Your Meterage & Timeline Jumpy House for 8-21-18 [MAJOR UPDATE]


On and on it goes (and on) as we try to sort out our various futures and wishes and dreams vis-à-vis the energies and shifting timelines. What we’re seeing is a kind of “stepping-stones to The Event” situation, with lots of little steps instead of the bigger Steps we were seeing before (which may come back), with some of us like-minded SOURCE enthusiasts being jollied into an evolutionary timeline-y group (we’re guessing), so we can more easily GROUP-PUSH the UP button on the Cosmic Elevator of Cosmicness. Or something like that.

First, we had another big K-index (as opposed to Circle K) event at Kiruna… that’s two in two days:


And, lo and behold, the NASA meters were NOT edited! A miracle. Lookie:


And this brought the usual geophone/ULF/ELF/SR confirmation…

…but now we have so much timeline kerfuffflage that it’s tough to keep track:

Timeline jumpage in Lombardy.
[sigh] And Canada.

AND another GRB…

…which in some cases are “Universal Being” information transmissions. It’s a long story. The message? Either, “The Event is almost here!” or… “DUCK!”



We feel you, bro.


Ok. One of the CATs just spoke with Lisa Gawlas and we are all now literally swimming in a new energy — an energy that’s already here; we’re living in it, now — an energy that has never been on the earth before. Those tingles you might’ve been feeling are going to start getting more tingle-y!

Note that you also might start noticing people REALLY getting twitchy, that is, those people who don’t know what’s going on. Some people are open to knowing, some aren’t. Be careful and gentle with the norms.

Also, when you meditate, try asking SOURCE to merge with you. See what happens.

Oh, and we’ve had more activity, so you may have felt some of it:



Please note that, while some of us are trained as scientists, we use these (and all) meters in ways the techs and scientists didn’t intend. Basically, we understand what scientists are seeing a lot better than they do because our brains on running better software. Simple as that. Everyone on their path, everything going well.

Lookie here:

Lombardian timeline jump, slightly delayed from the Russian one above.
Those numbers on the right basically indicate vibration, in Hertz. (That’s much higher than Schumann Resonance).
When the meter goes dark, it’s showing that the 3d computer system is reacting to the timeline jump.
You might notice lots of electrical and computer systems will become spurious during timeline jumps.
Here’s Canada, showing the same jump as the Russian meter.
Like the Middle East and Pakistan, Canadians are dealing with TONS of energy. Timeline jumps.


Wow. This is crazy, the SR meter totally saturated. (We suspect that 50 Hz signature in the middle is a power line, btw.)


Krikey. Never seen this before. It could be showing us that new earth energy we mentioned.
Look at the amplitude recording on the far right. (Psst, actually it’s a CME.)

Like we said…

A small CME, but looks like it’ll hit around the 25th (the chart’s an estimate). Some energy travels faster, some slower.

And… wow! Look at the Wave X bursts! (Sorry for the large file.) That spiraling one is HAARP making hurricanes in Asia… which is then negated by SOURCE and Wave X!

Wave X in action.
Wave X in action, frozen on another meter. See the Big U?
Wave X in action. That right there is SOURCE literally applying the brakes on that typhoon.
UPDATE for 8-23-18
Last night almost killed some CATs… while others were sanguine and purry. No idea why the energy was so painful for some. Anyway, here it is:
Those WHITE patches are turning into PAIN STICKS.
And today, Etna looks like this. Is this better or worse? No idea.
That tall, solid bastard on the right, that goes all the way up… that’s the one that got some of us. Ow.

Wow. What a life.

Ok, get comfy now… whaAAA!


53 thoughts on “Your Meterage & Timeline Jumpy House for 8-21-18 [MAJOR UPDATE]

  1. Another amazing post, CATs!This explains why I was flattened out today … could and would not move … tried to meditate – no way, and fell asleep. I felt pretty much like the cat who wants to get comfy …Love you! Thanks!


