ground after falling. I explained exactly what you said about denying help affecting those that offer. She now has the experience of needing lots of help in her current bodily state which is a learning experience for her. It’s even more daft as she is a very kind person who has always helped anyone in need. Sigh.😳 Kathleen you are very insightful. Hope little dog is continuing the nursing.💖💖💖

    1. @Newlynn, seeing your reply right now helped so much – my daughter has been in a bad way – won’t go into details – part of me fears for her, but also kind of getting an non-interference warning – well not warning, but like what is happening may be necessary – for her and all her little family on some level – so hard to witness and feel… I have done what energy things that were allowed, just seems to be getting more intense – but also feel at peace on another level – this dicotomy kinda s*cks… Don’t know what to do on any human level, just keep asking – feeling her suffering is so hard…

      I guess I’ll just keep ‘asking/feeling’ into it all…
      thank you for your timely message/post…

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