Scenes From The Event, Step 3: 9/23 to 10/1 [UPDATED]


Wow, 9/23 did not disappoint.

Wow! (This is the Tixie meter in Yakustsk, btw, 11 hours ahead of EDT.)

UPDATE 9-26-17 4:00 PM PDT

Energy is still pegged.

UPDATE 9-27-17 12:00 PM PDT

Energy is STILL pegged! Wow. Note that this is only one source.

UPDATE 9-28-17 9:00 AM PDT

Energy has finally dropped. Phew. Six or seven days of WHOMP and circumstance, as Da-da says.

UPDATE 9-29-17 10:15 AM PDT

BOOP. Back up, again. Welcome to the Mesa Grande Plateau.

Detail1. Energy popped back up (from near zero) at 4:15 am EDT. Current level…

About 2557, which is 150 orders of magnitude greater than “normal,” whatever that is anymore.

But wait, there’s more! There was this. BOOP.


UPDATE 10-1-17

As per a Frosty tip…

We felt this one. Ug.

And here’s more meterage from 9/23/17 and thereabouts.

This is the Ottawa schumann meter.

FYI, we noticed that water is now “lighter” and less viscous. Check it out for yourself. Like one of the M’s said, “It’s a density thing.” We’re guessing that humans, who are ~73% water, are also on their way to a similar condition. Interestingly, water (and bodies) seems to weigh the same as before, but… something is different; this will become more apparent in the weeks ahead. For the record, this is just a surge: it’s not the 4D earth, not yet.

And thanks to a kind commenter, we were alerted to seven recent 9/23-esque GRBs (gamma ray bursts), which science types are attributing to a coming galactic superwave. Um… duh. It’s been happening for the past five years. Anyway, lookie here:


 Seven of those. With lots more to come. (As you can see above.)

To give you some perspective on energy event size, here’s one from 9/6/17…


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55 thoughts on “Scenes From The Event, Step 3: 9/23 to 10/1 [UPDATED]

  1. Me wonders… How long does it take for the body to completely 'turn over' its water? I imagine a mind 'used' to a density of water could hold it to remain at that density, though once the mind is exposed to enough of a new density of water, poof. the reality of the water INSIDE shifts to match the OUTSIDE :)Frosty

  2. I dunno. It seems the water might be returning to normal, now. Might just be me.-CATof9

  3. Crikies-well this certainly explains my staggering around the last 2 days!

  4. Dunno why, but whenever we get a step-up in energy, a bit before and for days after I feel…grief, sorrow, like my best friend just died, only MY life is peachy. Who am I clearing for?!

  5. Yeah, this used to happen to us all the time, too, till we learned to let it go. It's a difficult thing, especially for empaths, 'cause then you're feeling both sides. It's sad that some people REFUSE to learn and grow, but… know that they will, eventually. That's what this “experiment” is for: learning and growing. Some people are at the front of the class, some in the middle, and some at the back. It's just the way it is.~M2

  6. FYI, Step 4 has already begun, even before Step 3 started. This latest one will (again) involve “peeling” chakras up off the 3D realm for the 4D. It will start at chakra #1 and march up the scale, so don't be surprised when your back hurts, your gut hurts, etc. Could just happen with the first three; could happen with all, from 1 to 7. Might not happen for some who are already there. (Note that these 3D/4D/5D numbers don't really mean anything; technically, there are no levels. You vibrate at one rate, the earth vibrates at one rate, but in actuality this is all illusion, so all your REAL vibes are already MAXed. You are literally a non-local being having a local experience. You're Home, RIGHT NOW, in SOURCE, and have been the whole time. One day, you'll just *wake up* and this will all fade.)~AM

  7. Right, but you have to CHOOSE to wake up. If you refuse to wake up, you'll dream until you don't. For those who refuse SOURCE… the dream is a nightmare, because you will punish yourself for not waking up, and no one punishes you like you. SOURCE never punishes. SOURCE can only love. In fact, you live — right now — in a SOURCE matrix, so you exist 24/7/365.25 in LOVE. Deal with it. ;)~M2

  8. On a well-known conspiracy forum with a somewhat questionable reputation whose intials starts with G & ends with P, a post was made today by “The Oracle's Cookie” which alerted folks that: “The “Skywatchers” site ( ) has reported on 9/24 that an unprecedented 7 Gamma Ray Bursts (from Constellations at the center area of ecliptic of the Milky Way) have been detected in the past 24 hours. (They seem to be very concernedabout this on earthboppin–they are saying this is veryunusual.) INTERESTING timing for the 9-23-2017 and9-30-2017 dates for this to show up. Maybe THIS was themessage from the VIRGO ALIGNMENT”Title of the thread, if you want to go hunt it down, is “Gamma Ray Burst “Volley” May Signal a Galactic Super Wave In-bound: 7 GRBs in 24 hrs.” I'm not going to link directly to it here….

