722: Preparing the Way ~ [UPDATE12]

To get this Ascension process moving, we needed a new/old approach. We encourage everyone to re-read this post, as it’s changed.


We’ve been wondering about something ~AM said the other day… and so we did some checking… and what he said was accurate. (Even CATs check up on other CATs with Guides, Spirit, et al.)

You know those entries in the bible about the “End Times”? Those were written prior to 350 AD. indeed, the main Gospels were written between 34 and 100 AD. Well… there really WAS an End Time, a horrible cataclysm around 525 AD where a supervolcano (near Krakatoa) exploded and blotted out the sun for almost two years. The literal root of the term, “The Dark Ages,” it wrecked most civilizations and broke the crop cycle. All told, it took about 80 years for things to return to “normal.”

Meanwhile, The Catholic Church (which had survived because of its Roman infrastructure roots) popped up and added 400 years to our calendar (after they made our calendar from old floor-cleaning equipment). They did this to give us some mental distance from this cataclysm, as well as give themselves lots of wiggle room to insert whatever BS they wanted into the narrative. So, 1000 AD is actually 600 AD. Does it matter? Probably not.

Anyway, some of the ‘End Times’ mentioned… kinda already happened, so those who are waiting for (some of) them are gonna wait… as they have been waiting since the various prophetic books were written. There might be more stuff coming, but the whole “moon to blood, blotting out the sun, sackcloth and ashes” part… this already happened. Sure, it might happen again… one day… but we are currently in a totally NEW time, governed only by our thoughts. Basically, if we decide to do something as a group… it happens. And we have been expecting The Apocalypse for a very long time (as Da-da wrote about back in… 2014?). Let’s let all the past expectations about this go and move forward on our own dime.

More Thoughts

Speaking of things happening as a group, we’ve been wondering again about biblical events and the Miracle of Pentecost back in 33 AD. This occurred ten days after Brother J Ascended into the sky after his Resurrection, and visitation with his disciples for 40 days. Before he left, Brother J instructed his followers to wait 10 days before going home to Galilee, as something was to happen. (Pentecost means 50 days, or 50th day.) And happen something did.

The Apostles were gathered together in the Temple at Jerusalem on Pentecost, along with 120 of Brother J’s disciples, and more people waiting in the wings (3000+), to celebrate what was originally a jewish holiday commemorating when Moses got the tablets (technically, Moses was the first man to download files from the cloud onto a tablet!). Then this happened:

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” [Acts 2:1-5]

When each life begins, each soul (part of a larger Spirit we call ONE, which is an Extension of SOURCE) is imprinted with an extra spark of SOURCE, with various gifts and mind upgrades inclusive. That is how we all connect and how psychic phenomena works. What the folks above experienced is the Holy Spirit stamping them, basically giving them ‘the mark of SOURCE,’ if you will. They were then inspired to go out and tell others Brother J’s story throughout the world, starting with the 3000 people right outside their door.

It’s this self-identifying feature we’re interested in. CATs were talking about all this when ~AM brought up his own initial encounter (in this lifetime) with Brother J, which is similar to what happened to some other CATs. They literally had Brother J pour a bucket of light on their heads and say loudly: “PREPARE THE WAY.” This is similar to what happened above, but with a difference.

Preparing the Way

Before we begin, note that ~AM and the M’s and CATs checked with Spirit and AAs and Guides… and the following appears not to be necessary to achieve the next levels, but it is highly recommended. The beauty of this process has been maligned by organized religion (and esp. the MSM) over the years, but what else is new? Put simply… for those who want to walk the higher path sooner, there is a simple way to jumpstart the process. The more people who do this, the faster this will resolve.

How to do it? It’s simple.

Go into meditation and clearly state that you CHOOSE SOURCE in your heart. Since so many are so far from SOURCE that SOURCE can barely hear you, Brother J took it upon himself to be the bridge between you and SOURCE. The surest way to get this all jumpstarted is to hold Brother J/SOURCE in your heart and commit to this in some clear way, so SOURCE knows you’re serious. Think of it as free will on steroids. This can be done via what happened at the Miracle of Pentecost, or in our modern case… it can happen by being BAPTIZED — that is, cleansed of all past-life negativity, sins, and questionable deeds.

What It Does

Baptism self-marks you for SOURCE. While you don’t have to do this, it makes the Ascension process much easier and helps you to have a gentler transition of vibrations from one density to the next. The real key is to have an open heart. There are people of all faiths out there and even though the CATs ground more with Brother J, we cannot in good conscience say that someone else of a different upbringing is wrong. All paths lead to SOURCE, but some are shorter than others. The key is to open your heart chakra and welcome in Source/God/Brother J — something bigger than yourself. Baptism does mark people, but they are marked with a blessing or some willful acknowledgement. It is almost like a contract or agreement (AND protection).

Note that some people see this as a religious thing… but this was done before the Christian religion had even been invented. John the Baptist (Brother J’s cousin) baptized Brother J in the Jordan river, resulting in Brother J suddenly being imbued with the Holy Spirit, Our Memory of SOURCE (which for all intents and purposes IS SOURCE, as are all of you), and took on a whole new focus for his ministries — so much so that all those around him saw it happen. This can happen for you, as well.

But before you rush out and get your cassock all wet (and there’s there’s nothing wrong with that), note that we have another way.

How CATs Can Help

We were frankly surprised by what we’re going to tell you now — what ~AM told us just recently.

Brother J and the Archangels have instructed us that Brother J baptized ~AM — and some of the other CATs — with that ‘bucket-of-light’ thing. And after realizing this, ~AM has since (just yesterday, actually) been charged with the ability to do it for you. (~AM was never baptized as a child; his family was not religious.)

So, we are offering (free) ‘virtual baptism’ using the same virtual techniques that ~AM developed for healing, etc. You don’t have to physically be present, just do the work in your mind, in meditation. If interested, you’ll need to do a few things beforehand:

  • Choose SOURCE/Brother J in your heart.
  • THINK ABOUT/meditate on what you’re doing. Give it some thought. This is a big deal, a life-changing event, and should be treated as such.
  • Sign up in advance and express your free-will choice for Brother J and SOURCE in the email.