  2. Oh. We thought YOU knew. We have no idea. ;)Each one just measures some kind of energy, at that specific location, which you can see at the top of each graph (e.g., “Electric Field, Canada” or “Etna [Magnetic Field]). Try to view them simply as pattern indicators, that makes it easier. You can also try to imagine these various goings-on with a planet in mind, with these various pulses occurring at their corresponding points on the globe… and you can, at least in your minds-eye… SEE the energy flowing across the earth. The black drop-outs indicate timeline shifts (which any decent scientist would deny), but we know that a blank-out/shutdown is typically how electronics react to timeline shifts (they lose all sense of self and purchase an accordion). The numbers to the right of the graphs indicate frequency, in Hertz. “K-index” (the top graph) refers to geomagnetic disturbances, affecting this or that region, or that side of the planet, or sometimes the whole planet… or just where you parked your car. And GRBs (Gamma Ray Bursts) are HUGE high-energy, high-frequency blasts from… all over the universe… due to black holes falling into black holes… or neutron stars falling into black holes… or neutron stars trying to park in the same parking lot… or stars going supernova because no one knows who the hell they are… [Bet you didn't know that Samuel L. Jackson is one of the CATs!]-CAT5


  3. I think my head fell off this afternoon! Has anybody seen it? I finally took to my bed around 4:00 this afternoon since I couldn't seem to function headless.


  4. Thanks, felt incoming today early afternoon. Old style ringing in right ear, right wrist ache after that. Aches I've not had in a year or so. Harmony for All.


  5. I love that animation of the “clock works”' by chance is it a clip from a,”Merry Melodies” creation ? Thanks for passing on the info Cats and M's.


  6. That wonky-eyed cat is freeeaaakkkky! I would pass out in a nervous fit of giggles if it sat next to me.As usual your post is informative (to all mad scientists) and highly upbeat, I salute you all.Mark


  7. 10:41 PDT. Getting tingly up the calves — MAJOR tingles. Whoa. Gotta go check the meters…~M6


  8. Ear poppings or a granular sound? We've been getting both for some time.-CAT8


  9. I love your verbiage, “literally swimming in a new energy”Last night I had a meditative vision of a HUGE wave coming in and flooding the planet… the “water” stayedcovering the whole surface of the planet, yet I could “breathe” just fine. I realized the “water” was the multidimensional vibration of LOVE.It has been “raining” it for a while now, and recently begun to flood instead of rain!!! People are “drowning” in LOVE!!! hilarious, SOURCE. quite


  10. Wow. I just did a quick look at group energy fascia (um… “auras”) and more and more people are going RAINBOW, while the PTW (particularly the reptilians) are not just black, they're burnt-up/crumbling. AND… we are currently… well… “underwater” in terms of SOURCE energy. It's very interesting. Some of us are totally blind right now (psychically), in total overload.~M4


  11. Anyone else experiencing disrupted breathing? It's like I have to THINK about breathing when it hits, which is very disconcerting, or it feels like I cannot get a good breath under the diaphragm. Highly unusual.


  12. Yup. LOTS of us. Some have had to go to an inhaler. Very strange feeling. -CAT10


  13. Anyone feel like they are having a heart attack? I tried to feel, is this physical or ascensional and I got the feeling it was okay to ride it out than call an ambulance, but yikes! Intense!


  14. All. The. Time. We complain about it daily.When it happens, ground to the New Eath, then BREATHE and think “SOURCE” on the intake. Be sure you're grounded. The energy build-up is killing some people.HOWEVER… if you have a cardiac history, go to the ER. A lot of us went early in the process (back in 2013/2014) when we didn't understand what was happening. -ALL the CATs


  15. Last night I couldn't sleep at all. Today (August 22nd) around 11:30 am I felt an enormous energy dip or rather surge. It manifested as a kind of roller coaster effect, or the feeling that the bottom had dropped out of the floor (There is an amusement park ride called The Gravitron or The Rotor, which is essentially a big cylinder. You get on, lean against the wall, and it starts to spin. When it's spinning sufficiently quickly, the floor drops away. You don't fall down because you are pinned to the wall by some mysterious force). It felt really weird and my psychic friend felt it later when we were having lunch. I have felt this effect before, but then it was emotional. This time it was very physical. I felt dizzy for about 20 minutes afterward.


  16. Thank you all for the responses. You've no idea how validating your words are, and how comforting. Tremendous relief in knowing I'm (1) not crazy, (2) not dying, (3) not alone. My Team told me things were fine and not to worry, but when you cannot get a deep breath the body starts to freak a little. The grounding suggestion is extremely useful; thank you, again.


  17. Re: Heart attack comment. I have friends this is happening to, so you're not alone.


  18. I was getting it back in 2013 and 2014, too, and it was extreme and extremely frightening. It started on 4/2/13 and continued for about a year but hasn't happened since late 2014 until these last few weeks.


  19. Yes. I know what you're talking about. It's inexplicable… but explicable: that is, all due to Wave X.-CAT8


  20. Me too, but since I live in an area which is totally socked in by forest fire smoke, I assumed it was that. Then I realized the feeling only arrived yesterday, while the fires have been polluting the air for weeks. I feel chronically short of oxygen.