  9. Hmmmm, my third eye has been feeling like it's been hitched to a towing rope and winched! That and no sleep, would explain things.I'm no scientist but seven GRB in such a short space can surely only indicate something BIG is coming our way VERY soon. It ties in with your window for October.There was a lot of folk, including me who have been shown Autumn as the time of the big one. Let's see…

  10. In terms of densities decreasing… I noted this morning that my giant male feline, KOOKABURA (KOOK) — who likes to transit his furry bulk across my sensitive areas in the morning (on my bed) — was light as a feather this morning. I didn't have to curse him once.~M5

  11. Ah, so that's why I felt like I was wearing a lead apron for the last two weeks. Glad to say it is gone now. Thanks, Dada, as always for the fine graphics, though the idea of many more of these to come is less than appealing, at the moment, but I will gladly accept it if some good storms out of it.

  12. This AM's final dream: My partner and I were walking a giant dog down the sidewalk, when up towards us strolls a goofy lookin' being in an all white 'suit' that looked haphazardly thrown/sewn together out of scraps, and white gloves on… and instead of a head had a silver-bar-cage design shaped like a head would be. It was waving friendly-like and bobbing back and forth as it walked by us. It's chest was inscribed with “Happy Birthday Gabriel!”I smiled and said “hey, happy birthday Gabe”My partner, stopped and stood there with a bewildered look on her face reading the message quizzically in a seeming daze at the reality in front of her. Gabe stood there with an unconditional glow of happiness and joy. My feels are Gabriel was 'born' today, however 'angels' were 'born'… in Earth's first year of existence or so… The Angels are funny :PLoveFrosty

  13. Anddd coming to you in your NOW moment, we have tonight's waking reality “WHOA!” moment: I broke a piece off a cookie to give to my dog, and the break spot/action created a visible white spark of light. *this was a homemade organic ingredient cookie, so I am aware there were no 'unexpected' sparking inputs… well, other than love and joy. Frosty

  14. Sorry I like to be a little critical of videos since they could be easily faked- if you're talking about the ring above the Israeli city, I found it odd that the “flames” in the inner part of the ring were going at such a slower, choppy frame rate then the rest of the video. Could you provide info on how these portals work? Sort of seemed weird this person was the only one to get this. You'd think a big ring in the sky would be noticed especially since the town didn't like Look that tiny. Of course, people don't pay attention to the sky during the day.

  15. Blah, the energy today… heavy and low. Nausea and dizziness, anyone else?My dear friend went into hospital on the 23. Her soul is so strong and beautiful, she has given so much love to so many people in this life. I am not surprised she's been called at this time, though it hurts. If any of you are so inclined, please send love to her. I thank you!

  16. Some will move to the other side to help even more. We feel for you in your loss, and send love.Some nausea + dizziness for some here, previously. and you're right, the energy has dropped way back down. Probably to give us all a much-needed rest.-CAT3

  17. Gabe is a humorous fellow… He was born 42 weeks after my son dreamed of dragons!

  18. Are we there yet, Dada? Huh? How much longer before we're there? Cause I wanna get there. Why aren't we already there? Can we go faster cause I think I need to pee.��

  19. Thanks for clearing that up! By the way, what *are* archons? Are they fallen beings or parasites like some others are saying?

  20. Hm. I don't know. Time is relative to so many different things and timelines. We don't have long to find out!~M4

  21. Important Friday Notice: Beware those who are pushing for Disclosure. We, the ones who keep getting literally blasted by ETs (again, last night), can't recommend any ET group at this point. We have our doubts about any of them in terms of plain old compassio for other species. Folks, this is OUR planet. Fight for it! And when in doubt, stick with SOURCE.~M2

  22. The TWBs lied again. This was their last chance. I don't even feel sorry for them.-CAT4

  23. The archons are not shepherds. They are deluded and selfish beings, quite insane, and they will not survive The Event. Trying to remove oneself from SOURCE is folly. It is also the surest way to oblivion. Parhaps this is what they want. So be it.~M5