Afterward, you’ll need to sleep on it. That’s all you need do.

If you’d like to sign up for this, please send your affirmation to: thelist < a t > schrodingersothercat < d o t > org.

You can of course get baptized conventionally — and we highly encourage this as the best possible choice. There are a million churches all over that do this. However, to get a bunch of people on this rock baptized in a big damn hurry, we can do it this in a virtual energy way that is just as valid — and offer more baptism events in future. It is time to take a clear, positive step toward SOURCE. The more of us who do this, the faster that new positive future will unfold. We make our future.

Preparing the way in 3… 2…




~AM’s first test of the above “service” (for the irrepressible Jim in WA) appears to be a success. Jim actually wrote a spontaneous product review for it:

“I rate this product at 5 stars + infinity!  Not only is my smile wider, my eyes are brighter.  I would unequivocally recommend this product to anyone.  (the preceding response was unsolicited) (truth be told, i seem to feel much lighter and unburdened!)   Yaay!!!  Thanks muchly!”












See Update 8.

UPDATE8 ~ 1/27/22

PLEASE RE-READ this post, as it’s been edited — esp. the section, “How CATs Can Help.” Please forgive us, but we had to pull a bit of a fast one with the previous verbiage and updates, pretending to be setting up an external/internal event so ~AM could baptize the people who signed up. We even set up a decoy energy field atop the Eiffel Tower! This was subterfuge to thwart any Team Dark interference. (Several people had reported a mean-spirited voice trying to goad them about their choice for baptism — before ~AM ever got to them!) ~AM also found that the individual sessions worked much better than the mass event we had planned, so we allowed this ‘group fiction’ to float around for a little while. We knew this post and tactic represented an important milestone.

If you’d like to know how it went, ask any of the 150+ people ~AM baptized. They’re around.

What This Does

CATs aren’t religious. We’re not selling anything. We have no courses, no t-shirts, no egos. We are students of Brother J and his (channeled) book, A Course in Miracles. Brother J himself was baptized (by John the Baptist) before any of his more famous actions; afterward, he was infused by the Holy Spirit and given his mission. This and the Miracle at Pentecost gave us the idea for all this.

So, what does this CAT baptism do?

  • It causes you to recognize and surrender to a Higher Power
  • It invites Brother J and SOURCE in (as the Holy Spirit, Our Memory of SOURCE)
  • It removes residual negativity and negative mental constructs (the only “sin” that exists is the separation you think exists between you and SOURCE), as well as helping you to forgive yourself and everyone else you’ve ever known
  • It deepens your relationship with SOURCE.

We personally did this because we want a deeper relationship with Brother J and SOURCE. If you don’t want this, then this probably isn’t the blog for you. SOURCE is necessary to fix the problems facing all of us, and there’s no way around this fact. What the CATs have done here helps you to find your own short path to SOURCE. The New Earth happens from the inside out, not the other way around.

If you’d still like this kind of session, they are still available at the email address in this post.

When we looked at the effects of what ~AM and Brother J and the Archangels have done, we see that there is now a golden glow associated with this, propagating throughout this locality — and it’s growing.


~AM told us today that he heard this song right after he was given the idea for the baptisms. We’ve been listening to it all day. (Note: We don’t invest too heavily in the potential AI meaning of some of the lyrics, just the chorus and horn line. It’s from 1982 after all.)


The results from this have been overwhelming. There is so much to tell but we’re not allowed for a number of reasons. It is literally all good.

Ok, ~AM talked us into allowing comments for this post. People keep sending us ‘product reviews’ and it would be better for them to do this in the comments section. Comments are now open for this post only.


Ok, ~AM did a bunch more sessions for folks. He and the AAs and Brother J also did one for Gaia (in a particular place we won’t mention for now), as well as group sessions for The Ukraine, and for those 50,000 Canadian truckers en masse-ing across Canada. You KNOW things are changing when CANADIANS get riled up. Please send those motorized folks some light and love. They are carrying the weight of the world with them.

We also found this post… interesting.

Note: There will be no war.


Answering a few questions:

  • The Canadian convoy is not made up of military white hats. It’s blue collar folks who’ve had enough.
  • The PTW want to get cases to spike once the protocol is lifted to “prove” the protocols work. Watch for the attempted bait and switch.
  • Grewsom has been damaged by his latest booster and has been removed from the public eye. The PTW is actively looking for a body double. MANY “leaders” are now body doubles.
  • Trudeau is in hiding, as are some other “leaders,” truly terrified about what’s happening with the masses awakening.

83 thoughts on “722: Preparing the Way ~ [UPDATE12]

  1. Well, I am really overwhelmed at my Baptism! Having asked via email, I had no idea if my request had been received but in my car the following day, I was talking to Brother J/Source and asking for assistance. I felt a response in my heart and then I ‘saw’ an actual bucket of white, fizzy light pouring into my heart! Later that evening I got an email from Pam (Coriboy14), to let me know that AM had let her know I’d been ‘done’!!!

    Phenomenal, AM… thank you thank you thank you ~ from beyond Love xxxxx

    Liked by 16 people

    1. Yes, I expected it to be from the Crown, but the warmth I felt enter was lower, and your testimony correlates to my experience.

      Mark x

      Liked by 15 people

  2. Hi all

    Thank you to AM for the baptism, I felt golden heat starting in my chest area then spreading to the rest of my body, like being coated inside with warm treacle. I feel much lighter and relaxed, I can feel joy and empowerment spreading out from us to all over the world.

    Liked by 17 people

    1. After a few days of integration I also now have a lot less attack thoughts, it’s like that other bit of me that wasn’t me has gone, much relief!

