Meterage 8-5 to 8-11-20 [UPDATE7]


We had some jumps and energy bursts earlier today, yippey… which might be from that previous CME… and lots of us are reporting feeling WHOMP-ed, headachy, energyouchie, etc. But overall, it’s all about Learning and Growing! Let’s take a look:

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A Serious Change of Season [UPDATE3]


Leaves are already changing (in spots) where some of The CATs live. We’re anticipating an early Autumn for some N. Hemisphere locations, and a deepening of Summer for others. The weather will change FAST this year. We’re also anticipating some new revelations. We have a few for you.

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Meterage for 7-22 to 7-26-20 [UPDATE6]


FYI, the first bit of CME energy just reached our shores, so… you might feel a bit scrambled going into the weekend… but what else is new? Be sure to GROUND yourself well, and BREATHE (SOURCE) through the energy.

Continue reading “Meterage for 7-22 to 7-26-20 [UPDATE6]”

Kitchen Sink 7-16 to 7-21-20 [UPDATE12]


There is so much going on that we can’t cover it all, but we’ll try to get most of it. First off, we’ve had another good-sized timeline jump:

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HOT-n-WET: Meterage, Dreams, Jumps, Anomalies 7-1 to 7-4-20 [UPDATE9]


Yes, it’s the post you’ve all been waiting for… the special HOT and WET issue!

Continue reading “HOT-n-WET: Meterage, Dreams, Jumps, Anomalies 7-1 to 7-4-20 [UPDATE9]”