  24. Earth to ETs: You are not allowed on earth if you do not understand LOVE and compassion. To apply, please incarnate on the 3D earth and work your way up like everyone else.-CAT5

  25. So does any of this explain why I was exceeeedingly crabby yesterday?

  26. Yup. The energy was doing the same thing to us, yesterday, too. That and the ETs. Talk about a forgiveness opportunity!-CAT5

  27. Thanks CAT5. To further continue with the story…..The day started out wonderfully. I was out joyously weeding the perennial garden when about 10 AM pdt I suddenly got hit with something and my (rational) brain felt that I was dying. I came in and went to bed and was immediately out for about an hour. When I got up I felt raw emotionally. I couldn't stand to be around anyone. Hence the extreeeeeemly crabby comment. Any ideas?

  28. I hope by the time The Event rolls around they'll have a change of heart- or blow up. Either way, I'd like to think they don't all suck…Right? We can't be the only beings in the physical universe to have the concept of compassion for other species lol.

  29. It was just Wave X energy (see the energy update in the above post; big spikes recently). I've thought that I was dying several times since all this energy started. Nothing the cat couldn't drag in!-CAT5

  30. Archons are worse than reptilians. They hang out around the moon. Unfortunately there are still some around.~M3

  31. They are now toast, banished to a kind of hell on their home planet. All their ships are destroyed. The scarfaced ones killed all the good ones, and used a few remaining good ones for a trick-parley before killing them, too. The survivors have created their own hell. They are not worth a second thought.~M4

  32. You talking solely about the TWBs right? I agree that they should face full consequences for their actions. But It seems M2 was talking about ALL ETs at the moment- Regardless, I'm glad they won't bothering you guys anymore!

  33. No, I was speaking of treating ETs in general with caution (esp any brought to you by the PTW) until you realize who they are and what their real motivations are. This takes time, and thought. While some ETs will indeed be positive, others are negative, or neutral; both latter groups are self-centered and see only territory and natural resources. Just be smart about how you go about bringing the unknown into your lives. I am 98% certain that the next steps of The Event will bring people a new level of understanding and knowing that will mitigate this process.As for the TWBs, they have sadly chosen their own fate, despite us giving them multiple chances to change for the better. ~M2

  34. The thrill is gone for me too. It disappeared after I saw Andrew Bartzis reveal that part of the coming Disclosure is that ET's interest in us has been and still is the procuring and selling of our DNA in galactic and intergalactic trade markets. Jay Essex made that same assertion. American Kabuki's (Terran) “Sphere Alliance” communicated apologies for “obtaining” our DNA in the past and present. I thought it odd that this message was just kinda forgotten and the communications continued on with Terran and Denise. No wonder the Sphere Alliance is such a great source of information. We are their lab experiment. This is all my take on the situation, and I AM open to correction and updated info.Who wants to be around beings with no emotion? If they have no emotion, they have no FEELING for us. That is what My Life is centered around. FEELING. I value little else. Certainly nothing material. That's just the window dressing for the drama being experienced here. Even the word drama denotes emotion! Can you imagine a Shakespearean Play without emotion? I know. I know. I'm Preachin' to the Choir. It's just that when I think about this subject, I get so emotional!And this is from a relatively “3D” viewpoint. I have had this inner knowing for a long time on why I came into this lifetime with no extreme psychic ability. It is emotionally overwhelming! It is not for the faint of heart, and only the bravest need apply. A round of applause for the M's and the C's! Thank you for clearing the deck for the rest of us.

  35. We WERE their lab experiment. We are soon-to-be the First 4D Terran Generation of SOURCE. Many of us are to be Park Rangers for the New Earth. And we have long memories. Actually, in this latest ET sweep, we ourselves owe a huge debt of gratitude to our Friends and Guides, who saved us. We just helped, and did lots of ducking and covering this time; they did the heavy lifting. THEY are The Awesome.~M5

  36. If you could see the aforementioned beings in action, you simply would not believe it. It's like living in a Miyazaki movie!~M4

  37. i've had that experience as well anonymous and it is very disconcerting at first. you did good – going to sleep and let your body adjust. even waking up feeling extreme irritability and those intense emotions. it is simply what we are being bombarded with right now. i do not see this letting up until the final push.

  38. It's not so much that it lets up as you get used to it. I used to be slammed by the energy, but now just have momentary pain and adjustment.-CAT3

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