      Liked by 8 people

  3. Why do we need to be baptised to accept source completely. I read that baptism has a dark history. Since we all are source sparks, are we not just learning to accept ourselves, and how will baptism help? Should we not be learning to accept change comes from within rather than relying on someone else to facilitate the change for us? I am a bit confused by the whole idea of this tbh.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. We were told that it’s a prerequisite for a deeper level of integration with SOURCE, a deeper level of understanding and commitment. We can’t speak to baptisms of the past, but what ~AM and Brother J and the Archangels are doing speaks for itself. Brother J himself was baptized.


      Liked by 13 people

      1. Thank you. I think I was/am definetly holding onto some fear and distrust around religions in general as it seemed to trigger something. That makes more sense now and does sound beautiful. ✨ I still need to work on letting go of fears obviously!

        Liked by 12 people

        1. No apology necessary. We’ve all had our burns from organized religion over the centuries. Letting go of that, healing it takes time. This is why CATs try not to use “biblical language” as it really sets some people off (CATs included). The bible is a great account of this and that, but it’s been used by Team Dark too many times against its intended purpose.


          Liked by 15 people

  4. I slept on it for 2 nights; the day after felt like the whole day was spent integrating or processing. I spent much of it sitting in the sun in the garden, soaking up the rays, reading, meditating, just being in a gentle state of joyous bliss. Very subtle tho. In fact, I didn’t notice I’d lost much of my Joy until it was restored. I ventured out into the public a little the next morning, and I noticed how I simply moved through it with ease and grace and in a sublime place of Peace and Joy. And I seemed to have that effect on others in a subtle way, I hope making their day a little brighter. No flashing lights, sparkles or rainbows, just a quiet easy glow about the world, everyone and everything in it.

    Now I’m just in a lovely space and if this is what the ascended state is, it’s so wonderful it brings tears to my eyes every time I contemplate the possibility THIS IS IT!
    Love & Light & Peace & JOY!

    Liked by 18 people

  5. First I will just copy the email I sent re my experience and then add to that…
    “Hi AM
    Thank you! Just in the nick of time. Now I realize I was probably ‘under attack’ beginning around 5 or 6 am. Whew.
    I did the meditation right when i received your email alrhough I have long invited Source and Br J in. 💕🙏💕and did so during my earlier meditation today.
    Much better now. I was in a bad state but just starting to come out of it when i got your email. Been a while so bad. Hmmm.
    Thank you again.❤

    Love and Blessings

    . Fyi the bad place I was in was basically negative self talk, depression, hopelessness re life here etc, I call it the emo effect. This is a state I have not experienced to this extent for over a year, maybe two, having been advised by a friend that it was probably coming from the baddies who insert stuff like that and doing my GPC and Source breathing rather vigilantly.. I had even given up on feeling worthy of the special baptism and figured my email request had gone astray for that among other reasons. I was in a pretty dark place.

    Like i wrote in my email I was just starting to feel a bit better when I saw AM’s email announcing the completion of my baptism, which was sent about 15 minutes before. Because I had read about that person’s experience hearing that voice prior to her baptism, it occurred to me that that was probably what had happened with me! It had started about 5 or 6 hrs prior.

    Since then I have continued to improve and now feel a hopefulness and serenity unlike in many previous days. I just kinda feel like Bro J and Source have got my back or something. It is very comforting. It is subtle but there.

    Thank you again AM for this gift/service…and all Cats and M’s also.

    All Love


    Liked by 16 people

  6. Hello All, I can confirm that this baptism is not only effective, but life changing as was promised. I am transformed, and healed, inspired, and grateful, more alive than I’ve ever been, Thank You Source, Brother J, AA’s, AM , and all the Cats and M’s, and the SOC Family! from Infinity to Infinity

    Liked by 15 people

  7. It may be a coincidence but since I signed up I was unconsciously led to re-engage in spiritual studies.
    The magic of YODH HE VAU HE blew me away.

    I give this service 5 stars A+ fast delivery awesome vendor. 😉

    Thank you to the cats that lives. 🙏🙏🙏

    Liked by 11 people

  8. The impossible dream – Man of La Mancha – Brian Stokes Mitchell – 2003

    I woke up hearing this song two weeks ago. This is the best version I have found. ;-))
    I”m dedicating it to you, Cats, and to you, AM.
    So grateful for all you are doing!
    LOVE to y’all and everybody.

    Liked by 13 people

    1. Good heavens~ !!! I left out the M’s!!!
      I want to dedicate this song, The Impossible Dream, to AM, the M’s, and the Cats.

      Also, I did a search for Mitchell after I found that fantastic video, and he sang the same song on a tv morning show many years ago. I don’t have the link handy, but it’s worth looking for because you get to see the musicians behind him. I think the music is amazing, as well as the lyrics.
      Here’s to all those who are marching forward and reaching for the stars!

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Yes, Mary, the feline team is a remarkable brother and sisterhood of beyond wonderful. Let’s not omit the founding father, Da-da too!


        Liked by 8 people

  9. Ha! You Cats are sneaky. Even though I was baptized as a child, I have no memory of that happening. A few days after putting in my request I was sitting at the computer when I heard a high pitched sound in my head and felt the need to open my heart to let love enter. That sneak attack prompted a meditative state wherein I found myself climbing a huge tree. Brother “J” was waiting at the top on a platform with tea. I asked him to be my bridge to Source and a shaft of light elevator lifted me without effort. That is all I remember. Thanks to AM. and all who assisted. Cay

    Liked by 13 people

  10. Much thanks to AM for his service! I was baptized as a child, but given the present times I though it was important to renew my commitment.
    PS: Yippee, the comments are back! Why not leave the comments up all the time? I really missed this community, and I’m certain every other longtime follower of this blog did too.

    Liked by 14 people

  11. Our apologies if you’ve written an email to us and not had it answered. This account had been slightly h+cked resulting in us not getting some email, but this is now fixed. Again, our apologies.

    -CAT Eds.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. I switched to a new email provider. I have a suspicion my old one ( h o t m a i l ) was blocking some messages, both incoming & outgoing.

