NASA Makes Another Hole, etc. [UPDATE4]


Sorry for the delay in energy reporting, we’ve been working a way into some kind of LASCO-esque data somewhere else since NASA turned the LASCO reporting off on 4/1. NASA didn’t like us reporting the truth, so… what else is new? NASA: Where the ‘N’ stands for sell-out weenie. Talk about not existing.

Continue reading “NASA Makes Another Hole, etc. [UPDATE4]”

Meterage (and WHOMP?) for 3-25-19 [UPDATE3]


Over the weekend, nearly all the CATs had head and chest issues, but we were expecting it given all the flares/CMEs over the past ten days, so we kept our uniforms on… good thing, too.

Continue reading “Meterage (and WHOMP?) for 3-25-19 [UPDATE3]”

Your Basic “Solar Flash” [UPDATE1]

Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 9.14.56 AM

Well, there really was a “solar flash” yesterday around 18:12 UTC (11:00 am PDT), just as predicted, but we’re not sure if it’s what people were expecting.

Continue reading “Your Basic “Solar Flash” [UPDATE1]”