  21. Ugh. Now the HEAT-BODY again. It's seemingly endless. Energy feels much higher than the meters are currently showing.-CAT6


  22. Ugg. *Gynormous* mega-energy last night… and there's this fast PULSE/modulation feel/look/sound to it. It's like a dead CAT convention over here. Wiped us all out.Be sure to review the major update (above). The last (meter) graphic is pretty amazing.~M5


  23. Btw… on Lynn's Psychic Focus blog she recently wrote about the arc**ns. That name still has a “Voldemort” charm/curse on it, hence our term, “calamari.” Don't use the A word. Because of this “curse,” we use different terminology. The A word is the term Lynn uses for the surviving reptilians, but Lynn doesn't have the insight into the calamari that we do since we grappled with them. The calamari were actually what some people were contacting in their various rituals — even the reptilians themselves. We call them the calamari because they looked like (gigantic!) tentacled monsters (remarkably like the ones in “Hellboy,” actually), that existed at 5th density; the calamari were older and bigger and 1000X more evil, the tentacled cousins of the reptilians, what shamans used to call, “the lords of the outer darkness” since they often slipped up to hang out on the moon. (They didn't need ships to travel between planets.) The reptilians were originally here to help humans (loooooong ago), but have since gone bad and have been living literally underground for only about 50k years. They're just humanoids, tough, reptilians humanoids. The calamari, however, had been here for about 6 million years, and were the basis for every monster, bad myth, and dark thing going back into prehistory. One of the males was a big bad voodoo daddy — but nothing next to the female, who was the biggest and meanest and most powerful. Luckily for us, the old ones are DEAD now… though a few (literally 2-3) smaller ones slipped back in from their home world to man the earth's dark post after all the old ones got whacked. It's best not to think about any of this, as it will very soon be gone. One day we'll tell you what took them out… and you'll never believe us.~M6


  24. It should be noted that the reptilians are AFRAID of the calamari. You never want to meet the calamari. The old ones are indeed dead, but the new ones are smoother in their creepiness… but luckily, Wave X is driving them down deep and turning reptilians and calamari alike into crispy critters. Their energy fields are literally toasted and flaking away, like a burnt thing on the bottom of the grill. Even they could be saved (from themselves) if they turned toward SOURCE…~M5


  25. hahahaha…..intelligence merged with humor !….such a splendid mix !…..thanks for the update & info…..& I do hope that being a somebody is being mentioned by Lisa G. is part of the humor !….geez…..if not you're in serious trouble…lol btw….anyone who sees / appreciates the complexity, awesomeness, wisdom & instinct of cats is naturally more aware than most……xoxo


  26. I've always regarded cats as scale models of chaos. Staunch Dog People (SDP), on the other hand, demand ORDER! and OBEDIENCE! “STAY!” Meanwhile, Cat People know that cats are in control, so… they let it go. “Whatever.”Cats are all about indifferent forgiveness. 😉


  27. Finally! My matchmaking skills have been realized. I've been talking youse Cats and Ms up to Lisa and her to youse. I have a big Cheshire cat grin on my face. Oh, onshore flow has finally kicked in today with much needed relief from the dreaded smoke.


  28. yup….cats are 'multi-dimensional'…..ya just gotta be a certain kind of person to understand / relate to cats…know what their communicating to you, of course from their superior mindset or as they often telepathically point out, there's always a little (I don't give a shit / go fu@k yourself) attached to 'whatever'….yes – it's true ! lol


  29. Hey CATS, yesterday I posted about feeling like a heart attack, but somehow knowing it wasn't. Well, I have been really ill from black mold, for a long time. Today I went to hack up a furball and I usually sound like a chainsaw. But, I was clear. What happened to the gallon of phlegm I had? I now believe that that was lung clearing. Healing. The pains we are experiencing may actually be healing. As well as transformational. So cool!


  30. Could also be clearing out Grief. We hold grief in our lungs for a loooong time.We have you 1.105 gallons of phlegm, btw. Did you want it back? It's currently balanced over a doorway for when the TWBs come back…-CAT5


  31. We actually just gave them a big present. We'll let you know how it's received.~M2


  32. Lately I've heard a sound like fabric tearing from inside the third eye area, combined with feeling a release of pressure. First time it happened, I was pretty much sure the ride was finally over. Can we please fast forward to the part where my wings start working again? I really miss flying.~Sifoo


  33. We've had that off and on for years. It sounds and feels like what it is: tiny crystals in your pineal gland rearranging themselves. When they SHIFT, you know that the energy has ramped.-CAT2


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