      Thank you again to ~AM / ~Ms / -CATs for the baptism. 🙏

      Liked by 9 people

  12. Hi everyone! I went down hard for a nap this last Wednesday. Almost 3 hours later I woke up to an email that said it had been done. Email was sent right around my nap time 😊 I have felt so much better. My anxiety has decreased, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me. I can easily tap into love, it’s an awesome feeling. Thank you, ~AM and CAT’s!!
    Much love,

    Liked by 15 people

  13. First, I have to say, I wasn’t even sure my email got through. I figured some sort of shenanigans were taking place. Several error messages later, it finally seemed to send successfully.

    The day after ~AM’s email I was feeling calm but anticipating something. I went out to do a few errands and felt the need to get back home. My husband was home early from work by about 4 hours. He walked out on his job. Long story short, he’s been holding things together at a courthouse through years of mismanagement and all the virus issues. A couple of people, coworker and upper management, just did a 180 on him and blamed everything on him, things he has no authority or control over. I’m seeing and hearing more people losing it. Also have come upon three major car accidents moments before they happened, just in the past week.

    In the past a sudden job loss like this would have put me in a tailspin of worry and despair but I’ve only felt calm, peace and relief. It’s just an inner strength and joy…very hard to put into words. The strangest thing is, it seems to be affecting my husband as well. He’s not spiritually awake but is also very calm and joyful. We’ve actually laughed and joked with each other more than ever.

    Sorry for the ramble, first time I’ve “talked” with anyone about this stuff since comments stopped!

    Thank you, ~AM, Brother J and CATs!

    Liked by 16 people

  14. The first very noticeable effect felt the following morning after I was gifted my conscious baptism was a deep and profound sense of being fully present, deeply grounded and an unshakeable sense of Peace throughout my ENTIRE  Being. Such calmness… such a profound healing!

    My Heart area radiates such Warmth and Love – it feels like a warm field of energy surrounding me – Amazing! I feel my Heart connection to Source, Brother J and others seems to be ON super strong 24×7.

    The BEST GIFT I’ve EVER experienced in this lifetime!

    Thank you, Thank you and MUCH Love and Gratitude to All involved (Source of course! AM, Brother J. Archangels, Cats and Ms!)

    Side note: I am so enjoying seeing the responses from others. Got to say I’ve missed the connection to this group of like-minded souls. Thank you Cats and Ms for this.

    Liked by 16 people

  15. Thank you so much, ~AM! I tried to respond to your email, but it got bounced back to me as undeliverable. Go figure. I experienced extreme tiredness, but since I had only been upright for a short while, was too stubborn to go back to sleep. Anyway, the results are subtle, but I’m feeling lighter and brighter, like I’m emerging from hibernation. It’s also wonderful to see all you guys again; I missed you!

    Liked by 15 people

  16. Hi guys! Hi everyone!
    I’ve been baptized when I was very very young as my parents were Catholic.
    I see that sign it’s still present today but I’m not sure of its “entirety”.
    What do you think about?
    BIG hug to you all 🙏
    SM (alias AeS)

    Liked by 13 people

  17. Great to see and feel the usual suspects on this blog, bless you all x

    Before I later discovered that AM, with his spiritual assistance, had doused me in a bucket load of SOURCINESS, I meditated on allowing brother J and SOURCE into my heart, as instructed (despite them knowing this was always what I want, nonetheless, prerequisite was followed).

    Then, in my inner vision I found some part of myself forcing back a large negative entity using both my outstretched arms. It resembled a bluish-black shark, trying to gain entry. It was because I had opened myself up to receive, and even though I had set protection, this chancer was very determined to take full advantage. But of course, it never stood any real chance. 💪

    After the brief denial, a period of calmness ensued, then, I felt a powerful yet soft, warm rush of energy fill me. I didn’t feel the entry point do much, but I did feel the sensation of “filling” up from the bottom upwards, radiating warmth as it did.

    Later on that same day I received a message that AM had indeed baptised me with heavenly assistance. (Thank you ❤🙏)

    I feel giddy, lighter, calmer and grinning like a fool drunk with gratitude. I’m closer to all that matters, and I want closer still! I declared that my my heartfelt choice of spiritual identification be known to the entire universe, for all of eternity…so be it.

    Whatever happens from this point in guys, I am your brother, we are family.

    Love you all,

    Mark ❤

    Liked by 17 people

  18. First, Hello to all and best wishes in this New 2022, I hoped that this 3d would be over by now as many of You here, included all of the Cat’s, M’s, and off course the last, but not the least ~AM 🙏

    But we are still in this mess, let’s make a best of it until it is time 🙏

    I was never baptized, well, not in this lifetime anyway, as my parents were not religious, and now reading all of your comments here I am feeling down a little bit as that night, after I received the email from ~AM, I only felt that my body is warmer then usual and that I do not need any additional blanket as I did for the last several days as the temperatures here dropped somewhat, and that is it, and I do not remember the dream from that night ?

    But, while I was writing this, a thought come in my mind, an image actually, while writing about being baptized, I saw in my mind an image of a owl bringing me the latter, in a same manner and with same intention as for the future students of the Hogwarts, from the Harry Potter movies, how interesting, did not expect that, coincidence, no, there are no coincidences in a life ✨

    I was rerouted from the topic, even I did not feel that something big happened, as some of You, but the day before (night in my case) I set intention, as prerequisite, to connect wirh brother J and Source and to embrace them in my heart, and in that moment I felt bliss, Thank You again Source, brother Isha and ~ AM off course for this opportunity to be baptized by You 🙏

    Perica ✨

    Liked by 15 people

    1. It was more of a vision, not a still image. I could see the owl dropping me the latter ✨

      Was that message from my Higher Self or my guides as not all is as it seems, as I was feeling down a little bit reading a lot of your comments about how great it felt after being baptized, maybe, I had that feeling, a sense that was intention for that vision 🙏

      And what is in that letter which I received from that owl I do not know, invitation to a school of magic, maybe, but I felt it to be a some kind of a proof of graduation, a diploma in a way ✨

      Did I graduated on this level and being invited to attend a higher level of existence, hmmmm, it could be, it sense like it could be, ahhhh, I am bubbling now, but that vision was unexpected, not the first daylight vision, but unexpected anyway 😇


