Meterage 8-5 to 8-11-20 [UPDATE7]


We had some jumps and energy bursts earlier today, yippey… which might be from that previous CME… and lots of us are reporting feeling WHOMP-ed, headachy, energyouchie, etc. But overall, it’s all about Learning and Growing! Let’s take a look:

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Meterage for 7-22 to 7-26-20 [UPDATE6]


FYI, the first bit of CME energy just reached our shores, so… you might feel a bit scrambled going into the weekend… but what else is new? Be sure to GROUND yourself well, and BREATHE (SOURCE) through the energy.

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Look at this. Look at it HERE, closer. Can you see it? LOOK. Let it sink into you. Look behind the graph, through it. See the color, the pattern? UPDATE1 More: UPDATE2 Ok, don’t feel bad if you can’t see what the M’s who wrote this are talking about. Some of the CATs can’t see anything but the graph, either. The M’s have described that Schumann … Continue reading *LOOK* [UPDATE5]

That Monday AM Message of Unity

The CAT abides, man. Hi, all. Ok. Everyone needs to try this. I’ve been experimenting with playing “the game” (as the Oversoul terms it) with love and mirth. Since I can see the wheels and gears working behind everything, I actually call out this mechanism — as its working, or trying to work — when I’m talking to anyone about anything, keeping it friendly and … Continue reading That Monday AM Message of Unity