      Liked by 12 people

  19. The comments section is back!
    I was doing well in a happy and peaceful state until the day before baptism,
    but I was attacked by energy the day before baptism. Pressure and discomfort in the heart, and an awful feeling.
    I try to maintain a high vibration by meditating for a long time every day, but that day didn’t go my way after a long time.
    And I fell asleep at 2 a.m., and when I opened my eyes, it was 6:06am (here Korea time).
    the email from Cats had arrivied at 2:40am,
    I immediately checked and started the meditation, and I meditated comfortably while lying down. Connecting with my higher self, asking the Source to protect and purify me, grounding with Gaia, and inviting Jbrother and Source.
    a few minutes of breathing, I felt a huge amount of energy from my heart. Something was round like a ball, starting from the heart, gradually expanding and growing, surrounding the whole body, and I felt purification, happiness, lightness, and love. It was a huge and heavy energy that filled the space. It may not just feel the weight, but the compressive force.
    After about an hour of meditation,
    I thanked to Source,J brother, Gaia,my higher self,
    and everyone who serves the light. and Iopened my eyes. It was such a beautiful time.
    I would like to express my gratitude to the lovely cats.

    Liked by 15 people

    1. I don’t know why, but the middle part of my first comment disappeared. Maybe it’s an error. I’ll rewrite what was written in the empty space in the middle.
      the email from Cats had arrivied at 2:40am,
      I immediately checked and started the meditation, and I meditated comfortably while lying down. Connecting with my higher self, asking the Source to protect and purify me, grounding with Gaia, and inviting Jbrother and Source.

      Liked by 10 people

  20. Hy dear family and happy SUN/SOURCEday to everyone.

    My thoughts, my words and any of my deeds are filled with GRATITUDE in this wave of loving baptism energy.

    I said YES and SPIRIT/SOURCE answered YES. And yes I feel, that I’ve been preparing for it.
    SOURCE guided me into this community so I could be part of it and increase my strenghts to the LOVE/LIVE energy thanks to the Cat’s, M’s and ~ AM.

    Now I’m paraphrasing an old Buddhist saying adaptable to my new BEING….”Before your baptism, carry the water and chop the firewood. After your baptism, carry the water and chop the firewood.”
    Everything and nothing has changed. I’m ready to go forward with clarity and filled with knowing of who I AM.

    Hopfully this movie expresses in better words my feeling and my path onwards.
    Enjoy it, sending the warmest thoughts and waves of LOVE toward to you in gratitude


    Liked by 12 people

  21. Thank you AM. I’d sent an email requesting a baptism and wasn’t sure if it had been received or not. I went about my daily mindful routines and after an afternoon meditation i saw an email from AM saying my baptism had been done. Needless to say, the previous 3 days i was reacting to some changes which had to be made to my accommodation and I was in a quandary but kept believing the Universe had my back. So my regular meditations including Brother J and Source predominantly, paid off. The focussed energy is more about me believing in myself and my choices , with the added support of Source and Brother J.
    With love and appreciation
    Arohanui 💓🌈🌞 Karyn

    Liked by 15 people

  22. Hello there beautiful people 😘

    Being deeply grateful for your support, my dear CATs and particularly ~AM, I unfortunately cannot follow exotic news like being able to talk to Brother J/Source or the feeling of being deeply healed or transformed (oh boy, did I have expectations 😅). However, I had some strong pressure in my heart region and nightmares the night after the baptism.

    While I don’t feel there was team dark interference, I believe that I was standing in my own way for quite a while being very low vibe, which may have led to a small step in the right direction by being baptised: I found my daily meditation practice again, which I almost lost touch with after skipping a couple of weeks. Well, as you say, you have to do the work and I feel this to be very true.

    Nevertheless, help or interpretations are very welcome, should anyone feel so guided.


    Liked by 13 people

  23. I am struggling to find the best words to describe how I feel; like @jj, it is a Very Calm Presence that has settled around – and in – me, and I seek to be a positive loving influence to those around me. I feel increasingly that meditation is a Very Good Thing for me, and am organically doing it more and for longer periods.

    I must be a “work in progress,” I do find that I’m reacting differently (better) to those around me. I’m also hearing more high-pitched sounds than I recall in the past. And I have noticed our three cats seem to be wanting to be with me all the time now, that’s lovely (occasionally inconvenient – LOL)!

    I’m probably slower than most in coming along with these things, and I do find ongoing changes – good ones! – and I continue to be grateful to ~AM and all the others who are making our world a better place by helping and teaching us individually to strenghten our own bridges to SOURCE.

    Liked by 17 people

  24. Thank you AM, CATS and Brother J for the baptism. For me, it is always subtle in daily experience. Miniscule stuff just drops off as non necessary and the chatter of the world meaningless. What changed in my view of the outside world, is the expectation that it “should” change and looking for signs of “it” changing.

    When I notice, I realize that I have changed. There is deeper peacefulness within. I truly loved the mention is a writing that ascension is within. I know that the only true change is oneself. This experience deepened it.

    I slept on it a few nights and was off in the deep. I woke up to Silent Night playing and a picture of a small village with a small church all snow covered and quiet. Another night Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord.

    I did have a hard time engaging the the daily job. It was very easy to slip into dream time all day.
    Once again, Thank you thank you thank you

    Liked by 13 people

  25. Since the baptism, I feel like chains have come off and I feel this serene calmness all around me.
    I feel this joy like a golden light that literally wants to burst out of me. Amazing!! Thank you so much!!

    Liked by 14 people

  26. Regarding the baptism, ~AM, thank you…and CATs, thank you. Yesterday I tried to reply to ~AM’s notification email (from earlier in the week) but it didn’t go through, so thanks for opening up the comments section.
    I was at work when ~AM sent the email so I didn’t notice anything specific. That night I did sleep peacefully but had to get up early for work the next morning and had kind of a rough day. Probably could have used some integration time.
    What I’ve noticed is a greater sense of ease around other people, a more direct connection with them. Even in a crowded place like a grocery store I just move through in a kind of easy flow, feeling loving towards people. It’s nice, I appreciate that.
    At the same time there’s been an intensifying of emotions the past few days. I’ve been dealing with grief issues and accompanying feelings of trauma and anxiety for some months now. Don’t want to get too dramatic here, it’s just been a rough time. I know that change is part of growth and evolution. I’ve really had to go within to Source and Brother J to keep going. At times I feel that deep, peaceful connection….it’s always there underneath…other times the feelings of grief and anxiety cover it up and I just feel lost.
    I know the baptism is a blessing, a clearing, a re-set…is this why these feelings seem to have intensified recently?Being pushed to the surface for clearing? I feel like I should know better, but are there any helpful hints for dealing with residual feelings of grief and anxiety? Hope I didn’t veer off topic too much. Thank you for any insights.
    ~AM, M’s and CATs…thanks for all you do.

    Liked by 15 people

  27. I was so surprised to receive ~AM’s email as I had received an ‘address not found’; reading that my baptism was done, something hit me and I burst into tears, then felt like a huge burden had been lifted off of me.

    What is written below is by The Energy Boutique and sums up perfectly what I’ve been through and how I’ve felt:

    Venus goes direct today after 40 long days and nights in the underworld facing her dark night of the soul… She stripped herself down to expose her true power by realizing where she hasn’t been honouring herself in life and making more time for what she loves… She addressed her inner child… Dealt with the generational trauma and absorbed the life lessons of her struggles down to her core… After feeling weak and vulnerable, after waiting for someone to come save her… She decided to boss the eff up and save herself… She started healing the broken parts and vowed to put her wants, needs, and desires back at the top of the list… She mustered up enough strength, bravery, and courage to get up and crawl herself out of her dark hole… Today she reaches the top of the pit and rolls onto the solid ground she never thought she’d see… Dirty and tired she takes fresh air into her lungs and focuses her eyes to the light… Laying under the sky renews her faith in herself… She exhaustively has an inner celebration for her triumphs and cries tears of joy for her new found appreciation of life! Give yourself time to rest, recoup, and realign… We have a serious mission to pursue once we gain our bearings.

    Still processing this but what I have noticed is that I can more easily see the ‘game’, others’ intentions/agendas and have taken proactive steps to avoid. Not perfect by any means but I notice that I am more in observer detached mode, telling myself it just is.

    Quick question: noticed that the last day to put name forward for baptism was the day prior Venus going direct – was this a coincidence?

    Thank you CATS, M’s and ~AM for all you do and hopefully you will write all about your adventures one day – love to read. Yes, it will be a glorious beautiful world.

    Liked by 15 people

  28. Hello again, everyone!
    It’s wonderful to hear from all of you!
    I have been doing some pretty intense work on myself in the past months, and the baptism gave me a big boost. I feel more connected and light. The weather is beautiful here today, so I just spent some time outside with the littles around my favorite tree and I am buzzing!
    Oh, and we have a CME inbound… curious to see how that feels too!
    Thank you so very much, ~AM!
    Love 💗 and Hugs 🤗

    Liked by 14 people

  29. Oh comments are back!

    A question though? Does Baptism have to be full immersion, not pouring some water over the head or can the latter be done so long as the intent is there? I was baptized when I was a baby, so I’m not sure if that’s the right way to go about it.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. This is a new energy verson of the water version. Brother J showed ~AM how to do it.

      FYI, comments are back only for this post. We don’t like running a twitter-replacement service. There are far too many trolls to deal with.

      -CAT Eds.

      Liked by 12 people

  30. Thankyou AM, Thankyou CATS, Brother J and SOURCE.
    The first time I was baptised, I believe Отец Александр, (father Alex), said something along the lines of “from dust to dust…”

    “From Infinity to Infinity” is infinitely better.

    I love everybody and everything.

    Liked by 12 people

  31. What can I even say at this point? If I had a few worries left before the baptism, then they’re on their way to abandon me for good now. Or I’ve achieved such a high level of equanimity to completely nullify any major negative vibration.

    I also noticed I tend to be less timid and say what I mean without even a single hint of the fear and hesitation I felt before. I have more to give, to myself and others. It’s probably bound to improve as time passes and our collective light grows.

    My senses have also been heightened, to a degree. I already had a strong connection to my own intuition due to my personal spiritual journey, but now it’s as if I’ve entered a current made up entirely of it. My presence flows like a river almost everywhere I go. It’s indescribable, and it exudes an infinite sense of calm, reminding me that I am loved and protected.

    I’m no expert or guru, so I’m not sure exactly what has been done. But I can say for certainty that it was for the best. I’m looking forward to the eventual end of this planetary charade alongside you all. I’m as tired of it as the rest of you!

    P.S. It is no coincidence that things are coming to a head in some parts of the world (trucks, anyone?) while this has been (and is being) done to people. Pay attention! … Is what my Higher Self is telling me. I think. Ha!

    Liked by 12 people

  32. Francisco; yes me too, I am not sure what has been done but I also am less timid and speak up, which is not the past me at all!

    A new friend I met out walking in December said that all medical staff should be jabbed as they put other staff and their patients at risk; in response to me saying that my next door neighbour’s daughter, a nurse for 10 years, is leaving the NHS as she is being badly bullied at work as she won’t have ‘it’. I would usually let comments go but on this occasion I responded with “we aren’t allowed to discriminate on grounds of gender, religion or sexuality, why is it ok to treat people badly on medical choices”?

    Also, have notice that my intuition is stronger, I am more consciously aware and the lessons I am learning are a lot faster; eg. out walking with new friend had a strong feeling he was looking for more. I am watching a channel on youtube about communication with men, as my background didn’t teach me to relate or talk with people normally, (another reason I usually don’t open my mouth as I say inappropriate things at the wrong time). He text me to meet his friends – I was feeling rushed and pressured – me no likies – this was after 2 walks over 8 weeks. Feel free to laugh at me as I am – as I am so crap at expressing myself and I also am mindful that I don’t want to intentionally hurt anyone, I googled ‘how to reject a man nicely’ copied and pasted a response I resonated with and received his response ‘Belle, good luck for the future’.
    Why thank you so much 🙂

    I am learning to love myself, accept all of me, (even the not so nice bits but sometimes I have needed to pull her out to defend myself- she is scary lol); and put myself at the top of the list in my life whereas before I was not even on my list! I am learning to be present in my body and to treat myself well. I am also learning to live my life from my heart and not be in my head where the game is played and can be easily manipulated. I am beginning to enjoy living.

    Liked by 10 people

    1. You’re Fine, We’re All Growing Up as I have forgave Myself for many verbal oddities over the years. 1st step is tough, recognizing I was out of line-vs-I was on the money. I regularly ask for guidance/assistance in staying within Truth/Love. Peac3!

      Liked by 9 people

  33. Hi all!! What a joy to meet again in this common space that cats give us. I see that almost all of you are there, and I see some “new”, but I miss Lily, does anyone know if she is okay? Maybe she hasn’t seen that comments are active.
    With the issue at hand I’m going to post the message I sent to AM.
    I have been baptized since they were one month old and confirmed (which is a renewal of that commitment, when you are mature enough to choose freely), so I did not think that AM was going to do it to me, he told me no it was necessary, but he still decided to do it, with my consent, of course, but without my knowing it. So I get a message from him that he did it to me, that maybe he needed to rest. It really was like that, that day I went to bed early because I felt tired, but it wasn’t difficult to be either because I had had a very busy day in 3D since the early hours. So I fell asleep, but I didn’t feel anything. So I decided to wait to tell him if he had felt the effects or not. A few days later I sent him this email:
    “Hi AM!!
    I’m sorry I haven’t written before, but I didn’t notice anything special and I was giving it time. At first I thought that since I was already baptized and confirmed, well, that it had no new effect on me. The fact is that since I did not know well, this morning I went into meditation, with the intention set at the moment in which you did it to me.
    The result was instant, I suddenly saw/felt as if liquid crystal was falling on my head, sliding down. It was a liquid that “didn’t get wet”, that was the strangest thing. I also saw that as I was covering my head, a kind of crust would crack that was attached to it, like an old snake skin (I don’t know if I’m explaining myself) and as it passed, underneath it was transparent and you could see inside my body, only I didn’t see organs or viscera, I saw vegetation, of a vibrant green, alive, almost a landscape. I can’t tell if that was inside me or if it was the scenery behind me that was seen through my body.
    It was very crazy.
    As I watched this, I was having a very physical sensation in my body. A pressure inside the brain and between the eyebrows, while my nose began to leak something liquid and my right eye too, they were not tears, at least not of feeling, it was as if something was draining. I know it all sounds crazy, but I’ll tell you in case it helps you to test something. Thank you so much for everything.
    A big hug:
    This was my experience. For me it was really amazing and I am deeply grateful to AM for making it available to me.

    Liked by 14 people

    1. Cristina 🙏🙏🙏 So happy time see you all again! I was a bit slow at getting back on! A bit lost for words! Hope you are well? Hope everyone is well?!
      Much Love 💕 xxx

      Liked by 9 people

        1. Aww Christopher, much love you always. All you lovely folks are never far from my thoughts and I often wonder how you all are 🙏

          Is that a new kitty in your pic? Beautiful!!! 🥰

          Liked by 7 people

          1. That’s Belle, daughter of Minky. She currently has 5 kittens(2grey/2charcoal/1black) Peace!

            Liked by 7 people

  34. Hello all!
    I too felt like having a Baptism with brother J through ~AM was a good way to “renew my vows” so to speak. The first day after I spent many hours with tears brimming in my eyes. Now, a few days later, I feel like I have a new dedication to Source and Brother J in my heart, like I am finally on the right road. I have peace, no tight spots in my body. In my meditations, where before I was not sure “who” Source is, I feel more connected to that energy, and have seen a shower of yellow-gold sparks sometimes and a warm feeling spreading, like what happens after I have been sipping a glass of wine. I feel like I “know” Source better now, and can send love and feel love back.

    Thank you ~AM for being the bucket! And thank you all CATS, Ms, and ~AM for suggesting this idea, and for you wonderful blog.
    love to all in the room and rafters,

    Liked by 13 people

  35. Hey Gang, i’m very happy and pleased to read your experiences. as i told AM the other day that the effect upon others as we walk among ’em will be something to behold. simply being our magnificent selves! what a gift. give SOURCE a hug. the response is immediate! big hugs all around. Jim p.s. the witchhazels are starting to bloom. spring is coming. yaay!

    Liked by 13 people

    1. So grateful for the brief reconnection … We are definitely Re-Blooming (if that’s a word) 😁🌈🌿👩‍🌾

      Liked by 10 people

  36. I have so missed the comments section and now I can say something, I am stuck for words!!!

    Hello, hello, hello everyone!

    What a crazy time it is has been hey!

    Much Love to you ALL 🙏🏼🥰🙏🏼

    Liked by 11 people

      1. Sure would be nice to have another Cat/kitten job. Thanks for bringing Us together in comments, for I think of All here on a regular basis. The newer names can feel Welcome, for it took me a year or 2 to speak up, Peac3!

        Liked by 9 people

  37. Oh bless you all dear CATs, Ms, and especially ~AM for this baptism. A bit late to the comments “party.” I have Such a sense of calm, joy, forgiveness, and love filling my heart area and it emits out. Intuitive abilities have intensified. I feel like I am floating through my day feeling invigorated and letting the stuff I don’t need repel from my protective armor. Mind is healing…Thank you I got a lot out of this experience ~ 5 plus stars….Onward and forward ( i sure hope its not too long now….) Good to read everyone’s comments about this experience. Be well.

    Liked by 10 people

  38. Thank you ~AM and Cats for the bucket of grace/blessings. I submitted this post a few days ago and somehow it didn’t make it. I am feeling giddy calm now, like Alastair Sim at the end of the 1951 A Christmas Carol. Light as a feather and happy as a school boy! Something totally unexpected was a wonderful drop in my blood pressure. Before, I felt like something had wrapped itself around my heart, giving me a BP of 190/120! And then, after the bucket, my heart calmed down and it feels like whatever energetic thing had wrapped around my heart is gone. Thank you. This was solid physical proof of what has taken place, not that I needed any proof.

    Liked by 11 people

  39. Well… I was wondering if I could ask ~AM, Brother J & AA’s if it’s possible that they could assist one more? That is of course, if they were to do any more sessions..
    You see, she’s a bit unruly and combined with blunt honesty, it puts her in situations that brings sadness to/in both her and the others, so… she could really use some help to get her up on her feet again. So she hopefully can make it alright again and find peace within. And Joy. Most of all, she really misses to feel Joy, true JOY, so if there’s room for a hopless one in one of Your sessions, she would greatly appretiate it. ‘Asking for a friend’, you know…

    Great to see EveryOne here again💖 Really missed All of You CAT’s, M’s, ~AM and All Commenters💖
    Have tried to mail CAT’s, (have a h-otm-a-i-l-account) but it does’nt work, so I thought I give it a try here as a comment..

    Take Care, EveryOne💖🤗

    Liked by 10 people

      1. If perhaps I could be Baptized too? If it is possible of course..
        Apologize for being imprecise in my first comment.

        Liked by 6 people

  40. Hi all,
    I waited for a day before I write in about my baptism experience. No, there was no rainbows or light flowing down my head during the baptism. I wasn’t even aware of it till AM informed me. I did hear a voice which woke me up in the middle of the night a day before baptism.

    In fact, after baptism, it was a test of my faith in Bro J. Yes, I have kept my distance from religion when I see how it has divided some families and society. Anyway, on Sunday morning, I woke up with a puffed left eye, nothing alarming – could be due to allergy to food or flowers. I assumed it will subside. But as the hours passed, my eye started to itch and followed by tear drops. When I finally had the time to look at the mirror, I was shocked – it was so swollen as though someone had boxed it but without the black mark.

    Anyway, there’s nothing much I can do except to wait till Monday to see an eye specialist first. I decided to use anti-allergy drops but the eye remained swollen. I spent the rest of the evening with one eye closed in order not to strain it further.

    By night time, I started to panic, still no improvement. What if I have to go to the hospital? What if I’m forced to have the jab in order to have a medical intervention? What if …. ? Now I know what panic and fear felt like!!!

    Then a little voice told me to ask Bro J for help. After G+P+C, it was a long struggle between warding off attack thoughts and doubts while calling Bro J for help during the meditation. Eventually I started to feel strong vibration from head to toe continuously. I was like “Wow! What’s that?” Then the vibration stopped and next, I felt tingling sensation just around that swollen eye. I couldn’t remember when that tingling stopped but by then I was so tired, the last thing I remember, I said “Thank you Bro J” . I guess, in the end, my faith in Bro J overcame my doubts.

    When I woke up this morning, I couldn’t believe my eyes – that swollen was more than halved! I thought I wait a while before I make an appointment with the doctor. I applied anti-allergy again this morning. Instruction was to use it 5-7 times per day but I did it only once today. As the hours passed, that swollen eye begins to subside. Happy to say that as I write, that eye is back to normal!

    I did dream about seeing an image of Bro J in December last year, thought about it for a while and then forgotten about it. So, when this once-a-life time opportunity to be baptised without religious implication was proposed, I grabbed it.

    What else can I say except THANK YOU CATs and all and ESPECIALLY to AM for doing the virtual baptism to help me to connect with SOURCE and Bro J. I feel calmer and make peace with myself over the covid madness. And thank you for letting us to connect again, even if it’s just for this post! It gives us much needed boost in this 3D world!


    Liked by 11 people

  41. I love that this baptism precedes and prepares us for the next challenge. Thank you so much Brother J, and team…Also I want to say, from last September when you taught us the pillar of/to Source…I used the meditation one day when I was in a preschool and the nap for 3 yr olds was governed by someone who asked ai to choose the nap music…it had a frequency that really disturbed me (and many of the children if not all), and as I had to sit there for two hours, only the Pillar saved my mind. I had experienced it the day before so I know how it saved my mind because the day before the ai disturbed my hearing as if normal words were twisted. I felt so sick and I complained but the director thought I was calling her staff evil when I said why would a Christian school ask for ai to choose anything..it was evil. Needless to say, we never got along after that and in the end I quit after they were withholding water from the children (after I complained about that several times). So your pillar and encouragement and now baptism are truly welcome! And as for your Quebec cheer, I want to add, vive Quebec libre! (I lived there a year.)
    I thank you so much!

    Liked by 9 people

    1. I forgot to add this…the day this blog posted with the bucket of the blue moving water was also the day I saw someone talk about and show sky ice which I understand is what the firmament dome is made of and I know how blue is the signature for oxygen and how much life giving oxygen is in the water from the bucket, and since Brother J is the water of life. Your blue moving water became my meditation for several days. I know there is more to be revealed about that to me. Also in Türkiye, ( and Mongolia) there was a blue sky god called Tengri (Heaven, God of Heaven) and to this day it is a tradition to toss water toward friends who have come to visit and are leaving, while saying the blessing, “May the water go with you”. I just feel that Brother J spent time in Türkiye. Were you? They know something about water there. Also people from Iran with Afshin Javid’s church go to Turkey to get baptized. Thanks again, for opening comments for this.

      Liked by 3 people

  42. Hi Everyone. Such a boost to see you all here.☺️
    Well I was knocked off my feet after the baptism. I just wanted to sleep and did so until lunchtime today. It seems to have had a profound effect on my body and has triggered a release of some sort. It has brought stillness in its wake. My cat has been by my side sleeping too.
    Thank you AM, Brother J, Cats and especially Source for this gift.💖💖💖

    Liked by 9 people

  43. What exactly is love? I’ve seen that word thrown around a lot over the years but it’s something I have yet to understand or experience.

    Liked by 2 people

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